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General administration task

Start and stop of an SAP R/3 instance

Starting the R/3 System

1. Start the Central nstance
$perating system %& ' %& ' shell



<host>> startsap * startsap+<host>+<instance no>,

! 3 "
startd) script

saposcol (ata)ase
If not started If not started

Central nstance

!. Start additional R/3 instances

SAP AG 1999

The operating system user logs on to the UNIX operating system as user <sid>adm. To start R/3, run the shell script startsap_<host>_<instance_no> rom the home directory o user <sid>adm. The script startsap_<host>_<instance no> has the alias startsap. startsap starts the saposcol process, !hich is the statistics collector or operating system resource data, i it is not yet running. startsap calls the script startdb, !hich starts the data"ase i it is not already started. startsap then starts the central instance. The R/3 #ystem administrator can start additional instances and application ser$ers. To start the instances independently o the data"ase, use the script startsap. startsap has the ollo!ing options% startsap r3% startsap db% startsap all% &hec's i the data"ase is running( i it is, only the instance is started #tarts only the data"ase )e ault entry( starts "oth the data"ase and the R/3 instance


Starting an R/3 nstance

nstance start-p se.-ence

. %& ' shell > startsap+<host>+<nr>


Start profile

(efa-lt and instance profile Processes







5 Connection



SAP AG 1999


This graphic displays the R/3 start procedure in more detail. #cript startsap calls program #*+#T*RT. +rogram #*+#T*RT reads the #T*RT +R,-I./ and starts the R/3 components and/or ser$ices listed in /usr/sap/<#I)>/#0#/pro ile/#T*RT_<instance>_<hostname>.

,n a central instance, #*+#T*RT starts the message ser$er, dispatcher, collector, and the sender. ,n a dialog instance, only the sender and the dispatcher are started. The collector and sender are used to implement the central R/3 #ystem log. The dispatcher or's and creates child processes% The !or' processes 1dialog, "ac'ground, spool, update, . . .2 are created according to the in ormation in the pro iles /usr/sap/<#I)>/#0#/pro ile/<#I)>_<instance>_<hostname> and /usr/sap/<#I)>/#0#/pro ile/)/-*U.T.+-.. The gate!ay reader. This does not depend on the pro iles, and it is al!ays started. *ll the !or' processes e3cept the gate!ay reader connect to the data"ase. To pro$ide a sta"le startup procedure, the parameter read se4uence 1also 'no!n as the parameter replace se4uence2 is de ined during startup as ollo!s% R/3 processes read the appropriate parameters rom a & source in the R/3 'ernel The de ault pro ile /usr/sap/<#I)>/#0#/pro ile/)/-*U.T.+-. is read( pro ile $alues already de ined in the & source are replaced !ith the $alues in the de ault pro ile The instance pro ile /usr/sap/<#I)>/#0#/pro ile/<#I)>_<instance>_<hostname> is read( pro ile $alues already de ined in the de ault pro ile or in the & source are replaced !ith the $alues de ined in the instance pro ile

This procedure ensures that system parameter $alues re lect the instance pro ile and the $alues in the de ault pro ile and the & source.


R/3 Start-p 6ogs and 7races

R/3 Start-p 6ogs and 7races

9:$34/<sid>adm/startsap+<host>+<instance no.> 9:$34/<sid>adm/startsap+<host>+<instance no.>.log /sapmnt/<S (>/< nstance><&o>/1ork/ ...

stderr1 5 m sapstart<m>.trc sapstart.log de/+ms de/+disp

Standard error files of program SAPS7AR7 7race files of program SAPS7AR7 Start-p log of program SAPS7AR7 7race file of the message ser/er 7race file of the dispatcher 7race files of the 1ork processes

SAP AG 1999

de/+18 5 n

The R/3 startup scripts log their actions to log iles in the home directory o the user <sid>adm. R/3 !or' directories contains trace iles and error iles or messages relating to the startup o !or' processes. There is a !or' directory or each R/3 instance. The !or' directory contains in ormation that may not "e ound in the R/3 #ystem log. The !or' directory iles are initiali5ed in chronological order. To de ine the le$el o in ormation !ritten to the trace iles, set the pro ile parameter rdisp/TR*&/ in the instance pro ile. The $alues or this parameter are% 6% 7rite only errors 1no traces2 8% 7rite error messages and !arnings 1de ault2 9% 7rite error messages and a short trace 3% 7rite error messages and the complete trace These iles can "e $ie!ed at ,# le$el or in R/3% *t ,# le$el, you can use UNIX command :page;, :more;, or :cat;. In R/3, you can use transaction AL11. In R/3, you can use transaction SM50 to see the de$eloper trace or a particular !or' process% choose Process Trace Display file 1or clic' on Display file2.


Processes after starting SAP nstance

The process I)s o the $arious R/3 processes clearly sho! the R/3 startup procedure. sapstart creates the dispatcher, collector, and sender. saposcol is started directly rom the script startsap. The UNIX init process has the process I) 8.
1.3.1 7ro-)leshooting d-ring start-p phase In case o trou"le, please chec' that all process rom #*+ and ,R*&./ are started. SAP R/3 processes; ...sapstart... ...saposcol work-process and R/3 dispatcherprocess global syslog collector process global syslog sender process essage ser!er process Gateway R/3 Start"p Process SAP #S $ollector-Process

$RAC64 pro<esse;

ora+reco<S (> ora+d)1r<S (> ora+d)8=1>&?<S (> ora+lg1r<S (> ora+arch<S (> ora+ckpt<S (> ora+pmon<S (> orasr/ oracle<S (>

Reco!er-Pro%ess &atabase 'riter Globaler Syslog Sender Pro%ess (og 'riter Archi!er $heckpoint Pro%ess )onitor *nterpro%ess $o "nication Ser!er Shadow Pro%ess + ehrere,

-o" can also "se SAP transactions to .ind the error/

7ransaktion; S3!1 S3#8

&ient der 0nters"ch"ng "nd der An%eige der Syste Pro%ess-1bersicht. 2olgende Pro%esse ( &ialog-Pro%ess A 0pdate Pro%ess 4 4n5"e"e Pro%ess @ 6atch Pro%ess S Spool Pro%ess (ogs 3ssen da sein/

S3#1 S CB

Ser!er-1bersicht. 4nth7lt 8eweils einen 4intrag pro *nstan% *nstallation $onsistency $heck

*n case that a start"p is not possible yo" ha!e to analyse 9RA$4-2iles located "nder/

$heck that /etc/services has read-per ission .or :S*&;ad

and ora:S*&; an"aly as .ollowed/

*. start"p is not possible d"e to a database error< try to start the database

logon as ora<sid> sqldba l ode!" S#$DB%> &onne&t internal S#$DB%> startup

*. the database inconsistent yo" can try the .ollowing steps

S#$DB%> startup ount S#$DB%> re&o'er database( S#$DB%> alter database open(


Start SAP R/3 minimal system inia al pro.ile .or diagnistic.

-o" can create an

(ogin as <SID>adm. 6ack"p the acti!e instance pro.ile< e.g instance P=1 ) &d /usr/sap/*0+/S,S/profile ) &p *0+-DVEBMGS00 *0+-DVEBMGS00.orig 2. $reate the new instance pro.ile. 9he new pro.ile "st ini " contain the .ollowing para eter/

SAPS-S94)>A)4 SAPS-S94) rdisp/9RA$4 rdisp/wp@no@dia

? P=1 ? == ?2 ?2

3. start SAP R/3 syste and check the trace .iles "nder

ATTENTION: Please dont forget to reset t e trace!level rdis"/T#A$E% Normal& t is "arameter is not set and so t e defa'lt is (% )it trace level * and ig er &o' got a lot of +,s and can r'nning o't of s"ace% Alternatati!e yo" can "se the .ollowing trace le!els/
&as set%en des Para eters rdisp/7RAC4 a". 2 erhAht den 9race-(e!el "nd sorgt da.3r< das die 9race2iles "nter /-sr/sap/<S (>/(A4@3GS88/1ork/ signi.ikant ehr *n.or ationen enthalten. &er Para eter rdisp/1p+no+dia sorgt da.3r< das n"r 2 'orkpro%esse hochge.ahren werden "nd da it das Syste nicht so hoch belastet wird.


&as Ber"nterset%en des 9RA$4-(e!els sollte & 4 !ergessen werden. Coreingestellt ist der Para eter rdisp/7RAC4 in de * gar nicht eingetragen. &as Syste ni t dann a"to atisch den 9RA$4-(e!el 1 an. )it de 9RA$4-(e!el 2 werden sehr schnell 9RA$4-2iles !on ehreren h"ndert )6 geschrieben.


SAP 4nt1ickler 7races

23r 8ede *nstan% werden i Cer%eichnis /'sr/sa"/<SID>/<INSTAN-NA+E>/.or/ 9RA$4-2iles geschrieben. 2olgende 2iles sind !orhanden/

sa"start%log dev0dis" dev0.<N#%> dev0ms dev0st<1SE#>

4nth7lt *n.or ationen 3ber den Start des R/3 Syste s 9RA$4-2ile des &ispatcher-Pro%ess 9RA$4-2ile des 8eweiligen 'ork-Pro%ess 9RA$4-2ile des )essage Ser!er-Pro%ess 9RA$4-2ile des sapte " it de Pro.ile-Para eter

&er 9race-(e!el .3r die de!-2iles kann rdisp//0%1E !+

2 Grundeinstellung3

i *nstan%-Pro.ile /'sr/sa"/<SID>/S2S/"rofile/<SID>0D3E,+4S55 eingestellt werden. 2olgende (e!el kAnnen angegeben werden/

2ert; @ede-t-ng;
8 1 ! Dein 9RA$4 >"r 2ehler eld"ngen Coller 9RA$4 2ehler< kann .olgendes Corgehen hel.en/ it/

E"r A"swert"ng der 9RA$4-&ateien bei eine

1. 9RA$4-&atei< die %"let%t beschrieben w"rde hera"s.inden 4 ll 5t 2. &ie grAFte 9RA$4-&atei hera"s.inden

3. Bera"s.inden< welche der 9RA$4-&ateien den String 4RR#R enth7lt 4 find . 5na e 6de'76 5e8e& grep 5l 6E00906 :; <(



&Dt<liche 7ransaktionscodes 7Code;

/nxxxx /n /nex /oxxxx /o /h /hs /$SYNC /$CUA

Terminates current transaction and starts transaction "xxxx" Terminates current transaction /nend Terminates all separate sessions and logs off Terminates all separate sessions and logs off immediately Opens a new sessions and starts transaction "xxxx" inn new session Lists existing sessions and allows deletion or opening of a new session Switches into debugging mode Switches into debugging mode and activates the debugging of system functions Buffer Command !esets all buffers in the system Buffer Command !esets the C"# buffer of the application server

/$TAB /$NAM /$DYNP /bdel /bend

Buffer Command !esets the table buffer of the application server Buffer Command !esets the nametab buffer of the application server Buffer Command !esets the screen buffer if the application server $eletes the current batch input transaction Terminates batch unput processing and sets the sessions to "%ailed"

&inige 'us(t'liche )ommandos

*sc *pc *pri/*prin *bc0 *bc5 *bc1 4in Screend" p !o

%+,$ if find is not an option in an S#- screen S#.& it to a file on your pc /ill print the current screen Ta1es you bac1 one screen 23reen #rrow4 Cancel 2!ed 64 7ellow #rrow eine SAP 6ildschir kann it der 9astenko bination/

AltGr/Druck er%e"gt werden. *nnerhalb eines )icroso.t &ok" entes wie 'ord oder Power Point kann es dann wie gewohnt it der Do bination/ STRG-V einge.3gt werden.


R/3 Start>Profile

6ei Starten des SAP R/3 Syste s werden eine Reihe !on Pro.ilen eingelesen. >ach.olgend eine 1bersicht 3ber die Certeil"ng der !erschiedenen Pro.ile i 2ilesyste /

/ ...
Bier stehen &aten< a". die alle *nstan%en %"grei.en.

"sr sap :S*&;

Hede *nstan% hat ein Cer%eichnis< in de *nstan%-Spe%i.ische (a".%eit&aten gespeichert werden

S-S g"i eGe pro.ile global

:*nstan%na e;
*n.or ationen 3ber alle< !on Pro%essen dieser *nstan% er%e"gten syslog-4intr7ge

:*nstan%na e; log data work

S(#GH Eentrales Syslog &42A0(9.P2( Syste weiter Pro.ile 94)0.P2( Sapg"i Pro.ile :S*&;@&C46)GS==
R/3 * Startet die *nstan%< &e.iniert die An%ahl der 'PIs< Phys. )e "sw.

Roll ". Paging &aten eines Appl. Ser!ers 9race ". 4rror *n.or ationen< Start"p-)eld"ngen "nd Speicherab%3ge der *nstan%

R/3 Start-Pro.ile. Startet die 'orkpro%esse< )essage Ser!er< Application Ser!er "nd Syslog $ollector &ae on &ie Priorisier"ng dieser Pro.ile ist wie .olgt/

8. BAchste Priorit7t haben Pro.ile in der Do

sapte u pf!/EM=.*>$

ando%eile. 6eispielsweise in

9. &ie n7chste Priorit7t haben die *nstan%-Pro.ile it ihren Para etern< 6eispielsweise in

3. &as n7chste Pro.ile< das bei Starten i


er gelesen wird< ist das %entrale Syste pro.ile

<. &ie niedrigste Priorit7t haben Para eter< die in den $-So"rcen .est !orbelegt w"rden

$racle > $racle (irectory Str-ct-re in R/3

d)s )in saptrace sapdata1 . . sapdata<n> sap)ack-p saparch sapcheck sapreorg origlogA origlog@ mirrlogA mirrlog@ @R@ACB%PF @RR4S7$R4 logs @RARC: A4 logsF $racle archi/e dir SAP(@A logs *>neEtF >checkF >analy<e, SAP(@A logs*defa-lt,F defa-lt compression directory $nline redo log files $nline redo log files $nline redo log files $nline redo log files log+g181m1.d)fF log+g183m1.d)f log+g18!m1.d)fF log+g18"m1.d)f log+g181m!.d)fF log+g183m!.d)f log+g18!m!.d)fF log+g18"m!.d)f ctrl<S (>.d)f

SAP and $racle profilesF $racle eEec-ta)les @ackgro-nd *$racle alert file, -sertrace (atafiles

Cile name eEamples

init<S (>.oraF init<S (>.d)aF init<S (>.sap

/)ta)d1/)ta)d.data1F system.data1F ctrl<S (>.d)fF /)ta)i1/)ta)i.data1


Profile init<S (>.ora log_archive_format = %t_%s

SAP AG 1999

)irectory and ile names are standardi5ed in the R/3 en$ironment. 7e recommend that you use the ollo!ing standards% Ta"lespace iles reside in the sapdata<n> directories The online redo log iles reside in the origlog and mirrlog directories The o line redo log iles are !ritten to the saparc directory There should "e at least 3 copies o the ,racle control ile on di erent dis's The pro ile init<S!D>"ora con igures the ,racle instance, and resides in directory dbs 1NT% database2 The pro ile init<S!D>"sap con igures the "ac'up tools brbac#$p and brarc i%e, and resides in directory dbs 1NT% database2 The pro ile init<S!D>"dba con igures the #*+)=* tool, and resides in directory dbs 1NT% database2 The ,racle alert ile is !ritten to directory saptrace&bac#gro$nd Trace iles o the ,racle shado! processes are !ritten to the directory saptrace&$sertrace

)uring reorgani5ation, e3port datasets are !ritten to directory sapreorg The directories saparc , sapc ec#, sapreorg, and sapbac#$p are used "y the #*+ data"ase tools.


2orkload Statistics *1,

CP% time


2ait time

Roll in

6oad time

Processing time


(ata)ase time

Response time

Presentation Server

A""lication Server

Data6ase Server

SAP AG 1999

7or'load time statistics include% Response time in milliseconds% #tarts !hen a user re4uest enters the dispatcher 4ueue( ends !hen the ne3t screen is returned to the user. The response time does not include the time to trans er rom the screen to the ront end. Wait time in milliseconds% This is the time a user re4uest sits in the dispatcher 4ueue. It starts !hen user re4uest is entered in the dispatcher 4ueue( and ends !hen the re4uest starts "eing processed. Roll-in time in milliseconds% The amount o time needed to roll user conte3t in ormation into the !or' process. Load time in milliseconds% The time needed to load rom the data"ase and generate o">ects li'e *=*+ source code, &U*, and screen in ormation. Processing time% This is e4ui$alent to response time minus the sum o !ait time, data"ase re4uest time, load time, roll time, and en4ueue time. Database request time% #tarts !hen a data"ase re4uest is put through to the data"ase inter ace( ends !hen the data"ase inter ace has deli$ered the result.

CP time in milliseconds% This is the &+U time used "y the R/3 !or' process Roll?!ait time and @UI time are co$ered in the unit !nterface Monitoring.


2orkload Statistics *!,

SAP 7ransaction ST57NF the 2orkload 3onitorF s-mmari<es statistics

SAP AG 1999

To access the 7or'load Aonitor, use Transaction code ST03'" or, rom the R/3 initial screen, choose Tools Administration Monitor Performance (or#load Analysis" &hoose Performance database and ma'e the selections re4uired "y the dialog "o3es. The Performance) (or#load *%er%ie+ for Ser%er is displayed. In the B*dministrator;s AodeC that is chosen "y de ault the time rame o the !or'load analysis is the current day. !mportant for this training"

Change to #$%pert &ode'( Choose under #Detailed )nal*sis' -+ #Last minutes load' During a ,or-load e%ercise. restrict the time period to the time ,hen the e%ercise is running( Under *nalysis $ie!s, you can access, or e3ample% 7or'load o$er$ie! ? 7or'load statistics according to !or' process type Transaction +ro ile ? 7or'load statistics according to transaction. Time +ro ile ? 7or'load statistics according to hour


nitial Analysis Roadmap *1,

Pro)lem symptoms; 6arge roll>1ait time Performance pro)lemG Check; 2orkload on all ser/ers 6arge load time 6arge data)ase re.-est times

All transactions affectedG &o Program analysis


6arge CP% times *A/erage,

Processing time m-ch larger than CP% time

SAP AG 1999

I a pro"lem is detected, the data in the 7or'load Aonitor 1Transaction #T63N2 can "e used as ollo!s to identi y the area o the system !here the pro"lem is located. -irst chec' or general per ormance pro"lems a ecting all transactions. @ood general per ormance is normally indicated "y%

7ait time < 86D response time Aain menu 1choose Transaction Profile2 < 866 ms In the 7or'load Aonitor, the ollo!ing $alues normally indicate good per ormance% *$erage roll?in time < 96 ms *$erage roll !ait time < 966 ms *$erage load 1and generation2 time < 86 D o response time 1<E6 ms2 *$erage data"ase re4uest time < <6 D o 1response time ? !ait time2 *$erage &+U time < <6 D o 1response time ? !ait time2 *$erage &+U time Not much less than processing time *$erage response time ? )epends on customer re4uirements F there is no general rule


nitial Analysis Roadmap *!,

6arge roll>1ait time

Comm-nication pro)lem 1ith G% or eEternal system

6arge load time 6arge data)ase re.-est times 6arge CP% times *A/erage,

Program )-fferF C%A )-fferF or screen )-ffer too small CP%/memory )ottleneck on data)ase ser/erF net1ork pro)lemsF eEpensi/e SI6 statementsF data)ase locksF missing indeEesF missing statisticsF small )-ffers 4Epensi/e A@AP processingF for eEampleF processing large ta)lesF fre.-ent accessing of R/3 )-ffers CP% )ottlenecksF net1ork pro)lemsF comm-nication pro)lems

Processing time m-ch larger than CP% time

SAP AG 1999

These are some o the more common pro"lems indicated "y 7or'load Aonitor statistics.

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