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QUESTION 1: Answer

Figure 1.0 Continuous Casting Properties

Continuous casting:

1. Ladle 2. Stopper 3. Tundish 4. Shroud 5. Mould . !oll support ". Turning #one $. Shroud %. &ath le'el 10. Meniscus 11. (ithdra)al unit 12. Sla*
+: Li,uid -etal. &: solidi.ied -etal. C: Slag.

/: )ater cooled cooper plates. 0: !e.ractor1 -aterial.

Continuous casting -anu.acture is di..erent .ro- other -etal casting -ethods2 particularl1 in the ti-ing o. the -ethod. The other casting operations2 the di..erent steps to the process such as the ladling o. -etal2 solidi.ication2 pouring2 and casting re-o'al all ta3e place one at a ti-e in a consecuti'e order. 4n the continuous casting -anu.acture2 all o. this step occurring constantl1 and at the sa-e period.

5 This process is used in pro.ita*le -anu.acture as a replace-ent to the traditional process o.

casting ingots.

5 Tu*ing2 a co--on pro*le- in ingot -anu.acture2 is eli-inating it )ith the continuous casting 5 5 5 5
procedure. Ph1sical and che-ical 'ariations in the -etal o. the casting2 o.ten present in ingots2 ha'e *een re-o'ed. 6nce -anu.acturing )ith the continuous -etal casting process2 the casting7s -aterial )ill possess a uni.or- properties. (hen using continuous -etal casting -anu.acture2 the castings )ill solidi.ied at 10 ti-es the rate that a casting solidi.ies during ingot -anu.acturing. (ith less losing in -aterial2 less cost reduction2 higher and -ore producti'it1 rate2 and greater ,ualit1 o. castings2 continuous casting -anu.acture is al)a1s a de-anding choice o'er ingot production. + continuous casting -anu.acturing process )ill ta3e considera*le resources and planning to initiating2 it )ill *e e-plo1ed in onl1 'er1 se'ere industrial operations.

Continuous casting.8Tundish and Mold9. 1: Ladle. 2: Tundish. 3: Mold. 4: Plas-a torch. 5: Stopper. : Straight #one.

The shape o. the tundish is t1picall1 rectangular2 *ut delta and :T: shapes are also co--on. 6utlets no##le are located along its *otto- to distri*ute li,uid steel to the -olds. The tundish also ser'ing se'eral other 3e1 tas3s:

5 0nhances o;ide inclusion separation. 5 Pro'iding a continuous .lo) o. li,uid steel to the -old during ladle connections. 5 Preser'es a stead1 -etal height a*o'e the no##les to the -olds2 there*1 3eeping steel .lo)
constant and hence casting speed constant as )ell 8.or an open<pouring -etering s1ste-9.

5 Pro'iding -ore sta*le strea- patterns to the -olds. 5 Continuous Casting is the process )here*1 -olten steel is solidi.ied into a :se-i<.inished: *illet2
sla*2 or *loo- .or su*se,uent rolling in the .inishing -ills. Continuous casting has e'ol'ed to achie'e i-pro'ed 1ield2 ,ualit12 and producti'it1 and cost e..icienc1.

Question 2: Answer

5 &u-pers can *e -ade in a plastic2 .i*er glass alu-inu-s and steel. 5 The1 start as *lan3 steel to -a3e a *u-per. The steel sheet is a*out 2-- thic3. 5 The ro*ot .eed each o. the *lan3 steel to a series o. dies= the t1pe o. the dies )ill *e depending
according to the *u-per -odel.

5 The .orce o. 200tan )ill *e applied .or the each die sta-ps the *lan3 to produce a particular
shape. These processes .or- the *lan3 to the .inal shape o. *u-per.

5 &oth o. the .ront and rear *u-per )ill undergo to the sa-e process )ith di..erent dies. 5 The ne;t stage2 the )or3er cla-ps the *u-per on to a special design cart and )ill undergo
painting and rust protection treat-ent. +.ter this process2 the *u-per )ill send to plating process. /uring this process2 the sur.ace o. *u-per has to *e i-pecca*l1 s-ooth *ecause the chro-e .inish -agni.ied e'en though the -eniscus .la). /uring this process also the *u-per )ill undergo se'eral cleaning tan3 to re-o'e an1 residue that occurs during pre'ious process.

5 the process o. appl1ing the .irst coat o. nic3el plating is to protect the steel .ro- corrosion and
thus appl1 a la1er o. chro-e tan3 .actor1 using standard electro plating process )ater tan3 and .ill it lashes che-ical coating -aterial particles )ith a positi'e charge and a negati'e charge running through the *u-per.

5 +.ter this process2 the *u-pers send to the inspection area )or3ers scra)nier the chro-e -irror
.inish under high intensit1 light.

5 +long this ti-e2 a -achine )ill pressure in>ect -olten plastics into 'arious -old. This in>ection
-achine co-es )ith *uild<in cooling s1ste-. 4t helps the plastic to hardened in short period ti-e.

5 +.ter the plastic is co'ering the pad stac3 on the rear *u-per. (hen the pad is read12 )or3ers
attach a trailer hitch and a *uilt<in steel -ounting *rac3et that also strengthen the *u-per structure.

4n auto-oti'e -etal .or-ing2 the *lan3 sheet -etal )ill undergo a certain process : 1. &ending 2. /ra)ing 3. Sta-ping 4. 0;trusion 5. Forging

REFERENCES 5 &oichen3o2 M. S. 2 ?. S. !utes2 and ?. ?. Ful@-a3ht. Nepreryvnaia razlivka stali. Mosco)2 1% 1. Sch)ar#-aier2 (. Nepreryvnaia razlivka. Mosco)2 1% 2. 8Translated .ro- Aer-an.9 Ber-ann2 0. Nepreryvnoe lite. Mosco)2 1% 1. 8Translated .ro- Aer-an.9 Teoriia nepreryvnoi razlivki: Tekhnologicheskie osnovy. Mosco)2 1%"1..

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