Tgs 7

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Rate is a quantify of one thing is considered in relation to a unit another.

Percentages The phrase per cent comes from the Latin per centuri which mean as per hundred. A percentage is a ratio in which the second quantity is always 100. is twenty-fi e per cent or !"#. 72% is or $! % 100. &ou can write any fraction as a percentage 'y changing the denominator to 100. ()ample % *two fifth to change a fraction into a percentage+if two fifth is multiplied 'y

one hundred per cent and the product is fourty per cent,

To change a percentage into a fraction+ change the # sym'ol into ) and simplify the fraction. ()ample % "# - " ) *fi e per cent+ simplity the fraction+ if fi e is multiplied 'y one per cent and the product is one twenty,

Percentages of a given quantity ()amples % "# of ./00

0hange the percentage to fraction "# ) 1ultiply the fraction 'y the gi en num'er and simplify "# of /00 -

()ercise % !0# of 1"0 m 2.3

Writing one number as a percentage of another

To write a gi en num'er as a percentage of another num'er+ first write the gi en num'er as a fraction of the other num'er. 1ultiply 'y and simplify. ()amples % ()press 1" as a percentage of 4" 5rite 1" as a fraction of 4" % 1ultiply 'y

Profit and Loss

6rofit is the amount of money made on the sale of an article+ or the amount of money made on the selling price that greater than cost price. Loss is the amount of money made on the cost price that greater than selling price. 7 6ercentage profit and loss 6ercentage profit 6ercentage loss ()amples %
1. A shop8eeper 'uys an article for ."00 and sells it for ./00. 5hat is the percentage

profit3 Answer % profit - selling price 9 cost price :6 9 06 - ./00 - ."00 - .100 6ercentage profit - 2. A person 'uys a car for . 1/ 000 and sells it for . 1! 000. 0alculate the percentage loss3

Answer % loss - cost price 9 selling price 06 9 :6 - .1/ 000 - .1! 000 - .4 000 6ercentage profit - ()ercise %

;ind the actual profit and percentage profit in the following cases%
a) 0ost prise .!0+ selling price .!"

b) 0ost prise .1."0+ selling price .1.<0

Discount =iscount is calculated as a percentage of the selling price+ or actual price is lower than the general price. ()ample % you are offered 10# discount on a car costing . !0 000. >ow much would you pay 3 Answer %10# is

Measurement =ecimal units of measurement are also called :? *:ysteme ?nternational, units.

Measure Length how long *or tall, something is

Units used 1illimetres *mm, 0entimetres *cm, 1etres *m, @ilometres *8m,

Equivalent to 10 mm - 1 cm 100 cm - 1 m 1000 m - 1 8m 1 8m - 1. 000. 000 mm 1000 mg - 1 g 1000 g - 1 8g 1000 8g - 1 t 1 t - 1. 000. 000 g 10 ml - 1 cl 100 c - 1 l 1 - 1000 ml 100 mm! - 1 cm!

Mass the amount of material in an o'Aect+ sometimes incorrectly called weight

1illigrams *mg, Brams *g, @ilograms *8g, Tonnes *t,

apacity the inside olume 1illiliters *ml, of a container+ how much it 0entilitres *cl, holds Litres *l, !rea the amount of space ta8en up 'y a flat *two:quare milimetres *mm!,

dimensional, shape+ always measured in square units

:quare centimeters *cm!, :quare metre *m!, :quare 8ilometer *8m!, >ectare *ha,

10. 000 cm! - 1 m! 1. 000. 000 m! - 1 8m! 1 8m! - 100 ha 1 ha - 10.000 m! 1000 mmC - 1 cmC 1. 000. 000 cmC - 1 mC 1 mC - 1000 l 1 cmC - 1 ml

"olume # the amount of space ta8en up 'y a threedimensional o'Aect+ always measured in cu'ic units

0u'ic millimeter *mmC, 0u'ic centimeters *cmC, 0u'ic metre *mC, 1illilitre *m,

onverting units of measurements ?n measurements lesson+ later you need to change the units of a measurements. ()ample+ you want to change 8ilometers to centimeter+ or metre to millimeter. To change to a 'igger unit oyu ha e t di ide. To change to a smaller unit+ you ha e to multiply. E$ample % ()press " 8m in metres 1 8m :o $ 8m - 1000 m - $ ) 1000 m - $000 m

Money 5or8ing with money is the same as wor8ing with decimal fractions.+ 'ecause most money amounts are gi en as decimals. Remem'er though+ that when you wor8 with money+ you need to include the units *. or cents, in your answers.

;oreign currency The ta'le shows you the currency units of a few different countries.

0ountry D:A

1ain Dnit =ollar *.,

:maller Dnit - 100 cent

Eapan D@ Bermany ;rance

&en *F, 6ound *G, (uro *H, (uro *H,

- 100 sen - 100 pence - 100 cents - 100 cents

;oreign e)change ()amples %

1. 0on ert G"0 into Iotswana pula gi en that G1 - J.<C pula. Answer % G1 - J.<C pula G"0 - J.<C pula ) "0 - 4J1."0 pula
2. 0on ert . /0 into rupiah gi en that . 1 - Rp 11.000

Answer % .1 - Rp 11.000 ./0 - Rp 11.000 ) /0 - Rp //0.000+00

&ime The cloc8 dial on the left shows you the times from 1 to 1! *a.m. and p.m times,. The outside dial shows what the times after 1! p.m. are in the !4 hour system. Always 'ear in mind that time is written in hours and minutes and that there are /0 minutes in an hour.

5or8ing with time inter als ()amples % 1. ;arin and :andy left home at !.1" p.m. ;arin returned at !."0 p.m. and :andy returned at C.0" p.m. >ow long was each person away from home3 Answer % ;arin !."0 9 !.1" - .C" ;arin was away for C" minutes

:andy C.0" 9 !.1" - !./" 9 !.1" -."0

:andy was away for "0 minutes

Timeta'les 1ost tra el timeta'les are in the form of ta'les with columns representing Aourneys. The !4-hour system is used to gi e the times. :K 0/C0 0/"0 = 0$4" 0<0" = 1!00 1!!" 1C1" = 1L = :K 1/C0 1$1" 1<00 !0C0 1/"0 1$!" 1$C" 1<1" 1<!" 1J0" !0"0 !1!"

Aytown Ieecity

0ee ille 0$!" 0<40 = - daily including :undays :K - daily e)cept :aturdays 1L - 1ondays only

1a8e sure you can see that each column respesents a Aourney for e)ample+ the first column show a 'us lea ing at 0/C0 e eryday e)cept :aturday */ times per wee8,. ?t arri esat the ne)t town. Ieecity at 0/"0 and then goes on to 0ee ille+ where it arri es at 0$!".

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