Global Threats and Information KH04-1103-01

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Sometimes information poses a global threat

Journalists, politicians should be held accountable for propagating misinformation
By Chris Williams

“China’s end of the world city”

“Apocalypse soon” “We’re pump-
ing out CO2 to the point of no re-
turn” “Now we know why we
are all doomed”
Apocalyptic headlines are
now a regular aspect of the
news. Korean versions are usu-
ally more localized — “Korean
relations heading towards cata-
strophe” or “Apocalypse Asia,”
and from the Korea IT Times,
“The robot apocalypse will begin
in Korea.” It is important to be
informed about global threats,
but could this apocalyptic over- Chris Williams
load do more harm than good?
It is not just journalists who ● Chris Williams is based at
are using apocalyptic imagery. the Center for International
Last week British Prime Education and Research,
Minister Gordon Brown told University of Birmingham,
world leaders at the Major United Kingdom.
Economies Forum in London ● He can be reached at
that they had 50 days (before
the Copenhagen climate change
talks) to save the world from
“catastrophe” because “there is
no plan B.”
The next day British TV car-
ried a government advertise-
ment that aimed to make par-
ents save energy, for the sake of
their children. A father telling
his child a bedtime story was
shown with a cartoon book de-
picting a flood. A cat was float-
ing on a table, a dog was drown-
ing, and a pub was named “The
world’s end.” Following com-
plaints to the Advertising
Standards Agency, the advert
was suspended.
Similar messages appear in
the titles of books by respected
academics such as “Our final
century” by Martin Rees, James
Lovelock’s “The vanishing face
of Gaia,” George Mobiot’s “Bring
on the apocalypse,” and John somehow would survive, and Witness helpfully gave me a vegetarian, but that would pre- is not the only scenario. It could his regime on laws made by nite except the universe and hu-
Leslie’s “The end of the World.” something from those who were leaflet headed, “How can you sent a host of nutritional prob- also fuel deceit and despotism. Ayatollah Khomeini, which of- man stupidity.” Adding, “But
Leslie’s book is meticulously ev- extinguished might continue. survive the end of the world?” lems such as iron deficiency. One outcome of a widespread ten have little to do with Islam I’m not sure about the uni-
idenced and argued, but there is Religious apocalypses always There is certainly evidence Cambridge anthropologist, apocalyptic belief would be a or Persian tradition. They pro- verse.” Is it beyond human in-
one assertion — “I don’t buy the have a happy ending — the cho- that information can cause Gregory Bateson, discovered sense of meaninglessness. And vided a sense of meaning for a telligence to outlaw the danger-
argument that talking of the sen few will survive to build a mass hysteria. The presentation that information in the form of history tells that there are al- lost revolutionary population, ous misuse of information? It
risk of doom spreads despon- new and eternal heaven on of H.G. Wells’ book, “War of the such “double binds” resulted in ways power elites who are quick but have now mutated into infi- could be stated in a simple ethic
dency, thus increasing danger.” Earth. The difference is that the Worlds,” as a radio news item in “learned patterns of confusion to exploit “meaning vacuums” to nite religious edicts which give — if information, which is pur-
But the truth is, we don’t know. present vision is of a finite end. 1938, apparently caused wide- in thinking and communica- poison minds. the middle-men — politicians ported to be fact, is false and
Each separate source of apoca- It is of the acute terminal de- spread panic across America. tion.” The 11 year old who sud- Toxic meaning comes in the and clerics — absolute power. causes harm, then those respon-
lyptic information may attempt cline of planet and humanity — Studies of “sociogenic illness” denly said to me, “I wish I could form of the “isms,” from funda- Yet true Islam, like Judaism sible should be held to account.
to present the case in a measured the end of posterity. show that information alone, just kill all those people in mentalism and creationism, to and Christianity, warns that re- Politicians may not find this
and responsible way. But the re- Historians point out that “all even if incorrect, can cause Africa, because then they communism and monetarism. ligious communications should idea attractive, but there is a
cipients, often children, do not predictions are based on knowl- symptoms of illness. In one U.S. wouldn’t have to suffer” was not These are sustained through never be through intermedi- prescient example. Korea’s on-
just get one such message. They edge of the past.” But “the end” example, children suffered vom- making a threat. She was sim- middle-men who base deceitful aries, but direct to God. line communications law pro-
get thousands, and the messages has never happened in the past. iting, headaches, and nausea, ply expressing the cold logic promises on ideologies of “infi- So how long before “plane- hibits “spreading false online in-
are reinforced by seeing appar- So how might we predict the re- caused by a belief among their that resulted from what she had nite purpose”. Kim Jong-il is an tarism” becomes a sacred justifi- formation with a harmful in-
ently apocalyptic events. sponse to apocalyptic overload? parents that they had been ex- been learning. obvious example. He controls a cation for a host of questionable tent.” Such a law could be used
So what’s new? Religions have Indications come from studies of posed to a toxic gas leak at The broader doomsday dilem- population through the infinite practices, for example unsafe in a heavy-handed way, as the
been propagating messages communities hit by catastrophic school. There was no gas, but ma is that we are “damned if we purpose bestowed by the aptly technologies, unnecessary con- Minerva case demonstrated. But
about apocalypses for millennia, events such as Robert Jay false information was enough to do, and damned if we don’t” in- named, “Eternal President.” sumer goods, increased taxes, it is a progressive initiative that
and this has made remarkably Lifton’s book, “Life in death: cause actual illness. form and educate about global Through juche, Kim Il-sung pro- oppressive political policies, and could ensure that global prob-
little impression on daily life. survivors of Hiroshima.” The Another problem caused by threats. Winston Churchill vided meaning and purpose for even recycled religions. In 2002, lems do not create the opportuni-
There have been major disasters outcomes are predictable. information stems from the claimed that “There is nothing a decimated Korean community in his book “Straw dogs,” ty for information to be misused.
such as the bombing of Individuals suffer hopelessness, “doomsday dilemmas” — the to fear but fear itself.” But in an that had probably lost all hope philosopher John Gray warned Perhaps Korea could encourage
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the depression, and paranoia. Social “lose-lose” impasses that typify era of instant mass information, of a normal existence. Now the that even benign environmental discussion of this precautionary
Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and consequences include loss of global threats. Bio-fuels seemed mass fear is something we need idea has mutated into an infi- concern can be seen as a faith- global ethic when it hosts the
mass industrial killings such as trust, lawlessness, and a return an alternative to burning fossil to be afraid of. The biggest short- nite ideology of nationalistic based ideology. The slogan “God G20 meeting in November 2010.
that caused by the Union to “survival of the fittest.” fuels, until it was realized that term threat to human wellbeing control. is green” is now in use. The po- Whatever we feel about the
Carbide factory in Bhopal. Some people will be in denial. this would threaten scarce food may not be the threats them- Islamic scholar Tariq Raman litical presentation of terrorism apocalyptic headlines that will
Millions have died and suffered In the words of the R.E.M. song, supplies and destroy carbon-ab- selves, but how we respond to talks of God as a “source” that is as an infinite problem provides pervade the media in the lead-
in hideous wars. Millions suffer “It’s the end of the world as we sorbing rainforests. This week the information about them. “the absolute and the universal omens about how global threats up to the Copenhagen climate
daily from food and water short- know it. And I feel fine.” Some The Times newspaper carried Solutions seem elusive, but outside of time.” Suicide can become an excuse for politi- talks, we might keep one thing
ages. Yet life goes on. religious groups may even wel- the headline “Climate chief: give we might start by trying to bombers show how religious vi- cal deceit and oppressive laws. in mind. How we create infor-
But however horrible these come the end of humanity, as it up meat to save the planet.” It is avoid avoidable problems. The sions of infinite purpose can be- After the Hiroshima and mation about global threats is
events, they leave room for fulfills their apocalyptic teach- possible that carbon emissions danger that apocalyptic infor- come perverted beliefs. Iran’s Nagasaki bombings, Albert the global threat over which we
hope. Somewhere, someone, ings. Last week a local Jehovah’s would be reduced if we became mation could fuel despondency President Ahmadinejad bases Einstein said, “Nothing is infi- have the most control.

Is ‘clean coal’ part of solution?

CHARLESTON, West Responsible for 41 percent of dustry warns will be crippling. It siphons off just a fraction of
Virginia (AFP) — Coal super- global carbon dioxide energy They will likely have to be the plant’s output, but Alstom’s
powers China, India and the emissions, coal is cheap, plenti- won over if the U.S. Congress is hopes it will be major stepping
United States are set to domi- ful and increasingly popular. to pass climate legislation that stone to a full-scale commercial
nate world climate talks next It is also horrendously dirty would support a deal at facility.
month, but even in the heart- — by far the most polluting fos- Copenhagen. But the head of Alstom power,
land of U.S. coal there are sil fuel according to the U.S. With U.S. coal supplying half Philippe Joubert, said for the
doubts their re-branded fuel can government’s Environmental of the country’s electricity technology to catch on govern-
be part of the solution. Protection Agency. needs, producers also have a ments must provide an incen-
In the rugged tree-cloaked The EPA’s figures show coal substantial say. tive for companies to reduce
hills of rural West Virginia, coal produces 50 percent more car- But despite a massive cam- emissions.
is as much a way of life as blue- bon dioxide than oil and twice as paign to re-brand the fuel as “I need legislation to give a
grass music, pickup trucks or much as natural gas in electric- “clean coal,” many in the indus- framework, if there is no obliga-
the hundreds of wood-clad bap- ity production. try vehemently oppose new reg- tion why would they do it?” he
tist churches that spot the coun- And the future looks smoggi- ulation to tackle climate chang- told AFP. “There is no real
tryside. er. ing “greenhouse gases.” choice between using coal or
Mountain tops have been re- Global carbon emissions from Still, in Copenhagen negotia- not, the choice is being clean or
moved to get it, endless trains coal are expected to triple be- tors can count on support from not.”
hurtle across the state carrying tween 2000 and 2050, according one small portion of West But not everyone is con-
it and atop roadside heaps every to a landmark study by the Virginia’s coal industry, which vinced.
conceivable piece of industrial Massachusetts Institute of sees the drive to green the Vivian Stockman of the Ohio
equipment is employed to lift, Technology (MIT) published in smoke-stacks as a multi-billion Valley Environmental Coalition
drop, clean or shift lumps of the 2007. dollar opportunity. said local attitudes to the
black sooty rock. China, thanks to breakneck On the banks of the Ohio prospect of more coal-related ac-
Generations living in and economic growth, is thought to River this week French engi- tivity are “very volatile and
around the Ohio River Valley — build the equivalent of two neering firm Alstom and the highly divided.”
which forms the state’s south- medium sized coal plants per American Electric Power un- That is evident at Racine, on
western flank — have mined week, a direct challenge to any veiled a facility that they say the Ohio side of the river, where
coal, and earned a living doing so. deal to tackle climate change. could help save the industry local resident Elisa Young sat
Coal is, almost literally, the But U.S. usage is also grow- and the planet. near a playground overshad-
bedrock of the local economy. ing, and with it political obsta- A small adjunct to the owed by the Mountaineer plant’s
For negotiators packed in cles to a deal. Mountaineer coal-fired power 500-foot high cooling tower.
Copenhagen’s urbane confer- West Virginia’s Congressional plant, it is a mesh of pipes and “All that carbon capture is do-
ence rooms this December, representatives are loathe to valves that captures carbon ing is keeping coal on life sup-
Appalachia and its coal produc- support emissions taxes, cap dioxide from the plant and in- port,” she said, angrily accusing
tion will be a world away, but it and trade or other carbon-re- jects it in liquid form to aquifers the industry of ruining the
could hardly be more relevant. ducing measures, which the in- kilometers beneath the surface. health of local residents. American Electric Power’s Mountaineer coal power plant in New Haven, West Virginia. AFP-Yonhap News

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