Enewsletter 27 April 2014

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SENIOR PASTORS Major Stephen Crump & Major Denise Crump ASSISTANT PASTOR Lt Missy Ditch urn PASTORAL CARE CO! CO!ORDINATOR "arry Christo##ersen COMM$NIT% MINISTRIES MANA&ER To'a To#i(au P)A) * PA%ROLL CLER+ & PRA%ER MINISTR% LEADER ,anette S(o e FINANCE TEAM -ai Phan' -on' TRANSITIONAL .O$SIN& FAMIL% -OR+ERS To'a & Li/ To#i(au ASSISTANT FAMIL% -OR+ER Aroha Taputoro FAMIL% MINISTRIES "rent Christo##ersen C.ILDREN0S -OR+ER Aimee Noa1es %O$T. -OR+ER Mi1e S2an PLA%&RO$P C.APLAIN & CO! CO!ORDINATOR Lin3a Pa(mer LITERAC% & N$MERAC% EN&LIS. TEAC.ER Mi1e Carrin'ton FOOD "AN+ MANA&ER Ian Mc&eor'e -ORS.IP TEAM LEADER Aaron Stone FAMIL% STORE AREA MANA&ER Tania "ea/(ey RECEPTIONIST Leah Per1ins

28 April - 4 May
Please Volunteer to collect -4-!" 2"#

$8 April - 4 May
Sc%ool Holidays

All pro&ra''es are in recess

Dear Friends and Family Welcome to Hutt City Corps. A few years ago one of our kids bought us a navigational device, the answer for wives who can t read maps. However, by the time you have found your glasses, programmed the !thing", read the instruction book again, got lost three times because your device hasn t updated the maps which are now two years old, therefore not knowing where you are going can be very frustrating. #esus said " I am they way, the truth and the life", so in life we can know that we can follow #esus and we won t end up in the wrong place. As $ contemplate this $ feel really reassured. %od has a plan for me and my life& and you and your life, a plan that will not leave us disappointed, but a plan that will give us direction and hope for the future. Have a great week

This programme will be up and running again from the 6th of May. Please note that the ages have slightly changed, we are now aiming our programme to cater for year 6's as well (the last year of primary school.) or any further information please contact !imee on "# $%" "&%'

Denise Crump 'enior (astor

We Exist To Bring People Into A Life Changing Relationship With Jesus Christ

This is just a reminder to let you know that during the school holidays all childrens programmes will be closed down. This includes Kids Church on a Sunday. Please remember that you are responsible for your children at all times during the service. efore the sermon! kids packs will be given out to ensure they have something to keep them occupied. The Creche is open at the back of the "uditorium for little ones throughout the service. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Dear Sponsor, How are you all, here I am fine in Kenya and doing well in my studies. I want to thank you much for making my Christmas enjoyable through the money that you sent to me. Thank you and I love you all. Annet is 7, she is an orphan. She has 2 sisters, their parents both died of HIV/ AIDS, the family that became Guardian to these little girls have very little income.

(elco'e to t%e Sal)a*on Ar'y Hu+ ,ity ,orpsIt is our pleasure to greet you once againand if you are visi ng, to extend to you a special welcome. We pray that God will bless you all, in the me that you spend here. We invite you to stay and share some refreshments with us at the conclusion of the Celebra on. If you are new to u! City Corps please "ll in the details card that the ushers will hand out during the service and once completed put it in the white box by the double doors in the foyer and we will be in contact with you.

It is such a privilege to be able to feed and distribute food to people in the name of Jesus through our Hutt City Corps foodbank. At the moment we are short on breakfast cereals and we would be grateful if anyone would like to donate any type of cereal to the foodbank. Some Parents and Caregivers find it hard to feed their children in the holidays so a good breakfast is essential to healthy growing kids! "here is a basket at the entrance of the Auditorium blue doors on Sundays for foodbank donations to go. "hank you!

Dear Friends from Hutt City Corps )ay your Christmas sparkle with moments of *oy, laughter and grace and may the coming year be +lled with love and *oy and contentment. )erry Christmas and A blessed ,ew -ear. .ove Ale/

We have 8o slots to fill for our annual Red Shield Appeal. We appreciate people who have already put their names forward for collecting! And we need more people to be generous with their time to do the same! We need YOU! You can register with issy !itchburn on Sunday morning or you can te"t her your interest on #$% &$' #''#.

Alex lives in the Salvation Armys boys home, he has 2 younger brothers, he is now 15, his school sub ects are !nglish, "alay, mathematics, social studies, science and #ible$ %is favourite sub ect is maths$ Alex &arents are se&arated and his mother wor's as a waitress$

#$%&'( W%)* + I# W''&, #$%&'( W%)* (ext W''&,

*enise Crump -issy *itchburn

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