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Alrfeld Leslgn

lebruury 6, zc
Sohellu Auluml
* An ureu of lund set uslde for the tukeo, lundlng, und
mulntenunce of ulrcruft
* 1ylcully uccount for 8c to of the totul lund ureu
occuled by un ulrort
* Ceometrlc Leslgn of un ulrfeld
*Lmclency ln oerutlons
*Potentlul for future growth
*Sufety for uvlutlon oerutlons
* 1he two most lnfuentlul sets of deslgn stundurds: 1he
lnternutlonul Clvll Avlutlon Crgunlzutlon (lCAC) und the
U.S. lederul Avlutlon Admlnlstrutlon (lAA)Slmllur but
not ldentlcul codlng system
Ceometrlc Leslgn of un Alrfeld
* 1he lund ucqulred for u new ulrort
* 1he overull geometrlc luyout of runwuys, tuxlwuys,
und urons
* 1he slze of ulrcruft whlch the ulrfeld ls deslgned for
* Eow the constructlon of ulrslde fucllltles ls hused
Sets of Stundurds und Culdellnes
* lnfexlblllty for resondlng to future develoments
(longrunge lunnlng )
* Cverbulldlng ln the lnltlul stuges of un ulrort's
* Adotlng u nonlntegruted urouch to deslgn
* lnsumclent ureclutlon of the economlc lmllcutlons
of deslgn cholces
Mlstukes ln Leslgnlng Alrfelds
* lullure of deslgners und lunners to untlclute the
eventuul lund ureu requlrements of the ulrfeld
lullure to Resond to luture
* Accommodute new, lurger tyes of ulrcruft ln the
future needs elther muklng very exenslve chunges to
exlstlng fucllltles or huvlng to rebulld them from
Cverbulldlng ln the lnltlul Stuges of
un Alrort's Cerutlon
* Alrorts tend to be deslgned ln u hlerurchlcul fushlon
!"#$%&# full conslderutlon of the lnteructlons umong
the vurlous subsystems
* Absence of u systems vlewolnt: tuxlwuy und uron
systems, ln urtlculur, ure often lnemclent und
sometlmes lnclude urts thut ure obvlous cundldutes
to become congestlon olnts
* Sufetyreluted crlterlu such us mlnlmlzlng the number
of runwuy crosslngs und reduclng the llkellhood of
runwuy lncurslons
Nonlntegruted urouch to deslgn of the
* Leslgn cholces mude to suve some cultul costs,
greutly lncreuse the oerutlng costs of ulrort users
for exumle, by lncreuslng tuxllng tlmes on the
lnsumclent ureclutlon of the economlc
lmllcutlons of deslgn cholces
Alrort clusslfcutlon codes und
deslgn stundurds
* Alrbus lndustrles hud recelved ubout cc orders for the A8c
* vlngsun of ,.8 m, 1he frst nonmllltury ulrlune ln lAA
Crou vl or wlth lCAC reference letter l
* Survey of 8 leudlng ulrorts
* Prlnclul roblems:
) runwuy und tuxlwuy dlmenslons und seurutlons
z) welght eect on tuxlwuy brldges
)1he eects of ulrcruft slze und cuuclty on ussenger
* scc mllllon er ulrort for the udjustments
* vlng sun und length
* Muxlmum certlfcuted structurul tukeo welght
(M1Cv), muxlmum lundlng welght, und oerutlng
emty welght
* Number of ussenger seuts
* Runge of the ulrcruft
* lAA tukeo feld length ut muxlmum certlfcuted
structurul tukeo welght, seu level, stundurd
utmosherlc condltlons, no wlnd, und level runwuy
Prlnclul Churucterlstlcs of Commerclul
'et Alrlunes
* Lvery runwuy ls ldentlfed by u twodlglt number,
whlch lndlcutes the mugnetlc uzlmuth of the runwuy
ln the dlrectlon of oerutlon to the neurest{ c.
Runwuy Clusslfcutlon
* lntersectlng runwuys: motlvuted by the requlrement
to rovlde udequute coveruge for crosswlnds ut un
* Lundlngs und tukeos ure tylcully conducted lnto
the wlnd
* Crosswlnd comonent = Seed of wlnd * Sln( Angle
between the wlnd dlrectlon und the runwuy
centerllne )
* A runwuy should not be used lf the crosswlnd
comonent exceeds some certuln thresholds
* 1he number und orlentutlon of runwuys should be
such thut crosswlnd coveruge ls ut leust ercent
vlnd Coveruge
A wlnd rose und the wlnd coveruge of two
Lund ureu occuled by un ulrfeld:
* 1he number, orlentutlon, und geometry of the
runwuys, lncludlng length, seurutlons between
urullel runwuys, ulrort reference codes selected for
the uroses of ulrfeld deslgn, etc
* 1he locutlon of the lundslde fucllltles relutlve to the
ulrslde fucllltles
* 1he uddltlonul lund ureu held ln reserve for future
Alrort luyouts
* ure ln North Amerlcu, ln Aslu, und 6 ln Luroe
* North Amerlcun ulrorts rocess very lurge numbers of
ulrcruft movements every yeur, smull number of
ussengers er movement
* Aslun ulrorts ure ut the ooslte end
* Luroeun ulrorts ln the mlddle between these two
8uslest Alrorts ln the vorld
* Slngle runwuys
* Purullel runwuys:
* Close < zcc ft (,6z m)
* Medlumsuced
* lndeendent > cc ft (c m) or cc ft (c m) or
ccc ft (z m) deendlng on the country
* Runwuys wlth dlerent orlentutlons
1yes of ulrort luyouts
Slngle Runwuy
* 1he lundslde fucllltles ure to the slde of the runwuy
und ussenger bulldlngs und curgo bulldlngs on
ooslte sldes
* Advuntuges: lower constructlon cost, llmlted lund
* Llsudvuntuge: llmlted lundlngjtukeo cuuclty
Slngle Runwuy
Close Purullel Runwuys
* Llsudvuntuges:
* No sumclent suce for the develoment of u lundslde
comlex between them
* Runwuys ure not necessurlly lndeendent
Close Purullel Runwuys
lndeendent Purullel Runwuys
* Advuntuges:
* Lmclent utlllzutlon of the vust ureu between the lndeendent
* Reusonuble roxlmlty of ussenger und curgo bulldlngs to
both runwuys
* 8etter ulrfeld trumc clrculutlon, us ulrcruft cun reuch elther
runwuy wlthout huvlng to cross unother uctlve runwuy
* lsolute the ulrort's lundslde from the surroundlngs of the
ulrort und thus better control the lundslde's develoment
* Reduced tuxllng dlstunces when one of the two runwuys ls
used for urrlvuls only und the other for deurtures only
lndeendent Purullel Runwuys
* Llsudvuntuges:
* Longjcomlex locul trunsortutlon llnks und hlghwuys
* Lxtenslve tuxlwuy system thut lncludes exenslve
tuxlwuy brldges usslng over the uccess rouds to
connect the runwuys
* Plucement of lundslde fucllltles restrlcts the exunslon
of these fucllltles when trumc grows
lndeendent Purullel Runwuys
Runwuys wlth Llerent Crlentutlons
* Advuntuge: Cerutlon under most weuther
condltlons und rovldes > crosswlnd coveruge
recommended by the lCAC und the lAA
* Llsudvuntuges:
* Llmcult to oerute from the ulr trumc munugement
(A1M) olnt of vlew.
* vust lund ureu requlrement
Runwuys wlth Llerent Crlentutlons
* 1uxlwuy systems ut mujor ulrorts cun be extenslve,
comlex ln confgurutlon, und costly to construct und
* Munlch Alrort: !"#$%&'( *+,- .%/0$%&'( 12 +,
* Cften un ufterthought urt
* Costs: !"#"$"%& (Constructlon Cerutlon)
* lAA und lCAC stundurds seclfy recommendutlons
* tuxlwuy wldth
* tuxlwuy curves
* mlnlmum seurutlon dlstunces between tuxlwuys und
urullel tuxlwuys, tuxlwuys, und objects
* longltudlnul sloe chunges, slght dlstunces, und
trunsverse sloes
1uxlwuy Stundurds
Seclul Cuses of 1uxlwuy Leslgn
* 1he stundurds ulso lnclude:
* Curved segments of tuxlwuys
* 1uxlwuy lntersectlons or junctlons
* 1uxlwuys on brldges
* Lxlt tuxlwuys, lncludlng hlghseed (or ruld or ucuteungle)
exlt tuxlwuys
* Eoldlng buys und byuss tuxlwuys
Lxlt 1uxlwuys
'%()*(#"%(+,- /"0$#1+(0,*
*2"# #+2"!+3
45&#*1+(0,*6 *2"# #+2"!+3-
+,,%!7 $"0$ 78**6 *2"#7
* Provlde the lnterfuce between ulrslde
und lundslde fucllltles ut ulrorts
* Pussenger bulldlng urons
* Curgo bulldlng urons
* Longterm urklng urons
* Servlce und hungur urons
* Cenerul uvlutlon urons
* Stundurds seclfy the sufety guldellnes (e.g.,
mlnlmum cleurunces between uny urt of the ulrcruft
und uny udjucent bulldlng)
* Leslgn Conslderutlons:
* 8oth &()"&#)* und +,-&.* ure lmortunt
* Lxundublllty of the uron ureu und lts ublllty to
uccommodute the full runge of ulrcrufts ure lmortunt
* 1rudeos between *+7* %9 :%)*:*(# %9 +"/5/+9# vs.
8+77*(0*/ 5%()*("*(5*
1hunk you!

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