So: The Blocks Creation Include in The Index - PHP File A New Div. This Div Can Be

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Objective: Develop a CMS modulo write in php for online template edition

To maker easy the project we want use the open source software HTML-BASED
CSS EDITOR. See the demo:

An code example that shall be generated is in 1.

An interface suggestion is in 2

• Description:

The user create or edit the blocks of his site thru the interface. The new block are
created by pressing Add. The result of this action is the new block that appears in the
site visualization.

There are 5 block types (specified in 3). The only diference is the php function inside
the block.

So: the blocks creation include in the index.php file a new div. This div can be
created inside other div. Automatic is create a class in the style.css file with same
name of div

The user cans manager the block also. The action are Edit, Del, Up, Dow.

Edit > When the user selection the block to edit, it block shall have it border changed
to solid red with 2px for 2 seconds. The class elements of this block shall be
configured thru the css editor (yellow interface)

Del > delete the div (in the index.php) and the class (in the style.css)

Up > the div is moved above

Down > the div is moved below

• The code generated thru this module is salve in the index.php and style.css

The code below is an example that shall be generated by system:


<div id="container">
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="menu">
<div><?php show_menu(); ?></div>
<div id="content"><?php page_content(); ?></div>
<div id="rodape"></div>


body { background:#4d4d4d url(imagens/bg_body.gif) top left repeat-

x; }
#container { width:785px; height:400px; margin:0 auto; }
#header { width:782px; height:279px; background:url
(imagens/header.gif) no-repeat; }
#menu { width: 782px; height:59px; background:url
(imagens/menu_bg.gif) no-repeat; }
#menu ul { width:782px; background:#4c4c4c; float:left;}
#menu ul li { float:left; margin:0 auto; border-right: 2px solid
white; padding:0 0 0 10px; }
#menu ul li a { font:bold 11px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color:white; display:block; padding:5px 15px; background: url
(imagens/list-button.gif) no-repeat center left; }
#content { width: 772px; background:#e2e2e2; clear:both; padding:
5px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
#content a:hover { color: #52b57c;}
#content a{ color: #000000;}
#content * { font: Arial; }
#rodape { width:783px; height:105px; background:url
(imagens/rodape.gif) center center; }

Add a block :

Type: design block V

Localization: Root V


Block Manager

Block: Action:

Search Block V Edit Up

Del Down

Design Block

Menu Block

Search Block Content Block

Login Block

Design Block

Design Block
<div> </div>

Content Block
<div> page_content(); </div>

Menu Block
<div> show_menu(1,1,-1); </div>

Login Block
<div> login(); </div>

Search Block
<div> search(); </div>

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