Enewsletter 20 April 2014

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Walkthrough @ Hu City 6.00pm

,"E!STE" ,"-#!$ SE"7-CE 10.00am

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Easter Cele%ra&o' Ser(i)e

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Youth Trip Taupo 7s

2/ !pril 0 1 2ay
2o'3ay4Su'3ay "E# SH-E5# !66E!5
6lease 7olu'teer to )olle)t 0010+70027*

1/ !pril 0 1 2ay
S)hool Holi3ays

!ll programmes are i' re)ess

The Last of Fijis Christmas Mail!

Hi folks, Welcome to Hutt City this Easter. As a Christian who has now seen many Easters, I find it increasingly difficult to get too morbid over Good riday, seeing as I know how Easter !unday turned out. I think I understand a little of the drama of the crucifi"ion and the im#lications of God a##earing to turn His back on $esus and how that made my !alvation #ossible, but I know that it all worked out for good in the end. I knew that the lottery ticket I had %ust #ur& chased was a winning one. I had read the last cha#ter and knew that we could all live ha##ily ever after. Easter is a celebration of the highest order. 'here has been a theme running through the meetings these last few weeks & (His !tory, )ur Ho#e(. With the Easter story, comes the (ho#e( that sur#asses all other & 'he free gift of a relationshi# with God that sees far beyond our current circumstances and indeed, far beyond our life here on this earth. *ay Christ the !aviour reveal Himself afresh to you this Easter. +lessings !te#hen Crum# *a%or Dear Sponsors, Hello there and Bula Vinaka once again. Ive just read the letter that you have written fro you all and it is nice to read the letter and y fa ily loved to hear fro you all. I would like to thank you for your sponsoring e this year without your spon! sor this year I would not "e successful. #e have co e to the end of the year, and $hrist as is co ing very near too. I would like to wish you all and your fa ily a %erry $hrist as and very "lessed &ew 'ear. 'ours faithfully, (one

Wel)ome to the Sal(a&o' !rmy Hu City Corps8

It is our pleasure to greet you once againand if you are visi ng, to extend to you a special welcome. We pray that od will !less you all, in the me that you spend here. We invite you to stay and share some refreshments with us at the conclusion of the "ele!ra on. If you are new to #u$ "ity "orps please %ll in the details card that the ushers will hand out during the service and once completed put it in the white !ox !y the dou!le doors in the foyer and we will !e in contact with you.

We Have catchcatch-up Mail from Sri Lanka

)o Dear *oving Sponsor, %ay you re+ect the glory of the *ord, the light of His love, the joy of caring, the war th of sharing, the serenity of faith, and the peace of a contented heart, throughout this season of joy. %erry $hrist as and happy &ew 'ear. ,ro loving sponsor child %ega. your

Note: Mega has lived in the Salvation Army Home since she was 5, she is now 15, she came from an unstable family who were not able to provide for her Her future goal is to be a Montessori teacher
Do you need prayer? Text Carol Anderson on 027 649 3474 or you could put your prayer request in the P A!"

Do you live in Wainuiomata? Carol Anderson is starting a Bible Study next term. If you would like to be involved please talk wit Carol on Sunday or !onta!t er by p one "#$ %&' (&$&.

"#$"%T &ox in the 'oyer(


Stephen Crump Missy Ditchburn

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