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for International Students

目 次
I - 1 外 国 人 留 学 生 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 2
I - 2 国 費 留 学 生 の 採 用 方 法 に つ い て.. . . . ............................ 6
I - 3 短 期 留 学 推 進 制度( 受 入)に つ い て.. .......................... 10
I - 4 入 学 案 内 等 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 14
I - 5 入 国 手 続 き に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 16

II - 1 外 国 人 登 録 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 20
II - 2 国 民 健 康 保 険 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 22
II - 3 各 種 保 険 制 度 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 24
II - 4 外 国 人 留 学 生 医 療 費 補 助 制 度.. . . . . . . .......................... 26
II - 5 授 業 料 等 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 28
II - 6 宿 舎 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 30
II - 7 奨 学 金 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 32
II - 8 資 格 外 活 動 許 可 手 続 き に つ い て.. . . . .......................... 34
II - 9 一 時 出 国 と 再 入 国 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . .......................... 36
II - 10 進 学 に つ い て.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 38
III - 1 警 察 ・ 消 防 署.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 40
III - 2 緊 急 時 の 対 応.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 44
III - 3 地 震.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 46
III - 4 医 療.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 50
IV- 1 家 を 借 り る.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 54
IV- 2 コ ミ ュ ニ テ ィ.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 56
IV- 3 生 活.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 56
IV- 4 ご み.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 62
IV- 5 交 通.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 66
IV- 6 交 通 案 内.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 68
IV- 7 大 学 周 辺 地 域 情 報.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 70
V- 1 日 本 の 祝 日.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 74
V- 2 役 立 つ 電 話 番 号.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 76
V- 3 入 国 管 理 局.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 78
V- 4 在 日 外 国 公 館.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 79
Table of Contents

I-1 International students..............................................................................3
(1) Definition of international student
(2) Categories of international students
I-2 Methods for admitting government-funded international students..........7
I-3 Short-term Student Exchange Promotion Program (Inbound) .............11
I-4 Admissions information.........................................................................15
I-5 Immigration procedures.........................................................................17

II - 1 Alien registration....................................................................................21
II - 2 National Health Insurance.....................................................................23
II - 3 Insurance programs..............................................................................25
II - 4 International Student Medical Expenses Compensation Program........27
II - 5 Tuition....................................................................................................29
II - 6 Lodgings................................................................................................31
II - 7 Scholarships..........................................................................................33
II - 8 Permission to engage in activities other than those specified under visa status.......35
II - 9 Temporary exit and re-entry..................................................................37
II - 1 0 Advancement........................................................................................39

III - 1 Police/Fire Department..........................................................................41
III - 2 What to do in an Emergency.................................................................45
III - 3 Earthquakes..........................................................................................47
III - 4 Medical Care.........................................................................................51

IV- 1 Renting a Place to Live.........................................................................55
IV- 2 Community............................................................................................57
IV- 3 Life.........................................................................................................57
IV- 4 Garbage Disposal..................................................................................63
IV- 5 Transportation........................................................................................67
IV- 6 Transport Information............................................................................69
IV- 7 Information About the Area Surrounding the University........................71

IV- 1 Japanese Public Holidays.....................................................................75
IV- 2 Useful Telephone Numbers...................................................................76
IV- 3 Immigration Bureau...............................................................................78
IV- 4 Foreign Embassies in Japan.................................................................79

外国人留 学 生 に つ い て

1 外国人留学生の定義


2 外国人留学生の種類

① 奨学金による区分


II  日本政府(文部科学省)の奨学金を受ける学生で、三つの種類の募集・選考の

たは大阪外国語大学で、日本語教育など予備教育を 1 年間行います。
ターの日本語研修コースを 6 ヵ月間学習してから各研究科の入試を受け、その後

International students
1 Definition of international student
International students enrolled in Japanese universities for the purpose of receiving an
education are defined as students whose visa status stipulates “College Student” as laid
out by the “Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.”
For example, foreign nationals with a visa status of “Dependent,” “Spouse or Child of
Japanese National” or “Long-Term Resident” may enroll and attend Japanese universities
if this activity falls within the range of activities allowed to them under the “Immigration
Control and Refugee Recognition Act,” but they are not regarded as foreign international
Neither are such persons eligible for scholarships or medical fee assistance targeted for
students with the “College Student” visa status.

2 Categories of international students

1. Classified according to funding

(a) International students financed by Japanese government scholarships
There are three methods of recruiting and screening students to receive scholarships
from the Japanese government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, MEXT).
(1) Embassy recommendation
Students undergo recruitment and preliminary screening (inspection of documents, I
written exam, oral interview) through the offices of Japanese embassies or consulates
located overseas. Embassy/consulate recommendations are referred to MEXT’s
screening committee, which then consults with the target university and makes the final
determination as to which candidates receive scholarships.
(2) University recommendation
International students are accepted from overseas universities that have student
exchange programs with Japanese universities or departments as well as from research
institutions conducting student exchanges for the purpose of joint research. Candidates
recommended by Japanese universities are referred to MEXT’s screening committee,
which determines which candidates are awarded the scholarships.
(3) Domestic selection
Japanese universities can recommend candidates from among students already
attending their universities at their own expense. These students must be in their last
school year of undergraduate studies, currently attending graduate school and planning
to enter graduate school. The recommended students are referred to MEXT’s screening
committee, which determines which candidates are awarded the scholarships.

In principle, all Japanese government-funded international undergraduate students

undergo one year of preparatory studies that includes Japanese language training at Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies or Osaka University of Foreign Studies.
International research students recommended by Japanese embassies with inadequate
Japanese language proficiency undergo a six-month Japanese language training course
at an International Student Center, after which they are tested by the relevant research
department before admission to a research program.

クウェート及びアラブ首長国連邦の 6 カ国から留学生が派遣されてきています。

② 学内身分による区分
  ①学部生  ②修士  ③博士

学 生


・外国籍の学生(「留学」以外の在留資格)→ 外国人留学生でない。



(1)奨学金による区分 (2)学内身分による区分
a. 正規生 b. 非正規生
学部生 特別聴講学生
修士 研究生


(b) Privately funded international students
(1) Privately funded international students
International students who do not receive scholarships from the Japanese government
are classified as privately funded international students.
(2) International students sent to Japan by foreign governments
Some countries provide expenses to send their citizens to Japan in order to promote the
development of their human resources. Currently, international students are sent to Japan
from six nations: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Kuwait and the United Arab
Emirates. Since these international students are not funded by the Japanese government,
they are classified as privately funded international students.

2. Classifications based on type of student

1) Degree Students
a. undergraduate student
b. master’s course student
c. doctoral course student
2) Non-Degree Students
a. research student
b. special auditor student
*An international student who takes classes with the purpose of receiving academic credits.


• Japanese students
• Foreign students (with a visa status other than “College Student”) – not international students

• International students
*Possessing “College Student” visa

1) Classifications based 2) Classifications based on type of student

on type of scholarship (a) Degree Students (b) Non-Degree Students

Government-funded Undergraduate student Special auditor student

international student
Master’s course
Research student
Privately funded Doctoral course
international student student

国費留学 生 の 採 用 方 法 について

1 大使館推薦
申請・選考の方法 本学入学時の在籍身分等

○ 外国人が直接、在外日本大使館等から 本学入学時には、次の身分で在籍します。
申請書を入手し、必要書類を整えて提 ○ 学部生
出をします。 学部学生として在籍します。
○ 日本国大使館の選考を経て、文部科学 ○ 研究生
省で選考され、採用決定されます。 日本語研修不要の者は、研究生として
○ 配 置 大 学 は、 申 請 時 の 本 人 の 希 望 及 研究室に所属します。
び予定の指導教員からの受入承諾書 ○ 日本語研修生
(Letter of Acceptance)を参考にして 日本語研修が必要と認められた者は
決定され、日本語研修が必要かどうか 6 ヶ月の集中日本語研修のあと研究生
も併せて、文部科学省から大学へ受入 として研究室に所属します。
依頼がきます。注) * 研究生及び日本語研修生の期間は、個々
I 注) ① 大使館推薦は、大学に文部科学省から通知があるまで、どの留学生が配置される
のお願いをします。11 月から 12 月(中国の場合は 8 月から 9 月)にかけて通知
サービス課留学生係(内線 0436)にお問い合わせ願います。
② 大使館推薦の国費留学申請者の受入を承諾する場合には、当該学生の成績、論文

Methods for the admission of government-
funded international students

1 Embassy recommendation

Academic status at the time of admission to

Application and selection method Tokyo University of
Marine Science and Technology

Under the embassy recommendation method, candidates are selected overseas. Candidates
are recruited by Japanese embassies or consulates overseas and recommended to the Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), which makes the final

• Foreign nationals obtain application forms Candidates are registered under the following
directly from the Japanese Embassy in status categories upon enrollment in this
their home country, prepare the necessary university.
documents and submit them to the embassy. • Undergraduate student
• A screening process takes place at the Registered as undergraduate student.
overseas Japanese Embassy. The final • Research student
screening process is conducted by MEXT. Candidates who don’t require Japanese
• The university in which the candidate language training are assigned to a
will enroll is determined according to the laboratory as a research student.
preference expressed by the candidate at • Japanese language trainee
the time of application and based on the Candidates who are required to receive

Letter of Acceptance from the candidate’s Japanese language training are assigned to
prospective supervising professor. A request a laboratory as a research student after first
for acceptance is sent to the university completing a six-month intensive Japanese
by MEXT, along with the information as language course.
to whether Japanese language training is * The time period for research students and
necessary. (See note) Japanese language trainees can be shortened
based on the ability of individual students.
If students pass the admission examination
for a graduate school, they can enroll
directly in the graduate school or advanced
grades. Interested students should consult
the relevant parties.

Note: 1. Embassy-recommended international students are not informed as to which university

they will be sent until after the university has been notified by the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Once notified by the Ministry,
the university asks relevant professors for their consent regarding accepting the
international student. Notices are sent out in November and December (August and
September in the case of China). Any professor who has submitted an admissions
consent form, but has not received an admission request from the Ministry in return
should contact the International Student Section of the Student Support Division (Ext.
2. W hen approving the acceptance of embassy-recommended government-funded
international student applicants, professors should review the relevant student’s
transcripts and thesis and ascertain whether the student has the academic capacity to
proceed to graduate school after finishing the research student phase and also whether
the student’s proposed research field is suitable. Upon confirmation, professors should
send the Letter of Acceptance to the student.

2 大学推薦
区分 大学推薦(国費研究留学生)
申請方式 一般
① 大 学間交流協定に基づき、協定
② 本 学と交流実績のある大学の学
募集形態及び ③ 面 接を行うなどして留学の意志、
出願資格 研究内容について確認し、適当と
④ 1 国 2 人を上限
⑤ 大 学院レベル、新たに海外から
⑥ 35 才未満
出願手続 本学の指導教員を通して
過去 4 〜 5 人の採用 博士 5 人 変更になることがあり
入学時の身分 研究生 正規課程(博士課程)

I 奨学金支給期

研究生から修士課程、博士後期課程 博士後期課程

提出書類 ・学位論文概要等
・TOEFL のスコア(3 年以内)
詳細は学生サービス課留学生係(内線 0436)にお問い合わせください。

3 国内採用
申請・選考の方法 本学入学時の在籍身分等
 10 月頃、募集掲示を行い、希望者は指 国内採用の応募資格は、大学院正規課程
導教員に許可を得て、専攻主任等に申し に在籍しているか学部 4 年次に在学する
出てください。各専攻等より 1 名が選出 者のみです。
注) 国内採用によって、国費留学生に採用される人数は、予算事情にもよりますが、例
年極めて少ない人数です。(2 〜 3 名)

2 University recommendation
Classification Recommendation by university (government-funded international research students)
In general
1. Persons officially recommended by an
overseas sister institution which has an
intercollegiate student exchange agreement
with Tokyo University of Marine Science and
2. Persons officially recommended by the
president or the head of a graduate school or
higher at a university with on-going student
Recruitment method
exchange relations with Tokyo University of
and application
Marine Science and Technology
3. Persons deemed through interviews or
otherwise to have a sufficient desire to study
in Japan and a suitable grasp of the research
4. No more than two persons per country
5. Persons coming directly from overseas to
study at the graduate school level
6. Not older than 35 years
Asia (with the exceptions of Taiwan and North Korea), the Mideast, Africa, Oceania,
Target regions
North America, Latin America, Europe
Application Conducted through the offices of a supervisory
procedures professor at this university
Number of persons Generally 4-5 persons Five Ph.Ds, subject to change
Status at the time of
Research student

Scholarships can be extended beyond the

Regular course (doctoral course)

Doctoral course
research student phase to cover the master’s
Term of scholarship course and the doctoral course. (Some conditions
apply, such as completion of one’s course of
study within the prescribed length of time)
• Application, research proposal, medical examination (prescribed forms)
Diploma from most recent university, official academic transcripts (transcripts must show that
the applicant is in a top level)
• Recommendation from head of graduate school/department or institution of one’s current
university or higher
Documents to be
• Abstract of master’s thesis, etc.
• TOEFL score (within the past three years)
• Interview report (from personal interview or Internet interview)
• Copy of certificate of Japanese proficiency (for general category), etc.
For more specifics, please contact International Students Section of the Student Support
Division (Ext. 0436).

3 Domestic selection
Application and selection methods Academic status at the time of admission
Domestic selection applies to international students already attending Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology at their own expense who are chosen to receive scholarship funding from the Japanese government based
on the recommendation of the university.
In October, bulletins are put up to attract candidates for The qualifications for domestic selection are enrollment in
these scholarships. Candidates should obtain permission the regular course of the graduate school or enrollment in
from their supervising professor and submit their request one’s fourth year of undergraduate studies.
to the chair of their course. Each course selects one
candidate based on oral interviews.
Note: The number of students selected as government-funded international students under the domestic selection varies
according to budgetary considerations, but it is normally quite low (2-3 persons per year).

短期留学 推 進 制 度( 受 入 )について

されるまで 1 〜 2 ヶ月かかるので、その期間を考慮して準備する必要があります。

1 奨学金なしの場合


① 研究生申請書送付


② 研究生申請書の内容及び受入の可否の確認


③ 受入教員より受入可能との回答があった場合は、教授会等

I 入学許可証明、渡日前情報を先方へ送付します。


④ 研究生と連絡を取り合いながら、受入準備を進めてくださ

Short-term Student Exchange Promotion
Program (Inbound)

Examination fees, admission fees and tuition are waived when the student comes from
an overseas university with an intercollegiate student exchange agreement with Tokyo
University of Marine Science and Technology.
Students must apply for a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status. It takes one to
two months to receive the certificate from the Tokyo Immigration Bureau, so this period
must be taken into consideration.

1 Without a scholarship

Representative from a university with an intercollegiate student exchange agreement (or

from a joint research institution)

(a) Must send out research student applications.

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology professor (supervisory professor)

(b) Must check contents of the research student application and

decide whether admission is acceptable.

International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student Affairs Department

(c) Must request consideration of student’s application by a faculty I

meeting after the supervisory professor’s endorsement for
the application. After obtaining their approval, preparations
for receiving the Certificate of Eligibility for the Residence
Status begin and the Certificate of Admission and orientation
materials relating to entry into Japan are sent to the prospective
international student.

Professor (supervisory professor)

(d) Must proceed with admissions preparations while keeping in

contact with the research student.

2 奨学金ありの場合


① 奨学金割り当て希望者の調査(例年 10 月頃)


② 希望数の回答、同時に翌年度 4 月入学希望者の申請書の提出。


③ 協定校からの回答に基づき、受入計画を申請
(例年 12 月上旬)


④ 奨学金配分人数の計画決定通知(例年 1 月頃)


上記④の通知にある配分人数に基づいて 1 年間を 2 期にわけ


I 日本学生支援機構
⑤ 計画決定に基づく申請(例えばⅠ期の場合は、例年 2 月頃)

⑥ 採用決定通知(例えばⅠ期の場合は、例年 3 月頃)


⑦ 採用結果を申請のあった協定校担当者及び本学指導教員へ

< 照会先 > 学務部学生サービス課留学生係(内線 0436)

2 With a scholarship

International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student Affairs Department

(a) Must survey faculties wishing to receive scholarship students from

overseas sister universities (normally in October).

Representative from an overseas sister university

(b) Must submit number of students desiring scholarships along with

applications of students desiring to enroll the following April.

International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student Affairs Department

(c) Must submit an admission plan based on the response from the sister
university (normally during the first half of December).

Japan Student Services Organization

(d) Must notify university of planned program for the number and allotment
of scholarships (normally in January).

International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student Affairs Department

Based on the number of allotment recipients in the notice mentioned in (d),

the points (e) to (g) below are conducted during two periods each year.
(e) Must submit applications based on the program identified by the Japan
Student Services Organization (For example, in February for period I).

Japan Student Services Organization

(f) Must send out candidate selection notification (For example, in March for
the period I).

International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student Affairs Department

(g) Must notify representatives at sister universities and Tokyo University of

Marine Science and Technology supervisory professors who applied for
scholarships of selection process results.
Below is the same as (d) to (e).

<For information> International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student

Affairs Department (Ext. 0436)

入学案内 等 に つ い て

1 学部・大学院 一般選択

 照会先 学務部入試課


2 研究生受入
 照会先 学務部教務課大学院係



3 学部 ・ 大学院 国費外国人留学生受入

 照会先 学務部学生サービス課留学生係


Admissions information
1 Undergraduate/Graduate school
General exam
Special selection for international students
For information: Admissions Division, Student Affairs Department
Tel: 03-5463-0510 (undergraduate)
Fax: 03-5463-0514

Tel: 03-5463-4265 (graduate)

2 Research student admission

For information: Graduate School Section, Academic Affairs Division, Student
Affairs Department
Tel: 03-5463-0395
Fax: 03-5463-0396
3 Undergraduate/graduate school
Government-funded international students admission
For information: International Students Section, Student Support Division, Student
Affairs Department
Tel: 03-5463-0436
Fax: 03-5463-0437

For more details, visit the following University website:

入国手続 き に つ い て

1 入国に関する一般的情報

東京 03-5796-7112
横浜 045-651-2851、2852
東京 03-5796-7111
横浜 045-651-2351

2 入国申請手順

① 在留資格認定証明書の申請
* 日本にいる親族や指導教員などが申請
* 必要書類: 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書


写真 2 枚(4 × 3cm)
(研究内容が記載された証明書(非正規生のみ:研究生) )
② 在留資格認定証明書の交付
③ 海外にいる本人へ「在留資格認定証明書」を送付
④ 本人が在外日本公館等へ査証(ビザ申請)
* 必要書類:査証申請書、旅券、写真(2 枚)、「在留資格認定証明書」
⑤ 査証発行

日本国外務省 日本国法務省

④ ⑤
注1 ①
入学希望者(外国人) 地方入国管理局
経費支弁者等)注 2
③ ②

注 1)手続き以前に、本人とよく打ち合わせをしておく必要があります。
注 2)法務省令による在留資格認定証明書の交付を申請にいくことができる人
1. 日本国内に住んでいる本人の親族
2. 本人の学費や滞在費等の一切の経費を支弁する人
3. 本学の受入指導教員本人(指導教員の代理として、非常勤職員などに依頼することはで

Immigration procedures
1 General information regarding entry
For detailed information on immigration procedures, contact the following.
1. Immigration Information Center
Tokyo 03-5796-7112
Yokohama 045-651-2851/52
2. Immigration Bureau
Tokyo 03-5796-7111
Yokohama 045-651-2351

2 Entry application process

1. Procedures within Japan

(1) Applying for Certificate of Eligibility for the Resident Status
* Application submitted by family member in Japan or supervisory professor
* Necessary documents: Application for the Certificate
Copy of passport
Copy of certificate of university admission
Two photos (4x3 cm)
(Certificate describing research [only for non-degree research students])
(2) Granting of Certificate of Eligibility for the Resident Status
(3) Sending the Certificate to prospective student overseas
2. Procedures outside Japan for the student
(4) Prospective student applies for visa at Japanese Embassy or Consulate in home
country (visa application)
* Necessary documents: visa application, passport, two photos, Certificate of
Eligibility for the Resident Status
(5) Issuance of visa

Japanese Embassy or Japanese Ministry of Japanese Ministry of

Consulate Foreign Affairs Justice

(4) (5)
Note 1 (1)
Concerned parties in
Prospective student Regional Immigration
Japan (family members,
(foreign citizens) Bureau
guarantor, etc.) Note 2
(3) (2)

Note 1) Before initiating procedures, arrangements must be discussed with the prospective student.
Note 2) Persons who can apply for the granting of Certificate of Eligibility for the Resident Status
under Ministry of Justice rules:
1. Family member of prospective student living in Japan
2. Person covering all education and living expenses of the prospective student
3. S upervisory professor from the university (cannot be substituted by a part-time

3 国費留学生の入国手続き
(P. 16. 2 の①〜③)をする必要はありません。

4 在留資格の取得と変更

の印が旅券面に押されます。在留資格が「留学」の場合、在留期間は 2 年または
1 年です。



5 在留期間の更新

留期間が満了する 2 ヵ月前から満了までの間に、入国管理局に申請してください。

・手数料 4,000 円

3 Disembarkation procedures for government-funded
international students
In the case of persons who come to Japan with a Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology scholarship from the Japanese government (embassy-
recommended and university-recommended government-funded international students)
it is not required for a person in Japan to apply for the Certificate of Eligibility for the
Residence Status (see procedures (1) to (3) on the chart on P. 17).

4 Acquiring visa and visa changes

1. Acquiring a visa
An immigration official at the port of entry checks the validity of the passport and visa
and determines the reason for the visit and the planned length of stay. If all is in order,
permission to enter the country is granted, at which time the person is assigned a visa
status and length of stay. The passport is then stamped with an entry permit. The duration
for a “College Student” visa is one or two years.

2. Changing visa status

Permission must be obtained from the Immigration Bureau in order to change one’s
visa status. However, applying for a change in visa status does not necessarily mean that a

change will be granted.
Students attending Japanese language schools must change their visa status from
“Pre-college Student” to “College Student” to enroll in a university. They must submit
an application for change of status of residence and a certificate of university admission

5 Renewal of period of stay

Visa duration is determined at the same time as visa status. In order to extend the
duration of one’s current visa status, one must receive permission to renew the visa. Apply
to the Immigration Bureau during the period from two months before the visa expires
until the date of visa expiration. Documents required for application for visa renewal are:

Necessary Documents
• Application for extension of period of stay (forms available at Immigration Bureau)
• Certificate of university enrollment (available from representative of your department)
• Official record of transcripts (available from representative of your department)
• Passport
• Certificate of Alien Registration
• ¥4,000 fee

II - 1
外国人登 録 に つ い て

 日本に 90 日以上滞在する外国人は、居住する区役所 ・ 市役所で「外国人登録」
書の記載事項に変更があった場合は、14 日以内に記載事項変更の届をしなけれ
 個別の届け出のことについては、各居住地の区役所 ・ 市役所等の外国人登録担

主な区役所 担当課名 住所 電話番号

港区役所 住民戸籍課外国人登録係 港区芝公園 1-5-25 03-3578-2111

II 江東区役所 区民課外国人登録係 江東区東陽 4-11-28 03-3647-3165

< 照会先 > 学務部学生サービス課留学生係 内線:0436

II - 1
Alien registration
Foreigners entering Japan must immediately undergo alien registration. Foreigners
who will stay in Japan for 90 days or more must apply for alien registration at
the local ward office or municipal office where they live. After the registration
procedures are completed, the person receives a Certificate of Alien Registration,
which must be carried at all times.
Furthermore, any change in the information on the certificate, such as an extension
of the visa stay or a change in address, must be registered within 14 days of the
For information about this program, contact the places below.
For questions about any of the specific forms, contact the office in charge of Alien
Registration at your local ward office or municipal office.

Main Ward
Department Address Phone

Minato Ward Resident Registration 1-5-25 Shibakoen,


Office Section Minato-ku

Ward Citizens
Koto Ward 4-11-28 Toyo,
Department, Alien 03-3647-3165
Office Koto-ku
Registration Section
<Information> International Students Section, Student Support Division,
Student Affairs Department, Ext. 0436

II - 2
国民健康 保 険 に つ い て

体がその事務を取り扱っています。1 年以上日本に滞在する留学生は、すべて(同
院費の 30%を負担するだけで済むのです。医療機関に行く時には必ず国民健康
外旅行傷害保険では対象外とされる歯科疾病 ・ 慢性疾患や出産費にも適用される

II 主な区役所 担当課名 住所 電話番号

港区役所 国保年金課 港区芝公園 1-5-25 03-3578-2111

江東区役所 国民年金課 江東区東陽 4-11-28 03-3647-3165

< 照会先 > 学務部学生サービス課留学生係 内線:0436

か問診票に記入してあとは呼ばれるまで待ちます。診察 ・ 治療が終わったら受付

II - 2
National Health Insurance
The National Health Insurance Program is a nationwide mutual aid system
designed to pool members’ premiums to cover medical treatment and care, thereby
reducing the burden of medical expenses on individual members. Every local
government in Japan conducts this program. International students who reside in
Japan for over a year are required to join the National Health Insurance Program (as
well as accompanying family members).
Members must pay insurance premiums. In return the insurance covers 70 percent
of their expenses for medical treatment and hospitalization. Always carry your
National Health Insurance Card when visiting a medical facility and present it at the
reception desk. Unlike most overseas traveler’s personal accident insurance schemes,
National Health Insurance partially covers dental diseases, chronic diseases and
childbirth expenses.
Procedures to join the program are carried out at the National Health Insurance
Department of the city, ward or village in which you live. You must show your
Certificate of Alien Registration and certificate of duration of international study.
If your income for the previous year was below a certain level, you can apply for
reduced insurance premiums, so please ask at the reception desk.

Main Ward Offices

Minato Ward
National Health Insurance
1-5-25 Shibakoen,
Office and Pension Section Minato-ku
Koto Ward 4-11-28 Toyo,
National Pension Section 03-3647-3165
Office Koto-ku
<Information> International Students Section, Student Support Division,
Student Affairs Department, Ext. 0436

Using hospitals
Japan has general hospitals, specialist hospitals and private hospitals. It is a good
idea to find a hospital in your neighborhood that you can depend on. Particularly
if you have children in your household, you will feel more at ease if you can find a
family pediatrician in your neighborhood.
When getting a medical examination, first show your National Health Insurance
Card to the receptionist. You will be given an information form to fill out, after
which your name will be called. After the medical exam or treatment, you will pay
the fees at the reception desk and receive any medicine prescribed. Some hospitals
will give you a prescription for medicine instead, which you can have filled at a
In most cases, you will need an appointment for medical treatment (in almost all
cases for dental treatment). If you go to a hospital or clinic without an appointment,
you may have to wait for hours to see a doctor.
II - 3
各種保険 制 度 に つ い て

 保険制度は、国民健康保険 ・ 学生自身の災害傷害保険、住宅総合保障など各種
高額な補償を求められたケースもあります。留学生本人の、けが ・ 病気だけなで
なく、対人 ・ 対物の補償のある保険もありますので、ぜひ加入してください。

学内 ・ 学外の生活をカバーするもの

■ 本人の病気 ・ けが
・実施主体 = 地方自治体
・本人 3 割負担

・実施主体 = 生協
・保険対象 = 病気 ・ けがの入院
・保険料 = 年額約 1,500 円

■ 教育研究活動中及び通学途中での事故をカバー *必ず加入すること
・実施主体 = 日本国際教育支援協会
・担当窓口 = 学生サービス課
・保険対象 = 教育研究活動中及び通学途中での不慮の災害 ・ 事故補償
・保険料 = 年額約 1,200 円
・実施主体 = 日本国際教育支援協会
・担当窓口 = 学生サービス課
・保険対象 = 教育研究活動中及び往復途中での賠償事故の補償
・保険料 = 年額 400 円

■ 他人にけがをさせた
・実施主体 = 生協
・保険対象 = 法律上の賠償責任を負った場合
・保険料 = 年額約 1,200 円

II - 3
Insurance programs
There are various insurance programs, such as the National Health Insurance Program,
private accident and injury insurance and comprehensive housing insurance. The idea of
insurance programs (mutual aid) does not exist in all countries and some people have no
interest in paying for insurance coverage. However, for international students living away from
their native countries, insurance can be an important protection against unforeseen disaster.
There was an instance where an international student traveling to school collided with and
injured another person and had to pay major damages. However, there are insurance programs
that cover students’ expenses for personal injury or sickness, as well as the costs of injuries or
damages that the student may inadvertently cause to another person or property. International
students are advised to sign up for these kinds of insurance as well.
International students are required to sign up for “Social Welfare Disaster and Accident
Insurance for Students Engaged in Education and Research (Gakkensai)” and “Disaster and
Accident Insurance for Injuries to Other People (Gakkenbai).”

Programs that cover in-school and out-of-school activities

■Personal illness and injury

◯ National Health Insurance
• Insurance provider – local government
• Insured pays 30 percent
• Insurance premiums vary according to the local government
◯ Comprehensive mutual insurance for university students
• Insurance provider – University co-op (Seikyo)
• Aim of insurance – hospitalization for illness and injury
• Insurance premiums – approximately ¥1,500/year

■Coverage of accidents during study and research activities or

during commute to school (*enrollment is mandatory)
◯ Social Welfare Disaster and Accident Insurance for Students Engaged in
Education and Research (Gakkensai)
• Insurance provider – Japan Educational Exchanges and Services
• University division in charge – Student Support Division
• Aim of insurance – compensation for unexpected accidents during study
and research activities and during commute to school
• Insurance premiums – approximately ¥1,200/year
◯ Disaster and Accident Insurance for Injuries to Other People (Gakkenbai)
• Insurance provider – Japan Educational Exchanges and Services
• University division in charge – Student Support Division
• Aim of insurance – coverage of damages incurred in accidents during
study and research activities and during commute to school
• Insurance premiums – ¥400/year

■When another person is injured

◯ Student Liability Insurance
• Insurance provider – University co-op (Seikyo)
• Aim of insurance – Coverage of legal liability against the student
• Insurance premiums – approximately ¥1,200/year


・実施主体 = 日本国際教育支援協会
・担当窓口 = 学生サービス課
・保険対象 = アパートの火災、家賃未払の補償、保証人のサポート
・保険料 = 年額約 7,500 円

○火災共済 K 型
・実施主体 = 生協
・保険対象 = 大家への賠償責任発生時
・保険料 = 年額約 1,600 円

(★) この留学生住宅総合補償制度に加入することにより、大学からアパート入


II - 4
外国人留 学 生 医 療 費 補 助制度

医療費の 35%以下を(独)日本学生支援機構が補助する制度です。
 詳細については、 をご覧ください。

Insurance related to housing

Also covers guarantor

◯ Comprehensive Renters Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan*
• Insurance provider – Japanese Educational Exchanges and Services
• University division in charge – Student Support Division
• Aim of insurance – apartment fires, compensation for missed rental
payments, coverage for guarantor
• Insurance premiums – approximately ¥7,500/year

Compensation for reparations owed to landlord

◯ K-type fire mutual aid association
• Insurance provider – University co-op (Seikyo)
• Aim of insurance – cases when insured owes reparations to landlord
• Insurance premiums – approximately ¥1,600/year

* By belonging to the Comprehensive Renters Insurance for Foreign Students

Studying in Japan program, students can receive an Apartment Tenancy Certificate
from the University.


II - 4
International Student Medical Expenses
Compensation Program

Under this program, the Japan Student Services Organization reimburses up to

35 percent of expenses paid by a student for treatment of an illness or injury at a
Japanese medical institution.
Medical examination fees deemed applicable under the Health Insurance Law are
covered. Bring receipts issues by the medical institution and your National Health
Insurance Card to International Students Section, Student Support Division.
For details, visit

II - 5
授業料等 に つ い て

1 納付方法 ・ 金額

●入学検定料 入学試験出願時に支払います。
●入学料 入学手続き時に支払います。
●授業料 年 2 回(前期 ・ 後期)に分けて、それぞれ 4 月と 10 月に支払います。

 入学検定料と入学料は当初に 1 回支払うだけですが、授業料は在籍する期間ご
とに支払わなければなりません。2006 年度の授業料などの額は、
区分 入学検定料 入学料 授業料
学部学生 17,000 円 282,000 円 年額 520,800 円

II 大学院学生
30,000 円
9,800 円
282,000 円 年額 520,800 円
84,600 円 月額 27,600 円
聴講生 ・ 科目等履修生 9,800 円 28,200 円 1 単位 14,400 円

2 授業料免除

 私費留学生(学部 / 大学院生のみ)が、学業優秀であり経済的理由によって納
 願書提出期限は、概ね、前期分については 3 月下旬、後期分については 9 月下
免除額は、授業料の全額または半額です。前期分が 6 月中旬、後期分が 11 月下
 授業料免除のしおりの配布、願書の受付 ・ 締切などの詳細については、その都

II - 5
1 Payment methods/amounts
Payment of the entrance exam fee, admission fee and tuition fee must be made at
the time of the entrance exam, admission and after admission, respectively. However,
these fees are waived for government-funded international students and short-term
international students who enroll under an intercollegiate student exchange agreement
in which tuition fees are not collected by either side.
• Entrance exam fee Paid with application for entrance exam
• Admission fee Paid when applying for admission
• Tuition fee Paid twice yearly (1st and 2nd semesters), in April and
October. If tuition fees are changed, the new rate must be
paid. Payment is done by automatic bank transfer.

Entrance exam fees and admission fees are one-time fees, but tuition fees must be
paid for each year of attending the University. Tuition fees for 2006 are as follows:
Academic status Entrance exam Admission fee Tuition fee
Undergraduate student ¥17,000 ¥282,000 ¥520,800 per year
Graduate student
Research student
¥282,000 ¥520,800 per year
¥84,600 ¥27,600 per month
Auditor/elective student ¥9,800 ¥28,200 ¥14,400 per credit

2 Tuition waivers
Privately funded international students (undergraduate and graduate students only)
who are of high standing and have difficulty paying the fees due to economic reasons
can apply for a tuition waiver. If approved, their tuition fees will be waived.
The time period for submitting a waiver request is late March for first-semester
and late September for second-semester tuition. Applicants must gather and submit
all the necessary documents during the designated time. Applications not made
during the designated time period will not be processed.
The submitted documents and academic transcripts are rigorously examined and
those who pass the screening are granted the tuition waiver. The waiver can cover full
tuition fees or half the fees. Recipients are notified in mid-June for first-semester and
in late November for second-semester tuition.
Information on the distribution of tuition waiver pamphlets, application reception
and deadlines is posted at the appropriate time.
The system for implementing the waivers can change from year to year, so make
sure to check the notices and ask at the Scholarship Section of the Student Support
Division if you have any questions.

II - 6
宿舎につ い て


 所在地 : 〒 108-8477 東京都港区港南 4-5-7
 居室数 単身室 48 室 寄宿料 約 6,000 円(月額)
夫婦室 6 室 寄宿料 約 12,000 円(月額)
家族室 6 室 寄宿料 約 15,000 円(月額)

単身室 16 室 寄宿料 約 5,000 円(月額)

 所在地 : 〒 135-0044 東京都江東区越中島 2-2-27
 居室数 夫婦室 18 室 寄宿料 約 10,000 円(月額)

II 家族室 4 室 寄宿料 約 15,000 円(月額)

随時募集 寄宿料 約 1,000 円(月額)


 本学には、約 250 名の留学生が在籍しておりますが、上記のように収容能力が

入居期間は 2 年間以内となっております。

II - 6
Both the University’s Faculty of Marine Science (Shinagawa Campus) and the
Faculty of Marine Technology (Etchujima Campus) have international exchange
dormitories for housing international students. The addresses are as follows:

• Shinagawa International House

Address: 4-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8477
For singles: 48 rooms; fees – around ¥6,000/month
For married couples: 6 rooms; fees – around ¥12,000/month
For families with children: 6 rooms; fees – around ¥15,000/month
• Hoyo Dormitory
For singles: 16 rooms; fees around ¥5,000/month
• Etchujima International House
Address: 2-2-27 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0044
For married couples: 18 rooms; fees – around ¥10,000/month
For families with children: 4 rooms; fees – around ¥15,000/month
• Kaio Dormitory
When there are openings: fees – around ¥1,000/month
*The Japan Student Services Organization also has rooms for this University’s
students at its Tokyo International Exchange Center.

The University does not have the capacity to provide lodgings for all of the
approximately 250 international students enrolled at the University. Since, priority
for accommodation is given to short-term international exchange students,
unfortunately not all international students can lodge in the dormitory. Furthermore,
to accommodate as many students as possible, dormitory stays are limited to a
maximum of two years.

II - 7
奨学金に つ い て

 ・(財)交流協会奨学金 に分類されます。

1 国費


2 民間団体による奨学金


II に分類されます。
1. 大学推薦の民間奨学金
2. 直接応募の民間奨学金


内での採用もあります。例年 8 月頃に大学に募集案内がきますので、掲示でお知

II - 7
Scholarships are classified as:
• Japanese Government Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology Scholarships (government-funded)
• Scholarships from private organizations
• Interchange Association Japan scholarships

1 Government-funded
Only international students selected through “embassy recommendations” or
“university recommendations” can receive government-funded scholarships when
enrolling in the University.
Privately funded students currently enrolled at the University who wish to apply
for a government-funded scholarship must apply for “domestic selection.”

2 Scholarships from private organizations

International students who are neither government-funded nor funded by their
own home country government can apply for scholarships provided by private
organizations. Scholarships from private organizations are classified as follows:
1. University-recommended private scholarship
2. Direct application private scholarship
Information about applying for private scholarships is posted on bulletin boards, so
international students should check the bulletin boards frequently.
For students interested in receiving a university-recommended private scholarship,
the International Student Section creates a list of registered applicants made up of
students who signed up at the prescribed time. When a request for recommendations
comes from a private organization, students are recommended by the International
Student Committee.

3 Interchange Association Japan scholarships

These scholarships are for students from Taiwan; students from other countries are
excluded. In most cases, students are chosen for the scholarship while still in Taiwan,
but students already in Japan can also win a scholarship. Normally, information about
applying for these scholarships is posted in August, so international students from
Taiwan should apply at this time. (Taiwanese students are not eligible for Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology scholarships from the Japanese
government [government-funded], so they cannot apply for domestic selection for
government-funded scholarships. Instead they can apply for in-country selection for
Interchange Association Japan scholarships.)

II - 8
資格外活 動 許 可 手 続 き について

 許可される労働時間の基準は、正規学生では 1 週間に 28 時間以内、研究生な
ど非正規学生では 1 週間に 14 時間以内とされています。(長期休業期間中は、1
日につき 8 時間以内の労働が認められています。)ただし、風俗営業関係の仕事


II 資格外活動許可をもっていない留学生に従事させる場合は、早めに手続きをする

① 本人が申請書等を入手する。

② 本人は、申請書を記入し必要書類(パスポート、外国人登録証明書のコピー

③ 本人から、指導教員等へ、「確認書」の作成を依頼する。

④ 本人は、書類すべてを取りそろえ留学生係へ提出する。

⑤ 留学生係が、「副申書」を作成し、本人の提出した書類を持って入国管理局へ

⑥ 留学生係から本人へ連絡し、許可書を交付します。
< 留学生係へ書類を提出してから許可書交付まで、約 2 週間です。>
II - 8
Permission to engage in activities other than
those specified under visa status

Persons with “College Student” visas are not allowed to work for wages. However,
students can work part-time to cover education and living expenses if they obtain a
permit from the Immigration Bureau to engage in activities other than those specified
on their visa. Students who work part-time without this permission, however, face
fines and deportation.
Degree students are allowed to work up to 28 hours per week, while non-degree
students such as research students are allowed to work up to 14 hours per week.
(During long-term school vacations, work up to eight hours per day is allowed.) Work
in businesses that affect public morals is not allowed.
To apply for permission to engage in activities not specified on your visa, visit the
International Students Section of the Student Support Division with your Certificate
of Alien Registration.

A permit to engage in activities not specified under your visa status is required
when applying for a position at the University such as a teaching assistant (TA) or
research assistant (RA) to help in testing, etc., or as a tutor. If you are asked to serve
one of these roles and don’t have permission to conduct activities outside your visa
status, you will need to apply immediately for a permit.
The basic procedure for a student to apply for permission is described below.
(1) Obtain application form.
(Application forms and instructions are available at the International Students

(2) Fill out the application form and prepare the necessary documents (passport, copy
of Certificate of Alien Registration, etc.).

(3) Request a “letter of confirmation” from your supervisory professor.
(This document confirms that the student’s part-time work will not interfere with
his/her studies. The student brings the prescribed form to the professor and asks
the professor to stamp it with his/her seal.)

(4) Present all necessary documents to the International Students Section.

(5) The International Students Section creates a “proxy application” and submits it to
the Immigration Bureau along with the student’s documents.

(6) The International Students Section contacts the student and presents him/her with
the permit.
<It will take approximately two weeks from submitting documents to the
International Students Section to receiving the permit.>

II - 9
一時出国 と 再 入 国 に つ いて
この許可を得ずに出国してしまうと、再入国の手続きに 1 ヵ月以上を要すること
II  再入国許可申請に必要な書類は以下のとおりです。

・手数料 3,000 円(1 回)6,000 円(数次再入国の場合)

II - 9
Temporary exit and re-entry
Temporary exit and re-entry
When leaving Japan temporarily for trips home during school vacations or
for travel abroad, international students must first receive permission from their
supervisory professor and must also submit a “temporary return form” to the
International Students Section or the Student Services Section (Etchujima Campus).
Upon return to Japan, the international student must again contact the International
Students Section or the Student Services Section (Etchujima Campus) as soon as
possible. Government-funded international students should take particular care, since
they have to take care of such special procedures as signing their allowance claims.
Before leaving the country, international students must obtain a “re-entry permit”
from the Immigration Bureau. For anyone leaving the country without a re-entry
permit, re-entry procedures can take over a month to complete and international
students will not be able to return to their studies on time. Re-entry procedures also
become complicated if re-entry permit holders do not return to Japan within the time
period stated on their re-entry permit. International students must also carry their
Certificate of Alien Registration both when leaving the country and upon re-entry.
The Certificate of Alien Registration need not be turned in upon taking temporary

leave of Japan. The card can be taken out of the country during the temporary leaves,
but be careful not to lose it. Documents needed to apply for a re-entry permit are as

Necessary Documents
• Re-entry permit application form (available at the Immigration Bureau)
• Passport
• Certificate of Alien Registration
• Student I.D. (or personal I.D.)
• ¥3,000 fee (one-time re-entry), ¥6,000 fee (multiple re-entry)

II -10
進学につ い て

1 学部から大学院へ
 本学の修士課程へ進学する場合は、学部 4 年次に入学試験を受験することにな
 ただし、学部 4 年次生から引き続き修士課程に進学できない場合は、4 月より
6 ヶ月、もしくは 1 年間研究生として在学して、修士課程 10 月入学試験、または、
翌年の 4 月入学試験を受験することも可能です。(研究生の入学申請が必要)

2 研究生から大学院へ

 4 月及び 10 月入学の入学試験を受験します。

3 修士課程から博士課程へ

 4 月及び 10 月入学の入学試験を受験します。

II 4 国費奨学金支給期間延長

1. 国費高専生から編入学した国費学部生が、大学院へ進学する場合
2. 留年した者
3. 大学院生で在学期間延長をする場合
4. 研究生から修士課程への進学予定者で、研究生としての在籍期間が日本語予
備教育期間を含め、通算 2 年の場合
5. 研究生から博士後期課程への進学予定者で、研究生としての在籍期間が日本
語予備教育期間を含め、通算 1 年を越える場合

II -10
1 From undergraduate to graduate school
To advance to the University’s master’s course, students must take an entrance
exam in their fourth year as an undergraduate. However, if a student is unable to
advance directly from fourth-year undergraduate to the master’s course, he/she can
spend a six-month or one-year period beginning in April as a research student and
then take the entrance exam to enroll in graduate school in October or in April of the
following year (but must apply for admission as a research student).

2 From research student to doctoral course

Must take an entrance exam for April or October admissions.

3 From master’s course to doctoral course

Must take an entrance exam for April or October admissions.
For details, visit the University’s website at

4 Extension of payment of government-funded scholarship

Currently, recipients of government-funded scholarships who want to extend their
scholarship in order to advance to the next academic level can apply for a scholarship
Not everybody can apply for an extension, however, and not everyone who applies
is granted an extension.
Applications for extension of government-funded scholarships are not allowed in
the following cases:
1. Government-funded college of technology students who transferred to the
University as a government-funded undergraduate student and wish to advance to
graduate school;
2. Students who have failed a grade;
3. Graduate students who do not complete graduate school within the prescribed
4. Research students planning to advance to the master’s course whose time spent
as a research student, including time spent in Japanese language training, exceeds
two years;
5. Research students planning to advance to the doctoral course whose time spent as
research student, including time spent in Japanese language training, exceeds one

III -1
警察・消 防 署

犯罪、盗難、交通事故は警察。局番 な し の 「 1 1 0 」

接届けるか、電話で 110 番します。電話は、公衆電話からもかけられ、コイン
がないときは、備え付けの緊急ボタンを押してから 110 番して下さい。24 時間、

 「泥棒が入りました」=「Dorobo ga hairi mashita」

 「○○を盗まれました」=「XX wo nusumare mashita」
 「交通事故が起きました」=「Kotujiko ga okimashita」

III  街角に警察官の常駐する交番は日本独特のシステムです。交番では、犯罪や事

III -1
Police/Fire Department
Report Crimes, Theft and Traffic Accidents to the Police on

• If You Fall Victim to a Crime

If you fall victim to burglars or robbers, contact the police immediately. If your
bankbook or cash card is stolen, do not forget to contact your bank immediately
to prevent any unauthorized withdrawals. You can report this directly at your local
police box or police station or call 110. Such calls can be made from public telephone
boxes and when you do not have a coin just press the emergency button and dial 110.
A 24-hour support service in foreign languages is provided free of charge.

“I want to report a theft.” = “Dorobo ga hairi mashita.”

“My XXX has been stolen.” = “XXX wo nusumaremashita.”
“There has been a traffic accident.” = “Kotsujiko ga okimashita.”

• Go to a police box if you have lost something or need directions

The system of police boxes on street corners is unique to Japan. Not only can you
file reports on crimes, accidents and lost items at police boxes, but you can also report
missing persons, lost children and get directions.

火事・救急は消防署。局番なしの「 1 1 9 」

います。両方とも 24 時間、無料で外国語にも対応していますが、近年、救急車

 急病やケガなどで緊急の場合は救急車を呼びます。呼ぶ方法は 119 番に電話し、
「救急車をお願いします= Kyukyusha o onegai shimasu」と伝えましょう。救急

III ことが多い冬に発生しやすくなります。火事を防ぐため:
① 就寝や外出前にはタバコ、電気、ガスなどの火元を確認する
② 料理中、特に油料理をしているときには火の元を離れない
③ ストーブなど暖房器具の周りに燃えやすいものをおかない
④ 放火を防ぐため、家の周りに燃えやすいものをおかない

R e p o r t F i r e s a n d O t h e r E m e rg e n c i e s t o t h e F i r e
Department on “119”

• Fires and Emergencies

The Fire Department deals with fires and other emergencies and has ambulances in
addition to fire engines. Both are on 24-hour standby and a foreign language service
is provided free of charge. In recent years, ambulances have been called out more
frequently, so the length of time between making a request and arrival is longer.
Please use a taxi rather than an ambulance in case of a light injury.

• Calling an Ambulance
Call an ambulance for emergency illnesses and injuries. Dial 119 and say,
“Kyukyusha o onegai shimasu (Please send an ambulance.)” If possible, offer the
person some first-aid treatment until the ambulance arrives and have their health
insurance card and some cash ready. When you hear the ambulance siren, go outside
to attract the driver’s attention and guide the ambulance to the appropriate spot.

• Fire Prevention is the Key

Fires can have disastrous consequences. They occur more easily in winter when
people use fires more often and when the air is dry. Please keep the following in mind
so as to prevent fire accidents:
(1) Before you go to bed or go out, check to see that cigarettes are out and that
electrical or gas ranges are turned off at the source.
(2) Do not leave heat unattended when cooking, particularly when cooking with oil.
(3) Do not place flammable articles too close to heaters.
(4) To prevent arson, do not leave flammable articles around your house.

III - 2
緊急時の 対 応

 火事が発生してしまったら、大声で近所の人に知らせ、すぐ 119 番に電話しま
しょう。110 番と同じく公衆電話からもかけられます。

② そして場所
③ 名前

「火事です」=「Kaji desu.」
「救急です」=「Kyukyu desu」
「場所は○○です」=「Basho wa XX desu」
III 「私の名前は○○です」=「Watashi no namae wa XXXX desu」

 もし事故にあったなら、まず 110 番して下さい。その際にケガ人がいたら救急
① 相手の氏名、住所、電話番号、運転免許証番号、プレートナンバー、保険会
② 目撃者がいる場合には、できれば証言を求め、連絡先を聞いておく。
③ ケガをしている場合(特に頭や首)は、たとえ見た目に異常が無かったり、

III - 2
What to do in an Emergency
• Fires and other emergencies
When a fire occurs, yell out to alert your neighbors and then call 119 immediately.
As with 110, such emergency calls can be made from a public telephone.
(1) When you are asked if it is a fire (“kaji”) or a medical emergency (“kyuukyuu”)
reply: “kaji desu.”
(2) Give the location of the fire.
(3) Give your name.
In addition to contacting the fire brigade and shouting to alert your neighbors –
without exposing yourself excessively to danger – if a fire extinguisher is available
you should attempt to control or put out the fire. If the fire has started from a pot
of cooking oil, you should not put water on it, but should use a fire extinguisher or
control the flames in the pot by covering it with a wet towel. If you need to escape
from a smoke-filled room you should cover your face with a wet towel and crawl out

“There’s a fire” = “Kaji desu.”

“It’s a medical emergency.” = “Kyukyu desu.”
“I’m at XXX.” = “Basho wa XXX desu.”
“My name is XXX.” = “Watashi no namae wa XXX desu.”

• What to do in Case of a Traffic Accident

If you are involved in a traffic accident, first of all call 110. If people have been
injured, you can request an ambulance.
For traffic accidents you need to take note of the following:
(1) Write down the other driver’s details: name, address, telephone number, driver’s
license number, vehicle registration plate number, name of their insurance
company and the type of insurance they have.
(2) If there are witnesses, if possible ask for comment on what they saw and take
down their contact details.
(3) You should see a doctor if you are injured (in particular for head or neck injuries),
even if there might not seem to be anything major wrong.

III - 3
 日本は地震の発生が非常に多い国です。1995 年に阪神地区で大規模な地震が
あり、 6,000 名以上の犠牲者を出したほか、最近では、 新潟県や福岡県などでも
に被害を少なくするため、 日頃からの備えが大切です。

① 非常の際の避難場所や、そこへの避難通路、また家族や親しい人と離ればな
② 大地震が発生すると、電気・ガス・水道・電話などのライフラインが機能し
非常用の持ち出し荷物を準備しておく。(水は一人 1 日 3 リットル必要と言わ
③ タンスや食器棚など大きな家具で倒れやすいものは、大きな地震の際に倒れ
III てきて被害を受けたり、避難する際に障害物となることがあるので、倒れな

① 頭を保護し、テーブルなどの下に身を隠す(室内の落下物に注意)
② 揺れがおさまったら火を消す(地震で一番恐いのは火災)
③ 扉や窓などを開けて逃げ道を確保する(ドアがゆがんで逃げられなくなるこ
④ 慌てて外に飛び出さない(ビルなどから看板、ガラスなど危険物が降ってくる)
⑤ テレビやラジオなどで正確な情報を把握して行動し、デマなどに惑わされな

III - 3
Japan is an earthquake-prone country.
Earthquakes occur extremely frequently in Japan. In addition to the major
earthquake that occurred in the Hanshin area in 1995 in which over 6,000 people
died, earthquakes in Niigata Prefecture and Fukuoka Prefecture have caused major
damage. Also, a large earthquake could occur at any time in the Kanto region where
Tokyo is located, so it is important to be prepared in order to minimize damage.

• Normal Everyday Preparation

(1) Think about where you would go to seek safety in case of an emergency, what
emergency routes you would use and how you would contact your family or close
friends if separated.
(2) Because essential services such as electricity, gas, water and telephones may be
interrupted in case of a major earthquake, you should have some food, valuables,
medicines, everyday items, a flashlight, etc., ready to carry with you during an
emergency. (Three liters of water are required per person per day.)
(3) Because large pieces of furniture such as chests of drawers and kitchen cabinets
can easily fall over in an earthquake, causing damage or blocking your way to III
safety, it is a good idea to fix them in place.

• Once an Earthquake Occurs

The most important thing to remember during an earthquake is to stay calm. It is
dangerous to panic. Do your best to obtain reliable information so you can calmly
take action based on sound judgment.
(1) Protect your head, take shelter under a table or similar object. (To stay safe from
things falling within the room.)
(2) Once the tremors have stopped, turn off all flames. (The most dangerous thing
about an earthquake is the subsequent fires that may occur as an aftereffect of the
(3) Open windows and doors to secure a path of escape. (Doors can become stuck
and impede your escape.)
(4) Do not panic and rush outside. (Signs, windows and glass from buildings can fall
from above.)
(5) Respond to reliable information from the television or radio. Pay no heed to

① ガラス、看板などの落下物に注意し、カバンなどを使って頭を守る
② 自動販売機やブロック塀に注意(倒れて来ることがある)
③ ビル内ではエレベーターを使用しない(止まってしまい、出られなくなるこ
④ 電車や映画館、デパートの中など公共の場所では、係員の注意に従って冷静
⑤ 避難は徒歩で、車は使用しない。運転中の時は、すぐに車を道路の左に止め、

▼ NTT 災害伝言ダイヤル
す。NTT では災害時に、被災者の連絡用にダイヤル「171」を使った伝言システ
はテレビ、ラジオ、インターネットなどで通知されます。1 メッセージで 30 秒
まで録音ができ、日本全国どこからでも、ダイヤル回線、携帯電話、PHS など
III で録音・再生することができます。


(1) Use a bag or similar article to protect yourself from falling glass or signs.
(2) Take care when standing near automatic vending machines or block walls. (They
may fall over.)
(3) Do not use elevators inside buildings. (They may stop moving and trap you
(4) When in public places such as trains, movie theaters and department stores,
calmly follow the instructions of the staff in charge. Do not panic.
(5) Seek safety on foot; do not use a car. If driving, pull over to the side of the road
and seek safety, leaving the keys in the ignition.

• NTT Disaster Message System

When a major disaster occurs, telephone lines become congested and it can be
difficult to make calls. NTT has established a message system in which people dial
171 to allow messages to be conveyed to and from disaster victims. It allows people
in the affected area to leave messages confirming that they are safe using their
telephone number as a voice mailbox. Notification that the system is available will
be given on television, the radio and on the internet. Messages up to 30 seconds long
can be recorded and can be accessed and recorded from anywhere in Japan using
telephone lines, mobile phones, PHS, etc.
• Large Evacuation Center
In the Tokyo region, public elementary and junior high schools have been
designated as evacuation centers. There, you will be able to receive food, water, first
aid treatment and information about the extent of the damage. However, if the fires or
building damage caused by the earthquake is so great that these designated evacuation
centers are judged to be dangerous, people will move to alternative large evacuation
centers chosen by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. At the Tokyo University
of Marine Science and Technology, in addition to the designation of the Etchujima
Campus as one of these large evacuation centers, the area around the Shinagawa
Campus is designated as a place to remain in case of an emergency.

III - 4



 ● 東京保健医療情報センター
III 受付時間:毎日 9:00 〜 20:00
 ● 消防庁テレホンサービス(英語対応)
24 時間 救急医療機関案内 23 区 03-3212-2323
多摩地区 042-521-2323
 ● AMDA 国際医療情報センター
英語、タイ語、中国語、韓国語、スペイン語:月曜日から金曜日 9:00 〜 17:00
ポルトガル語:月曜日、水曜日、金曜日 9:00 〜 17:00
フィリピン語:水曜日 13:00 〜 17:00

III - 4
Medical Care
Japanese medical institutions range from large well-equipped hospitals to clinics
run by individual doctors. Sometimes it is necessary to have a letter of introduction
from another medical institution to gain access to large hospitals. Also, you may need
to wait for long periods in hospitals that do not use a reservation system. It is a good
idea to confirm in advance what medical institutions are near your place, what kinds
of medicine they provide and whether or not their staff can communicate in a foreign

• Holiday/Late Night Medical Care

Most medical institutions are closed on Sundays and public holidays. If you fall ill
on such a holiday or late at night, you can either see a doctor at the designated after-
hours emergency medical care provider or use another designated method in the area
in which you live. Depending upon the local government system, medical care is
provided under a duty roster system for medical institutions, or by specific facilities.

<Information about other medical institutions>

• Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Information Center III
Tel: 03-5285-8181
Hours: Daily, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Languages: English / Chinese / Korean / Thai / Spanish
The staff speak foreign languages and can provide information about medical
institutions and the medical and health insurance systems in Japan.
• Fire Department Telephone Service (English)
24-hours Information on emergency medical institutions
23 wards 03-3212-2323
Tama Area 042-521-2323
• AMDA International Medical Information Center
Introduces medical institutions that can provide services in foreign languages and
has information on medical welfare systems.
Tel: 03-5285-8088
English / Thai / Chinese / Korean / Spanish: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Portuguese: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tagalog: Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

でも 1 年以上滞在する方は加入しなければなりません。健康保険には、職場で加
険証を提示することで、医療費の 10 〜 30%を自分で支払い、残りの医療費は健



• Medical Insurance
In Japan, everyone belongs to a health insurance system and foreign nationals who
reside in Japan for one year or more must also join. There are two kinds of medical
insurance: one is arranged through the workplace while the other is a national health
insurance system run by local governments. Students use the latter system and join it
through the local government of the region in which they live.
When you see a doctor at a medical institution please ensure that you take your
health insurance card with you. Showing your health insurance card entitles you to
pay only between 10-30% of the cost with the rest paid by the medical insurance.
However, please note that the cost of some specific medical treatments, normal
childbirth and cosmetic surgery are not covered by insurance.
You can join the health insurance system through your local government office.

• Pharmacy
There is always a qualified pharmacist on duty at a pharmacy, so if you would
like to purchase regular, off-the-shelf medicines, all you need to do is explain your
symptoms or situation to the pharmacist and they will recommend an appropriate
medicine to you. If you bring prescriptions from hospitals to pharmacies that handle
prescriptions, you can buy your medicine there. III

家を借り る

表すことが一般的で、畳 2 枚は 3.3㎡。「4 帖」なら畳 4 枚分、6.6㎡の意味です。
部屋の数、種類は L、D、K などの表示が使われ、L はリビングルーム、D はダ
イニングルーム、K はキッチンを意味します。自分の希望する地域の家賃がどの

・ 敷金:大家に家賃の 1 〜 3 ヵ月分を預け、退去するときに戻ってきますが、
・ 礼金:大家に家賃の 1 ヵ月分を払います。戻ってきません。
IV ・ 仲介手数料:不動産仲介業者に払うお金で、通常、家賃の 1 ヵ月分です。
・ 家賃:最初の 1 ヵ月分を支払います。

1. 留学生係より払込取扱票を受け取ってください
2. 払込取扱票により保険料を郵便局で支払ってください
3. 郵便局より申込み・払込票兼受領証を受け取って下さ い
4. 申込み・払込票兼受領証を留学生係に提出して下さ い
5. 留学生係より加入者証を受け取って下さい

Renting a Place to Live
• Real Estate Information
In Japan people normally go through a real estate agent to rent a house or
apartment. Real estate agents often have offices near stations and their windows are
full of notices of properties to rent. The rent varies depending upon such factors as the
location or the environment, the age of the property, its size and facilities. Normally
room size is indicated in terms of number of tatami mats, with two mats being 3.3m2.
A four-mat room is therefore 6.6m2. The type of room is indicated by letters – “L”
stands for living-room, “D” for “dining-room” and “K” for kitchen. It is a good idea
to do some research in magazines and the internet to check how much the rents are in
the area of your choice.
The tenancy agreement includes a range of detailed clauses so it is advisable to ask
someone who reads Japanese to explain the contents to you.

• The Money You Need to Rent an Apartment

• Deposit: You will pay the landlord the equivalent of 1-3 months rent as deposit.

This will be returned to you when you leave the apartment, but rent arrears or repair
costs will be deducted first, if necessary.
• Key money: The equivalent of one month’s rent is paid to the landlord. This is not
returned to you when you leave.
• Introduction fee: This is a payment to the real estate agency making the
introduction. It is normally the equivalent of one month’s rent.
• Rent: You will pay the first month’s rent.

• Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for Foreign Students Studying

in Japan
This system is a combination of comprehensive renter’s insurance and a guarantor’s
protection fund that provides compensation in situations such as when a property
rented by a foreign student has been damaged or burned, or when the guarantor is
faced with having to pay the landlord restitution for unpaid rent.
<How to sign up for this insurance>
1. Get a payment form at the International Students Section.
2. Use the payment form to pay the insurance premium at a post office.
3. Receive an application/receipt from the post office.
4. Give the application/receipt to International Students Section.
5. Receive an insurance coverage certification card from International Students
IV- 2
コミュニ テ ィ


IV- 3

IV ▼電気
 東京の電気は 100 ボルト、50Hz です。入居して初めて使うときはブレーカー
るときは 4 〜 5 日前に届出て、料金の精算が必要です。その際、領収書に記載さ

受け持ちエリア: 江東・墨田・江戸川・葛飾・台東・荒川・足立・渋谷・世田谷・
受付時間:月曜日〜土曜日(休・祝日を除く)9:00 〜 20:00
 ● 東京カスタマーセンター(第二)
受付時間:月曜日〜土曜日(休・祝日を除く)9:00 〜 20:00

IV- 2
In Japan, in addition to regional administrative units, there are also citizens’
voluntary organizations called “Jichikai” (community association) and “Chonaikai”
(neighborhood association.) These organizations have their own officials and, in
addition to working to disseminate information from government bodies, they are
involved in activities such as organizing local festivals and group collection of
garbage or materials for recycling. Depending upon the region, tenants of rental
accommodation are sometimes asked to pay association membership fees, but they
will provide information on rules about such matters as garbage collection, so it may
be a good idea to get in touch with them.

IV- 3
• Electricity IV
Tokyo electricity is 100 volts and 50 Hz. When you first move into an apartment or
house, push the circuit breaker switch upwards and fill-in the postcard attached to the
switch and send it to Tokyo Electric Power Company. When you move to a different
place to live, report this four or five days before your move so the final bill can be
arranged. At such times, you will need the “customer number” on your receipt.
• Tokyo Customer Center (Dai-ichi)
Service Area: Koto, Sumida, Edogawa, Katsushika, Taito, Arakawa, Adachi,
Shibuya, Setagaya, Shinagawa, Meguro, Ota
Moving / change of contract details: 0120-995-001
Inquiries related to power failures and electricity charges: 0120-995-002
Office hours: Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (excluding holidays)
• Tokyo Customer Center (Dai-ni)
Service Area: Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku, Toshima, Bunkyo, Itabashi, Kita,
Nerima, Suginami, Nakano and Islands
Moving / change of contract: 0120-995-005
Inquiries related to power failures and electricity charges: 0120-995-006
Office hours: Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (excluding holidays)

 東京では、東京ガスによって 13A という種類の天然ガスが供給されています。
です。引っ越しする際は 3 〜 4 日前に連絡し、ガス料金の精算と点検を受けましょ
問い合わせ:0570-002211(月曜日〜土曜日(祝日除く)9:00 〜 19:00)
 なお東京ガスでは、ガス漏れ通報専用の電話回線があり、24 時間受け付けて


 日本の水道水は消毒してあるので、そのまま飲むことができます。東京 23 区
では、東京都水道局が水を供給しており、料金は 2 か月に一度請求されます。工
事などで断水や水が濁る場合は事前にお知らせの紙が配られます。23 区全域の
引越しは、3 〜 4 日前に水道局お客さまセンターへ。その際、検針票にある「お
受付時間:日曜・祝日を除く 8 時 30 分から 20 時 00 分まで

京 23 区の市外局番は 03 です。東京 23 区内でかけるときは市外局番をダイヤル
 日本国内で電話の新設、移転などの申込は局番なしの 116(NTT)です。引越先
の電話工事は予約制です。毎年 2 〜 4 月は混み合いますので早目に連絡しましょう。

• Gas
In Tokyo, a type of natural gas called 13A is supplied by Tokyo Gas Company.
When buying gas appliances, check that they are appropriate to use with this kind of
gas. Also, the gas supply must be turned on and off in the presence of a Tokyo Gas
technician who will carry out a safety check. If you are planning to move, it is a good
idea to contact the gas company three or four days before the move to arrange for
someone to come, and for the final bill to be calculated for you. When you contact
them, you will need to inform them of the “customer number” on your receipt.
Gas Leaks
The natural gas supplied has a smell to allow you to detect gas leaks. If you detect
a leak, shut the gas off straightway and open the windows to ventilate the rooms.
Because sparks can cause a gas explosion, ensure that you do not turn on any electric
switches (such as fans) before ventilating the room. There is danger of an explosion.
Natural gas is lighter than air, so once the windows are opened you will be safe. In
suburban areas, where there is no natural gas piping, propane is often available from
local gas companies. Because propane gas is heavier than air, if you detect a leak
ventilate the room by opening the door or lower windows.
Inquiries: 0570-002211 (Monday to Saturday [excluding National Holidays] 9:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
Tokyo Gas operates a special 24-hour telephone line for reporting gas leaks.
<Gas Leak Report Telephone Numbers)
Chiyoda / Chuo / Ota / Shinagawa / Minato wards: 03-5484-0444
Shibuya / Meguro / Shinjuku / Nakano wards: 03-5381-0820
Koto / Sumida / Taito / Bunkyo / Arakawa wards: 03-3805-3895
Katsushika / Adachi / Edogawa wards: 03-3603-0361

• Water Supply
Japanese tap water is treated and safe to drink. The Bureau of Waterworks supplies
water to Tokyo’s 23 wards with bills being issued once every two months. You will
be informed in advance if construction is to interrupt the water supply or cloud the
water. If you plan to move within Tokyo’s 23 wards, please contact the Bureau’s
Customer Service Center three or four days before the date of your move. Let them
know the customer number that appears on your meter-reading card.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., excluding Sundays and National Holidays.
Tel: 03-5326-1100

• Telephone
Domestic Calls
Telephone numbers are made up of an area code + local telephone exchange
number + subscriber number. The area code for the 23 wards of Tokyo is 03. If you
want to make a call within the 23 wards in Tokyo you do not need to use the area
To arrange new telephone lines or to organize a move, call 116 (NTT; area code not
necessary). You need to make a reservation to arrange a telephone number after you
have moved house. The period from February to April is very busy every year, so it is
a good idea to organize this early.
国際電話は、電話会社の識別番号+ 010 +国番号+地域番号+相手の電話番号の
ケーブル・アンド・ワイヤレス IDC:0061、ドイツテレコム:0080、東京電話:
NTT:0120-54-0033(24 時間受付)
日本テレコム:0088-41(24 時間受付)

 日本国内の郵便は、はがきが 50 円、封書が 25g まで 80 円(50g まで 90 円)

IV で、これ以外は「定形外」または「小包」となり、大きさや重さによって料金
が変わります。速達料金は、通常郵便で 250 グラムまで 270 円、1kg までが 370
円、4kg までが 630 円が加算され、小包では 2kg まで 310 円、4kg までが 460 円、
30kg までが 570 円加算されます。なお現金を送るときは「現金書留」となり、
 国際郵便は、航空便ではがきが世界各国向け 70 円、アジア諸国への封書は定
形サイズで 25g まで 90 円、50g まで 160 円、定形外サイズは 50g まで 220 円、
100g まで 330 円、2kg 以下、2,150 円で送れます。
 送る方法としては航空便と船便、その中間の SAL 便があり、重さと宛て先に
住所に 1 年間転送してくれます。

International Calls
How to make an international call.
When making an international telephone call from Japan, you must dial the
telephone company’s prefix + 010 + country code + area code + the number required.
<Telephone Companies’ Prefixes>
KDDI: 001; Cable and Wireless IDC: 0061; Deutsche Telekom: 0080; Tokyo Denwa:
0082; Japan Telecom: 0041; Worldcom Japan: 0071; NTT Communications: 0033;
Fusion Communications: 0038; MEDiA: 0060, etc.
<Inquiries regarding international calls (free service)>
NTT: 0120-54-0033 (24-hour service)
KDDI: 0057 (There is also an operation call service.)
Japan Telecom: 0088-41 (24-hour service)
TTNet: 0081-1582

• Postal Service
Domestic Mail
Postal charges for Japan are ¥50 for a postcard and ¥80 for a letter in an envelope
up to 25 grams (¥90 up to 50 grams). Other mail is classified as “over-sized”
envelopes or as parcels, for which the cost of postage is calculated according to size
and weight. Additional cost for special delivery is ¥270 for normal postal items up to
250 grams, ¥370 up to 1 kg and ¥630 up to 4 kg. Additional costs for parcels are ¥310

up to 2 kg, ¥460 up to 4 kg and ¥570 up to 30 kg. Cash can be sent using registered
mail in a special envelope.
International Mail
International postal charges are ¥70 for an airmail postcard to any country in the
world. In the case of Asian countries, for instance, ¥90 for an envelope weighing up
to 25 grams, ¥160 up to 50 grams, ¥330 up to 100 grams and ¥2,150 up to 2kg.
There is airmail and surface mail, with SAL operating between them. Charges are
calculated according to weight and country to which the item is to be sent.
Notice of Undelivered Items
When there is no one home to receive parcels or items sent by special delivery, a
notice is left instead. If you take some form of identification, such as your passport or
alien registration card, and the notice of undelivered items to the post office indicated
on the notice, you will be able to collect the item. You can also request redelivery.
When you are moving to a new house and register your new address at the nearest
post office, items of mail will be redirected to your new address for one year.

• Financial Institutions
In Japan, in addition to banks, credit associations and credit unions, post offices
and farmers’ cooperatives also offer financial services. When opening an account, you
will need to show something to verify your identity and address such as your passport
or Certificate of Alien Registration and either use a seal or sign the forms. When you
move, you will also need to report the change in your address.

IV- 4

きは、指定のゴミ袋や容器などを使用し、指定の時間(だいたい朝 8 時ごろまで


IV ▼家電リサイクル
電話 03-5296-7200

IV- 4
Garbage Disposal
• Putting out your garbage
In Japan great efforts are being made to reduce the volume of waste and to
recycle some materials. Some local governments have separate collections for
recyclable materials such as empty cans, paper, old clothes, used bottles and plastic
The collection of garbage and recyclable materials occurs on set days at set
locations, but these will normally differ according to the local body. When you put
your garbage out for collection, you should use the designated bags and containers,
taking them to the collection point by the set time – normally by around 8:00 a.m.

• Separating your Garbage

Normally garbage is separated into (i) burnable waste, (ii) non-burnable waste,
(iii) large articles of waste, (iv) recyclable materials, and (v) articles that cannot be
collected. For details, please refer to the specific pamphlet published by your local
government. Some local government bodies provide foreign language pamphlets.

• Recycling of Home Appliances IV

The Home Appliance Recycling Law makes it compulsory to recycle the
following home appliances: (i) refrigerators and freezers, (ii) air-conditioners, (iii)
washing machines, (iv) cathode-ray tube televisions. You must either take these
goods back to the shop where you bought them or to the store where you are buying
a new appliance (the latter option incurs a fee). When you wish to dispose of one
of these items, you should ask the home appliance retailer from whom you will buy
your new appliance to take the old one off your hands or ask the retailer from whom
you bought the old appliance to take care of it. If you do not know where the old
appliance was purchased or if the shop has closed down or is far from where you
now live, please inquire at a home appliance recycling center set up by the authorized
waste disposal organization.
Tel: 03-5296-7200

コンメーカーにお申し込みください。なお「PC リサイクルマーク」が貼られた
<パソコン3R推進センター>(PC 3R Promotion Center)
〒 101-0052 東京都千代田区神田小川町 3-8 中北ビル 7F
電話 03-5282-7685


• Personal Computers
The Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources requires the
manufacturer to collect unused personal computers for recycling. This covers
notebook computers, desktop computer main units, LC displays, display units and
computers with built-in display-units. When you would like to use this service please
contact the relevant manufacturer by telephone or through the internet. Computers
bearing the “PC recycle mark” had the collection and recycling fee included in the
original purchase price. For computers (including displays) made by manufacturers
that do not provide a collection service, the PC 3R Promotion Center can be
commissioned to take your old computer away for a fee.
<PC 3R Promotion Center>
7th Floor, Nakakita Bldg, 3-8, Kanda-Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052
Tel: 03-5282-7685


IV- 5

 日本の鉄道路線は、日本全国でつながっている JR 線(会社は 6 つの地域会社
と 1 つの貨物会社に分かれています)と各地域の民営鉄道、そして都市部にある
ドが 2 種類あり、JR線だけ利用できるものと、民営鉄道と地下鉄で利用できる

IV ことなどの特徴があります。

東京では中型車で基本料金が 2km まで 660 円、以降 274m ごとに 80 円加算され、
午後 11 時から朝 5 時までは深夜料金となり 30%が加算されるところが多いよう
話 03-3648-0300)で 24 時間受け付けています。

IV- 5
• Railways
Japan’s rail transport system comprises the JR lines (JR is divided into six regional
companies and one national freight company) that connect locations throughout
the country, private rail companies in each region and subways in the larger urban
areas. All the companies’ ticket barriers are automatic and, in addition to one-ride
tickets, prepaid cards and commuter passes can be used. In Tokyo, there are two
kinds of prepaid cards: one for JR lines and one for the private rail companies and
the subways. Maps of each rail network and information on fares are located near the
ticket-vending machines. In addition to customer service windows where you can
purchase express train tickets and make seat reservations, arrangements can also be
made through travel agencies.

• Buses
There are buses that service inner-city routes and long-distance buses. The inner-
city networks are serviced by both public and private company buses and the norm is

for the fare to be set within the city limits but variable, according to distance traveled,
in the suburban areas. Fare payment systems include payment upon boarding and
payment before alighting. When you want to get off, let the driver know by pressing
the button after you hear the announcement that the bus is approaching your
destination. Long-distance buses depart from bus terminals for destinations all over
Japan and are popular because of their cheap fares and overnight travel.

• Taxis
Taxis can be found at taxi stands at stations or on street corners or you can hail an
empty taxi by raising your hand to attract the driver’s attention. An empty taxi has
a red lamp in the front window indicating that it is available. Regulations governing
scales of fares have been lifted, so they vary from one region to another, but in Tokyo
the basic fare for a medium-sized taxi is ¥660 for up to 2 km and an additional ¥80
for every 274 meters. Many taxi companies have a 30% surcharge during the night
hours of 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. If you want to report that you have left something
in a taxi or want to make a complaint, telephone the 24-hour service at Tokyo Taxi
Center (03-3648-0300).


至大宮 至新潟
至和光市 田端
IV- 6

至三鷹・中野 池袋

飯田橋 千葉
至光が丘 秋葉原

JR 線 神田
JR 京葉線
新幹線 新宿 東京

大江戸線 越中島 至蘇我

モノレール線 新木場

りんかい線 浜松町 月島
至横浜 大井町 品川
至大阪 京急蒲田


to Niigata
to Omiya to Morioka
to Yamagata
Narita Airport
to Wako Tabata
IV- 6

to Mitaka/Nakano Ikebukuro
Iidabashi Chiba
to Hikarigaoka Akihabara to Nishi-Funabashi
to Hachioji

JR line Kanda
JR Keiyo Line
Shinkansen Line Shinjuku Tokyo

Yurakucho Line Monzennakacho

Transport Information

Tozai Line
Oedo Line Ecchujima to Soga

Monorail Shinkiba
Rinkai Line Tsukishima
Shinagawa Campus Hamamatsucho
Keihin Kyuko Line
Etchujima Campus
Transfer of trains
to Yokohama Oimachi Shinagawa
Tennozu Isle
to Osaka Keikyu Kamata

to Yokohama

Haneda Airport

IV- 7
大学周辺 地 域 情 報

所在地:江戸川区臨海町 6-2-1
開園時間:9:30 〜 17:00(入園は 16:00 まで)
入園料:大人 700 円 小学生以下無料
交通:JR 京葉線「葛西臨海公園」下車、徒歩 1 分
※大観覧車の半券を水族園の切符売り場でご提示いただきますと、入園料が 2 割

行われ、総合的に海や船と親しめる施設です。高さ 70 メートルの展望室にのぼ
ると、東京港内を行き来するさまざまな船や、360 度の視界で東京港の全貌と臨
IV 海副都心など大東京の街並みを見渡すことができます。
開館時間:平日 =10:00 〜 17:00、土・日・祝・夏期 =18:00 まで
※ 年中無休、ただし 12/28 〜 1/1 は休館
入館料:共通券(本館・羊蹄丸・宗谷)大人 1,000 円、こども(5 歳〜中学生) 600 円

生まれたのは 1967 年。その後、熱帯植物館や競技場、1950 年、操業中にビキニ環
ベキュー広場を備えた総合公園となりました。コロシアムを中心に約 120 本の桜
所在地:江東区夢の島 3-2
交通:地下鉄有楽町線・JR 京葉線・りんかい線「新木場」下車 徒歩 7 分

IV- 7
Information About the Area Surrounding the

• Tokyo Seaside Park (Kasai Rinkai Koen)

This broad expanse of park on the coast has an open grass area, an artificial beach and
a wild-bird observation facility as well as an aquarium that features a large tank through
which tuna pass and a penguin plaza.
Address: 6-2-1 Rinkaicho, Edogawa-ku
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Entry to the facility until 4:00 p.m.)
Days Closed: Wednesday (the following day if it is a National Holiday)
Admission Fees: Adults ¥700, elementary school students and younger can enter for free.
Access: JR Keiyo Line. Get off at “Kasai Rinkai Koen” and walk one minute to the entrance.
* If you show your ticket for the giant Ferris wheel at the ticket sales counter of the
aquarium, you will receive a 20% discount on the entrance fee.
Inquiries: 03-3869-5152

• Museum of Maritime Science (Fune no Kagakukan)

A comprehensive facility offering an enjoyable and broad range of information about
maritime vessels and the sea in addition to opportunities for hands-on learning. From the
70 meter-high observatory room visitors can see the ships and boats that come and go
in Tokyo Port and enjoy a 360˚ panoramic view of Greater Tokyo including the Tokyo
Waterfront subcenter.
< Museum of Maritime Science > IV
Address: 3-1, Higashi-Yashio, Shinagawa-ku.
Tel: 03-5500-1111
Hours: Weekdays, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays and during
the summer period, until 6.00 p.m.
*Open everyday except 28 December to 1 January.
Admission Fees: Combined Ticket (Main Building+Yotei-Maru+Soya) Adult ¥1,000,
Child (5 years of age to junior high school students) ¥600.
Access: Tokyo Waterfront New Transit “Yurikamome”; get off at Funenokagakukan
(Museum of Maritime Science) Station.

• Dream Island Park (Yume no Shima Koen)

This park was built upon reclaimed land located between a canal and a natural
waterway. Dream Island opened in 1967. Since then it has become a general-use park
with a tropical botanical garden and stadium, as well as an exhibition building for the
tuna trawler Dai-go Fukuryu-maru, which was damaged during an American nuclear
test at Bikini Atoll in 1950. There is also a barbeque area. There are approximately 120
cherry trees centered around the Coliseum and, in addition to being able to enjoy cherry
blossoms in season, there is a broad range of flora to be seen all year round.
<Dream Island Park>
Address: 3-2 Yume no Shima, Koto-ku.
Tel: 03-3522-0281
Access: Yurakucho Subway Line, JR Keiyo Line, Rinkai Line getting off at Shin Kiba
Station and walking 7 minutes. 71
 「最先端科学技術と人をつなぐ」を目的に 2001 年 7 月開館した新しい時代の科
学博物館です。常設展は「地球環境とフロンティア」 、 「生命科学と人間」
革新と未来」、「情報科学技術と社会」の 4 分野に分かれ、深海調査船「しんかい
所在地:東京都江東区青海 2-41
交通:新交通ゆりかもめで「船の科学館駅」下車、徒歩約 5 分;
駅」下車、徒歩約 4 分;東京臨海高速鉄道りんかい線「東京テレポート駅」下車、
徒歩 15 分
開館時間:10 時〜 17 時
入場料:大人 500 円、18 歳以下 200 円

 現代美術の振興を図り芸術文化の基盤を充実させることを目的として約 3,800

所在地江東区三好 4-1-1 
交通:地下鉄半蔵門線・大江戸線「清澄白河駅」下車、徒歩 9 分;地下鉄東西線
木場駅下車、徒歩 15 分
開館時間:10:00 〜 18:00(入館は閉館の 30 分前まで)
休館日:月曜日(祝日の場合は翌日)、年末・年始・展示替(12/19 〜 1/20)、保
守点検展示替(3/27 〜 4/21)
観覧料(常設展):一般 500 円、学生 400 円

• National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
(Nihon Kagaku Miraikan)
Opened in July 2001, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
aims to create an intersection between people and cutting-edge scientific technology. Its
permanent exhibitions are divided into the four categories of the “Earth Environment
and Frontiers,” “Life Science,” “Innovation and the Future” and “Information Science
and Technology for Society.” Visitors can view the deep-sea survey vessel Shinkai
6500, popular walking robots and examples of cutting-edge technology such as
< National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation >
Address: 2-41 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo.
Tel: 03-3570-9151
Access: A 5-minute walk from Funenokagakukan (Museum of Maritime Science) Station
or a 4-minute walk from Telecom Center Station on the Tokyo Waterfront New Transit
“Yurikamome”; a 15-minute walk from “Tokyo Teleport station” on the Tokyo Waterfront
area Rapid Transit Rinkai Line.
Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed: Tuesday (Open on National Holidays, the spring, summer and winter holidays)
Admission Fee: Adults: ¥500; 18 years of age and under: ¥200.

• Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

(Tokyo To Gendai Bijutsukan)
The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo boasts a collection of approximately 3,800
works of art, including a range of permanent exhibitions representing trends in modern art
in addition to special features such as large-scale international exhibitions of paintings,
sculptures, fashion, architecture and design, thereby aiming to promote modern art and to
strengthen the foundation for art culture.
< Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo>
Address: 4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku.
Tel: 03-5245-4111
Access: A 9-minute walk from the Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Station on the Hanzomon
Subway Line/Oedo Line. A 15-minute walk from Kiba Station on the Tozai Subway Line.
Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Entry is permitted until 30 minutes prior to closing.)
Closed: Monday (the following day if Monday is a National Holiday; Year-end/New
Year and exhibition adjustment period (December 19 to January 20), maintenance check
exhibition change (March 27 to April 21).
Admission Fee (Permanent Collection): Adult ¥500, Student ¥400.

日本の祝 日

▼元日:1 月 1 日 ▼敬老の日:9 月の第 3 月曜日

年のはじめを祝う。 多年にわたり社会につくしてきた老
▼成人の日:1 月の第 2 月曜日
おとなになったことを自覚し、みず ▼秋分の日:秋分日(暦により決
から生き抜こうとする青年を祝いま まります。)
す。 祖先をうやまい、なくなった人々を
(2 月 11 日) ▼体育の日:10 月の第 2 月曜日
建国をしのび、国を愛する心を養う。 スポーツにしたしみ、健康な心身を
) ▼文化の日:11 月 3 日
自然をたたえ、生物をいつくしむ。 自由と平和を愛し、文化をすすめる。
▼みどりの日:4 月 29 日 ▼勤労感謝の日:11 月 23 日
自然に親しむとともにその恩恵に感 勤労をたっとび、生産を祝い、国民
謝し、豊かな心をはぐくむ。 たがいに感謝しあう。

▼憲法記念日:5 月 3 日 ▼天皇誕生日:12 月 23 日
日本国憲法の施行を記念し、国の成 天皇の誕生日を祝う。
※このほか 5 月 4 日が国民の休日に
▼こどもの日:5 月 5 日 なっています。

▼海の日:7 月の第 3 月曜日


Japanese Public Holidays
• Ganjitsu (New Year’s Day): January 1 • Keiro no Hi (Respect-for-the-Aged-
Celebrating the New Year. Day): Third Monday in September
Honoring Japan’s long-serving elderly
• Seijin no Hi (Coming-of-Age Day): and celebrating their longevity.
Second Monday in January
Celebrating the attainment of adulthood • Shubun no Hi (Autumnal Equinox
and young people’s steps towards Day) (Date changes each year)
independence. Paying respects to one’s ancestors and
remembering those who have passed
• Kenkoku Kinen no Hi (National away.
Foundation Day): (Determined by
government decree) February 11 • Taiiku no Hi (Sports Day) Second
Commemorating the founding of the Monday of October
nation and fostering a love of one’s Good physical and mental health is
country. fostered through physical activity.

• Shumbun no Hi (Vernal Equinox • B u n k a n o H i ( C u l t u r e D a y )

Day): (Date changes each year) November 3
Celebrating nature and offering love to The love of peace and freedom is fostered
all living things. through cultural activities.

• Midori no Hi (Greenery Day) April 29

Seeking to foster a rich spirit, becoming
• K i n r o K a n s h a n o H i ( L a b o r
Thanksgiving Day) November 23
familiar with nature and offering thanks Day on which people respect labor,
for its bounty. celebrate productivity and express
gratitude to each other.
• Kenpo Kinenbi (Constitution Memorial
Day) May 3 • Tenno Tanjobi (Emperor’s Birthday)
Commemorating the day that the December 23
Constitution of Japan became effective Celebrating the Emperor’s Birthday
and hopes for the subsequent growth of
the nation. *In addition to these, May 4 has been
designated as People’s Rest Day.
• Kodomo no Hi (Children’s Day) May 5
On this day, Japanese respect children,
strive to make children happy and display
gratitude to mothers.

• Umi no Hi (Marine Day): Third

Monday in July
In addition to being grateful for the
blessings of the sea, people wish for the
continued prosperity of Japan as a nation
that is surrounded by the sea.

Useful Telephone Numbers
• Tokyo Foreigners’ Advice Service
Offers advice on a broad range of subjects including everyday living.
English: Tel: 03-5320-7744 (Monday to Friday)
Chinese: Tel: 03-5320-7766 (Tuesday and Friday)
Korean: Tel: 03-5320-7700 (Wednesday)
(All from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., except on National Holidays.)

• Human Rights Consultation Center for Foreigners in Japan

Human rights violations.
Tel: 03-5689-0518
English, German, (Tuesday and Thursday), Chinese (Monday)
1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

• AMDA International Medical Information Center

Medical information.
Tel: 03-5285-8088
English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Spanish: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Portuguese: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tagalog: Wednesday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

V • Tokyo Metropolitan AIDS Telephone Service

Consultation and examination information on AIDS.
Tel: 0120-085-812 (English)
Tel: 0120-494-812 (Thai)
Tel: 0120-600-812 (Portuguese)

• JFAP AIDS Support Line

Telephone support by prerecorded messages is provided 24 hours a day by the automated
answering system in 8 languages
Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Chinese, Korean and Tagalog.
Tel: 03-5521-1177 (Please use a push-button telephone.)
The same recorded information is available on the website.

• Japan HIV Center

AIDS English Language Hotline
Saturday: 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
Tel: 03-5259-0256

• Metropolitan Police Department Telephone Counseling Service for Foreigners

Violence or crimes.
Tel: 03-3501-0110 Several languages including English
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

• Postal Information Service
Postal information.
Tel: 0570-046-111 (English)
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• Driving License Telephone Service
Telephone and fax services for driving licenses.
Tel: 03-5463-6000 (English)

• Japan National Tourist Organization

Tourism and travel
Tel: 03-3201-3331 (English)
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

• JR East Info-Line
Train and travel information.
Tel: 050-2016-1603 (English, Chinese and Korean)
Monday to Friday, (excluding Year-end/New Year holidays) 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

• NTT East Information

Inquiries regarding services.
Tel: 0120-364-463 English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, German, French and other languages.
Monday to Friday (excluding National Holidays and Year-end/New Year holidays) 9:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.

• Tokyo English Life Line

Life-related issues.
Tel: 03-5774-0992 English
Everyday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

• Japan Helpline
Life-related issues
24-hours every day of the year.
Tel: 0120-46-1997

• Telephone Consultation on Tuberculosis

Consultation on tuberculosis.
Tel: 03-3292-1218, 1219, English, Chinese, Korean
Tuesday 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 1:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Immigration Bureau
• Tokyo Immigration Bureau
Address: 5-5-30, Konan, Minato-ku.
Tel: 03-5796-7111
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding Saturday, Sunday and
National Holidays)

• Foreign Residents General Information Center

Offers information in foreign languages about entry formalities and visa procedures.
Having spouses or relatives join you in Japan.
Information on various procedures for entry such as inviting foreign workers to Japan.
Acquiring or changing visa status, extensions of period of stay, permission of permanent
residence and other visa related information.
How to fill in application forms.
Provision of information concerning immigration
Information concerning alien registration etc.
Languages: English, Korean, Chinese and Spanish.
Address: 5-5-30, Konan, Minato-ku.
Tel: 03-5796-7112

V • Shinjuku Center for Foreigners

Offers information on immigration procedures and visa screening procedures much in the
same way as the Foreign Residents General Information Center.
Address: Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza 11F, “Haijia” Tokyo Health Center, 2-44-1,
Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku.
Tel: 03-3209-6177
Hours: Monday to Friday, (excluding National Holidays and the second and fourth
Wednesday of the month) 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Foreign Embassies in Japan
• Australia Embassy in Japan
2-1-14 Mita, Minato-ku, 108-8361.
Tel: 03-5232-4111
• Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Japan
2-11-12 Kita Aoyoma, Minato-ku, 107-8633.
Tel: 03-3404-5211
• Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy in Japan
1 Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 102-8381.
Tel: 03-5211-1100
• Embassy of Canada in Japan
7-3-38 Akasaka, Minato-ku, 107-8503.
Tel: 03-5412-6200
• Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Japan
3-4-33 Moto-Azabu, Minato-ku, 106-0046.
Tel: 03-3403-3380
• Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica in Japan
Rm 901, No. 38 Kowa Bldg 9F, 4-12-24 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, 106-0031.
Tel: 03-3486-1812
• Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Japan V
1-5-4 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, 153-0042.
Tel: 03-3770-8022, 03-3770-8023
• Embassy of the Republic of Iceland
4-18-26 Takanawa, Minato-ku, 108-0074.
Tel: 03-3447-1944
• Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Japan
5-2-9 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, 141-0022.
Tel: 03-3441-4201
• Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Japan
1-2-5 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku. 106-8577.
Tel: 03-3452-7611, 03-3452-7619
• Royal Netherlands Embassy in Japan
3-6-3, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, 105-0011.
Tel: 03-5401-0411
• Royal Norwegian Embassy in Japan
5-12-2 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, 106-0047.
Tel: 03-3440-2611

• Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Japan
5-15-5 Roppongi, Minato-ku, 106-8537.
Tel: 03-5562-1600

• Embassy of the Republic of Poland

2-13-5 Mita, Meguro-ku, 153-0062.
Tel: 03-5794-7020
• Embassy of the Russian Federation in Japan
2-1-1 Azabudai, Minato-ku, 106-0041.
Tel: 03-3583-4224, 03-3583-5982
• Embassy of Serbia and Montenegro in Japan
4-7-24 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, 140-0001.
Tel: 03-3447-3571, 03-3447-3572.
• Embassy of Spain in Japan
1-3-29 Roppongi, Minato-ku, 106-0032.
Tel: 03-3583-8531, 03-3583-8532
• Embassy of Sweden in Japan
1-10-3-100 Roppongi, Minato-ku, 106-0032.
V Tel: 03-5562-5050
• Royal Thai Embassy in Japan
3-14-6 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, 141-0021.
Tel: 03-3447-2247
• Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
2-33-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, 150-0001.
Tel: 03-3470-5131

• Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Japan

9-10 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, 150-0036.
Tel: 03-5489-0804
• Embassy of the United States of America in Japan
1-10-5 Akasaka, Minato-ku, 107-8420.
Tel: 03-3224-5000
• Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
50-11 Moto-Yoyogi-cho, Shibuya-ku, 151-0062.
Tel: 03-3466-3311/3313/3314

Note: For further information, visit the following website:


発 行:東京海洋大学留学生委員会
発行日:平成 18 年 4 月
U R L :

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