Hsu Phyu Year 10 Investigation Proposal

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CLASS: 10ScienceS DATE DUE: 17/03/201

1. Identify the problem you are investigating.

What causes the apple to turn brown when it is cut? What is the finest preservation methods to keep the cut apple from turning brown?

2. State the AIM of your Investigation.

To determine what preservation methods keep a cut apple from turning brown the longest.

3. State the

!"#T $SIS for your investigation% &what do you think you will find out'%

"lacing the cut apple in the salty water will keep the apple from browning the longest.

4. (ist the e)uipment and other materials you will need to do your e*periment.

+ + + + + +

, Apple Salt vinegar -arbonated .rink "lastic Wrap /efrigerator

17/03/2014 + + + + + + + + + Water 0 -lear "lastic -ups -amera "ermanent Marker Apple -utter 1loves Safety 1lasses Measuring -up "lastic 2ood -over


5. #utline the method &procedure' you think will allow you to test your hypothesis. Identify dependent3 independent and control variables.

!"ri"#$es: %n&e'en&en( )"ri"#$e * .ifferent preservation methods &salt mi*ture water3 vinegar mi*ture water3 carbonated drink3 refrigeration3 plastic wrapping' De'en&en( )"ri"#$e * Me(,+&s: ,. Wear a pair of gloves 6. Wash the apple with water. 7. -ut apple into 0 segments each using the apple cutter. "lace the 0 apple segments in a plate. .o not peel the skin off of apple. 8. 2ill a plastic cup with 6 teaspoon of salt mi*ture water3 , cup with 69 millimetres of vinegar mi*ture water3 and , cup with carbonated drink &with citric acid'. $ach of the 7 cups contain ,9: ml of li)uid in total. The longest time before browning Shape and si4e of each apple5s segment &using the apple cutter' $nvironment &no direct sunlight' C+n(r+$$e& )"ri"#$e *

9. Wrap a segment of apple with plastic wrap. 0. "lace each segment of apple into each plastic cup. (abel the plastic cups.

17/03/2014 -ontrol Apple Salt Mi*ture Water ;inegar Mi*ture Water -arbonated .rink /efrigerator

Hsu PHYU "lastic Wrapped Segment

<. Take a photograph as an observation= data. >. "lace , cup in the refrigerator and the other 9 cups &control apple3 salt mi*ture water3 vinegar mi*ture water3 carbonated drink3 and plastic wrapped apple segment' in an area with no direct sunlight under the plastic food cover so that it will not attract flies and= or ants. ?. After 68 hours3 take a photograph of an apple segment by taking it out of the plastic cup and place it on a white plate.

,:. -ompare and rate the appearance= colour of the apple segment in the plate according to the chart included above and record the number result in the following table.
.ay -ontrol Apple Salt Mi*ture


;inegar Mi*ture Water

-arbonated .rink


"lastic Wrapped Segment

, 6 7 Week , -olour /ating 8 9 0 < , 6 7 Week 6 -olour /ating 8 9 0 < ,,. "lace the apple segment back into the plastic cups. ,6. /epeat steps >+,: for 9 other apple segments. ,7. /epeat step ,, after 68 hours for 6 weeks. 7

17/03/2014 ,8. 1raph the appearance= colour ratings on a line graph. ,9. .ispose of the apple segments and cups after collecting and recording data.


6. Identify any possible safety risks in your e*periment and how you are going to minimise them. Potential Risk Measure to reduce risk Eliminate the hazard, Substitute the hazard, control of risk, Use personal protective equipment: !e urel" hol# the si#e han#les of the apple utter an# push it #o$n arefull". 'eep the ups out of rea h of hil#ren. Create a $arning sign ()o *+, tou h. )o *+, eat. )o *+, smell.0e areful $hen using the permanent mar%er.

Cuts from using the apple utter.

Chil#ren ma" mista%e the e&periment apple as foo#.

Permanent .ar%er ma" /e to&i to s%in an# irritation ma" o ur. !pillage of $ater near ele tri al or#s/ a/les. 1lasses are fragile an# ma" /rea%. 2f 3inegar ome in #ire t onta t $ith the e"e4 it $ill ause e"e irritation.

)o *+, pra tise the e&perien e near ele tri al or#s/ a/les. Use plasti ups instea#.

Use safet" glasses to prote t the e"e.

7. (ist 9 sources of information you have accessed to research your pro@ect. !ou must include at least 6 different types of source &e.g. books3 newspaper=maga4ine articles3 websites etc.'. "rovide a brief outline of the information found and usefulness of each of them &an e*ample is provided below'.

Aibliographic information 2lower3 Tui. 6::,. Preserving Fruit & Vegetables Made Easy. Sydney% Seven ills3 BSW (ittle ills "ress.

#utline of information = $valuation of source This source outlines a range of preservation techni)ues which are used in the investigation. The source is easy to understand3 however due to the fact that it is outdated it is not as reliable as other sources. 2urthermore as the writer targets a non+ 8



scientific this source is not effective and useful for the pro@ect. Mc(ellan3 Mark /. Singh3 /. "aul. 6:,8. Food Processing: Food Preservation. Aritannica School. http%==library.eb.com.au.e4pro*y.parracity.nsw.gov. au=levels=adults=article=,,,,69 &accessed :8 Mar. 6:,8' The site is a Aritannica and it is definitely a reliable source as it the information in the site is reported by the professors of food engineering and food science and technology. It present a brief introduction to food preservation in a clear and easily understandable format. This article is reported by reliable professor and author of food technology on the Aritannica site. The site provides very detailed informations on food preserving from bacteria5s effect to many preservation methods3 which are e*tremely useful and beneficial for the pro@ect. This article is published on AccessScience which is the most trustworthy scientific website online. The article outlines from many different methods of preserving food3 chemical preservatives3 to p control and tremendously reliable and useful information is presented for the pro@ect. The source depicts an outlines the real life effects of the results of the data. It contains many different types of preservation C canning3 drying3 free4ing3 salting3 milling including their histories3 benefits and methods. It is )uite useful as it helps with the easier understanding of the preservation system which could be useful for the discussion.

.erosier3 Borman Wilfred. Singh3 /. "aul. 6:,8. Food Preservation. Aritannica School. http%==library.eb.com.au.e4pro*y.parracity.nsw.gov. au=levels=adults=article=,,,,6, &accessed :8 Mar. 6:,8'

Mendonca3 .r. Aubrey 2. "otter3 "rof. Borman B. 6:,8. Food preservation. AccessScience. Mc1raw+ ill $ducation. http%==www.accessscience.com=content=food+ preservation=60<6:: &accessed :0 Mar. 6:,8'

arris3 .ena. Taylor3 Bicole. The Beginners Guide to Preserving. omestead arvest. http%==site.way4ata+homestead+ harvest.com="reserving$+Aook.pdf &accessed :< Mar. 6:,8'

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