Pic Usb - v2

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Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.


ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 is PIC Microcontroller Programmer which comes from MICROCHIP Co., Ltd and its specifications are equivalent to PicKit2 Programmer of MICROCHIP because it can program many numbers of PIC Microcontroller that are Flash Memory (see list of PIC Microcontroller numbers at ETPGMPIC USB V2.0 in File README of PicKit2 Software Program). The characteristic feature of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 Programmer is USB Interface that makes user can apply conveniently and it is high speed for programming, so it takes a short time to program data. Moreover, user can upgrade new Firmware version from MICROCHIP (www.microchip.com). Besides the initial specifications above, ETT designs an additional Module for Emulator Programming that can program data into Target Board directly. So, it is the most convenient to develop program because user does not remove any IC from device and it protects the IC from bent or broken. Moreover, there is ET-PGM PIC TEXTTOOLS that is designed to support operation of ET-PGM PIC USB V2.0 in programming IC on TEXT Tool. In this case, it can support IC DIP-Type in various sizes and numbers; 12F, 16F, 18F and dsPIC.

Specifications of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

- Support applications with PIC Microcontroller


Connect to computer through USB Port Use Power Supply from USB Port (Board ET-PGMPIC USB only) ICSP Port for In-Circuit Serial Programming LED to display statuses Be able to program by pressing Switch PROGRAM on Programmer Be able to program through Adaptor Modules


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Meaning of vocabularies in the Users Manual

Target Board Emulator Module PIC Micro ICD2 ICSP

Board Microcontroller is connected to ETPGMPIC USB through Connector ICD2 or ICSP. Module that is replaced Microcontroller on Target Board for programming. IC PIC Microcontroller Programmer and Debugger of MICROCHIP Co., Ltd. This Programming uses signal VPP, VDD, GND, PGD and PGC; in this case, it can be interfaced with Pin of Microcontroller directly for programming.

Features of Board ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

2 1



Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

1. USB Port Connection It is a port to connect signal from Board ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 with Computer.

2. LED to display statuses; POWER, TARGET and BUSY BUSY: Red LED displays operational status of Programmer. This LED will be ON when Program is running; for example, it is in the process of reading-writing Flash Memory of PIC Microcontroller. TARGET: Yellow LED displays status of Power Supply of Target Board. POWER: Green LED displays status of Power Supply of Board. 3. Target Port Connection is Port of Signal Program that is arranged under ICD2 standard (it is Programmer and Debugger of MICROCHIP Co., Ltd.). It can be used with Microcontroller Boards that have the same arranged Ports as ICD2 standard and it can be interfaced with Adaptor Modules and ET-PGM PIC TEXTTOOLS of ETT. Internal ICD2 Port consists of following signals; VPP (Programming Voltage): Signal Voltage for programming VDD (Power Supply Positive Voltage): Voltage to supply IC GND: Ground Pin PGD (Programming Data): Data Pin for programming PGC (Programming Clock): Clock Pin for programming


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

4. PROG Switch It is Switch to program by pressing Switch that is equivalent to specifications of click Write Button on Software PicKit2. Function program by this Switch can be used when user configures specifications of Program PicKit2 Programmer in Menu Programmer -> Write on PICkit Button and then tick sign [] as shown in the picture below;

Additional devices to support ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Besides ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0, ETT designs the additional devices to support the applications and supply the requirements to develop program conveniently that is ET-PGMPIC TEXTTOOLS and Adaptor Modules as descriptions below; ET-PGMPIC TEXTTOOLS ET-PGMPIC TEXTTOOLS is the device that is designed to program IC PIC on TEXT-Tool. It consists of 3 sizes of TEXT-Tools as follows; 2 of 40PIN and 1 of 20PIN.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 ICD2 Port

Support PIC lower than 20 PIN Support PIC from 28PIN to 40PIN in the family of PIC16F and PIC18F

DC 7-12V

Support dsPIN 28PIN and 40PIN

Jumper 28P/40P to select size of IC dsPIC to use with TEXT TOOL of dsPIC

PIC 28/40PIN



PIC Micro


PIC Micro


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 Connection


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 Adaptor Module

It is an additional device of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 Programmer; the main purpose of this device is to support programming on Microcontroller Board (Target Board) without removing any IC from device. So, it makes user more convenient to develop program and it protects IC PIN from bent and broken that is occurred because of inserting and removing IC from Programmer. Adaptor Module Set has 6 Modules; 14-PIN, 18-PIN, 20-PIN, 28PIN (Narrow Pin), 28PIN (Wide Pin), and 40-PIN to support many sizes of PIC Microcontroller of MICROCHIP as shown in the picture below;


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Various sizes of Adaptor Modules




28-PIN (Narrow Pin)

28-PIN (Wide Pin)


Each Module has Switch to select mode; PROGRAM Mode (PRG) and RUN Mode (RUN). If user wants to program, must set Switch position to PRG; and if user wants to run, must set Switch position to RUN as shown in the picture below;


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0


Programming Mode

Running Mode

Some Module has Jumper 18F/16F to select PIC Microcontroller number, so user must set Jumper corresponding with the truly number as shown in the picture below;



Pin arrangement of Target Port





Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

The feature of programming through Emulator Module


The feature of programming by connecting signal Program with Pin of Microcontroller directly





PIC Micro


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Using Software with ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 Programmer
In the part of Software Program for ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 is called PICKit2 Programmer of MICROCHIP. Before programming, user must install program completely that is Program .NET Framework (dotnetfx) first and then follow by Program PICkit2Setup as shown below;

Applications of Software Program PICKit 2 Programmer

Tool Bar Configuration

VDD Target



Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Menu Command regarding File Management

- Import Hex Load the desired hex file to program into Program PICKit2. Export Hex Export hex file Microcontroller to save as file. Exit - To exit from program that is read from

Menu Command to select Microcontroller Family (DEVICE FAMILY)

Baseline (12-bit Core): To use Program with 12-bit Core Flash devices Microcontroller Mid-rang (14-bit Core): To use Program with 14-bit Core Flash Devices Microcontroller PIC18F: To use Program with PIC18F Flash devices Microcontroller PIC18F_J: To use Program with PIC18FXXJXX Flash devices Microcontroller PIC18F_K: To use Program with PIC18FXXKXX Flash device Microcontroller PIC24: To use Program with PIC24 Flash device Microcontroller dsPIC33: To use Program with dsPIC33 Flash devices Microcontroller


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Menu Command for PROGRAMMER Function

- Read Device: To read data from Program Memory, EEPROM memory, ID locations, and Configuration bits.


o Its specification is equivalent to

- Write Device: To write data into Program Memory, data EEPROM, ID locations, and Configuration bits.

o Its specification is equivalent to

- Verify: To verify data in Program Memory, Data EEPROM, ID locations and Configuration bits of Microcontroller and HEX File in Buffer of Program PICKit2.

o Its specification is equivalent to

- Erase: To erase data in memory of Microcontroller

o Its specification is equivalent to

- Blank Check: To check memory area in Program Memory, data EEPROM, ID locations and Configuration bits whether it is blank or not.

Its specification is equivalent to

- Verify on Write: To check data in Program Memory, data EEPROM, ID locations, and Configuration bits while writing data


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0 - Hold Device in Reset: Hold the status Logic 0 (MCLR = 0) at Pin RESET - Write on PICkit Button: Programming function is occurred because of pressing Switch (PROGRAM) on Board ET-PGM USB.
NOTE: User must tick sign [] in front of the desired functions if user wants to use them.

- VDD Target: It is function to supply power into Target device and control signal RESET (MCLR).
To control voltage at VDD of Target Tick sign []; it means that it supplies Voltage to Target. Not tick any sign []; it means that it does not supply Voltage. To adjust Voltage VDD Target from 2.5 Volt to 5 Volt To control status of MCLR Tick sign []; it means that it supplies Logic 0 to MCLR. Not tick any sign []; it means that it does not supply Logic 0 to MCLR.

- Auto Import Hex + Write Device: It is Button that has

both functions of Import Hex File and Write Data.

- Read Device + Export Hex File: It is Button that has both

functions of reading data from memory of Microcontroller and Export Hex File.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Menu Command for Programming (Tools)

Enable Code Protect (Ctrl+P): It is function to protect Memory Code Prorgam. Enable Data Protect (Ctrl+D): It is function to protect data EEPROM. Set OSCCAL: It uses values from Register OSCCAL to modify OSC Frequency internal PIC. Target VDD Source: We recommend user to set it at the position of Auto-Detect. - Auto-Detect: It checks Voltage of Target Board automatically. - Force PICKit 2: It configures Voltage VDD that is supplied to Target Board come from Board PICKit2. - Force Target: It configures Voltage VDD that is supplied to Target Board is Voltage of its Target. Fast Programming: It is fast programming. Check Communication: It checks the connections between ET-PGMPIC and Computer. Troubleshoot: It is function of giving data to help when getting trouble. Download PICKit 2 Firmware: It is function to download new Firmware version of PICKit 2 into Board ET-PGMPIC USB to upgrade Firmware.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Menu Command for Help

PICKit 2 Users Guide: It is PDF File that is Users Manual of PICKit 2. LPC Demo Board Guide: Users Manual of Low Pin Count Demo Board of MICROCHIP PICKit 2 on the web: Data of PICKit 2 on website of MICROCHIP ReadMe: File ReadMe of Program PICKit 2 displays lists of detail and PIC MCU numbers that are supported by PICKit 2. About: Detailed information of Software PICkit2

Program PICkit 2 can modify data in EEPROM of PIC Micro. There also is window to modify data, so user just clicks the desired data position to modify and when user writes data, data in EEPROM of PIC Micro will be changed into the new written data as shown in the picture below;

Programming Procedure
1. Connect USB Cable between Board ET-PGMPIC USB and Computer. 2. Insert the desired IC PIC MCU to program into TEXT TOOL or Emulators.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

In case of programming on TEXT TOOLS of ET-PGMPIC USB TEXTTOOLS.

PIC 28/40PIN



*NOTE: The programming on TEXT Tools, user must set Jumper T/B to T position.

PIC Micro
In case Module of programming


PIC Micro








In case of programming through Emulator, user must connect Power Supply to Target Board to protect Power Supply from USB is not enough and user must set Switch position of Module to PRG position to connect signal program together.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

3. Open Program PICKit2; double click Icon PICKit2.

4. Program PICkit2 will check IC on TEXT TOOL; if it is number that is supported by PICKit2 and the connection is correct, it will display the found PIC Micro number in the Device blank as shown in picture below;


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

5. Erase the old data in PIC Micro first; click Button Erase and both data in program Memory blank and EEPROM Data blank are FF value. 6. Import the desired Hex File; click Menu File -> Import Hex. 7. Data in Program Memory blank and EEPROM Data blank will be changed follows the loaded Hex File. 8. Click Button Write to write program Hex File into memory of PIC Micro.

9. If user wants to check the written data in PIC Micro whether it is correct or not; click Button Verify.

If Enable Code Protect, it makes Verify fail because Code Program is protected form reading, so user can versify it.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

Problems and Solutions Problems
The problem is occurred because of the connection between Computer and Board PICKit 2, it will display error message as shown in the picture below;


- Check the connection of USB Cable between Computer -

and Board ET-PGMPIC USB. Click Tools -> Check Communication to test operation again.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

The problem is occurred because of checking Voltage at Target Board; it will display Error Message as shown in the picture below;


- In case of using Programmer through Text Tool, check -

the position of Jumper T/B whether it is in T position or not. In case of using Programmer through Emulator Module, check the position of Jumper T/B whether it is in B position or not. Then, check Power Supply of Target Board whether it is available or not. If not, user must supply power into Target Board completely.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

The problem is occurred because of it can not find any Microcontroller.


- Check

IC in TEXT TOOL whether it is inserted correctly or not and then check whether Pin 1 of IC is in the correct position or not. In case of programming with Emulator Module, must check whether signal cable is connected correctly or not and then check Voltage at Target Board whether it supplies Voltage or not.


Users Manual of ET-PGMPIC USB V2.0

The problem is occurred because of Hex File that imported has not any Configuration. This problem occurred in the step of design and compile program. is is

Set Configuration completely in the step of design and create program.


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