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Writing development How can we help students with their?

? Portfolio Artifact 20 Points What standards will this assignment meet?

Quality Standard II: Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students. Quality Standard III: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.

PBSCT Standard Six: Knowledge of Individualization of Instruction: 6.1 Employ a wide range of teaching techniques to match the intellectual, emotional, and social level of each student, and choose alternative teaching strategies and materials to achieve different curricular purposes. 6.2 Design and/or modify standards-based instruction in response to diagnosed student needs, including the needs of exceptional learners and English language learners.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

8.22 (2) (c) implement effective teaching strategies, which include a wide variety of linguistic experiences for second-language students. 8.22 (3) The educator of linguistically diverse students is knowledgeable about language teaching methodology and instructional techniques for teaching a wide range of linguistically diverse students, K-12, founded on scientifically-based research and proven and effective applications; content based strategies; identification, selection, evaluation, design and adaptation of appropriate instructional materials; and child and adolescent literature from various cultures, and is able to: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education: 8.22 (3) (c) plan and implement instruction so that it is systemic, sequential, well-articulated, and delivered in an engaging environment. 8.22 (3) (d) select and utilize instructional materials and resources that are age, grade level, and language proficiency appropriate, aligned with the curriculum, English language proficiency standards, and English language arts content standards, to maintain and/or improve student achievement.

ELL Portfolio Page: 1) Students must turn in a copy of each of the 3 activities to Canvas, along with supporting visual and hands-on materials. 2) Students must submit the 3 activities to their FolioTek portfolio in an ELL page on the website.

Example of Differentiated Writing Development Activity

WIDA English Language Standards: The Language of Social Studies Writing domain: Engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences. Standards Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Social Reproduce Produce entries for Maintain historical Produce reports Studies historical historical journals journals in from historical highlights from from time lines or chronological order journals (using time lines or visually supported based on time lines technology). visually supported newspaper or newspaper newspaper headlines. headlines. headlines. Source: WIDA ELP Standards 2004, 2007 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.

Level 5 Bridging Produce historical documentaries from multiple sources (using technology).

INCLUDE (this info should be the text on your webpage): Grade level: 3rd Content: Social Studies State Standard, Concept/Skill and Evidence Outcome(s): .

Standard: 1. History Concepts and skills students master: 1. Use a variety of sources to distinguish historical fact from fiction. Students can: a. Compare factual historical sources with works of fiction about the same topic(DOK 1-2)
WIDA English Language Standards: Writing domain: Engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences. Standards Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Students will Students will use a Students will use Students will use Writing highlight examples template worksheet their own words to their own words of fact or fiction and fill it out using paraphrase providing examples and label which short phrases or examples of fact or from the text to one it is above the single words. fiction in one write a short sentence. paragraph. summary.

Level 5 Bridging

Students will use their own words to give detailed examples of fact or fiction from the text in three paragraphs.

Overview of Activity (explanation/instructions): Students will be given a factual article about Rosa Parks and study its elements. They will look for examples of why it is a factual source. Then, they will be given a fiction story about Rosa Parks and see what elements make it a fiction story. They will compare the two and give a written explanation how they compare and contrast. Level 1 will highlight examples in the text that are evidence of fact or fiction and label above the highlighted area whether it is fact or fiction. Level 2 will use the provided worksheet to write a few words explaining what makes the article nonfiction and what makes the book fiction. Level 3 will take examples of fact/fiction from the article/book and use their own words to provide evidence why the book is fiction and why the article is non-fiction.

See worksheets below

Artifacts All materials and documents needed to deliver your activity (instructions for students, handouts, realia, technology, examples, etc.). The artifacts for this portfolio assignment need to be

differentiated for at least THREE English language proficiency levels (Entering, Developing, and Bridging).

CRITERIA: Framework 5 points Grade level, content area, and detailed standards (both state standards and WIDA standards) are included and align with the oral language development activity. The description clearly explains the purpose of the activity and how it will be delivered to students. The oral language activity is appropriate for grade level, content area and WIDA language proficiency levels 2(beginning) 3(developing). The materials and documents needed to deliver the activity show careful planning and preparation. They would be able to be used in a classroom immediately. They show important attention to detail and creativity. They are professionallycreated (typed, in color, etc.).

Overview of Activity

5 points


10 points

Level 2 Give three FACTS about the Rosa Parks article: One fact I found in the article is: __________________________________________________________ One fact I found in the article is: __________________________________________________________ One fact I found in the article is: __________________________________________________________

Give three reasons why the Rosa Parks book is fiction (not real): The first reason I know this book is fiction is because it says, __________________________________________________ The second reason I know this book is fiction is because it says, __________________________________________________ The third reason I know this book is fiction is because it says, __________________________________________________

Level 3

Read the article about Rosa Parks and explain in a paragraph why it is a factual article:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________

Read the book about Rosa Parks and explain in a paragraph why it is a fiction book:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________

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