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Strengthening Extension/retraction

Stand and tie elastic in front of you overhead Hold tightly both ends of elastic in both hands. Your elbows are slightly flexed. Keeping the elbows locked, shoulders down and torso stable, pull elastic backwards as far as possible by joining shoulder blades together and ar s back Slowly return to initial position and repeat. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Upright Row
(ttach the band to an object in front of you at elbow height. )ut one foot in front of the other and hold both ends of the band. Keeping your ar s in a *%+ fro your body, pull the band keeping your chest out and your shoulders down and back. ,o not ove your head forward as you pull. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Lat pull down

)lace the central knot of your band in a door opposite you. )lace the band overhead. Hold re aining ends of the band in each hand. ,rawing your shoulder blades toward the ground, pull down and out on the band. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Vertical Pull
Stand in a split stand and tie elastic in front of you at waist level. -ir ly hold each end of elastic with each hand. .ith your chin tucked&in, pull the tip of your shoulder backwards and place hands and ar s in line at shoulder level with pal s facing down. /ove one ar over head keeping it straight, while the other oves close to the body downwards si ultaneously. Slowly return to starting position keeping your chin tucked&in and repeat going the opposite way. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Chest press with band

Secure the iddle of a band behind at shoulder level. 0n a split stance, grasp the band at shoulder&height and push forward, extending the elbows. Keep a good upper body posture by pulling the shoulders back slightly lifting the chest up during the ove ent. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Thera-Band Shoulder External Rotation at ! "starting at #$%

1egin with one end of the band securely attached. 2rasp the other end of the band with slight tension. Start with your elbow by your side, in approxi ately *%+ of internal rotation )ull the band outward, keeping your elbow bent at 3$+. Hold and slowly return. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Thera-Band Shoulder &nternal Rotation at ! "starting at #$%

1egin with one end of the band securely attached. 2rasp the other end of the band with slight tension. Start with your elbow by your side, in approxi ately *%+ of external rotation )ull the band inward, keeping your elbow bent at 3$+. Hold and slowly return !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Stand up straight with an elastic strap beneath your foot and hold the ends of it in the opposite hand. .ith your pal facing the floor and your elbow straight, lift and turn your hand up and across your body in a diagonal otion so as to end up with your upper ar next to your ear. 4ower your hand slowly back down to its original position. !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Stand up straight with an elastic strap beneath your left foot and hold the other end of it in your right hand, pal facing the floor .ith your pal facing the floor and your elbow straight, lift and turn your hand up, across and away fro your body in a diagonal otion, until your ar is perpendicular to your body 4ower your hand slowly back down to its original position !epeat "x#$ !est #%&'$ sec between sets

Shoulder &nternal Rotation Towel Stretch

Hold a towel with the affected ar behind the back and use the other ar to pull the affected ar up the back. Hold stretch for "$&'$ seconds !epeat "x%

Shoulder Cross-(r) Stretch

Hold the affected elbow with the opposite hand in front of the body and slowly pull the elbow across the body until you feel a co fortable stretch. Hold stretch for "$&'$ seconds !epeat "x%

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