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Meaning of Eid 'Eid means celebration day for Muslims, day of happiness.

On this day, all Muslims perform two Rakats prayer, meet one another, shake hands and embrace, greet and talk to each other, and give charity to the poor and needy; hence it is called Eid. When was Eid First Celebrated? Abu Dawood reports on the authority of Hazrat Anas Radiallaho Taala Anhu that when Rasool Allah came to Madinah, the people of Madinah would celebrated two festivals. They were asked what these days were and they replied, We used to celebrate on these days in the days of ignorance. Rasool Allah said, Allah Taala has granted you two better days than these days Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr.

Recommended Deeds for Eid Day

Before Eid day (9th Dhul Hijja) Fajr prayer to 13th Dhul Hijja Asr Prayer, Male should Recite Takbir in a loud voice, while females should recite it in a low voice (1,3,5 times) Takbir : Allah ho Akbar, Allah ho Akbar La illaha illa Allah, wa Allah ho Akbar, Allah ho Akbar wa Lillah hil Hamd Translation: Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Alah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest and All praise belongs to Allah On Eid Day Wake up early, Perform the morning prayer (Fajr Namaz) in the local Masjid, Use a Miswak, Have a bath, Wear nice clothes (if you have new clothes then wear new, otherwise nice clean clothes), Wear an Imama, Wear a silver ring, (Islamic brothers are allowed to wear only one silver ring which weighs less than 4.374 gram. There must be only one stone in the ring; they shouldnt wear the ring without a stone either; th ere is no limit to the weight of the stone. They are not allowed to wear more than one ring. Men cannot wear the ring made of any other metal except silver with the afore-mentioned conditions) Put on Itr, Those perform sacrifice should not get their hair, nail etc. cut during the first ten days of Zul-Hajjah, instead, they should get hair etc. cut on the Day of Eid after offering Qurbani (Get your hair cut according to Sunnah, not according to the English styles). This commandment is preferential, not essential. Even those unable to perform sacrifice should not get their hair, nail etc. cut during the first ten days of Zul-Hajjah, instead, they should get hair etc. cut on the Day of Eid after offering Eid Salah. Not to eat anything before Eid prayer those who offer Qurbani or Not, and those who offer sacrifice do not eat anything until after they have sacrificed the animal Go to the Eid Gaah (place where Eid Prayer is performed) early, Walk to the Eid Prayer, It is sunnah to take a different route on the way back home, It is narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Huraira RadiAllah Taala Anhu that the Holy Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam would go to offer Eid salah from one path and would return from another one. (Tirmizi, Hadith No. 541, V2, P69) Heading towards the Eid Gah (Salah area) calmly, in a dignified manner, with your gaze lowered. Say the Takbeer Loudly while on your way to the Eid-Gah to offer Eid-ul-Adha salah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illalahu Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Walillahil Hamd Express happiness, Give lots of charity, (sadaqa) Congratulating each other. It is Sunnat to Listen Khutba after Eid Salah

Shaking hands and embracing one another after the Eid salah as Muslims usually do; it is a good act because it expresses happiness. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P71) Recite Minimum 100 Ayats of Quran Sharif on the Eid-ul-Duha (Eid Day) A Thousand Lights Enter Your Grave According to a narration, whosoever recites Subhanallahi Wabihamdihi 300 times on the day of Eid and then sends its reward to the souls of all the deceased Muslims, thousand lights will enter the grave of every Muslim. Further, when the one reciting it dies, a thousand lights will enter his grave as well. (This can be recited on both Eids). (Muqashafa-tul-Quloob, P308) All the above things are preferable (Mustahab) to do on Eid day. If we celebrate Eid and keep in mind and act upon the above mentioned rules, then Allah Taala grants us rewards and recompense.

Avoid These Things

We are now mentioning certain things that are customary in our society but are not allowed under any circumstances by Islamic law. * People going to watch movies, dramas or the circus on Eid day. * Certain people drink alcohol and gamble on Eid day. * In some places, music is played loudly and males and females dance together. * Fireworks are set off in some places. * Some people arrange a feast for Non-Muslims and want to include them in this joyous festival also. * In some places, TVs are systematically set up and people gather together to watch movies. The above mentioned points are all things which lead to earning the Displeasure an d Wrath of Allah Taala. These things may provide instant comfort but it is temporary and its effects and results are evil. Everlasting comfort is in obeying Allah Taala and in loving and devoting yourself to His Beloved Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasal lam Therefore O Muslims! Celebrate Eid but stay within the limits of Islamic law, and only go as far as Islamic law allows. Beware! Do not exceed the limits set by Islamic law; otherwise Allah Taala has prepared Hell even before he created humans.

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