FloJoe CAE Collocations

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CAE Collocations

Strana 1 (celkem 7)

"to give ........ to something"

significance importance I really do feel we should give ........ to projects that practise energy priority efficiency. urgency close "........ range" near immediate The murder victim was shot twice at ........ range. nearby "in the short ........" duration period In the short ........ we can manage but eventually we will have to term consider taking on extra staff. time "to ........ energy" keep conserve These houses were designed with the aim of encouraging people to limit ........ energy. retain "to ........ amends" create A: How are you going to ........ amends for forgetting your boyfriend's change birthday? make B: I'm going to take him out for a meal. do "to find ........ with something or someone" error defect You're always finding ........ with my work. Why don't you try giving fault me some praise once in a while? flaw "the ........ period" crowded busy We've decided to go away in the spring this year to avoid all the crowds high during the summer ........ period. peak held "to ........ the moment" trapped captured It was a great photo that really ........ the moment perfectly. seized "to ........ responsibility" after change He's always trying to ........ responsibility for mistakes he makes on to shift other people. move "........ notice" small quick I know it's ........ notice but is there any chance that you could work late swift tonight? short "to ........ issue" make take I agree with a lot of what you've said but I have to ........ issue with your show views on immigration. create "to ........ forces" shared met Two leading city bankers have ........ forces to take over the struggling joined company. connected "a ........ fortune" minute little They're quite wealthy. Her husband made a ........ fortune dealing in tiny stocks and shares. small













www.flo-joe.co.uk "a slow ........ replay"


CAE Collocations

Strana 2 (celkem 7)

shift change When they showed the slow ........ replay you could see the player had motion touched the ball with his hand. movement "........ reflection" on in We weren't going to complain about the service at first but ........ with reflection we decided we really had to say something. for "to ........ the alarm" created sent One of the neighbours ........ the alarm when she noticed the back door made was wide open. raised "to ........ the consequences" confront see Sooner or later you'll have to ........ the consequences. If I were you, I'd have tell her now and get it over with. face "to ........ conclusions" summarise draw What conclusions do you ........ from the fact that sales have fallen over finalise the past 4 months? collect "to ........ a spell" makes draws In the story 'Sleeping Beauty' the witch ........ a spell on the princess and casts sends her to sleep for a hundred years. throws "to ........ something to someone" promised sacrifices The author ........ the book to her parents. The message is printed on the offered inside cover. dedicated "to ........ the law" ignoring diregarding You'll be ........ the law if you try to take that much money out of the breaking country. failing "to ........ a hint" played said I've ........ so many hints about that money he owes me. I'll simply have dropped to come out and ask him for it. offered "to ........ yourself go" make let You always look so shy and uncomfortable at parties. Why don't you set just relax and ........ yourself go? push "to ........ sight of something/someone" took set As we drove through the mountains we ........ sight of a beautiful village made down in a valley. caught "to ........ out instructions" show carry OK everyone. I want you to ........ out my instructions to the letter. Do take exactly what I tell you to do. throw "to be ........ guarantee" with on in If anything goes wrong with the watch while it's ........ guarantee I can under get my money back.














www.flo-joe.co.uk "to be ........ of hearing"


CAE Collocations

Strana 3 (celkem 7)

deaf weak hard Sorry, but you'll have to speak up. I'm rather ........ of hearing. poor "........ effects" real special I loved the film 'Star Wars'. The ........ effects were unbelievable. The particular battle scenes were so realistic. filmed "to ........ attention" win make I'm having no luck getting served. I can't seem to ........ anyone's attract attention. attain "........ sense" common normal She's very intelligent but has no idea how to make practical decisions. ordinary She really has no ........ sense. usual making "to ........ an advert somewhere" setting placing Why don't you try ........ an advert for your car in the local newspaper? laying "to be ........ skinned" wide fat Don't worry. She won't mind being criticised. She's very ........ skinned deep and doesn't easily get upset. thick "to ........ touch" made missed I've completely ........ touch with all my old school friends. I have no lost idea what any of them are doing. left "frame of ........" mind thought I don't think I'm in the right frame of ........ to sit an exam. I don't seem attitude to be able to concentrate. feeling "to step out of ........" place order She's a very strict teacher. If any of her students step out of ........ she line gets really angry position "a mental ........" block stop I always seem to suffer a mental ........ whenever I'm asked a question in hold class even though most of the time I know the answer. break "the ........ media" whole large There has been ........ media coverage of the wedding, with programmes gross on TV and radio and articles in the press. mass "to ........ judgement" keep hold I'm going to ........ judgement on the film until I've actually seen it. The reserve critics aren't always correct. retain "a ........ in the ocean" drip drop The amount the Government is spending to ease unemployment is a spot ........ in the ocean compared to what is needed. spit














www.flo-joe.co.uk "to ........ it lucky"


CAE Collocations hit get catch strike created made set got test practice pilot trial grow rise face meet issue point topic subject quick rapid jump fast share compare examine contrast cast throw shed place target aim shoot focus interior inside inner central importance priority stress attention view range run place solution bid offer suggestion

Strana 4 (celkem 7)

I do the lottery every week. You never know, I might ........ it lucky one day. "to ........ a name for yourself" She's a leading economist who ........ a name for herself as a dealer in the city. "a ........ period" We're selling these at a reduced rate for a ........ period. "to ........ to the challenge" It's a difficult task but I'm sure she will ........ to the challenge. "to drop the ........" We obviously have totally different views so shall we drop the ........? "to ........ forward" Could you ........ forward the cassette to the next song please? "to ........ notes" Before we go into the meeting let's get together first and ........ notes. "to ........ doubts" I don't want to ........ doubts on his ability but are we sure he's the best person for the job? "to ........ attention" I'd like you all now to ........ attention on the arguments against the proposal. "an ........ designer" She's studying at college to become an ........ designer. "to give ........ to something" If I were you I'd give ........ to improving your pronunciation. "in the long ........" I think the company will face some difficulties over the next few months, but in the long ........ we expect to see increased profits. "to make a(n) ........" I've decided I'm going to make a(n) ........ on that house before someone else comes along and buys it.














www.flo-joe.co.uk "to ........ up the courage"


CAE Collocations fetched raised scooped plucked on with in at in on with at erected plotted planted set swing push draw drag take feel have get utters says tells speaks hard rigid firm fixed sets leaves creates makes grab catch keep stom get make attain reach take get meet join showing making taking doing

Strana 5 (celkem 7)

I finally ........ up the courage to go and see the Manager about a pay rise. "........ principle" I agree with you ........ principle but I'm not sure your idea would work in practice. "to do something ........ impulse" He's not very careful with money and often buys things ........ impulse. "to ........ a bomb" The rebel soldiers ........ the bomb in the town centre. "to ........ the curtains" Could you ........ the curtains please? The sun's shining in my eyes. "to ........ offence" You won't ........ offence if I don't go out with you this weekend, will you? I've made other plans. "to ........ your mind" She's certainly not afraid of giving her opinion. She always ........ her mind. "to make a ........ commitment" The government have made a ........ commitment not to raise taxes this year. "to ........ an example" His outstanding performance in the Olympics ........ an example to all those who hope to achieve greatness themselves. "to ........ your breath" It's so busy in my office. I don't get the chance to ........ my breath after my long journey into the office. I have to get down to work as soon as I get in. "to ........ a point" I get so tired at work that I ........ a point when I can't concentrate anymore. "to ........ a deadline" I worked all night long in order to ........ the deadline. I finally managed to hand my essay in on time. "to ........ a fuss" There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfectly OK. Stop ........ a fuss.














www.flo-joe.co.uk "to ........ an anniversary"


CAE Collocations stamp sign show mark shone set cast threw splash crash flash smash charge fee cost price bridged joined connected linked squash spread stretch pull created set placed made settle create put place utter full complete total strategy policy plan schedule path means solution key face watch see view face watch see view

Strana 6 (celkem 7)

What shall we do to ........ their 40th wedding anniversary? It needs to be something special. "to ........ a shadow" The sun shining on the trees ........ a shadow across the field. "a ........ course" I'm taking an intensive 2 day ........ course in computing. I want to learn the basics quickly before I start my new job. "the ........ of living" The ........ of living in London is so much more expensive than where I used to live. "to ........ a gap" It was this painting that ........ the gap between his early abstract work and his later move towards realism. "to ........ the truth" I'm not saying he's a liar, but he does tend to ........ the truth a little when he's talking about his achievements. "to ........ a mark" Having ........ his mark on the organisation and become highly respected, he decided to leave and start his own business. "to ........ an order" I'd like to ........ an order for a delivery of stationery please. "to be in ........ swing" The party was in ........ swing when there was a power cut and all the lights went out. "a ........ of action" Have we got a ........ of action in case things go wrong on the day? "the ........ to success" The ........ to our success has been that we've had a very committed workforce. "to ........ the truth" You shouldn't try to work so hard. Come on, ........ the truth. You aren't as young as you used to be. "to ........ the truth" You shouldn't try to work so hard. Come on, ........ the truth. You aren't as young as you used to be.














www.flo-joe.co.uk "........ evidence"


CAE Collocations secure tight stiff firm frail short weak fragile pattern basis foundation standard with by for in take keep make show with on in under get become attain reach plead plea appeal claim came appeared played set place lay set put

Strana 7 (celkem 7)

We don't have any ........ evidence of government corruption but we strongly suspect someone is acting dishonestly. "to be ........ of breath" I've been getting ........ of breath lately. I really should start thinking about taking up exercise. "a regular ........" One day I hope to find work on a regular ........ instead of the odd day here and there. "........ all means" Yes, ........ all means give me a ring if you need any help. It won't be any trouble at all. "to ........ your distance" Please ........ your distance when the firework display begins. "to be ........guarantee" If anything goes wrong with the watch while it's ........ guarantee I can get my money back. "to ........ a crisis" Many people feel something should be done to protect the ozone layer before things ........ a crisis. "to ........ innocent/guilty" So, how does the accused ........ ? Guilty or not guilty? "to ........ to light" It wasn't until I asked the bank to check my account that the error ........ to light. Nobody had been aware of it until then. "to ........ someone's mind at rest" I tried to ........ her mind at rest that everything would be OK.











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