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SANKET MANJIT Kalisindh Thermal Power Plant Near Undal village Jhalawar Rajasthan (Pin !"##$% P&'NE ()"*())#$(++" OBJECTIVE See,ing a -areer o..ort/nit0 where I -an -ontri1/te .rod/-tivel0 /sing m0 s,ills2 ,nowledge and e3.erien-e in a world -lass organi4ation devoted to te-hni-al e3-ellen-e5 SYNOPSYS * 6ears o7 diversi7ied e3.erien-e in .ower .lant ere-tion and -ommissioning E3tensive ,nowledge in 89I Material Management E3.erien-e in .roje-t management methodologies2 .lanning and s-hed/ling5 E3-ellent inter.ersonal s,ills and -omm/ni-ation2 -lient and s/1(-ontra-tor inter7a-ing5 Strong do-/mentation and re.orting s,ills5 Managing and .roviding s/..ort and -oordination to -or.orate .roje-t teams5 :elivering and im.lementing the .roje-t as .er s-hed/led milestones5 Ens/ring sa7et0 and ;/alit0 in handling the e;/i.ments and the .ersonnel who handles them5


<5E (E9I% &S8 SS8 PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Employer Role Date of Employment Current project s/..lied

!##) !##+ !##


? <@R Energ0 S0stems >td ? Engineer(8ontrol and Instr/mentation ? A/g/st !##) to till date : !3"##MA Kalisindh S/.er Thermal Power Proje-t2 Jhalawar2 Rajasthan 'wned 10 RR=UN> (Rajasthan%5 &ere2 <T@ materials are entirel0 <0 :'N@BAN@ E>E8TRI8 8'5 >T:2 8&INA

BGR Energy Systems Lt ! "###!$gr%&r'!%&m( A1o/t 8om.an0 ? <@R Energ0 S0stems >td is one o7 the leading EP8 -ontra-tor with proven experience of executing large turnkey contracts of balance of plants in the 500 MW's capacity, BGR nergy has strategic synergies with key worl! players in "ower plant e#uip$ents % poise! to execute large scale power pro&ects on turnkey "' basis using latest technologies(

JOB SUMMARY To eval/ate 9 monitor over all wor, .rogress o7 ere-tion e;/i.ment as .er s-hed/led .lanning5 8oordinating with -ivil agen-ies to get -ivil 7o/ndations 7or ere-tion2 se;/entiall0 and .riorit0 wise5 8oordinating in liaison with a/thorities d/ring ere-tion5 Anal04ing engineering iss/es and giving 7eed1a-, to all s/.eriors a1o/t site a-tivities and .rogress details related to ere-tion a-tivities as and when re;/ired5 =eri7i-ation o7 s/1(-ontra-tor 1illing5 Ens/ring smooth wor,ing2 M/t/al -o(ordination2 and -o(o.eration among ere-tion gro/.s and with all -on-erns involved in ere-tion a-tivities Ere-tion o7 stationar0 ele-tri-al ma-hines 7or -onstr/-tion .ower s/..l05 Ens/ring a-tivities li,e .lanning2 s-hed/ling2 monitoring 9 timel0 e3e-/tion o7 ere-ting 89I related wor,s 7or <T@ e;/i.ments5 8oordinating with 8lient2 &ead '77i-e and -ontra-tor 7or site related iss/es and resolving them 10 /sing Bront End 8ommissioning o7 !3"##MA Kalisindh Thermal Power Plant (UNITC$%5 Steam 1lowing milestone s/--ess7/ll0 a-hieved5 Ere-tion o7 T/r1ine S/.ervisor0 Instr/ments (TSI%5 8ommissioning o7 Motori4ed '.erated =alves (M'=% and Pne/mati- '.erated =alvesD:am.ers5 Aor,ed on 1oiler igniter and 7lame sensors5 S/--ess7/ll0 -om.leted the &6:R' TEST 7or <'I>ER5 :o-/mentation o7 :rawings and :o-/ments o7 total .lant5 8om./ter .ro7i-ien-0 in MS '77i-e5

)OBBIES AND INTEREST Playing guitar Target shooting using air gun Painting Travelling on motorbike Working out in gym

PERSONAL DETAILS Fathers Name Date of Birth Languages Known Mr5 :E<A6AN MANJIT ! D# D$)EE English2 &indi2 'ri0a

!!ress for Communication: !3"##mw KATPP2 near /ndal village2 jhalawar 2 Rajasthan Pin !"##$5

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