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Index : FB-THE EDGE 4 Page : 1 o ! "age#$% Se"+e.'e/ 110 !11! -


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It is the policy of GSBM that the company obliges to consume food product for all guests who has outdoor seating at The Edge. Therefore, guest who consume beverage !"# should ! T be allowed to have seat around outdoor section, and suggested whether having indoor seating or having The $iew e%perience. This policy to be e%ecuted according to following procedures.

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&. ). To enhance guest's dining e%perience, by providing the best possibility atmosphere on their course of the meal in order to ma(e them feel li(e to return to The Edge To boost up food revenue at The Edge

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&. This policy is applied for dinner period every wee(end and public holiday's eve, at The Edge restaurant !"# &.&. *ee(end describes as +riday, Saturday and Sunday &.). ,ublic holiday's eve is the entire evening preceding occurred public holiday -non Sunday. +ollowing are some critical points where this policy should be applied/ 2.1. Taking phone reservation 0fter ta(ing full note of the reservation, guest should be informed at the most polite way, about the policy. Standard wording/ English/ 1*e wish to remind you, that our outdoor seating is provided for guest who has meal dinning, therefore guest who only consumed beverage are advisable to have indoor table or The $iew lounge. This policy is put in play to enable us accommodate dinning guest having the best atmosphere available as part of dining e%perience2 Bahasa/ 13ami informasi(an, bahwa me4a diluar hanya disedia(an untu( tamu yang pesan ma(anan, sehingga tamu yang hanya pesan minuman sa4a, (ami alo(asi(an dudu( di dalam, bu(an luar. 3ebi4a(an ini (ami terap(an agar (ami bisa menga(omodate tamu yang pesan ma(an untu( mendapat(an pengalaman ma(an malam yang paling ber(esan mung(in.2 2.2. Assisting non pre-booking guest to table


P&P Obligatory Consume Food Order At The Edge Page 1 of 2 pages

Greeter to greet the guest as per restaurant's se5uence of service. 0long the way during assisting to table, Greeter to inform guest about the procedure, at the most polite way and manner. Standard wording/ -as above procedure, no. ).&. 2.3. Late arrival NON pre-booking guest In some cases, guest might show up 4ust about restaurant's last order time. There could be ) possibilities procedures to be applied/ 0. If guest agreed to place food order, (restaurants last order time ! will be e%tended to the ma%imum of 67 minutes, and server to retrieve guest's order as immediate as possible. B. If guest does not place food order within 67 minutes of seating, please see ne%t procedure -procedure number 8.8. 9. If guest intent to have beverage order only, he:she is to be allocated indoor seating or The $iew, by Greeter or ;estaurant Manager This tas( to be done at the most polite way and manner. (restaurant last order time !" ))/77 pm, everyday, including wee(end and public holiday. 2.#. $uest pretends ordering %ood produ&t at later time <pon doing seating, greeter : server to inform guest if no food order to be placed within 67 minutes of seating, guest will be suggested to move indoor seating or having table at the view. =uring (restaurant peak hours !' our time tolerance will be 67 minutes. Thus, if guest do ! T place food order within 67 minutes of seating, server to present the bill and politely suggest them to have indoor seating or leaving for the view. ((estaurant peak hours ! occur between &>/77 pm ? )&/67 pm Standard wording/ English/ 1*e wish to remind you, if no food order is being placed within 67 minutes, you will be (indly as(ed to have indoor seating or move to The $iew "ounge.2 Bahasa/ 1,erlu (ami informasi(an, bila tida( ada pemesanan ma(anan dalam 67 menit, Bapa( : Ibu bisa pindah (e dalam atau (e The $iew Music "ounge.2 2.). *+&eptional &ase <nder special scenario, there will be circumstances where guest allowed having outdoor seating for drin(s only. This is to be happened strictly for service recovery purpose only, and ;estaurant Manager or his designate must be well informed in advance prior to happening : guest entering restaurant. End of procedures.

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