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400 & 402 Cords and Fixture Wires

Correctly applying the requirements of Art. 400 and 402 can prevent serious pro lems
Apr. 1, 2004 !i"e #olt | Electrical Construction and Maintenance

Don't underestimate the NEC's requirements for flexible cords and fixture wires they're actually important enough that the standard covers them in two separate articles. pecifically! you'll find flexible cord requirements in "rt. #$$ and fixture wire requirements in "rt. #$%. Flexi le cords. &he first thing you need to understand about flexible cords is that the NEC doesn't consider them 'a wiring method.( "rticle #$$ applies to the cords and cables in &able #$$.#! but it doesn't apply to the various types of cables in Chapter )! such as N*! "C! or *C cable. Next! it's important to remember that you must use the right cord and fittings for the application. +or example! when you're wor,ing in a wet location! you need to use a cord approved for that purpose. &his rule exists because the -ac,et material is tested to maintain its insulation properties and other characteristics only in the environment for which ./ or another certifying body has approved it. &a,e a few minutes to loo, at &able #$$.#. 0f you thin, this is over,ill for an extension cord! you're right. 1ut it's not -ust about extension cords. 0ts scope ranges from lamp cords to vacuum cords three of the entries are for elevator cords alone. 0t's still good to note the entries in this table. 2ou'll find the allowable ampacities for flexible cords in &ables #$$.34"5 and #$$.3415. 2ou'll find the overcurrent protection requirements in #$$.6). +ollow the requirements for %#$.3 to protect cords. 2ou'll find a list of 66 permitted uses for flexible cords in #$$.7. 0t helps to understand the rationale behind these uses. +rom time to time! equipment li,e pendants! cranes! and elevators must be moved and therefore need a flexible cord. 0n other cases! a short flexible cord provides for ease of installation and maintenance! as is the case with luminaires. "rt. #$$ also includes a list of six uses not permitted for flexible cords. Consider the first item8 you can't use cords to substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure. 9equirements li,e these demonstrate the fact that flexible cords can't be used to get around Chapter ) wiring methods.

$ %Fig. &.$' % Although it may seem li"e a violation( the Code does allo) you to install flexi le cords )ithin a raised floor not used for environmental air.

2ou can't run cords in suspended ceilings or other 'out:of:sight areas( 4 Fig. & above5. ;hy is it <= to wire a luminaire with a cord when it's in the open! but not <= to use that same cord in a suspended ceiling> ;hen a cord isn't in a concealed space! you can inspect it for damage caused by insects and rodents. 0nside a suspended ceiling! these pests can chew through the cord and create a fire ha?ard you may not discover until it's too late. @owever! you can put cords within a raised floor not used for environmental air because this isn't considered a concealed space. ee "rt. 6$$ for the definition of 'exposed.(

&he concept of not using flexible cords in place of Chapter ) wiring methods sets the tone for #$$.7 and #$$.A. Consider the example of an appliance factory that violated this concept. evere power quality problems in the finishing area resulted in unscheduled shutdowns and high scrap rates at a cost of nearly B6 million per month. &he subsequent investigation into these problems revealed a %:foot thic, bundle of flexible cords 4 < wire5 held together by hundreds of tie:wraps. &his bundle ran from several #A$C brea,ers to loads more than %$$ feet away. &hose loads included 6$:hp motors and 6%$D%$AC transformers. 9edoing this installation to conform to "rt. #$$ and Chapter ) eliminated the power quality problems and a ma-or fire ha?ard. &he paybac, period was -ust a few days! based on the power quality issues alone. ;hile this is an extreme example! it illustrates the concept of using flexible cords for their intended purpose and using Chapter ) wiring methods where required.

$ %Fig. 2.$' % Flexi le cords shall e installed so that tension )on*t e transmitted to the conductor terminals.

+lexible cords need support. Eer #$$.6$! be sure to install them in a way that prevents transmission of tension to the conductor terminals. &he NEC allows you to ,not the cord! wind it with tape! or use fittings designed for relieving stress. @owever! the Code isn't a design guide a higher level of stress relief than the Code minimum is often appropriate. +or critical installations! it's best to use a factory:made stress relieving listed device not an old:timer's ,not 4Fig. 25.

+t*s a violation of the Code to use fixture )ires any smaller than &, AW-.

Fixture )ires. "s with flexible cords! the NEC doesn't consider fixture wires to be 'a wiring method.( "nd -ust as the NEC provides a large table that lists flexible cords! it also provides &able #$%.)! which lists the various types of fixture wires! and &able #$%.3! which specifies their allowable ampacities. 0f you loo, at that table! you'll see the smallest wire si?e is 6A ";F 4.a le5. &he NEC doesn't allow using a smaller fixture wire. 0f you use %$ ";F for fixture wire! you'll have a Code violation. 9aceways for fixture wires must be large enough to permit the installation and removal of conductors without damaging the insulation. Don't exceed the percentage fill specified in &able 6! Chapter G. ee )$$.67 for additional details. 0f all conductors in a raceway are the same si?e and insulation! refer to "nnex C for the maximum quantity per raceway type.

$ %Fig. /.$' % Fixture )ires shall e permitted for connecting luminaires to the ranch0circuit conductors.

Eer #$%.6$ and #$%.66! you can use fixture wires to connect luminaires! but you can't use them as branch circuit conductors 4Fig. / and Fig. 4 above5. 2ou can also use them for elevators and escalators HI%$.664C5J! Class 6 control and power:limited circuits H7%3.%7415J! and nonpower limited fire alarm circuits H7I$.%7415J. 2ou must protect them against overcurrent per %#$.3. 0f you're using fixture wires for motor control circuit taps! follow #)$.7%4"5. +or Class 6 control circuits! follow 7%3.%).

$ %Fig. 4.$' % .he Code is very specific on )here you can and can*t install fixture )ires.

.nderstanding flexible cord and fixture wiring requirements requires a minimal amount of time! but adhering to them can provide big benefits by eliminating preventable problems.

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