100 Most Recent Posts, Enviro. Sci., Ecology, 33-Page List, Apr 27, 2014. Http://ru - Scribd.com/doc/220528080

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100 most recent posts, enviro. sci.

, 33-page list, Apr 27, 2014: Key words: ecology, ecosystem, ecotoxicology, environmental safety, freshwater, freshwater biology,
function, marine ecology, pollution control, toxicology, water, water quality, water self-purification

April 27, 2014; **

Downloads: U.S.A., Russia, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Norway, Israel, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Turkey, India, Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, et al. Universities, institutions downloaded publications from Internet (ResearchGate- ecology, environment). The publications were authored by a Moscow University scientist, Fulbright Award winner) Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, downloaded, Down loads, ecology, Germany, India,Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Turkey, U.S.A., Ukra ine, Vietnam Updated: Surfactants, detergents, toxicity, D environmental hazards r ecotoxicology, Euglena,Fagopyrum G esculentum, Hirudo medicinalis, Lepidium r sativum, Mytilus edulis, Mytilus e galloprovincialis, Oryza sativa, Sinapis alba, sodium e dodecyl sulfate, Unio n Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. [toxicology, ecotoxicology of synthetic surfactants D and detergents] r algae, annelids, BACTERIA, bioassay, cyanobacteri G a, detergents, ecotoxicology, flagellates,freshwater, r higher e plants, invertebrates, marine, mollusks, seedlings, su e rfactants, synthetic,toxicology n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G

Malaysia [Putra University] approved, liked, upvoted the article: Environmental science, biology, protection of the environment. 1551 pages.

Tunis bookmarked the article at ResearchGate: Environmental science, biology, protection of the environment. 1551 pages. biology, environmental science, protection of the environment, . University of Lige, Belgium, is now following the publications. Topics: environmental science, protection of the environment, ecology, water,

biology; The author of the publications: Dr. Sergei r A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University;** tags: e Belgium, biology, ecology, environmental science, e follower, Moscow State University, protection of the n environment, Sergei A. Ostroumov, University of Lige, NEW concepts, THEORY OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION: KEY TO WATER SAFETY. Ostroumov S.A. On the Biotic Selfpurification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences. v.396, No.1- D 6; pp.206-211. r ecology, ecosystem, ecotoxicology, environmental G safety, freshwater, freshwater biology, r function, marine ecology, pollution e control, toxicology, water, water quality, water self- e purification n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

128 posts, February 2014, ecology, with links, webpages, online, environmental science, water quality aquatic, Bibliography, ecology, environmental science, February 2014, online, posts,toxicology, water, webpages, with links

Enviro.sci., ecology 128 posts, February 2014, ecology, environmental science, February 2014, posts downloads in U.S.A., Russia, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Norway, Israel, Australia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Germany, Poland, Turkey, India, Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, et al. - ecology, environment Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Downloads, ecol ogy, environment, Germany, India,Israel, Italy, Mexi co, Norway, Poland, Russia, Turkey, U.S.A., Ukrain e University of Lige, Belgium, follows publications: environmental science, protection of the environment, ecology, water, biology Belgium, biology, ecology, environmental science, follower, Moscow State University,protection of the environment, Sergei A. Ostroumov, University of Lige, water

D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

Biological filters are an important part of the D biosphere. - Science in Russia. 2009. No. 2, p. 30r 36. Review of research of aquatic organisms that are G filter-feeders by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov ( Moscow r State University) in U.K., Russia, Germany, Ukraine e bivalve mollusks, chemical e pollution, detergents, environmental n

hazards, Germany, marine mussels, ocean, oysters, Popular science, rotifers, U.K., U.S., water, water quality,Zooplankton Enviro. Sci. 265 posts. March 2014. 6-page list of links, web-site addresses, online, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, environmental, protection, environment, conservation, toxicology, aquatic, citation, downloads aquatic, citation, conservation, Downloads, ecology, ecotoxicology, environment,environmental, links, on line, protection, S.A.Ostroumov, toxicology, water, web-site addresses

D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

POSTS PRIOR TO APR 26, 2014. Environmental science, ecology, water ecology,environmental science, water

Citation of S.A.Ostroumov, Springer peer reviewed journal, Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin bioassay, chemicals, citation, ecotoxicology, environ mental, hazards, Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin, Pollutants, S.A.Ostroumov, Springer peerreviewed journal,surfactants Enviro. sci. Top papers. in Doklady Biological Sciences, peer reviewed journal, top Russian journal, authored by Sergei A. Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State Journal, in cooperation with top universities, scientific institutions in U.K., Germany, U.S.A., Ukraine; water quality, ecology, environmental, toxicology, ecotoxicology, detergents, surfactants, aquatic, organisms aquatic, detergents, ecology, ecotoxicology, environ mental, Germany, organisms,surfactants, toxicology, U.K., U.S.A., Ukraine; water quality Enviro. sci.,Top papers, Springer journal, Hydrobiologia, authored: Sergei A. Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, in cooperation with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K., and other institutions (Berlin, Germany, et al.). aquatic, detergents, ecology, ecotoxicology, filterfeeders, mollusca, pollution, selfpurification, surfactants, toxicology, water purification, water quality

D r G r e e n

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Internet, Andrew Kirui, liked it. Internet users liked D this article online: Accelerated decrease in surfactant r concentration in the water of a microcosm in the G presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology. r Who liked it: Andrew Kirui (Nairobi). e Accelerated, article e

online, concentration, decrease, INNOVATIONS, In ternet, like, liked,phytotechnology, plants, presence, surfactant, users, water microcosm water self-purification: paper and FAQ. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. Article, frequently asked questions, water quality, pollution control, toxicology, ecotoxicology, aquatic ecosystems, article, BioticSelfpurification, control, ecotoxicology, FAQ, frequently asked questions, paper, pollution, S.A.Ostroumov, theory, t oxicology, water quality

D r G r e e n

Towards innovative green technology to treat water polluted with heavy metals: Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in D the water of the experimental systems containing r Ceratophyllum demersum: the phytoremediation G potential. aquatic, biology, cadmium, Ceratophyllum r demersum, copper, ecology, lead,phytoremediation, e polluted water, pollution, water pollution, water e quality, water resources,zinc n Enviro. sci. 5 more posts, with links, web pages, D recently, online, environmental science, ecology, in r English, Twitter, Deutsch: kologie, G Umweltwissenschaften, Scribd r Deutsch, ecology, environmental science, in e English, online, posts, recently, Scribd, Twitter,Um e weltwissenschaften, web pages, with links, kologie n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

Enviro. sci. 6 Recent posts, prior to April 25, 2014; conservation, ecology, water quality, citation, downloads, posts, online, environmental science, citation, conservation, Downloads, ecology, environ mental science, online, posts, water quality

Enviro. sci. Recent posts, prior to April 25, 2014; conservation, ecology, water quality, citation, downloads, in English, Russian, auf Deutsch,

Enviro.sci.: 783 views a day; Conservation, , , , citation, environmental, toxicology, kologie, Umweltwissenschaften, Moscow University, Asia, D ecology, DOWNLOADS, Twitter, r Asia, citation, conservation, Downloads, ecology, en G vironmental, Moscow r University,S.A.Ostroumov, toxicology, Twitter, Um e weltwissenschaften, kologie, e , , n

Eye-opener: The scientific publications that lead to a fundamental increase in value of ecosystem service: making water clean and clear. Underestimated facts ecosystem, environment, environmental, function, M oscow University, protection,S.A.Ostroumov, science, selfpurification, water, water quality Enviro.sci., ResearchGate, online, Moscow University, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Links, webpages to get full texts free, abstracts. Ecology, water science, environmental, toxicology, conservation, protection of environmentabstracts. Ecology, conservation, environmental, free, full texts, Moscow University,protection of environment, researchgate, Sergei A. Ostroumov, toxicology, water science

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Enviro.sci.,Viewed, at the moment, in English, Russian, Chinese, ecology, conservation, citation, D , ., , , r , G Chinese, citation, conservation, ecology, r in English, Russian, e , .,, , , e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n


Scribd. Enviro. sci. Links, Web pages, Online articles. Much information. Online library: Scribd, most recent. Key words: discoveries, innovations, Ecology, environmental sciences, biology, water, approval, liked, bibliography,

Enviro.sci. Twitter mentioned these publications on environmental science, protection of environmentcitation, cited, environmental, mentione d, nature conservation, protection of environment,publications, science, Twitter

D r G auf Deutsch: kologie, Umweltwissenschaften, r Umweltschutz, onlineauf e Deutsch, online,Publikationen, Umweltschutz, Umw e eltwissenschaften, Webseite, kologie n

Enviro. sci., lots of ecology posts, prior to Apr 24, 2014. Citation, water, downloads, approval of Internet users. environmental, science, toxicology, safety, protection of environmentapproval of Internet users, citation, Downloads, enosystems, environment al, safety, science,Sergei A. Ostroumov, toxicology, water Enviro.sci. Most recent posts, April 2014, prior to April 24 , , , , ... Citation in China, India, Pakistan et al. Enviro.Articles, China, citation, Downloads, ecology , environmental, India, nature conservation,Papers, protection of environment, publications, S.A.Ostroumov, science, surfactants, top,toxicology, water

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, , , D , , r ... . G ., , r , , e , , ,, e , n D Citation in China, India, Pakistan et al. Enviro. sci. r The articles that were cited in G Asia.Asia,China, citation, Citation r , ecology, environmental e science, India, Japan, ., e , n Citation in Asia. Enviro. sci., ecology articles. China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Armenia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology,aquatic toxicology, Armenia, Asia, China, citation, ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental science, India, Japan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, water quality

D r G r e e n

New enviro. hazards: detergents, surfactants, discovered. Article: Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. filtering, activity, oysters, Crassostrea gigas, marine mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis,surfactant, sodium dodecylsulphate, SDS, D tetradecyltrimethylammonium r bromide,TDTMA,activity, Crassostrea G gigas, Filtering, marine mussels, Mytilus r galloprovincialis, oysters,SDS, sodium e dodecylsulphate, surfactant, TDTMA, tetradecyltrim e ethylammonium bromide n New recent citation, environmental toxicology, surfactants, detergents. The discoveries that were D r

cited: negative, detrimental effects of the synthetic surfactant SDS on filter feeding activity of bivalves (Ostroumov 2003) and mussel suspension feeding (Ostroumov and Widdows 2006). The citation was made in the journal Environmental Chemistry Lettersbivalves, chemistry, citation, detergents, envir onmental, feeding, filter, mussel, publications,S.A.O stroumov, SDS, surfactants, suspension, synthetic, to xicology

G r e e n

2012. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects. Prof. Alexey V. D Yablokov, Dr. Sergey r A.Ostroumov2012, A.V.Yablokov, CONSERVATI G ON OF LIVING NATURE AND r RESOURCES, nature conservation, new e edition, protection of e environment, S.A.Ostroumov, Springer n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

926 views, 24 h, enviro. sci., ecology, conservation,solution for eutrophication, new technology, water treatment, water purification, bookmarked,bookmarked, conservation, ecology, en vironmental science, New Technology, solution for eutrophication, water purification, water treatment

Definizione di ecosistema, rivisitato, Definition von kosystem, revisited, Dfinition de l'cosystme, revisit, Definicin de ecosistema, revisitado, Definition av ekosystem, revisited: Definio de ecossistema, revisitado: U.S., Canada, Norway downloaded these papers on enviro.sci., ecology Scientists of Norway, Canada, U.S.A., Russia, Malaysia, Vietnamese-German University, downloaded the articles on water science, protection of environment, filterfeedersArticles, Canada, Downloads, filterfeeders, Malaysia, Norway, protection of environment,Russia, U.S.A., Vietnamese-German University, water science Canada. Researcher at Environment Canada DOWNLOADED: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphereaquatic, bivalves, Brachionus calyciflorus, filter-feeders, filtration activity, mussels, Mytilus edulis, rotifers, selfpurification, surfactants, suspension feeders, water quality Acting President of University bookmarked papers on Ecology, environmental science. Tags: anthropogenic, biodiversity, biomembranes, bivalves, bookmarked, Ecological, ecotoxicology, environmental, hazard, macrophytes, nanoparticles,

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D r G r e e n D r G r e

pollution, self-purification, surfactants, water e qualityanthropogenic, biodiversity, biomembranes, b n ivalves, bookmarked, Ecological,ecotoxicology, envi ronmental, hazard, macrophytes, nanoparticles, pollu tion, self-purification, surfactants, water quality Modernization of concepts, terminology - ecology: Definition of ecosystem, revisited: New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. new, approach, definition, terms, modernization, updating, concept, ecology, modern, definition, ecosystem,approach, concept, definition, ecology, ec osystem, modern, modernization, new, terms,updatin g

D r G r e e n

A new solution for eutrophication: eutrophication control, pollution, man-made impact, pollutants, water quality, environmental safety, sustainable use, water resources, filter-feeders, detergents, control of phytoplankton, water filtration, bivalves, marine and D freshwater ecosystems, protecting ecosystem r services;detergents, environmental G safety, eutrophication, eutrophication control, filter- r feeders, man-made impact, new e solution, Pollutants, pollution, sustainable use, water e quality, water resources n Biogeochemical machinery was broken, damaged by a chemical that pollutes water. Pollution, synthetic surfactant, Mollusca, transfer of chemical elements, D new environmental hazard, aquatic ecology, r ecosystem functionAnthropogenic Impact, aquatic G ecology, biogeochemistry, Ecosystem r Function, mollusca,new environmental e hazard, pollution, synthetic surfactant, transfer of e chemical elements n D r G r e e n

new technology for water treatment: removing heavy metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb; biotechnology, phytoremediation, water quality improvementbiotechnology, Cd, Cu, heavy metals, new, Pb, phytoremediation, removing, techn ology,water quality, water treatment, Zn 8-page list. Questions on some of 17 key discoveries, innovations. Ecology, environmental sciences, biology. A list of the scientific questions that were answered. Evidence of merit of the series of publications that answered these questionsaquatic, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecotoxic ology, environment, environmental safety,freshwater, marine, nature conservation, protection, selfpurification, water, water quality Enviro. Sci. Innovations, new steps. References (English, Russian), comments. 12 pages. At the end

D r G r e e n D r

of the text, some key words in English, and other G languages, including inter alia French, Russian, r German, Chinese, Japanese, e Arabicaquatic, biodiversity, conservation, ecosystem e s, ecotoxicology, environment, environmental n safety, freshwater, marine, pollution, protection, self -purification, water, water quality 43-page list. Questions,17 KEY DISCOVERIES, INNOVATIONS. Ecology, environmental sciences, biology: A list of key discoveries, innovative D scientific publications. List of the scientific r questions that were G answered.answers, conservation, detergents, ecology r , ecotoxicology, Key e questions, Pollutants,pollution, surfactants, water e quality n Enviro. sci. Most viewed recently.Conservation,Ecology, biology,Combat dolphins, top links. Environmental Science,Deutschland, kologie, Germany,biology, Combat dolphins, conservation, Deutschland, ecology, Germ any, top links. Environmental Science, kologie Deutschland. kologie: Germany. Ecology: these online publications are of interest to German scientists and students: diese Online-Publikationen sind von Interesse fr deutsche Wissenschaftler und Studentendeutsche, Deutschland, ecology, German, Germany, Interesse, online, publications,Publikation en, kologie D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

top links. Environmental Science: blog posts, publications, updatedbioassay, bivalves,conservation, detergents, ecotoxicology, filter-feeders, hazard assessment, protection,safety, selfpurification, surfactants, toxicity, water Combat dolphins: Realm of water: most, recent, news, innovations, science, application, hydroecology, water biology, aquatic, ecosystems, water safety,application, aquatic, Combat dolphins, ecosystems, hydroecology, INNOVATIO NS, most,news, recent, science, water, water biology, water safety Ecology, biology, enviro. sci. papers. Publications. Mendeley.com; author: M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Journal Articles, in peer-reviewed journals, bibliographyArticles, Authored, Bibliography, biolo gy, ecology, M.V.Lomonosov, Mendeley.com,Mosc ow State University, peer-reviewed journals, publications

D r G r e e n

Ecology 30 articles, with links, web-sites, environmental science, water quality, protection of environment, ecosystems, aquatic, water, selfpurification, toxicology, ecotoxicology, hazards, assessment, bioassay, detergents, surfactants, filterfeeders, suspension feeders, sustainability, bibliographyaquatic, assessment, Bibliography, bioa ssay, detergents, ecosystems, ecotoxicology, filterfeeders, hazards, selfpurification, surfactants, suspension feeders, sustainability,toxicology, water ResearchGate:Enviro.sci.20 top papers. Water, ecology. Short annotations, links. Tags: Environmental, science, protection, conservation, papers, Water, ecology, annotations, links, toxicology, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, aquatic, ecosystems, pollution, surfactants, selfpurificationannotations, aquatic, bioassay, conservati on, ecology, ecosystems, ecotoxicology,environment al, hazard assessment, links, Papers, pollution, protection, scien ce, self-purification, surfactants, toxicology, water

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D r G Top posts. Enviro. sci., ecology. Most viewed, most r informative.ecology, environmental,informative, mo e st, Most viewed, science, sustainability, Top e posts, water n D r G r e e n

620 views during 24 hours, April 21, 2014, Conservation,Environment, ecology, bookmarked, upvoted,citation, U.S.A.,downloadsbookmarked, citation, conservatio n, Downloads, ecology, environment, U.S.A., upvote d

Dr.Bassam Hamdar bookmarked: publication: Ecology, environmental science. The third part of the list of 91 publications in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient Ecology, D environmental science. The third part of the list of r 91 publications in catalog W... authored: Sergei A. G Ostroumov; American University of Science and r Technology, BAmerican University of Science and e Technology, Beirut, bookmarked, chairperson, ecolo e gy,economics, environmental science, Lebanon n This moment, viewed: posts, enviro. sci., protection D of r environment:bookmarked,detergents, discoveries, ec G ology, enviro. sci., posts, protection of r environment, surfactants,This e moment, toxicity, upvoted, viewed, water, e n

Prof. Szymanski upvoted, bookmarked: Ecology, environmental science. The second part of the list of 91 publications mentioned i...A. Szymanski, article, bookmarked, catalog WorldCat, ecology, environmental science,upvoted

D r G r e e n

Prof.A.Szymanski bookmarked, upvoted: 6 papers. D Springer journals. Ecology, environment. On some r issues of maintaining ... , author Dr. Sergei A. G Ostroumovbookmarked, ecology, environment, Mos r cow State e University, Papers, publication,S.A.Ostroumov, Spri e nger journals, toxicology, voted up, water n New notification from Internet: Dr Fazli bookmarked, upvoted this publication: Ecology, environmental science. The second part of the list of 91 publications mentioned in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipientbookmarked, catalog WorldCat, ecology, environmental science, Moscow State University,publication, S.A.Ostroumov, upvoted

D r G r e e n

Information on downloads: New downloads. Enviro. sci. Articles that attracted attention. Publications that were downloaded, bookmarked, liked, voted up, D environmental science, ecology, water, r toxicologyconservation, detergents, downloaded, Do G wnloads, ecology, environmental, Germany, Italy,pr r otection of e environment, S.A.Ostroumov, science, sustainability e , toxicology, U.K., U.S.,water, water quality n Internet users liked this. Environmental science results. 4-page list: publications: bookmarked, conservation, downloaded, ecology, environment, liked, protection, toxicology, voted up, water qualitybookmarked, conservation, downloaded, ecol ogy, environment, liked, protection,S.A.Ostroumov, toxicology, voted up, water quality Enviro.sci., ecology: 4 articles: 10 selected publications on ecology, environmental science, protection of environment. World Catalog; ** Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in water of a microcosm in presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology ** Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles ** Decreasing Measurable Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Enviro. sci.: Most recent posts in April: Tags: Citation, upvoted, bookmarked, downloaded, Papers, Moscow University, publications: ecology, protection of environment, ecotoxicology, D r G r e e n

D r G r e e n D r G r

surfactants, water, likedbookmarked, citation, downloaded, ecotoxicolo gy, liked, Moscow University, Ostroumov S.A., Papers, protection of environment, publications: ecology, surfactants, upvoted, water Recently, the international scientists upvoted, bookmarked, downloaded these publications: environmental science, ecology, water qualitybookmarked, downloaded, Downloads, ecolo gy, environmental science, International,publications, S.A.Ostroumov, scientists, upvoted, water Recently, this post was approved on Facebook, in a group Science: monograph on environmental hazards from synthetic detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants - useful book: pollution control, water pollution prevention, bioassay of chemical pollutants, detergents: key words in English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, French, Dutch, Danish, other languages:Arabic, bioassay, book, chemical, Chinese , control, Danish, detergents, Dutch, French,Indonesi an, Japanese, Malay, Pollutants, pollution, preventio n, Thai, Turkish, water Luisa Bastos liked this publication (on Facebook): Ecology: 2,806 downloads of articles of this series were made. Recently, new downloads of top ecology articles from Internet (ResearchGate). The articles were downloaded in the U.S.A., Poland, India, Israel, Egypt, Indonesia. http://5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/04/recently-newdownloads-of-topecology.htmlArticles, downloaded, Downloads, ecol ogy, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, liked, likes,Pola nd, Portugal, publication, S.A.Ostroumov, U.S.A. This was upvoted, bookmarked, downloaded by Internet users (Researchgate): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260878993 _6_papers_in_Springer_journals._Ecology_environ ment._First_pages._On_the_multifunctional_role..._ etc?ev=prf_pub; The first pages of 6 selected papers - ecology, environmental sciences, water quality, water self-purification, ecotoxicology of detergents, surfactants, filterbookmarked, downloaded, ecology, environmental science, International, publications,scientists, Sergei A. Ostroumov, upvoted

e e n

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D Approval, interest: Internet users liked this. r Environmental science, ecology, water, protection of G environment,approval, ecology, environment, enviro r nmental, Interest, Internet, liked, protection, Results, e science, scientific, Sergei A. e Ostroumov, users, water n

Merit. Series of publications on chem.-biol. interactions in the biosphere - ecological basis for protection of the environment. Tags: conservation, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, pollution, pollutants, detergents, surfactants. Authored, coauthored by a researcher at Moscow State Univerisity, Fulbright Awardeeconservation, detergents, ecology, ecotoxic ology, Pollutants, pollution, protection of the environment, S.A.Ostroumov, surfactants, water quality Citation, updated.They cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology: Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa, continents. Articles, books, selected [ updated: April 18; April 8, 2014 ]:Asia, Biological, biology, citation, cited, conservati on, ecology, effects, environment,Europe, protection , Sergei A. Ostroumov, surfactants, U.S.A., water 600+ publications - ecotoxicology, surfactants, ecosystem, aquatic, water, water quality,- of various authors; tags: bibliography, pollution, pollutants, hazard assessment, environmental, toxicologyaquatic, Bibliography, ecosystem, ecotoxi cology, environmental, hazard assessment,Pollutants, pollution, surfactants, toxicol ogy, water, water quality Citation. The papers of Moscow University scientists (ecotoxicology) were cited in U.S.A., India. New examples of citation of results of Dr. Sergei A.Ostroumov and coauthors;California, citation, cited, ecology, ecotoxico logy, environmental, India, Mahatma Gandhi,Moscow University, protection, Results, Sergei A.Ostroumov, U.S.A., water Papers by a Moscow University ecologist S.A.Ostroumov were cited by Sharrel Rebello, Aju K. Asok, Sathish Mundayoor, M. S. Jisha in their publication, the book: Surfactants: Chemistry, Toxicity and Remediationcitation, cited, detergents, ecotoxicolog y, Mahatma Gandhi University, Moscow University,Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, S.A.Ostroumov, surfactants Citation in U.S. The paper of Moscow University scientists (on ecotoxicology of the surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) was cited in U.S.A. by researchers at University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, USAalgae, angiosperms, citation, detergent, ecotoxic ology, Moscow University, S.A.Ostroumov,seedlings, sodium dodecyl sulfate, surfactant, U.S.A., University of California

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Available online free, publications on: aquatic, biosphere, conference, ecology, environment, environmental, organisms that are filter-feeders, aquatic higher plants, Macrophytes, pollution, D Potamogeton crispus, protection, science, r water,aquatic, available, biosphere, conference, ecol G ogy, environment, environmental, filterr feeders, free, higher e plants, macrophytes, pollution, Potamogeton, protect e ion, publications,science, water n D 44 Springer publications: ecology, environment, r water, biology, G selected:biology,conservation, detergents, ecology, e r cotoxicology, environment, pollution, publications,S e .A.Ostroumov, Springer, surfactants, water, water e quality n 4 Springer publications (41-44): ecology, environment, conservation, microbiology, selected: Tags: International, Conference, Water Ecosystems and Organisms-4, Species-Population Level, Ecologization, hydrocarbons, oxidizing, D microorganisms, groundwater,Conservation of r Living Nature and G Resources,conference, conservation, Ecologization, r groundwater, Hydrocarbons, Living,microorganisms e , nature, resources, Species-Population Level, Water e Ecosystems and Organisms-4 n D Problems at the Ontogenetic Level. Chapter in book: r Conservation of Living Nature and G Resourcesanthropogenic, conservation r biology, developmental e biology, ecotoxicology, environmental,ontogenetic, e organisms, Pollutants, pollution, toxicity, toxicology n Video and the publication: Problems at the Ecosystem Level. Chapter in book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resourcesanthropogenic, ecosystem, environment, i nformation flows, interspecies interactions,Pollutants, pollution, primary production, protection, trophic chains, vegetation 10 Springer publications (31-40): ecology, environment, water, biology, Tags: biodiversity, water, purification, Elodea canadensis, CuO nanoparticles, Rotifers,Conservation, Filter-Feeders, Pellets, Mollusks, Biogeochemical, C, N, P, Si, Al, new definition, ecosystem,Al, biodiversity, biogeochemical, C, cons ervation, CuO, Elodea canadensis, filterfeeders,gold, mollusks, N, nanoparticles, P, pellets, p urification, rotifers, Si, water 10 Springer publications (21-30): ecology, D r G r e e n

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environment, water, biology, selected: Tags: Mollusk, Filter,t Phytoplankton, Water, detritus, chemical,elements, aquatic ecosystems, Ecological, Remediation, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ceratophyllum demersum, Biodiversity Protection, Quality of Water,aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity protection, Cd, Ceratophyllum demersum, chemical, Cu,detritus, Ecological, eleme nts, filter, mollusk, Pb, quality of water, remediation, t Phytoplankton, water, Zn 10 Springer publications (11-20): ecology, environment, water, biology, Phytotoxicity, surfactant, Water Quality, Self-Purification, Eutrophication, detergents, filter-feeding, bivalves, Hazard, Synecological, Anthropogenic,anthropogenic, bivalves, detergents, eutrophication, filterfeeding, hazard, phytotoxicity,selfpurification, surfactant, synecological, water quality

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D r G 10 Springer publications (1-10): ecology, r environment, water, biology, e selected:biology,ecology, environment, publications, e Springer, water n Enviro.sci., video + Most viewed at the moment: ecology, bookmarked, nature, conservation, citation, D Moscow University, New York, Paris, London, r Berlin, Mnchen, Bremen,Australia, G downloadsAustralia, Berlin, bookmarked, Bremen, c r itation, conservation, Downloads, ecology, London, e Moscow University, Mnchen, nature, New e York, Paris, Sergei A. Ostroumov n 2,806 downloads. Recently, new downloads of top ecology articles from Internet (ResearchGate). The articles were downloaded in the U.S.A., Poland, India, Israel, Egypt, Indonesia. pollution, biosphere,filter-feeders,conference, Amherst, Springer, journal,environment, science, ecology, D water, environmental, protection,aquatic, r macrophyte, Potamogeton G crispus,online,Amherst, aquatic, biosphere, conferen r ce, ecology, environment, environmental, filtere feeders, journal, Macrophyte, online, pollution, Pota e mogeton crispus, protection, science,Springer, water n International experts bookmarked, upvoted these top D ecology publications: Biological filters are an r important part of the biosphere, et G al.bookmarked, environmental r sciences, environmental e toxicology, nanomaterials, Papers,phytotechnology, e surfactants, top, upvoted n

International expert (Europe) bookmarked this publication: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere

D r G r e e n

D In Swedish. Innovationer: Miljvetenskap, ekologi, r vattenskerhet, skydd av miljn, serie publikationer: G Se mer i detalj, abstrakt, lnkar till internetsidor med r fulltexter gratis:bevis p e meriter, biologi, citerad, ekologi, frvrvats, miljve e tenskap, skydd av miljn,vattenskerhet n in Spanish: Innovaciones: Ciencias del medio ambiente, la ecologa, la seguridad del agua, la proteccin de medio ambiente, la serie de publicaciones: Ver ms detalles, resmenes, enlaces a Internet: pginas con textos completos gratuitosadquirida, BIBLIOTECAS, biologa, calida d, Caltech, Cambridge, certificacin, Ciencias Ambientales, cita, citado, ecologa, Harvard, la seguridad del agua, MIT, pruebas de mrito Innovationen: Umweltwissenschaften, kologie, Wassersicherheit, Umweltschutz, eine Reihe von Publikationen: See more detail, Zusammenfassungen, Links zu Internet-Seiten mit Volltexte kostenlos:biologie, Caltech, Cambridge, erworben, Nachweis der Verdienst, Qualitts, Umweltschutz,Umweltwissenschaften, Wassersich erheit, Zertifizierungs-, zitat, zitiert, kologie innovations: Science de l'environnement, l'cologie, la scurit de l'eau: Voir plus de dtails : http://5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/04/series-ofinnovative-publicationson.htmll'environnement, l'cologie, la scurit de l'eau, publications, science | | | in Italian. Serie di pubblicazioni innovative sui fattori biologici per migliorare la qualit dell'acqua , la sicurezza dell'acqua , la sostenibilit delle acque; tutela dell'ambiente . Articoli, video; Parole chiave : tutela dell'ambiente, acqua dolce , acqua di mare, ecologia , ambientale , tossicologia , ecotossicologia , acquatico , organismi filtratori , alimentatori sospensione, valutazioneacqua, acquatico, alimentatori sospensione, ambientale, di mare, dolce, ecologia,ecotossicologia, saggio biologico, Sergei A.Ostroumov, tossicologia, tutela dell'ambiente,valutazione del rischio in Italian. Serie di pubblicazioni innovative sui

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D r G r e e n D

fattori biologici per migliorare la qualit dell'acqua , la sicurezza dell'acqua , la sostenibilit delle acque; tutela dell'ambiente . Articoli, video; Parole chiave : tutela dell'ambiente, acqua dolce , acqua di mare, ecologia , ambientale , tossicologia , ecotossicologia , acquatico , organismi filtratori , alimentatori sospensione, valutazioneacqua, acquatico, alimentatori sospensione, ambientale, di mare, dolce, ecologia,ecotossicologia, saggio biologico, Sergei A.Ostroumov, tossicologia, tutela dell'ambiente,valutazione del rischio Innovations: Environmental sci., ecology, water safety: tags: acquired, biology, Caltech, Cambridge, Certification of quality, citation, cited, environmental science, evidence of merit, Harvard, LIBRARIES, M.I.T., needed, Oxford,acquired, biology, Caltech, Cambridge, citati on, cited, ecology, environmental, evidence of merit, Harvard, LIBRARIES, M.I.T., merit, needed, Oxford, safety, science, water

r G r e e n

Downloads: U.S.A., Russia, Canada,Italy, Belgium, Norway, Israel, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Turkey, India, Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, et al. Universities, institutions downloaded publications from Internet (ResearchGate- ecology, environment). The publications were authored by a Moscow University scientist, Fulbright Award winner)Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, downloade d, Downloads, ecology, Germany, India,Israel, Italy, M alaysia, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Turkey, U.S. A., Ukraine, Vietnam Updated: Surfactants, detergents, toxicity, D environmental r hazardsecotoxicology, Euglena,Fagopyrum G esculentum, Hirudo medicinalis, Lepidium r sativum, Mytilus edulis, Mytilus e galloprovincialis, Oryza sativa, Sinapis alba, sodium e dodecyl sulfate, Unio n Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. [toxicology, ecotoxicology of synthetic surfactants and detergents]algae, annelids, BACTERIA, bioassay, cy anobacteria, detergents, ecotoxicology, flagellates,fr eshwater, higher plants, invertebrates, marine, mollusks, seedlings, su rfactants, synthetic,toxicology

D r G r e e n D r G r e e

Malaysia [Putra University] approved, liked, upvoted the article: Environmental science, biology, protection of the environment. 1551 pages.

n D r G r e e n

Tunis bookmarked the article at ResearchGate: Environmental science, biology, protection of the environment. 1551 pages.biology, environmental science, protection of the environment, .

University of Lige, Belgium, is now following the publications. Topics: environmental science, protection of the environment, ecology, water, D biology; The author of the publications: Dr. Sergei r A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University;** tags: G Belgium, biology, ecology, environmental science, r follower, Moscow State University, protection of the e environment, Sergei A. Ostroumov, University of e Lige, n NEW concepts, THEORY OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION: KEY TO WATER SAFETY. Ostroumov S.A. On the Biotic Selfpurification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences. v.396, No.1- D 6; pp.206r 211.ecology, ecosystem, ecotoxicology, environmen G tal safety, freshwater, freshwater r biology,function, marine ecology, pollution e control, toxicology, water, water quality, water self- e purification n D 128 posts, February 2014, ecology, with links, web- r pages, online, environmental science, water G qualityaquatic, Bibliography, ecology, environmenta r l science, February e 2014, online, posts,toxicology, water, webe pages, with links n D r G r e e n

Enviro.sci., ecology 128 posts, February 2014,ecology, environmental science, February 2014, posts

downloads in U.S.A., Russia, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Norway, Israel, Australia, Ukraine, D Vietnam, Germany, Poland, Turkey, India, Mexico, r Brazil, Malaysia, et al. - ecology, G environmentAustralia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Do r wnloads, ecology, environment, Germany, India,Isra e el, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Turkey, e U.S.A., Ukraine n University of Lige, Belgium, follows publications: environmental science, protection of the D r

environment, ecology, water, biologyBelgium, biology, ecology, environmental science, follower, Moscow State University,protection of the environment, Sergei A. Ostroumov, University of Lige, water Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere. - Science in Russia. 2009. No. 2, p. 3036. Review of research of aquatic organisms that are filter-feeders by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov ( Moscow State University) in U.K., Russia, Germany, Ukrainebivalve mollusks, chemical pollution, detergents, environmental hazards, Germany, marine mussels, ocean, oysters, Popular science, rotifers, U.K., U.S., water, water quality,Zooplankton

G r e e n

D r G r e e n

Enviro. Sci. 265 posts. March 2014. 6-page list of links, web-site addresses, online, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, environmental, protection, D environment, conservation, toxicology, aquatic, r citation, G downloadsaquatic, citation, conservation, Download r s, ecology, ecotoxicology, environment,environment e al, links, online, protection, S.A.Ostroumov, toxicol e ogy, water, web-site addresses n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

POSTS PRIOR TO APR 26, 2014. Environmental science, ecology, waterecology,environmental science, water Citation of S.A.Ostroumov, Springer peer reviewed journal, Moscow University Soil Science Bulletinbioassay, chemicals, citation, ecotoxicology, environmental, hazards, Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin, Pollutants, S.A.Ostroumov, Springer peerreviewed journal,surfactants Enviro. sci. Top papers. in Doklady Biological Sciences, peer reviewed journal, top Russian journal, authored by Sergei A. Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State Journal, in cooperation with top universities, scientific institutions in U.K., Germany, U.S.A., Ukraine; water quality, ecology, environmental, toxicology, ecotoxicology, detergents, surfactants, aquatic, organismsaquatic, detergents, ecology, ecotoxicolog y, environmental, Germany, organisms,surfactants, t oxicology, U.K., U.S.A., Ukraine; water quality Enviro. sci.,Top papers, Springer journal, Hydrobiologia, authored: Sergei A. Ostroumov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, in

D r G r e e n D r G

cooperation with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K., and other institutions (Berlin, Germany, et al.).aquatic, detergents, ecology, ecotoxicology, filte r-feeders, mollusca, pollution, selfpurification, surfactants, toxicology, water purification, water quality

r e e n

Internet, Andrew Kirui, liked it. Internet users liked this article online: Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the D presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology. r Who liked it: Andrew Kirui G (Nairobi).Accelerated, article r online, concentration, decrease, INNOVATIONS, In e ternet, like, liked,phytotechnology, plants, presence, e surfactant, users, water microcosm n water self-purification: paper and FAQ. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. Article, frequently asked questions, water quality, pollution control, toxicology, ecotoxicology,aquatic ecosystems, article, BioticSelfpurification, control, ecotoxicology, FAQ, frequently asked questions, paper, pollution, S.A.Ostroumov, theory, t oxicology, water quality Towards innovative green technology to treat water polluted with heavy metals: Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: the phytoremediation potential.aquatic, biology, cadmium, Ceratophyllum demersum, copper, ecology, lead,phytoremediation, polluted water, pollution, water pollution, water quality, water resources,zinc

D r G r e e n

D r G r e e n

Enviro. sci. 5 more posts, with links, web pages, D recently, online, environmental science, ecology, in r English, Twitter, Deutsch: kologie, G Umweltwissenschaften, r ScribdDeutsch, ecology, environmental science, in e English, online, posts, recently, Scribd, Twitter,Um e weltwissenschaften, web pages, with links, kologie n D r G r e e n D r G r e

Enviro. sci. 6 Recent posts, prior to April 25, 2014; conservation, ecology, water quality, citation, downloads, posts, online, environmental science,citation, conservation, Downloads, ecology, environmental science, online, posts, water quality

Enviro. sci. Recent posts, prior to April 25, 2014; conservation, ecology, water quality, citation, downloads, in English, Russian, auf Deutsch,

e n Enviro.sci.: 783 views a day; Conservation, , , , citation, environmental, toxicology, kologie, Umweltwissenschaften, Moscow University, Asia, D ecology, DOWNLOADS, r Twitter,Asia, citation, conservation, Downloads, eco G logy, environmental, Moscow r University,S.A.Ostroumov, toxicology, Twitter, Um e weltwissenschaften, kologie, e , , n Eye-opener: The scientific publications that lead to a fundamental increase in value of ecosystem service: making water clean and clear. Underestimated factsecosystem, environment, environmental, functio n, Moscow University, protection,S.A.Ostroumov, science, selfpurification, water, water quality Enviro.sci., ResearchGate, online, Moscow University, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Links, webpages to get full texts free, abstracts. Ecology, water science, environmental, toxicology, conservation, protection of environmentabstracts. Ecology, conservation, environmental, free, full texts, Moscow University,protection of environment, researchgate, Sergei A. Ostroumov, toxicology, water science D r G r e e n

D r G r e e n

Enviro.sci.,Viewed, at the moment, in English, Russian, Chinese, ecology, conservation, citation, D , ., , , r , G Chinese, citation, conservation, ecology, r in English, Russian, e , .,, , , e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r


Scribd. Enviro. sci. Links, Web pages, Online articles. Much information. Online library: Scribd, most recent. Key words: discoveries, innovations, Ecology, environmental sciences, biology, water, approval, liked, bibliography, Enviro.sci. Twitter mentioned these publications on environmental science, protection of

environmentcitation, cited, environmental, mentione d, nature conservation, protection of environment,publications, science, Twitter

G r e e n

D r G auf Deutsch: kologie, Umweltwissenschaften, r Umweltschutz, onlineauf e Deutsch, online,Publikationen, Umweltschutz, Umw e eltwissenschaften, Webseite, kologie n Enviro. sci., lots of ecology posts, prior to Apr 24, 2014. Citation, water, downloads, approval of Internet users. environmental, science, toxicology, safety, protection of environmentapproval of Internet users, citation, Downloads, enosystems, environment al, safety, science,Sergei A. Ostroumov, toxicology, water Enviro.sci. Most recent posts, April 2014, prior to April 24 , , , , ... Citation in China, India, Pakistan et al. Enviro.Articles, China, citation, Downloads, ecology , environmental, India, nature conservation,Papers, protection of environment, publications, S.A.Ostroumov, science, surfactants, top,toxicology, water D r G r e e n

D r G r e e n

, , , D , , r ... . G ., , r , , e , , ,, e , n D Citation in China, India, Pakistan et al. Enviro. sci. r The articles that were cited in G Asia.Asia,China, citation, Citation r , ecology, environmental e science, India, Japan, ., e , n Citation in Asia. Enviro. sci., ecology articles. China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Armenia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology,aquatic toxicology, Armenia, Asia, China, citation, ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental science, India, Japan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, water quality

D r G r e e n

New enviro. hazards: detergents, surfactants, discovered. Article: Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. filtering, activity, oysters, Crassostrea gigas, marine mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis,surfactant, sodium dodecylsulphate, SDS, D tetradecyltrimethylammonium r bromide,TDTMA,activity, Crassostrea G gigas, Filtering, marine mussels, Mytilus r galloprovincialis, oysters,SDS, sodium e dodecylsulphate, surfactant, TDTMA, tetradecyltrim e ethylammonium bromide n New recent citation, environmental toxicology, surfactants, detergents. The discoveries that were cited: negative, detrimental effects of the synthetic surfactant SDS on filter feeding activity of bivalves (Ostroumov 2003) and mussel suspension feeding (Ostroumov and Widdows 2006). The citation was made in the journal Environmental Chemistry Lettersbivalves, chemistry, citation, detergents, envir onmental, feeding, filter, mussel, publications,S.A.O stroumov, SDS, surfactants, suspension, synthetic, to xicology

D r G r e e n

2012. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects. Prof. Alexey V. D Yablokov, Dr. Sergey r A.Ostroumov2012, A.V.Yablokov, CONSERVATI G ON OF LIVING NATURE AND r RESOURCES, nature conservation, new e edition, protection of e environment, S.A.Ostroumov, Springer n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n

926 views, 24 h, enviro. sci., ecology, conservation,solution for eutrophication, new technology, water treatment, water purification, bookmarked,bookmarked, conservation, ecology, en vironmental science, New Technology, solution for eutrophication, water purification, water treatment

Definizione di ecosistema, rivisitato, Definition von kosystem, revisited, Dfinition de l'cosystme, revisit, Definicin de ecosistema, revisitado, Definition av ekosystem, revisited: Definio de ecossistema, revisitado: U.S., Canada, Norway downloaded these papers on enviro.sci., ecology Scientists of Norway, Canada, U.S.A., Russia, Malaysia, Vietnamese-German University, downloaded the articles on water science, protection of environment, filterfeedersArticles, Canada, Downloads, filterfeeders, Malaysia, Norway, protection of environment,Russia, U.S.A., Vietnamese-German University, water science

D r G r e e n

Canada. Researcher at Environment Canada DOWNLOADED: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphereaquatic, bivalves, Brachionus calyciflorus, filter-feeders, filtration activity, mussels, Mytilus edulis, rotifers, selfpurification, surfactants, suspension feeders, water quality Acting President of University bookmarked papers on Ecology, environmental science. Tags: anthropogenic, biodiversity, biomembranes, bivalves, bookmarked, Ecological, ecotoxicology, environmental, hazard, macrophytes, nanoparticles, pollution, self-purification, surfactants, water qualityanthropogenic, biodiversity, biomembranes, b ivalves, bookmarked, Ecological,ecotoxicology, envi ronmental, hazard, macrophytes, nanoparticles, pollu tion, self-purification, surfactants, water quality Modernization of concepts, terminology - ecology: Definition of ecosystem, revisited: New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. new, approach, definition, terms, modernization, updating, concept, ecology, modern, definition, ecosystem,approach, concept, definition, ecology, ec osystem, modern, modernization, new, terms,updatin g

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D r G r e e n

A new solution for eutrophication: eutrophication control, pollution, man-made impact, pollutants, water quality, environmental safety, sustainable use, water resources, filter-feeders, detergents, control of phytoplankton, water filtration, bivalves, marine and D freshwater ecosystems, protecting ecosystem r services;detergents, environmental G safety, eutrophication, eutrophication control, filter- r feeders, man-made impact, new e solution, Pollutants, pollution, sustainable use, water e quality, water resources n Biogeochemical machinery was broken, damaged by a chemical that pollutes water. Pollution, synthetic surfactant, Mollusca, transfer of chemical elements, D new environmental hazard, aquatic ecology, r ecosystem functionAnthropogenic Impact, aquatic G ecology, biogeochemistry, Ecosystem r Function, mollusca,new environmental e hazard, pollution, synthetic surfactant, transfer of e chemical elements n D r G r e e n

new technology for water treatment: removing heavy metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb; biotechnology, phytoremediation, water quality improvementbiotechnology, Cd, Cu, heavy metals, new, Pb, phytoremediation, removing, techn ology,water quality, water treatment, Zn

8-page list. Questions on some of 17 key discoveries, innovations. Ecology, environmental sciences, biology. A list of the scientific questions that were answered. Evidence of merit of the series of publications that answered these questionsaquatic, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecotoxic ology, environment, environmental safety,freshwater, marine, nature conservation, protection, selfpurification, water, water quality

D r G r e e n

Enviro. Sci. Innovations, new steps. References (English, Russian), comments. 12 pages. At the end of the text, some key words in English, and other D languages, including inter alia French, Russian, r German, Chinese, Japanese, G Arabicaquatic, biodiversity, conservation, ecosystem r s, ecotoxicology, environment, environmental e safety, freshwater, marine, pollution, protection, self e -purification, water, water quality n 43-page list. Questions,17 KEY DISCOVERIES, INNOVATIONS. Ecology, environmental sciences, biology: A list of key discoveries, innovative D scientific publications. List of the scientific r questions that were G answered.answers, conservation, detergents, ecology r , ecotoxicology, Key e questions, Pollutants,pollution, surfactants, water e quality n Enviro. sci. Most viewed recently.Conservation,Ecology, biology,Combat dolphins, top links. Environmental Science,Deutschland, kologie, Germany,biology, Combat dolphins, conservation, Deutschland, ecology, Germ any, top links. Environmental Science, kologie Deutschland. kologie: Germany. Ecology: these online publications are of interest to German scientists and students: diese Online-Publikationen sind von Interesse fr deutsche Wissenschaftler und Studentendeutsche, Deutschland, ecology, German, Germany, Interesse, online, publications,Publikation en, kologie D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G r e e n D r G r

top links. Environmental Science: blog posts, publications, updatedbioassay, bivalves,conservation, detergents, ecotoxicology, filter-feeders, hazard assessment, protection,safety, selfpurification, surfactants, toxicity, water Combat dolphins: Realm of water: most, recent, news, innovations, science, application, hydroecology, water biology, aquatic, ecosystems, water safety,application, aquatic, Combat

dolphins, ecosystems, hydroecology, INNOVATIO NS, most,news, recent, science, water, water biology, water safety Ecology, biology, enviro. sci. papers. Publications. Mendeley.com; author: M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Journal Articles, in peer-reviewed journals, bibliographyArticles, Authored, Bibliography, biolo gy, ecology, M.V.Lomonosov, Mendeley.com,Mosc ow State University, peer-reviewed journals, publications Ecology 30 articles, with links, web-sites, environmental science, water quality, protection of environment, ecosystems, aquatic, water, selfpurification, toxicology, ecotoxicology, hazards, assessment, bioassay, detergents, surfactants, filterfeeders, suspension feeders, sustainability, bibliographyaquatic, assessment, Bibliography, bioa ssay, detergents, ecosystems, ecotoxicology, filterfeeders, hazards, selfpurification, surfactants, suspension feeders, sustainability,toxicology, water ResearchGate:Enviro.sci.20 top papers. Water, ecology. Short annotations, links. Tags: Environmental, science, protection, conservation, papers, Water, ecology, annotations, links, toxicology, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, aquatic, ecosystems, pollution, surfactants, selfpurificationannotations, aquatic, bioassay, conservati on, ecology, ecosystems, ecotoxicology,environment al, hazard assessment, links, Papers, pollution, protection, scien ce, self-purification, surfactants, toxicology, water

e e n

D r G r e e n

D r G r e e n

D r G r e e n

D r G Top posts. Enviro. sci., ecology. Most viewed, most r informative.ecology, environmental,informative, mo e st, Most viewed, science, sustainability, Top e posts, water n D r G r e e n D r G r e

620 views during 24 hours, April 21, 2014, Conservation,Environment, ecology, bookmarked, upvoted,citation, U.S.A.,downloadsbookmarked, citation, conservatio n, Downloads, ecology, environment, U.S.A., upvote d Dr.Bassam Hamdar bookmarked: publication: Ecology, environmental science. The third part of the list of 91 publications in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient Ecology,

environmental science. The third part of the list of 91 publications in catalog W... authored: Sergei A. Ostroumov; American University of Science and Technology, BAmerican University of Science and Technology, Beirut, bookmarked, chairperson, ecolo gy,economics, environmental science, Lebanon

e n

This moment, viewed: posts, enviro. sci., protection D of r environment:bookmarked,detergents, discoveries, ec G ology, enviro. sci., posts, protection of r environment, surfactants,This e moment, toxicity, upvoted, viewed, water, e n D r G r e e n

Prof. Szymanski upvoted, bookmarked: Ecology, environmental science. The second part of the list of 91 publications mentioned i...A. Szymanski, article, bookmarked, catalog WorldCat, ecology, environmental science,upvoted

Prof.A.Szymanski bookmarked, upvoted: 6 papers. D Springer journals. Ecology, environment. On some r issues of maintaining ... , author Dr. Sergei A. G Ostroumovbookmarked, ecology, environment, Mos r cow State e University, Papers, publication,S.A.Ostroumov, Spri e nger journals, toxicology, voted up, water n New notification from Internet: Dr Fazli bookmarked, upvoted this publication: Ecology, environmental science. The second part of the list of 91 publications mentioned in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipientbookmarked, catalog WorldCat, ecology, environmental science, Moscow State University,publication, S.A.Ostroumov, upvoted

D r G r e e n

Information on downloads: New downloads. Enviro. sci. Articles that attracted attention. Publications that were downloaded, bookmarked, liked, voted up, D environmental science, ecology, water, r toxicologyconservation, detergents, downloaded, Do G wnloads, ecology, environmental, Germany, Italy,pr r otection of e environment, S.A.Ostroumov, science, sustainability e , toxicology, U.K., U.S.,water, water quality n Internet users liked this. Environmental science results. 4-page list: publications: bookmarked, conservation, downloaded, ecology, environment, liked, protection, toxicology, voted up, water qualitybookmarked, conservation, downloaded, ecol ogy, environment, liked, protection,S.A.Ostroumov, toxicology, voted up, water quality D r G r e e n

Enviro.sci., ecology: 4 articles: 10 selected publications on ecology, environmental science, protection of environment. World Catalog; ** Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in water of a microcosm in presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology ** Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles ** Decreasing Measurable Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Enviro. sci.: Most recent posts in April: Tags: Citation, upvoted, bookmarked, downloaded, Papers, Moscow University, publications: ecology, protection of environment, ecotoxicology, surfactants, water, likedbookmarked, citation, downloaded, ecotoxicolo gy, liked, Moscow University, Ostroumov S.A., Papers, protection of environment, publications: ecology, surfactants, upvoted, water Recently, the international scientists upvoted, bookmarked, downloaded these publications: environmental science, ecology, water qualitybookmarked, downloaded, Downloads, ecolo gy, environmental science, International,publications, S.A.Ostroumov, scientists, upvoted, water Recently, this post was approved on Facebook, in a group Science: monograph on environmental hazards from synthetic detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants - useful book: pollution control, water pollution prevention, bioassay of chemical pollutants, detergents: key words in English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, French, Dutch, Danish, other languages:Arabic, bioassay, book, chemical, Chinese , control, Danish, detergents, Dutch, French,Indonesi an, Japanese, Malay, Pollutants, pollution, preventio n, Thai, Turkish, water Luisa Bastos liked this publication (on Facebook): Ecology: 2,806 downloads of articles of this series were made. Recently, new downloads of top ecology articles from Internet (ResearchGate). The articles were downloaded in the U.S.A., Poland, India, Israel, Egypt, Indonesia. http://5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/04/recently-newdownloads-of-topecology.htmlArticles, downloaded, Downloads, ecol ogy, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, liked, likes,Pola nd, Portugal, publication, S.A.Ostroumov, U.S.A. This was upvoted, bookmarked, downloaded by Internet users (Researchgate): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260878993 _6_papers_in_Springer_journals._Ecology_environ ment._First_pages._On_the_multifunctional_role..._ etc?ev=prf_pub; The first pages of 6 selected papers

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- ecology, environmental sciences, water quality, water self-purification, ecotoxicology of detergents, surfactants, filterbookmarked, downloaded, ecology, environmental science, International, publications,scientists, Sergei A. Ostroumov, upvoted

D Approval, interest: Internet users liked this. r Environmental science, ecology, water, protection of G environment,approval, ecology, environment, enviro r nmental, Interest, Internet, liked, protection, Results, e science, scientific, Sergei A. e Ostroumov, users, water n Merit. Series of publications on chem.-biol. interactions in the biosphere - ecological basis for protection of the environment. Tags: conservation, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, pollution, pollutants, detergents, surfactants. Authored, coauthored by a researcher at Moscow State Univerisity, Fulbright Awardeeconservation, detergents, ecology, ecotoxic ology, Pollutants, pollution, protection of the environment, S.A.Ostroumov, surfactants, water quality Citation, updated.They cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology: Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa, continents. Articles, books, selected [ updated: April 18; April 8, 2014 ]:Asia, Biological, biology, citation, cited, conservati on, ecology, effects, environment,Europe, protection , Sergei A. Ostroumov, surfactants, U.S.A., water 600+ publications - ecotoxicology, surfactants, ecosystem, aquatic, water, water quality,- of various authors; tags: bibliography, pollution, pollutants, hazard assessment, environmental, toxicologyaquatic, Bibliography, ecosystem, ecotoxi cology, environmental, hazard assessment,Pollutants, pollution, surfactants, toxicol ogy, water, water quality Citation. The papers of Moscow University scientists (ecotoxicology) were cited in U.S.A., India. New examples of citation of results of Dr. Sergei A.Ostroumov and coauthors;California, citation, cited, ecology, ecotoxico logy, environmental, India, Mahatma Gandhi,Moscow University, protection, Results, Sergei A.Ostroumov, U.S.A., water Papers by a Moscow University ecologist S.A.Ostroumov were cited by Sharrel Rebello, Aju K. Asok, Sathish Mundayoor, M. S. Jisha in their publication, the book: Surfactants: Chemistry,

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Toxicity and Remediationcitation, cited, detergents, ecotoxicolog y, Mahatma Gandhi University, Moscow University,Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, S.A.Ostroumov, surfactants Citation in U.S. The paper of Moscow University scientists (on ecotoxicology of the surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) was cited in U.S.A. by researchers at University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, USAalgae, angiosperms, citation, detergent, ecotoxic ology, Moscow University, S.A.Ostroumov,seedlings, sodium dodecyl sulfate, surfactant, U.S.A., University of California

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Available online free, publications on: aquatic, biosphere, conference, ecology, environment, environmental, organisms that are filter-feeders, aquatic higher plants, Macrophytes, pollution, D Potamogeton crispus, protection, science, r water,aquatic, available, biosphere, conference, ecol G ogy, environment, environmental, filterr feeders, free, higher e plants, macrophytes, pollution, Potamogeton, protect e ion, publications,science, water n D 44 Springer publications: ecology, environment, r water, biology, G selected:biology,conservation, detergents, ecology, e r cotoxicology, environment, pollution, publications,S e .A.Ostroumov, Springer, surfactants, water, water e quality n 4 Springer publications (41-44): ecology, environment, conservation, microbiology, selected: Tags: International, Conference, Water Ecosystems and Organisms-4, Species-Population Level, Ecologization, hydrocarbons, oxidizing, D microorganisms, groundwater,Conservation of r Living Nature and G Resources,conference, conservation, Ecologization, r groundwater, Hydrocarbons, Living,microorganisms e , nature, resources, Species-Population Level, Water e Ecosystems and Organisms-4 n D Problems at the Ontogenetic Level. Chapter in book: r Conservation of Living Nature and G Resourcesanthropogenic, conservation r biology, developmental e biology, ecotoxicology, environmental,ontogenetic, e organisms, Pollutants, pollution, toxicity, toxicology n Video and the publication: Problems at the Ecosystem Level. Chapter in book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resourcesanthropogenic, ecosystem, environment, i D r G r

nformation flows, interspecies interactions,Pollutants, pollution, primary production, protection, trophic chains, vegetation 10 Springer publications (31-40): ecology, environment, water, biology, Tags: biodiversity, water, purification, Elodea canadensis, CuO nanoparticles, Rotifers,Conservation, Filter-Feeders, Pellets, Mollusks, Biogeochemical, C, N, P, Si, Al, new definition, ecosystem,Al, biodiversity, biogeochemical, C, cons ervation, CuO, Elodea canadensis, filterfeeders,gold, mollusks, N, nanoparticles, P, pellets, p urification, rotifers, Si, water 10 Springer publications (21-30): ecology, environment, water, biology, selected: Tags: Mollusk, Filter,t Phytoplankton, Water, detritus, chemical,elements, aquatic ecosystems, Ecological, Remediation, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ceratophyllum demersum, Biodiversity Protection, Quality of Water,aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity protection, Cd, Ceratophyllum demersum, chemical, Cu,detritus, Ecological, eleme nts, filter, mollusk, Pb, quality of water, remediation, t Phytoplankton, water, Zn 10 Springer publications (11-20): ecology, environment, water, biology, Phytotoxicity, surfactant, Water Quality, Self-Purification, Eutrophication, detergents, filter-feeding, bivalves, Hazard, Synecological, Anthropogenic,anthropogenic, bivalves, detergents, eutrophication, filterfeeding, hazard, phytotoxicity,selfpurification, surfactant, synecological, water quality

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D r G 10 Springer publications (1-10): ecology, r environment, water, biology, e selected:biology,ecology, environment, publications, e Springer, water n Enviro.sci., video + Most viewed at the moment: ecology, bookmarked, nature, conservation, citation, D Moscow University, New York, Paris, London, r Berlin, Mnchen, Bremen,Australia, G downloadsAustralia, Berlin, bookmarked, Bremen, c r itation, conservation, Downloads, ecology, London, e Moscow University, Mnchen, nature, New e York, Paris, Sergei A. Ostroumov n 2,806 downloads. Recently, new downloads of top ecology articles from Internet (ResearchGate). The articles were downloaded in the U.S.A., Poland, India, Israel, Egypt, Indonesia. pollution, biosphere,filter-feeders,conference, Amherst, D r G r e

Springer, journal,environment, science, ecology, water, environmental, protection,aquatic, macrophyte, Potamogeton crispus,online,Amherst, aquatic, biosphere, conferen ce, ecology, environment, environmental, filterfeeders, journal, Macrophyte, online, pollution, Pota mogeton crispus, protection, science,Springer, water

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International experts bookmarked, upvoted these top D ecology publications: Biological filters are an r important part of the biosphere, et G al.bookmarked, environmental r sciences, environmental e toxicology, nanomaterials, Papers,phytotechnology, e surfactants, top, upvoted n D r G r e e n

International expert (Europe) bookmarked this publication: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere

D In Swedish. Innovationer: Miljvetenskap, ekologi, r vattenskerhet, skydd av miljn, serie publikationer: G Se mer i detalj, abstrakt, lnkar till internetsidor med r fulltexter gratis:bevis p e meriter, biologi, citerad, ekologi, frvrvats, miljve e tenskap, skydd av miljn,vattenskerhet n in Spanish: Innovaciones: Ciencias del medio ambiente, la ecologa, la seguridad del agua, la proteccin de medio ambiente, la serie de publicaciones: Ver ms detalles, resmenes, enlaces a Internet: pginas con textos completos gratuitosadquirida, BIBLIOTECAS, biologa, calida d, Caltech, Cambridge, certificacin, Ciencias Ambientales, cita, citado, ecologa, Harvard, la seguridad del agua, MIT, pruebas de mrito Innovationen: Umweltwissenschaften, kologie, Wassersicherheit, Umweltschutz, eine Reihe von Publikationen: See more detail, Zusammenfassungen, Links zu Internet-Seiten mit Volltexte kostenlos:biologie, Caltech, Cambridge, erworben, Nachweis der Verdienst, Qualitts, Umweltschutz,Umweltwissenschaften, Wassersich erheit, Zertifizierungs-, zitat, zitiert, kologie innovations: Science de l'environnement, l'cologie, la scurit de l'eau: Voir plus de dtails : http://5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/04/series-ofinnovative-publicationson.htmll'environnement, l'cologie, la scurit de l'eau, publications, science | | |

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in Italian. Serie di pubblicazioni innovative sui fattori biologici per migliorare la qualit dell'acqua , la sicurezza dell'acqua , la sostenibilit delle acque; tutela dell'ambiente . Articoli, video; Parole chiave : tutela dell'ambiente, acqua dolce , acqua di mare, ecologia , ambientale , tossicologia , ecotossicologia , acquatico , organismi filtratori , alimentatori sospensione, valutazioneacqua, acquatico, alimentatori sospensione, ambientale, di mare, dolce, ecologia,ecotossicologia, saggio biologico, Sergei A.Ostroumov, tossicologia, tutela dell'ambiente,valutazione del rischio in Italian. Serie di pubblicazioni innovative sui fattori biologici per migliorare la qualit dell'acqua , la sicurezza dell'acqua , la sostenibilit delle acque; tutela dell'ambiente . Articoli, video; Parole chiave : tutela dell'ambiente, acqua dolce , acqua di mare, ecologia , ambientale , tossicologia , ecotossicologia , acquatico , organismi filtratori , alimentatori sospensione, valutazioneacqua, acquatico, alimentatori sospensione, ambientale, di mare, dolce, ecologia,ecotossicologia, saggio biologico, Sergei A.Ostroumov, tossicologia, tutela dell'ambiente,valutazione del rischio Innovations: Environmental sci., ecology, water safety: tags: acquired, biology, Caltech, Cambridge, Certification of quality, citation, cited, environmental science, evidence of merit, Harvard, LIBRARIES, M.I.T., needed, Oxford,acquired, biology, Caltech, Cambridge, citati on, cited, ecology, environmental, evidence of merit, Harvard, LIBRARIES, M.I.T., merit, needed, Oxford, safety, science, water

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