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Cobham Tactical Comm~.

lications and Surveillance Pro t Short Form

Electronic Surveiliance E q u i m
mpotant thing we bulld ir tnst

Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance Product Short Form

Electronic Surverllance Equipment

Wireless Audio Surveillance Systems

The INCA Family forms the platform of the most flexible, expandable and advanced wireless audio monitoring system available on the market today. It consists of highly advanced receivers and micro-sizetransmitters that can be remotely controlled. With the INCA system, you get a fully modular system that assures you maximum flexibility. It is designed for applications, which range from single target operations to large scale multi-target operations and incorporates the required number of modular INCA receivers and transmitters in order to fulfil your operational needs.

m m I
Ruggedlsed. 4 channels, small a, IU I~dndy tact~cal Ruggedised, 4 channels, small a1 IU ~ ~ a n d LOLLIC~I y recelverthat is easily concealed In a pocket. receiver with integrated recorder. Receives and records audio from all INCA transmltters. Recelvesaudio from all INCA transmltters. Dimensions88x55~18 mm I 3.5x2.2x0.7 lnch Dlmens~ons 88x55~18 mm I3.5x2.2x0.7 Inch The INCA Repeater is a four channel repeater with four different output power levels rangingfrom 320 mW up to 5 W. Itcan repeat a signal from an INCA transmitter to a INCA recelver or lt can act as a high power stand-alonerecetver or transmitter. Dimenslons34x105~129 mm 1 1.34~4.13~5.08 inch.

INCA Transmitters


4 channels miniature remote controlled transmitter. 5.6x30x10.6 mm I 0.22~1.18~0.42 lnch

INCA TXFM Bubble Gum

Miniature COVeR "Drop and Walk" transmitterwith rechargeablebattery. Dimenslons: 35x20~8 mm 1 13x0.8x0.3 inch

Miniaturetransmitter for concealed use. Dlmensionr 22x7.2x3.7 mm 10.9x0.3x0.1 inch

Standard transmitter for concealed use. Dlmenslons. 32~18~4.8 mm I 1.2x0.7x0.2 lnch

4 channels remote controlled transmitter. Dlmens~ons: 32~18~5.6 mm 11.2~0 7x0 2 inch

Covert "Drop and Walk transmitter wlth hlgh output power and rechargeablebattery Dimensions 46x21~19 mm I 1 8x0 8x0 7 ~nch


4 channels, remote controlled body worn transmltter mm 13 2x2 Ox0 5 Inch Dimensions:82x52~13


4 channels, remote controlled transmltter for quickdeploymentwlth high capacity rechargeable battery. Dimenslons: 110~45~7.6 mm 14.3~1.8~0.3 Inch


4 channels, remote controlled PSTN transmitter. 6 mm I1.3x0.7x0.2 inch Dimenaons 33.5~18~5

High power transmltter for concealed use. mm I2.1x0.9x0.3 Inch Dimensions 53~23~7.5

High power board version transmitterfor concealed use. Dimenslons:49x20~6 mm I 1.9.1x0.8x0.2 inch


Body worn high power transmltter with AAA batteries. mm I 2 9x2.0x0.5 inch Dimensions 75x53~12

4 channels, remote controlled h~gh power

transmitter. . 5 12 1x0 9x0 3 inch Dimensions 5 3 ~ 2 3 ~ 7mm

.channels, r-. -.e controlled body worn hrgh power transmitter with AAA batteries Dimensions: 75x53~12 mm 12.9~2 0x0.5 inch

4 channels, remotecontrolled b * worn high power transmitter with AAA batteriesand buikin stereo wild state recorder. Dimensone 95.5~515~12 mm I3.8x2.1x0.5 ~nch

Miniature Programming Device

INCA TXFH Bubble Gum

Compact hlgh power transmitter with rechargeable battery Dimensions 79~36~16.5 mm 13 11x1 42x0 65 inch


4 channels remote controlled compact hlgh power transmitter wlth rechargeable battery. D~mensions: 79~36~16.5 mm 1311x1.42x0 65 inch


Programmingdevice for changingvarioustransmltter settrngs in the I W C A TXFH family, the INCA TXF-RC farnlly and the MCATXFM. Also for changingthe remote control code In the IWCA GM Keyfob. Dlmensions 54x55~16 mm I 2.lx2.2xO.6 inch

Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance Product Short Form

Electronic Surveillance Equipment

Remote Control Systems

X-IDER 4096 1 X-IDER 4096 Hi Power

Long range wlreless remote control systems for multi-purpose remote control o f INCA transm~tters D~menslons112x62~33 mm 144x2 4x1 3 Inch


Short range remote c ~ n t r 0forthe l INCATXF-RC and TXFH-RC transmrtterfam~ly Has a bu~lt-rn off~cer safety panic alarm D~mens~ons 54x42~135 mm 12 1x1.6x0.5 Inch


Remote control module for contrdl~ng MMM, AC on and off and DC relays andfor sw~tchlngpower t o T X N orTXFtransm~tten by means of theX-IDER 4096 1X-IDER 4096 High Power D~mensrons38x14~8 mm IlSx 0 5x0 3 lnch

Audio Recorders
Small size, h i g h performance digital s t e r e o recorders w i t h s t o r a g e c a p a c i t y from a u d r o quality. Available i n two I r n e r T h e S t a n d a r d B e o w u l f a n d the B e o w u l f CoE (Chain

3 h o u r s rn h i g h e s t a u d i o q u a l i t y to 48 h o u r s i n l o w e s t of Evidence). The Standard B e o w u l f gives full freedom to d o w n l o a d i n g , v e r i f y i n g a n d burn~ng the recordings on CD, whereas t h e C o E uses a s t r i c t s e t of rules forthe s a m e

The B~L,.,,, M~nrature ~sa 1 GB sol~d state recorder with an Internal Llthlum battery. rechargeablethrough the USB port Also ava~lable w~th external mlcrophones Dimens~ons10x511x18 7 mm 10 4x2 Ox0 7 Inch

Beowulf Standard I COStanda '

The Beowulf StoLluardhas in add~tion to the Internal rechargeable Llth~um battery, an extra AAA cell for up t o 20 hours battery life tlme Also avdllable wlth external m~crophones D~mens~ons 12x514x30 mm 10 5x2 0x1 2 rnch

Beowulf Standard Lemo I CoE Standard Lemo

The Beowulf Standard Lemo has the same features as the Beowulf Standard and rn add~tlon. a programmable Input for external rnlcrophones or lhne in level recordrng Drmenstons 12x541x411 mm 1 0 5x2 1x1 6 inch

Beowulf I1
The Beowulf I1 is a 16 GB solid state audlo recorder Comes wlth 3 different sized rechargeable batteries and IS surtable for custom~zed concealments

Beowulf I1 Board
The Beowulf I1 Board IS a 16 GB solid state audlo recorder. Comes w ~ t h 3 different s~zed rechargeable batter~es and IS su~table for custom~zed concealments D~menslons45 ~ 1 4 x 4 mm 8 I 1 8x5 5x0.2 ~ n c h

1 Bubble Gum Beowulf 1

The Beowulf I1 Bubble Gum IS a compact, easy deployable "drop and walk" record~ng devlce w ~ t h an ~nternal, rechargeable battery Dlmenslons 50 4x17x8.4 mm I 1 99x0 67x0 33 inch

Video Recorders
Freja is ideal for covert video and audio surveillance operations. The low power digital mini cameras secure high resolution video and audio recordings of the highest quality. Freja is capable of recordingvideo feeds from either one ortwo cameras (digital or analogue) or a combination of one digital and one analogue camera.

Small and lightweightdigltal recorder with 2 X AAA Internal batteries and 32 G B memory. S~ngie button operauon for bas~c functtons Add~t~onal advancedfunct~onallty, such as triggers, are prov~ded by use of the Multi-Cableor the Advanced Multl-Cable. Dtmensions: 54x54~15 mm I 2 1x2.1x0.6 inch

Avallable as HD colour, Low L~ght Colour and Low L~ght Black & White.

Available as HD colour, Low Light Colour and Low Light Black & Wh~te

IReja Mini
Mln~ature venlon of extstlng Freja recorder Comes without the Internal battery compartment and needs external supply from e g a Freja Battery K* or a M~cro Malns Module Dimens~ons. 54x32~15 mm I 2 1~1.3~0 6 inch

mmAvailable as Low Ught Colour and Low Llght Black & Wh~te Avallable as Low L~ght Colour and Low Light Black & Whtte

Freja ultra Low Light Camera Kit

Consists of 1 Ultra Low Light Camera with the following interchangeable lenses in both Colour and Black & White:

Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance Product Short Form

Electron~c Surveillance Equipment

Video Transmission System


The Omega II System a a video transmissionsysem

capableof tranwnlttinga digital audm and analogue video signal fmrn a target locationto a listeningpost In a free FMor encryptedlscrambled transmission. The receiver can handle up to 100transmitters and each transmitteris identified by its own serial number. Aseledablefeaturenthebulk-~n IP Serverwhichallows the system to be connectedto a W\I networkorthe intemet Froma remote locationon the same networkor the ~nternet lt is then pombleto mewe a l i m m theseleded receiverandatthe sarnetlme to havefull control of the system indudingthetransmitters. AUDIO CAM +1ZV



Omega High Power Transmitt~

Wireless Digital Stereo Audio Surveillance Systems

The Thor Digital Surveillance System is a full-featured, easy to use, portable digital audio listeningand recordingsystem for use by law enforcement and intelligence. Digital audio signal encryption, built-in recorder, antenna diversity, autoscan function that scans for transmitters in range, various repeater options, remote control and small size transmitters are just some of the features that make the Thor system an outstanding solution in a multitude of surveillance operations.

Thor Mini Receiver

Slmpl~f~ed, pocket-s~zed verslon of the exlstlngThor R X 100%compat~ble wtth all Thor transmitters and the Intercom Recelver only D~mens~ons 65x112~22 mm I 2 56x441~0 87 Inch

Thor Receiver
Rece~ver wtth bu~lt-~n recorder and remote control and functions. Advanced optlons for flex~ble sophlsttcated system conf~gurat~on Dimensions 98x174~28 mm 1 3 9x6 8x1.1 Inch

Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance Product Short Form

Electronic Surveillance Equipment

Thor Transmitters

Tra. . . . t er for coni ---. Dimensions 53.5x23x7.1 mm I 21x0 9x0.3 inch

., .


Transmitter with built-in solid state recorde concealed use. Dlmensionr 96x24~8 mm I2.1x0.9x0.3 inch

trolled, body worn transmitter wlth Remot AAA batteries. Dimensions: 52 8x76 7x12 mm 12.1~3.0~0.5 inch

R~I,IUL~ controlled, body worn transmitter with AAA batteries and built-ln solid state recorder. D~mensions: 52.8~80~12 mm 12.1x3.2x0.5 inch

Onlo., ,,..rch~ngof Thortransmittersbetween live and sleep modes. Has buiit-in offrcer safety panic alarm.The Key Fob providestrue feedback by vibrating in responseto commandsasthey are executed. Difierrs~onr54~42~13.5 m m 12.1~1.6~0.5 inch

The InterCom allows live streamingand monitoringvia the internet of audio collected with the Thor Receiver to a computer containingthe InterCom Software. The InterCom dramatically increases the operational range of the Thor System by providing "over the horizon" monitoring, record~ng and control of the installedequipment

Dlgrtal stereo receiver 1 recorder system Comblnes a range of different functlons into one single handheld and portable system with repeater option or GSM modem for that ensures easy operation in a wide range of surveillance applrcations Ava~lable significantly increased operational range

Loke TRACK 11
Receiver Irecorder with remote control funct~ons. D~menstons 165x82~34 mm 16 5x3 2x1 3 inch only with remote control funct~ons Dimens~ons165x82~34 mm / 6 5x3 2x1 3 ~nch

Loke TRACK 1 1 Mini

Receiver and stereo recorder in INCA Streetfighter housing It functlons as a llstenlngand recording devlce and is compatiblewlth all Loke transmlttern. D~mens~ons. 97x55~18 mm 13.8~2 2x0 7 inch

Loke 11 Mini
Receiver only in INCA Streetfighter housing Compat~ble wlth all Loke Transmitters D~mens~ons 97x55~18 mm 13 8x2 2x0 7 Inch

Loke Transmitters

Loke Nano TX
Miniaturedigital audlo transmitter for concealed use Dimensions 18x9 5x4 mm I 0 709x0 375x0 157 inch lin~ati ansmltter for concealed use Dtmensrons 54.5x294x7.6 mm I2.1xIlx0.3 inch

Loke 111 B a y
Body worn t r a n s n l l ~ ~ with r ~ AAA batteries Dirnenslons 84x54~13 mm 13 3 x 2 1 ~ 0 5 Inch

Loke H i g h Power


Loke III Bubble Gum

Covert transmitter w ~ t h rechargeable battery Dlmens~ons: 78-4x36.3xTS.Q mm / 21x1 4x0 63 i n d

High power transmitter. Dimensions 100x51~39 mm I3.9xLOx1.5 inch

Communication Link

Univecsal GSM Module

The Universal GSM module IS a multi-funct~on remote controlled surve~llance devlce. The unlt can be controlled by DTMF tones over GSM repeater networks and can be used as an aud~o atthe same tlme It can also be d~alled up from any telephone on the publlc telephone network Works wlth varlous of our receivers Dtmens~ons 29x1054~80 mm I 1 1 ~ 4 . 2 ~ 13 lnch

MPAZ for Universal GSM Module with microphone

M~crophone Pre-Ampl~f~er for aud~o input to the GSM Module D~mensions 9x10~5 mm 1 0 3 ~ 0 . 4 ~ 20 lnch

MPAZ for Universal GSM Module without microphone

M~crophone Pre-Ampl~f~er for aud~o Input to the GSM Module Dlmens~ons 9x10~5 mm I 0 3x0 4x0 2 inch

Wired Audio Surveillance Systems

The key to innovative wired microphone room monitoring, ensuringthe maximum rejection of unwanted noise and the highest possible speech quality.

W~red Room or Phone Monitoring system for aud~o monitoring of room or telephone conversations vla standard PSTN lines D~mens~ons 265x260~82 mm 1l 0 4x10 2x3.2 Inch

Advanced Carrier Current system for room monltorlngvla l~ve marns llnes Dlmens~ons 265x255~82 mm 1 104x10 0x3 2 Inch

, J size transrn~tters for easy concealment IS available



of m~cro size FM transmittersfor easy concealment is available.


Multi-location room monitoring system for monitoring via phone lines, spare wires or mains lines

Heimdal PSTN Module

Dual tuner receiver mm 11.7x5.1x6.5 Inch Dimensions:44x130~164 Povides a link from the listening post to the remote monitoring site mm I 1.7x5.1x3.3inch Dimensions:44x130~84

HCC Tmmn%@r
Transmitter for use on active mains lines Dimenstons: 15x35~23 mm 10.6x1.4x0.9inch


Transmitter for use on spare wires or actlve phone lines Dtmensionr 7 . 5 ~ 3 2 ~ mm 2 0 10.3x1.3x0.8Inch

Miao Mains Modules For longterm surveillance installations by connection to 115 1230 VAC mains lines. MicrophonePre-amplifier

4 VDC 1 150 mA - for use wlth INCA RCM and
6 VDC 1 150 mA -for use with INCA RCM. INCA TXF

INCA TXFM D~mens~ons 35x15~8 5 mm 11 5x0 6x0 3 Inch

INCA TXF-RC and L& TX Dlmens~ons 35~15~8.5 mm 11.5~0.6~0.3 ~nch

Microphonew t h Pre-Ampllfler. whrch is available with 180 cm / 70.9 inch external mlcrophone Dimens~ons: 9~10x5 mm 10.3x04xO.2 Inch

6 VDC 1400 mA - for use with INCA RCM. INCA TXF. INCATXF-RC. INCA TXFH. INCATXRI-RC. INCA TXFH-L, Loke TX and Thor Flying Lead Transmitter. DTmensions: 20x42~29 mm 10.8x16x1.1 inch

12 VDC 1250 mA -for use wlth INCA RCM.

INCA TXFH. INCA TXFH-RC, INCA TXFH-L and Loke TX. Dlmens~onr 20x42~29 mm 10.8x1.6x1.1 Inch

Pre-Amplifier with jack plug, which is available with 20 cm 17.8 Inchmlcrophonecable Dlmens~onr 9x10~5 mm 10.3x0.4x0.2 inch

Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance Product Short Form

Electronic Surveillance Equipment

The most important thing we build is trust

Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance in Grenaa, Denmark is a world leading provider of high-quality covert audio and v~deo surveillance solutions. Our products are exclusively used by law enforcement, the intelligence community and military special operations forces world wide in their efforts to combat terrorism and crime. Besides the headquarters in Grenaa, Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance has branches in Switzerland, Canada, Argentina and Brazil

It is our mission t o deliver reliable products and solutions to those people who risk their lives in their efforts to make our everyday life more secure.
Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance, Grenaa is one in eight companies in the strategic business unit Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance.The companies are specialists within audio- and video surveillance, tracking & locating, VIP I force protection, data I video links and surveillance systems. We are part of the British Cobham Group that manufactures high-tech solutions for land, sea, air and space platforms. The Group has an annual turnover of more than EURO 2.2 billions, employs some 11,000 people on five continents, with customers and partners in over 100 countries. The partnership with Cobham means that we as a company can benefit from world class specialists and resources, whenever needed.

For further information please contact: Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance Skindbjergvej 44 DK-8500 Grenaa, Denmark T: +45 8791 8100 F: +458791 8181

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