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CPE Collocations

Strana 1/7

I like nothing better after a hard day's work than to ........ into a comfortable armchair. It came as a bit of a shock and took quite a while to ........ in that I'd been offered such a wonderful job. We watched the sun ........ below the hills before returning to the hotel. I didn't want to disturb you as you seemed to be ........ in thought. He took a ........ breath and then dived in. I was in a very ........ sleep when all of a sudden I was woken up by this loud noise from outside. I will not lend you any money and that's the end of the ....... . I don't know why you think it's so funny. It's no laughing ....... . It's only a ........ of time before a serious accident takes place on that busy road. I think you should double- ......... those figures just to make sure they're correct. We'll need to get to the airport a couple of hours early so we can ........ in. I'm just going to pop into the classroom to ........ on the students and see that they're getting on OK. I'd like to make it quite ........ that I have no intention whatsoever of resigning. The roads were ........ this morning and I got here really quickly. The coast is ........ so if you leave now nobody will see you. We need something to bridge the ........ between the two walls over there. There was a ........ in the market and the company felt they could take advantage of it. I sometimes feel the generation ........ is getting wider and wider. When I first met Gerry we didn't ........ it off very well and had one or two disagreements. What would you do if you ........ the jackpot and won millions on the lottery? You really ........ the nail on the head when you pointed out the lack of motivation amongst the players lately. That cash point did not ........ my card so I couldn't get any money out. It was a few months before Maria could ........ her baby brother, she was so jealous. The politician said she did not ........ that unemployment figures had gone up. The film was very sentimental and several members of the audience were ......... to tears. That's not the exact amount but it's ........ enough. I'm afraid we're nowhere ........ having enough money for that table. After all the problems they had been through, the couple decided to move to Spain and make a ........ start. John's so funny. He's like a breath of ........ air in this boring office. She joined the company ........ out of college at the age of 18. He has a strange ........ of humour and nobody finds his jokes in the least bit funny. I just can't make ........ of her handwriting. It's totally illegible. Come on! Use your common ........ You know it's dangerous to cross the road without looking. I had ........ thoughts about going to Greece for our holiday as we didn't have enough money for the flight. He hates being ........ best in anything he does. He's so competitive. He buys and sells ........-hand cars for a living. The Government is being criticised for its policies on ........ and order. In England, it's against the ........ to sell cigarettes to people under the age of 16. Our teacher is always laying down the ........, telling us what's allowed and what isn't. The race finished a ......... heat with both athletes recording exactly the same times. I wouldn't be seen ........ wearing an oufit like that. It looks awful. I was talking to my friend on the phone when all of a sudden the line went ......... This package meal ........ four, so we should have plenty for just three of us. The dining table also ........ as a place to do work in the evening. It ........ you right! I said you'd hurt yourself if you didn't take care. The children were told to wait in single ........ at the roadside and not to cross until the teacher said so.

















CPE Collocations

Strana 2/7

The trade unions claim that the rank and ........ of the membership support the call for strike action. The police kept on ........ everything about the case. To his ........, he did at least admit he hadn't been totally honest. Since I received that pay rise I've managed to stay in ......... and have no debts. My ........ card expires this month and yet the bank haven't sent me a new one. Her father works in the bank and pulled ........ to get her a job. Is this offer as it seems or are there any ........ attached? Two of the ........ on his guitar have snapped. You should tell him to mind his own ......... He's always asking personal questions. If we don't start selling more products we'll go out of ......... She's gone into ........ with a friend selling cosmetics. He talks and talks but never seems to get to the ......... Whenever I go back to London I always make a ........ of visiting some of my old friends. I know you're ill, but that's beside the ........ You still should have phoned to say you weren't coming in to work. We need a big ........ of colour on that wall to stop it looking so dull. He was a real extrovert and made quite a ........ in the office on his first day. Add a ......... of lemon juice to the salad and it's finished. I didn't know he'd been made redundant and really put my ........ in it when I asked him how his job was going. We got off on the wrong ........ when we first met and argued over something silly. I think you need to put your ........ down and start being a bit more strict with the children. We need to bring some new ........ into the company in order to generate new ideas. The man shot the policeman in cold ........ There's a lot of bad ........ between the two men since one of them gained promotion over the other. I think we should keep an ........ mind until we have all the facts. The holiday system was ........ to abuse and several members of staff took advantage. It's only a suggestion and I'm certainly ........ to discussion. You can borrow as much as you like within ........ It stands to ........ that she'll be feeling anxious so soon before her exams. There is every ........ to believe that the company will get the new order as they have built up such a good relationship with their customer. I shouted at the ........ of my voice but he didn't hear me. Could you tell me what the sales figures were for last month off the ........ of your head? I'm going into the office early today to try to get on ........ of my work. You'll just have to ........ your pride and apologise to him. He found the manager's decision to drop his campaign very hard to ......... There are fears that the larger company will completely ........ up its smaller competitors. It was an extremely busy junction and the roads criss-......... each other in several places. Keep your fingers ........ for me before the exam, won't you? He double-........ a fellow villain and had to go into hiding. Could you pass me a ........ of paper please? Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It was a ........ of the tongue. The criminal was difficult to track down and kept giving the police the ......... It was a very lively discussion and lots of people ........ questions at the speaker. It was an interesting book that really ........ my imagination. He was ........ from work for being consistently late over a long period of time. He is a tremendous musician who many say is ahead of his ......... The player was cautioned by the referree for delaying the game by playing for ........ I'm living with my parents for the ........ being while my own place is being decorated. The message was written in ........ and was impossible to read.















time code

CPE Collocations

Strana 3/7

The club has a very strict dress ........ and you will not be allowed in unless you're dressed in a suit and tie. Could you tell me what the area ........ is for London, please? Look, we're all in the same ......... so I think we should try to help each other. She likes to have everyone working with her and hates it when someone rocks the ........ I'm afraid if you don't get your application in on time you'll miss the ......... You really made me ........, creeping up on me like that! We should try not to ........ to conclusions. It may turn out to be a perfectly good film. This woman came walking into the bank and proceeded to ........ the queue. All usernames and passwords should be entered in lower ......... It's too late to go out now. In any ........, you've still got your homework to do. During the debate Steve put the ........ for banning smoking entirely. You're going to have your ........ cut out if you want to get that report written in time. You've only got a few days left. The sculpture was a real ........ of art and had clearly taken a great deal of skill to produce. The manager has got her assistant to do her dirty ........ and asked her to inform the staff of the pay cut. The two companies ....... into an agreement whereby neither would try to steal customers from the other. It never ........ my mind that Sue would want to visit us. So few people had ........ the competition that it had to be cancelled. There has been a major ........ in the hostage crisis today. A new housing ........ is planned for this side of town. Research into the ........ of new drugs is a multi-million pound business. There was a minute's silence to ........ the anniversary of the tragedy. Our predictions were completely wide of the ......... and far too optimistic. He was determined to leave his ........ on the company and to be remembered as a great manager. He's a journalist for the local paper and writes a ........ on political issues. You need to highlight the first ........ in your table with the mouse. There was a ........ of smoke rising from the burning building. That table wouldn't look out of ........ in our living room. I was wondering if I could go to the meal in ........ of Shirley, who's feeling rather ill. Steve is acting rather arrogantly since he got promoted and needs putting in his ........ I think we should just ........ on with the walk and not worry about the weather turning bad. Apparently, the police are not going to ........ charges as it's the man's first offence. The reporters tried to ........ the minister for an answer but he refused. There was an unexpected ........ of events in the world of politics today. I always try to do people a good ........ as it doesn't cost anything to be thoughtful. He was born around the ........ of the century. There was a photo of a politician on the ........ of the book. We ran into a shop to take ........ from the rain. The insurance policy provides ........ in case of sickness and loss of earnings. Karen goes swimming on a regular ........ as she likes to keep fit. On what ........ are you claiming the company has made progress? He's going to return to work on a part-time ........ until he is fully recovered. If you think it's cold in here ........ a thought for Tim, who's working outside in the snow. I'm afraid I can't ........ the time at present as I'm really busy. The company usually host very nice conferences and ........ no expense when it comes to the food. You're not off the ........ yet. The police may still want to speak to you about the robbery. I'm going to try and ........ my parents up to the Internet so they can find out what it's all about.
















CPE Collocations

Strana 4/7

There was a ........ on the top of the pot to allow you to hang it from the ceiling. He's like his father in so many ways and is a real chip off the old ......... They live in a ........ of flats in the city centre. I had a complete mental ........ and couldn't remember the registration number of my car. We had an introductory lesson today on astronomy and the solar ......... If I were you I'd let him travel the world so that he can get it out of his ......... The British legal ........ differs in several fundamental ways from that in America. They ........ the occasion by holding a party in her honour. The children ........ the carpet with their paints. His retirement from the game ........ the end of an era. The blood ........ that found at the scene of the crime. Our profits last year certainly ........ that of our main rivals. I'm sure they'll stay together forever! They're such a well ........ couple. I love teaching Steven. He's a ........ of good behaviour. He spends nearly every evening in his workshop making ........ aeroplanes. I'm thinking of selling my car and trading it in for a new .......... The hospital would only give news to Trudy's ....... family and not her friends and distant relatives. The law will take place with ........ effect. The patient reported experiencing ........ benefits following the operation and is not expected to need any further treatment. My computer has run out of ........ and it crashes everytime I try to download anything. My brother has a marvellous ........ for historical facts. After the accident he suffered from a loss of ........ and didn't even recognise his wife. For instructions on how to wash this garment, please see the inside .......... The teachers have given him the ........ of troublemaker when actually he is a very intelligent child. We need one more sticky ........ for this present. Have you got one? The official book ........ will be in early March but many advance copies have been distributed already. The police will ........ an enquiry into the murder. The Queen is due to ........ the new cruise liner later this month. When you drive down our road you can't ........ our house. It's got a red front door. The tutor has such a quiet voice. I always ........ half of what she says. It's all a bit hit and ......... really. Nobody really knows whether the project will be successful or not. It's freezing cold out here. Don't you think it's time to ....... back home? The new police chief is to ........ an investigation into corruption amongst his officers. I couldn't believe it when the defender managed to ........ the ball into the back of the net during the last few seconds of the football match. You shouldn't listen to ........ gossip. Most rumours are started that way! The textile factory stood ........ for twelve months after its failure to find a new buyer. I can never get my children to tidy their bedrooms. They're absolutely bone ........ ! If you look at the patient's medical ........ you will see that she is prone to asthma attacks. Be very careful if Bill asks you for a date. He has a/an ........ of breaking people's hearts! I have enrolled on a/an ........ course to learn more about the origins of the Middle East conflict. She caught a/an ........ flight to Edinburgh because it was much faster than going there by train or road. The man who was attacked by thugs sustained some horrific ........ injuries in addition to severe bruising. Has everyone seen the chairman's ......... memo? It was sent to the whole department last week. It is my greatest regret that I never learned to play a/an ......... while I was still at school.
















CPE Collocations

Strana 5/7

The internet has proved a powerful ........ in changing the way that people access information. That carpentry tool looks more like a/an ........ of torture! The child ........ his hands deep inside his pockets and stormed off in a huff. The printer's not working again. It looks as though the paper has got ........ again. During the Lord Mayor's procession the streets were ........ with people and the cars couldn't get through at all. It was a pity she was a vegetarian. The buffet lunch had some delicious-looking chicken ........! I really need to get up and stretch my ....... after sitting down all day. The girl rolled up the .......... of her trousers before she went paddling in the sea. I ........ with all sorts of interesting people at the conference. The news of my uncle's death was very bittersweet - it was sadness and relief ........ together, as he had been ill for such a long time. Most suburbs in a cosmopolitan city like London are racially ......... The police have just announced that they are following up a new ........ from a member of the public, which may solve the crime. Have you seen that film in which Hugh Grant plays the ........ ? Brazil have taken the ......... with just 3 minutes to go before the end of the match. Whisk the milk into the flour until it has a ......... consistency without any lumps whatsoever. Many students find the transition from school to university less than ........, especially if they are away from their families for the first time. I don't trust that car salesman. He's far too ........ for my liking! Does Martin's behaviour give you the ........ that he doesn't like his wife very much? Make sure you're on time for the interview. You don't want to create a poor ......... before it even starts. The comedian does a great ........ of the Prime Minister. He can mimic all his mannerisms. I like most art forms but I'm afraid opera isn't to my ......... Visiting the United States last year gave me my first ........ of American culture. The politician made a racist remark which was in very poor ........ and it caused offence to many people. He was refused ......... into the country because he didn't have a valid visa. The first competition ........ to be picked by the computer will win ten thousand dollars. The computer firm advertised a number of vacancies for data ........ clerks. Car parking is not allowed here; this is ........ property. Could I have a word with you later? It's a ........ matter. The newspapers printed all sorts of intimate details about the star's ........ life. The new car goes into ........ next year. At university we put in a ......... of Shakespeare's play 'Othello'. The company has set a target to increase its ........ by 50 per cent. I was so tired I wanted to ........ off during the lecture. I thought she'd never ........ the subject. You could see people were getting embarrassed. Her parents were worried that she would ........ out of school before completing her exams. The rocking ........ of the boat made her feel sick. I realised I had said something tactless when my friend made a ........ with her hand to try to warn me. If you sign the contract we can set the procedures to get the loan in ......... While we were in town shopping we managed to lose the baby's ........ somewhere. The man was arrested for brandishing a ........ weapon in a public place. She'll complete the course easily - she's no .......... It took a while to understand but I finally got the ........ of it.













dummy hang

CPE Collocations

Strana 6/7

Don't give up. Just ........ in there till the end. The thought of my visit to the dentist is going to ........ over me until it's over. He was offered a ........ in the company if he lent them the money they needed. More than 20,000 jobs are at ........ if the company closes. She intends to ........ a claim to be world champion this year. The police suspect ........ play following the discovery of the body. He's a very strict teacher and comes down extremely heavily on anyone using ........ language. The player was sent off after committing a nasty ........ on the number 7. He likes to get up early and even at weekends he's up at the ........ of dawn. The police issued a warning that they intend to ........ down on anti-social behaviour. There was a tiny ........ in the antique vase yet it was still said to be valuable. You will be hearing from us in due ......... The two cars were on a collision ........ when one of the drivers managed to swerve off the road. Over the ........ of several months the police built up a wealth of evidence that implicated the suspect. He was offered a ........ in a local stage play. We were waiting to be seen for the best ........ of 2 hours! She didn't want to take ........ in the game as she was a little shy. It took a while but I was finally able to ........ out the answer. He was a major ........ in the 19th century and influenced many artists of his generation. 'As sick as a parrot' is a ........ of speech and means 'very disappointed'. Could you ........ the curtains please? It's beginning to get dark outside. It's easy to ........ the conclusion that nobody in Government cares about the elderly. I've got to go to the bank to ........ some money out. The homework was a ........ of cake. I finished it in no time at all. The police say they will ........ together all the evidence they have before deciding on their next course of action. Does the machine take a 20 pence ........ ? The children stood in a neat ........ waiting to go into school. Terry hasn't been selling many products lately and apparently his job is on the ......... His parents are quite laid back but they draw the ........ at bad language. We waited ages for a bus to arrive and at long ........ one came along 30 minutes late. You're the ........ person I expected to see in a gym. You're a real couch potato! And ........ but not least, don't forget to have an early night the day before the exam. 1. I'll just make a ........ of your name and phone number and I'll get back to you shortly. 2. A few minor TV celebrities were the only people of ........ at the party. 3. I took ........ of everything that was said in the meeting. 1. The car was in superb ........ for its age and was worth a great deal of money. 2. You can have the money on ........ that I get paid back within the next few days 3. It was a ........ in the contract that he worked one Saturday morning every month. 1. I don't want to be rich; I just want to have financial ......... for the future. 2. He works as a ........ guard for a warehouse in Manchester. 3. I gave the petrol station my mobile phone as ........ whilst I drove home to get the correct money. 1. The experiment was a complete failure and they had to go back to the drawing ........ 2. Changes to the workforce are far-reaching and will be felt across the ......... 3. All the passengers were told to get on ........ the ship and prepare for departure. 1. I didn't want to disturb you as you seemed to be ........ in thought. 2. He took a ........ breath and then dived in. 3. I was in a very ........ sleep when all of a sudden I was woken up by this loud noise from outside.
















CPE Collocations

Strana 7/7

1. If someone has a ........ of cards I can show you a trick. 2. During the cruise we spent our days on ........ soaking up the sun. 3. My parents got me a tape ........ for my birthday. 1. A distant cousin of mine ........ a fortune when his father died. 2. The Government have ........ all the problems of the previous administration. 3. She's obviously ........ her mother's talent for languages as she passed her language exams with flying colours. 1. The hospital would only give news to Trudy's ....... family and not her friends and distant relatives. 2. The law will take place with ........ effect. 3. The patient reported experiencing ........ benefits following the operation and is not expected to need any further treatment.



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