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Upper Intermediate Points for Understanding Key

L.A. Movie
Philip Prowse
1 1 Lenny was watching a movie starring the famous actress Gail Lane in a movie theatre. !harlie is the name of the actor in the movie Lenny was watching. " Lenny#s car survived the car crash. Lenny is therefore pleased that his car is old and constructed $etter% whereas the other white car% which was $rand new% did not survive the car crash and the driver was also in&ured. 1 'he $londe woman is Gail Lane% the same actress Lenny was &ust watching at the movies. Lenny thought Gail Lane wanted him to drive her home. (owever% he was not right% she wanted him to drive Mi)e *evine home. " +ine 'housand and 'wo (ollywood ,oulevard% Los Angeles% !alifornia% U-A. " 1 -uggested answer. Mi)e *evine thought Lenny was an intruder $ecause he did not remem$er the car accident or Lenny carrying him into the apartment. (e pro$a$ly did not remem$er $ecause he had a concussion. Lenny#s idea was that there was a garage on the $ottom of Mi)e *evine#s apartment $uilding. Lenny told Mi)e that he had to move his car and Mi)e offered Lenny the use of his garage for Lenny#s car. Lenny therefore concluded that the intruder could have left the apartment $y ta)ing the elevator directly to the garage and driven away without the doorman seeing him or her. / 1 !ra0y 1llen#s is a $ar% caf2% diner and a meeting place. It is located ne3t to Lenny#s office $uilding and is on 4est ,eaumont *rive. Lenny does not )now where the name of the $ar came from. 'he owner is not !ra0y 1llen% $ut rather an 5ld Gree) man named !ostas. An answerphone is a machine that records and plays phone messages. " 'here were nuns% warriors% peasants and princesses in the studio commissary $ecause they were playing e3tras in a fantasy movie $eing filmed in -tudio 'welve. / 6i) )nows that Lenny is not $usy and he really needs the &o$ 6i) offers. 7 1 -uggested answer. Lenny did not tell 6i) that he had spo)en to Gail on the phone $ecause then he would have to e3plain that he was wor)ing on an additional case. Lenny was not happy a$out the studio chief e3ecutive#s decision not to tell Gail a$out the death threats. (e felt that she should )now a$out the threats so she could choose to continue ma)ing the movie or not. -he might not want to ris) acting in a movie when she was receiving death threats. " 'he sign e3plains that filming of the movie *eath ,ehind 'he *oor is ta)ing place and the set is closed% no one $ut the actors filming the scenes are allowed on the set. 8 1 Lenny felt terri$le $ecause he had wanted to protect Gail and he thought she was dead. Lenny was introduced as an advisor to Gail on how to $e a private detective. Ara$ella laughed $ecause she had easily &ust caught him spying during his investigation of Gail. " Lenny lied a$out meeting Gail $efore $ecause when he met her she was out at night without any protection and Ara$ella and Annie $ecame angry when Gail went out without their protection. 9 1 ,ecause Lenny is always in trou$le. 6i) anticipates that Lenny will $e in trou$le and then he will $e a$le to find out who has $een threatening Gail. Lenny planned to wait for something new to happen.

: 1 -omeone is threatening to pu$lish photos of Gail dancing with ;incent !ale$% a well<)nown gangster% if she does not pay two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. +o. = 1 Lenny gave Gail a pac)age after she had $een searched $y the security force. 'he pac)age contained the gun he too) from her the evening $efore. Lenny was not dreaming. 'he statue with the stone $all moved and too) a $ig step to the edge of the stone wall. (e thought he might $e dreaming $ecause he was surrounded $y statues and it seemed dreamli)e that a statue would $e moving. 1> 1 Lenny wanted Gail to have the opportunity to dance the tango with the dancer. 4hoever is $lac)mailing Gail wants her alive so she can pay for the photos? however% the person who dropped the stone wants her dead. 11 1 Lenny wanted to tell 6i) that he had Gail#s gun. Lenny will $e one of the e3tras on the set in Ista n$ul. It is necessary for him to $e an e3tra $ecause he was officially fired for having a gun on the set. " Lenny calls his answerphone to find out if there are any messages for him. 1 1 +o% $ecause Lenny does not )eep anything important at the office. 'here was not a lot of information on Gail Lane $ecause she $ecame a star recently. " 'he same men who $ro)e into his apartment were pro$a$ly ;incent !ale$#s men. Lenny was therefore involved with !ale$ whether he li)ed it or not. 1" 1 Lenny wanted to )now whether there was enough money in Mi)e#s account for the $an) to pay him. Marry -ullivan represented Mr @. ". Mr @ is a powerful man. (e $ought all of Mi)e *evine#s de$ts and wants to $e paid $ac) immediately. /. 1/ 1 -uggested answer. +o% Lenny does not $elieve (omer Aran)#s story a$out the email threats. Lenny was stuc) waiting in a long line at the immigration des). It too) him an hour to reach an immigration official. " Bulie meant get used to loo)ing and acting li)e ,rent Aoster since Lenny was going to $e his stunt dou$le while in Istan$ul. 17 1 Alan *avies is the name Lenny is using while in Istan$ul as a stunt dou$le for ,rett Aoster. +o% Lenny does not thin) that Gail will $e safe from the $lac)mailer if she pays for the photos. If she pays for the photos% she does not )now whether there are more copies of them. " 'hree different people would $e playing the main male character. ,rent Aoster% Lenny and later a stunt dou$le will play ,rent Aoster during a car chase. 18 1 !arla said Cwonderful# $ecause Lenny loo)ed e3actly li)e ,rent Aoster and was the perfect stunt dou$le. Lenny meant that the person shooting at them in the Mercedes was not part of the movie scene they were meant to $e filming. 19 1 Lenny turned the car around and drove the Mustang straight at the Mercedes. 'he Galata ,ridge was opening. " Lenny &ust found out that the red light and siren he thought earlier was the police investigating the car

chase was a warning to drivers that the $ridge was a$out to open. 1: 1 Gail has $een going out with Mi)e *evine for several years? however% she considers him really only a friend. -uggested answer. Gail and 'heo *emocrates are engaged to $e married in secret. 'heo is afraid if there is any scandal a$out them then he will not $e elected to president of the United -tates in the future. 'herefore% it is very important that 'heo does not see the photos of Gail and ;incent !ale$. " 'he car was carried off the $ridge $y a helicopter to safety. 1= 1 Lenny had a microphone hidden in his clothes. It would transmit to a tape recorder in his car. 1very word anyone said near him would $e recorded. ,rent Aoster was stopped at the security gates of the studio and was not allowed in the studio $ecause the security guards had already let Lenny dressed as ,rent Aoster enter the studio with Gail. " 5ne of the gunmen who has seen all of ,rent Aoster#s movies does not thin) Lenny sounds li)e ,rent and tells ;incent !ale$. ;incent pulls off a layer of late3 on Lenny#s face and sees that he is not ,rent $ut the private investigator. > 1 (e dressed as a phone repairman and watched the $lac)mailer ta)e the plastic $ag Gail had left for him in a phone $o3. -uggested answer. Lenny did not tell the police a$out the $lac)mailer $ecause it was his friend and former wor) colleague 6i). I could understand why Lenny would not want to tell the police that his friend was the $lac)mailer and send him to &ail. Lenny was a$le to return the money and photos to Gail. 'he case was solved% so there was no reason to tell the police a$out 6i)#s involvement.

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