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Deploying the 12c Management Agent on Windows

Unlike the earlier OEM versions, in 12c we cannot download and install the Management Agent software by downloading the software from OTN !n 12c, we need to "se the #lo"d #ontrol Self Update feat"re to install as well as $atch the Management Agent !n this case, the 12c #lo"d #ontrol OM% is r"nning on a &in"' ()*+*, $latform and we are de$loying the agent on a -indows *, bit bo' There are a co"$le of things we need to do first a. %et"$ and config"re the 12c Software Library in #lo"d #ontrol b. !nstall the Bundle atch 1 /102,2110 .and $atch 1012112, c. 3ollow the $roced"re described in the 12c #lo"d #ontrol 4asic !nstallation 5"ide for installing !ygwin and %tarting the %%6 7aemon !"#$%"

The %oftware 8e$ository is a file system based re$ository which stores software entities like software and $atches, 9M !mages, referenced gold images, $l"g+ins etc The %oftware &ibrary facilitates $rovisioning and $atching via #lo"d #ontrol in both Offline as well as Online mode !n the Online mode we need to config"re #lo"d #ontrol with My Oracle %"$$ort details and obvio"sly internet connectivity is re:"ired

!n the e'am$le shown here, we will be "sing the %oftware &ibrary in the Offline $atching mode !f we have a m"lti$le OM% environment, then the file system location needs to be one which is shared or mo"nted across all the Oracle Management %erver hosts !n a single OM% environment, the file system for the %oftware &ibrary needs to reside on the host where the 12c OM% is r"nning 3rom the Setup men", select ro"isioning and atching, then select Software Library

%elect the %torage Ty$e as OM% %hared 3ilesystem and click on Add Enter the name for the software library and the directory location on the OM% host

-e can view the %oftware &ibrary contents via the #nterprise men", ro"isioning and atching and then Software Library

Ac$uiring or Updating Management Agent Software in %ffline Mode

3rom the Setup men", select ro"isioning and atching, then select %ffline atching

#hange the setting for #onnection to Offline

3rom the Setup men", select #&tensibility, then select Self Update

#lick !hec' for Updates on the %elf U$date home $age

Note the U8& mentioned above and c"t and $aste that in a web browser session 7ownload the file mentioned and co$y it to a location on the host where the 12c OM% is r"nning 8"n the EM#&! commands as shown here from the OM% ;O8A#&E<6OME=bin location
>oracle?kens+oem+$rod bin@; ()emcli login *username+sysman *password+&&&&
&ogin s"ccessf"l

>oracle?kens+oem+$rod bin@; ()emcli import,update,catalog *file+-)home)oracle)p./01012,112333,4eneric(5ip- *omslocal

Arocessing catalog for Arovisioning 4"ndle Arocessing "$dateB Arovisioning 4"ndle + U$date for Enter$rise Manager 6igh Availability 7e$loyment Aroced"res Arocessing catalog for Agent %oftware Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for Microsoft -indows /02+bit. Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for 6A+U( AA+8!%# /*,+bit. Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for &in"' ')* Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for Oracle %olaris on ')*+*, /*,+bit. Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for Oracle %olaris on %AA8# /*,+bit. Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for Microsoft -indows '*, /*,+bit. Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for !4M A!( on AO-E8 %ystems /*,+bit. Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for !4MB &in"' on %ystem C Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for 6A+U( !tani"m Arocessing catalog for Management #onnector Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + !4M TE# #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + Microsoft %#OM 82 #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + Microsoft %#OM $re82 #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + 4M# 8emedy #hange Management #onnector + 12 1 2 1 2 Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + 6A %ervice Manager 1 1 #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + 6A %ervice Manager 1 2 #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + 6A O$erations Manager UN!( #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing "$dateB Management #onnector + #A %ervice 7esk #onnector + 12 1 2 2 2

Arocessing catalog for !nformational Arocessing "$dateB !nformational + Management of Oracle 9M 0 1 1 now available with Oracle Enter$rise Manager 12c Arocessing "$dateB !nformational + Oracle Enter$rise Manager #lo"d #ontrol Mobile now available for A$$le iAhone Arocessing catalog for Al"g+in Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + A$$lication Management Aack for Oracle Utilities $rovides management and monitoring for the Oracle Utilities area

Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + A$$lication Management Aack for Oracle Utilities $rovides management and monitoring for the Oracle Utilities area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + A$$lication Management Aack for Oracle Enter$rise Ta'ation and Aolicy Management $rovides management and monitoring for the Oracle Enter$rise Ta'ation and Aolicy Management area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + A$$lication Management Aack for Oracle Enter$rise Ta'ation and Aolicy Management $rovides management and monitoring for the Oracle Enter$rise Ta'ation and Aolicy Management area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle E'adata $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle E'adata and related targets s"ch as 7atabase Machine, etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle E'adata $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle E'adata and related targets s"ch as 7atabase Machine, etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle E'adata $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle E'adata and related targets s"ch as 7atabase Machine, etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle E'adata $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle E'adata and related targets s"ch as 7atabase Machine, etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Al"g+in to enable Oracle 9M virt"aliCation management ca$abilities in Oracle Enter$rise Manager Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Al"g+in to enable clo"d self service framework and $ortal in Oracle Enter$rise Manager Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Al"g+in to enable clo"d self service framework and $ortal in Oracle Enter$rise Manager Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle MO% $l"gin $rovides s"$$ort for My Oracle %"$$ort feat"res s"ch as Dnowledge, %ervice 8e:"ests and Aatching and U$dates Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle %iebel Al"gin consists of monitoring and management for Oracle %iebel area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Enter$rise Manager for 3"sion A$$s consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion and diagnostics in f"sion a$$lication area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Enter$rise Manager for 3"sion A$$s consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion and diagnostics in f"sion a$$lication area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + 3A Al"gin consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion and diagnostics in f"sion a$$lication area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle #hargeback, #onsolidation Alanner and #a$acity Alanning Al"g+in Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle #hargeback, #onsolidation Alanner and #a$acity Alanning Al"g+in Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Enter$rise Manager for 3"sion Middleware consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion Middleware and diagnostics in middleware area Error $rocessing "$dateB Eava' 'ml bind UnmarshalE'ce$tion + with linked e'ce$tionB >org 'ml sa' %A(AarseE'ce$tionB cvc+en"meration+validB 9al"e F22GF is not facet+valid with res$ect to en"meration F>2222, 2)G, ,*, G12, 110, 01G, 22*, 212, 1G1, HG, 20, 2*1, 200@F !t m"st be a val"e from the en"meration @ Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Enter$rise Manager for 3"sion Middleware consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion Middleware and diagnostics in middleware area

Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle 3M- Al"gin consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion Middleware and diagnostics in middleware area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle 3M- Al"gin consists of monitoring and management for Oracle 3"sion Middleware and diagnostics in middleware area Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle 7atabase $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle 7atabase and related targets s"ch as 8eal A$$lication #l"sters, A"tomatic %torage Management /A%M. etc Error $rocessing "$dateB Eava' 'ml bind UnmarshalE'ce$tion + with linked e'ce$tionB >org 'ml sa' %A(AarseE'ce$tionB cvc+en"meration+validB 9al"e F22GF is not facet+valid with res$ect to en"meration F>2222, 2)G, ,*, G12, 110, 01G, 22*, 212, 1G1, HG, 20, 2*1, 200@F !t m"st be a val"e from the en"meration @ Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle 7atabase $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle 7atabase and related targets s"ch as 8eal A$$lication #l"sters, A"tomatic %torage Management /A%M. etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle 7atabase $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle 7atabase and related targets s"ch as 8eal A$$lication #l"sters, A"tomatic %torage Management /A%M. etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle 7atabase $l"gin $rovides com$rehensive management for Oracle 7atabase and related targets s"ch as 8eal A$$lication #l"sters, A"tomatic %torage Management /A%M. etc Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Management Al"g+in for the %"n I3% %torage A$$liance 3amily Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Enter$rise Manager for Oracle 5olden5ate Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + %ybase A%E %erver Al"gin for monitoring %ybase A%E %erver from Enter$rise Manager Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + O$s #enter !nfrastr"ct"re stack management $l"g+in Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle A"dit 9a"lt Al"gin $rovides monitoring and management of Oracle A"dit 9a"lt %erver and its com$onents Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Microsoft %J& %erver Al"gin for monitoring %J& %erver database from Enter$rise Manager Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + !4M 742 7atabase Al"gin for monitoring 742 databases from Enter$rise Manager Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + EM# %ymmetri' Array Monitoring Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle E'adata 6ealthchecks $l"g+in $rovides $roactive healthcheck alerts for Oracle E'adata machine Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + EM# #elerra monitoring incl"ding re$orts Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + EM# #&A8iiON Array Monitoring Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + A$ache Tomcat Al"gin for monitoring A$ache Tomcat %erver from Enter$rise Manager

Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle Kdedwards Enter$riseOne Al"gin consists of monitoring and management for Oracle Kdedwards Enter$riseOne system Arocessing "$dateB Al"g+in + Oracle A$$lication Management Aack for Oracle E+4"siness %"ite consists of %ystem Management and #hange Management 3eat"re %ets

O$eration com$leted s"ccessf"lly %elf U$date catalog has been "$loaded to Enter$rise Manager Alease "se the %elf U$date 6ome to view and manage "$dates

-e sho"ld now see that the last "$date and last download time has changed

#lick on Agent Software -e can see that a n"mber of "$dates for vario"s $latforms are not shown with the stat"s Available Only one agent will show at this stage with the stat"s A$$lied and that is the agent which was installed when we installed the 12c #lo"d #ontrol on the &in"' ')*+*, machine

Now select the line which has for the O% Alatform Microsoft -indows '*,/*,+bit. mentioned

Then click on Download

Note the U8& mentioned and c"t and $aste the same in a web browser session

7ownload the mentioned file and co$y it to a location on the OM% server

3rom o"r e'isting EM#&! session on the OM% host now r"n this commandB

>oracle?kens+oem+$rod bin@; ()emcli import,update *omslocal *file+)u31)stage)p10311167,112333,4eneric(5ip

Arocessing "$dateB Agent %oftware + Agent %oftware /12 1 2 1 2. for Microsoft -indows '*, /*,+bit. O$eration com$leted s"ccessf"lly U$date has been "$loaded to Enter$rise Manager Alease "se the %elf U$date 6ome to manage this "$date

After r"nning this command, we will see that the stat"s has now changed from Available to 7ownloaded

%elect the line for the O% Alatform Microsoft -indows '*,/*,+bit. and now click on the Apply b"tton

-e now see that the stat"s has changed from 7ownloaded to A$$lied

#lick on Agent Software Then click on Add Under 6ost, enter the f"lly :"alified name of the -indows server where we are going to de$loy the agent and select the a$$ro$riate $latform from the Alatform dro$down list

#lick on 8e&t

Enter the location for the agent installation on the -indows server -e also need to create a named credential which will be the domain "ser acco"nt which has administrative $rivileges on the -indows server

#lick on 8e&t

8eview the information and then click on Deploy Agent

The agent installation will go thro"gh 0 stagesB

a. !nitialiCation b. 8emote Are+re:"isite checks c. Agent 7e$loyment

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