I Choose The Correct Answer by Circling A, B, C or D

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CODE:_________________ "OI#$%:_______________ - : .& (

I Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D:

/012( 3 456(7

+( D864958 956 :1;51659< ;8= 5>48 ?: 5?@<A 6<B88;C 5A8 D15865 IE41F 09;9 F9F;G5___________ 0> 8248<5159?;6( A) keep up to B) do away with C) live up to D) get away with

*( H9DD9?;6 ?: $V ______ 1DD ?I8B 5A8 =?BDF 8;J?>8F ______ KB?1F<165 ?: L8>?;<MG6 <?;<8B5( A) spectators/alive B) viewers/live C) observers/live D) watchers/alive

)( %A8 N;8= A8B A@6K1;F =16 1 =?01;9O8BC K@5 6A8 F8<9F8F 5? ______________( A) turn the closed eyes B) turn the blind eyes C) turn a closed eye D) turn a blind eye

,( PA15 F? >?@ 081; >?@ F?;G5 N;?= A?= 5? K1N8 6<?;86 _____Q $A8B8G6 ;?5A9;R _____ 95S A) good / about B) well / about C) righteous / to D) right / to

T( H> KB?5A8B <?@DF;G5 A1I8 <D90K8F ________5A15 D1FF8B 1;F 65?D8; >?@B A1>:?BN( U8 6@::8B6 :B?0 A1> ________( A) on / freight B) - / freight C) - / fever D) on / fever

.( $A96 ________ ?: A?@686 =16 K@9D5 +&& >81B6 1R?( A) file B) ueue C) row D) line

3( V?B8;69< 8248B56 ________ 5A8 4?D9<808; 5? B80?I8 5A8 ________ :B?0 5A8 <B908 6<8;8 K8:?B8 1DD 6104D86 =8B8_________( A) forbidden/corps/ taken D) forbade/ corps/ taken B) forbade/ corpses/ taken C) forbidden/ corpses / held

II "se the word in brackets to DEWIVE X#O$UEW word and then fill in the blank with the #ost suitable class of words $ %ne has been done as an e&a#ple '($)$ )lease, *+,D your spelling$ /012( 3 456(7
%Y"EWHXWZE$% ,owadays, a great &( I1B985> /VXW[7 of different food is available fro# large super#arkets$ -here are rarely any +( ______________ /%UOW$7 of fresh food, and there is far less *( ______________ /\IZE7 of our having to rely on fro.en products$ Does this #ean that super#arkets have beco#e the #ost successful shops of all ti#e/ Certainly they see# to have #ade so#e kinds of food less e&pensive and #ost people en0oy shopping in the#$ -here has been a )( ______________ /WEDYCE7 in the nu#ber of ,( ______________ /COH"\XI#7 #ade against super#arkets in recent years$ -he assistants are no longer T( ______________ /"O\I$E7, but s#ile and .( ______________ /UE\"7 attend to custo#ers1 needs$ Above all, super#arkets have shown a 3( ______________ /PI\\7 to listen to their custo#ers and in this way are i#proving the uality of their service$

III Co#plete the second sentence so that it has a si#ilar #eaning to the first sentence, using the word given$ D? ;?5 <A1;R8 5A8 =?BF R9I8;$ 2ou #ust use K85=88; 5AB88 1;F 89RA5 =?BF6, including the word given$ )lease, *+,D your spelling$ /012( . 456(7
&( =A?8I8B -he last person to leave the building should set the alar#$ -he alar#3333333333333333333333333333333 building last$ -he alar# 6A?@DF K8 685 K> =A?8I8B D81I86 5A8 building last$

+( +t #ay #ake hi# unpopular, but 4eon never abandons his principles$ 659<N6 5owever 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 his principles$

*( 7raha# disliked the fact that he had to visit his grand#other$ =96A8F 7raha# 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 his grand#other a visit$ )( 2our central heating boiler should have an annual service$ R85 2ou 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 annually$ ,( )eople generally think that 8irk did a good 0ob$ 5A?@RA5 8irk 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333____ a good 0ob$ T( -his envelope shouldn1t be opened under any circu#stances$ ;? "nder 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 opened$ .( )roviding everyone agrees, ne&t week1s #eeting will be cancelled$ A8DF "nless3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ne&t week$

IV Co#plete the gaps with an article 'a, an, the, or / for .ero article)$ /012( +& 456(7
After si& days without another grocery delivery, there was no food in 5ell Close$ *r$ Anwar and his wife were suffering +(________ worst9 they were used to eating vast a#ounts of *(_________ food and were living in 5ell Close precisely because he was #orbidly obese and had been put on the *orbidly %bese :egister$ *r$ Anwar had said at )(_________ ti#e, ;+ wish the doctors would #ake up their #inds$ -en years ago they tell #e + a# fat, five years ago they tell #e + a# obese, and now they have changed their #inds again and tell #e + a# #orbidly obese<= 5e had signed #any ,ational 5ealth >ervice contracts pro#ising to keep his calorific consu#ption down to !?(( ,(_________ day, but had failed to keep to any of the# for #ore than forty-eight hours before cracking and dashing into a @ish and Chips shop$ *r$ Anwar had begged his obesity counselor to reco##end hi# for T(__________gastric reduction surgery, .(_________procedure that involved reducing the sto#ach to the si.e of 3(__________ owl1s

head$ But '(_________ counselor had e&plained that *r$ Anwar was #uch too fat for ](_________ operation, and had told hi# that he would need to lose at least five stone before he could be safely anaestheti.ed$ *r$ Anwar had protested harshly, ;But you are +&(33333333 idiot< + can1t lose five stone until + have the operation<= 'Adapted fro# >ue -ownsend1s satirical book BCueen Ca#illa=)

V :ead the te&t below, and fro# the words in the bo& choose %,D word which best fits each space$ %ne has been done as an e&a#ple$ ,ote that there are >%*D DE-:A words$ )lease, #ind your spelling$
/012( +& 456(7 LWX#D% CXH"XI^#% \EXV\E$% HXI\I#^ "WODYC$IO# WX$E% $WXDEW% Y"EHXWZE$ CX$X\O^YE CIWCY\X$IO# CO#%YHEW% HEDIX HEDIYH "\XCE WE%EXWCU WEVO\Y$IO# %XH"\E% %"XCE XFI8B5969;R -he #odern #arket /&(7 "\XCE__ contains a bewildering choice of goods, all co#peting for our attention$ *anufacturers are advertising to infor# us about their products and persuade us to buy the#$ A s#all business #ight wish to send /+(7____________ to people in their ho#es, letting locals know where to find it$ -hose dealing with e&pensive, /*(7___________ ite#s can buy a /)(7_____________ list of prosperous ho#es fro# a list broker and post direct #ail to particular addresses$ >o#e co#panies advertise their goods in a #ail order /,(7___________, a booklet showing products available by post$ Advertising /T(7___________ can be bought in local newspapers and radio channels$ 4arger organi.ations opt for national or international advertising$ ,ational newspapers have a very wide /.(7__________ and charge high /3(7____________ for advertising$ 7lossy #aga.ines print elegant colour artwork to show off goods and so#eti#es give away s#all packets of products as /'(7___________$ -he #ost widely recogni.ed advertise#ents appear on -F$ Big #anufacturers use various /](7__________ in an organi.ed series of advertise#ents called /+&(7___________ which are worked out by advertising agencies$

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