Draft 1 Annotated Bibliography

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Michael Greenberg Professor Keaton ENC1102- 31 20 February 2014 Annotated Bibliography Source 1: Molepo, Lephodisa Stephen, Tholene Sodi, Levison Maunganidze, and Pilot Mudhovozi, Behavioural and Emotional Development in Children of Divorce. 22.2 (2012): 251-54. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Feb. 2014. This source by Lephodisa Molepo is a study of on teacher perceptions of the impact of parental divorce on behavior and emotional development in children of divorce. This study the participants were a purposive sampling of 80 primary school learners with parental divorce experience and a comparison group of 40 others from typical or intact families. There were 120 individuals selected (males 64, females 56). The study findings suggest that teachers perceive younger children from divorced parents were more likely to have emotional and behavioral challenges than those from intact families. That the teachers perceived older children from intact were to have emotional and behavioral difficulties. This source shows many different things including show the results on age and gender differences in the behavioral and emotional responses between children from intact and non-intact families according to age and gender. In this source the author is trying to prove her ideas by the use of tables. The tables are about the information throughout the authors findings about 120 individuals who she experimented ranging from 6 to 12 years. I found this to be effective because there are two separate tables the first states the results on age and gender differences in the behavioral and

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emotional responses between children from intact and non-intact families according to age and gender. While the second table shows that there was a significant difference in temperament between children in intact and non-intact families in the age groups 6 to 9 and 10 to 12 years of age. The study revealed that study revealed that younger children from non-intact families were more temperamental than those from intact families. I believe that this information is mostly effective because the study was over such a long time. I also believe it is ineffective because the study is only 120 people which are not a lot when considering the population of the entire world. In order to improve her study I would have the author study more individuals than 120 a lot more individuals will help her information become more accurate and precise. I would ask the author the question how did you decide to do more boys than girls? And I would also ask her why did you only study 120 individuals?? Lastly this source is connected to the other two sources by they are all summaries that are relative to divorce and children. In this source this was a study of only 120 individuals. The results after 6-12 years were that younger children from divorced parents were more likely to have emotional and behavioral challenges than those from intact families. This study was to find out the emotional side of younger children after a divorce. While the other studies were the relationship between the parent and child along with joint custody. The last study was about how divorce affects the relationship between the parent and her child. All studies have to deal with specific aspects of divorce. I believe this source is connected to all three because in each of the three there is something about the other topic mentioned. The author is not mentioned but the ideas of the first source can be found in the second and third sources. This source can especially relate to the final source because this source states very factual and believable statistics about the topic of divorce.

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Quotes 1. Younger children who experienced parental divorce are likely to be more sensitive to criticism than older children or others from intact families. 2. An age by emotional and behavioural adjust effect was observed only the younger children and not for the older children. 3. parental divorce did not impact much on the behavioural and emotional responses of children.

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Source 2 Vanassche, Sofie, An Katrien Sodermans,, Koen Matthijs, and Gray Swicegood. Commuting between Two Parental Households: The Association between Joint Physical Custody and Adolescent Wellbeing following Divorce. 19.2 (2013): 139+. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Feb. 2014. A summary of this source is a study of joint custody and the relationship between the parents along with the wellbeing of the children. Also this source states how relationships between the parents and the children help determine the custody of the children. The study provides very detailed data tables that help try to prove the authors point. Along with the data tables the author has an analysis of what the tables mean and also has averages of her information. For example The average score on the fatherchild relationship equals 10.9 for those living in strict mother custody, 20.4 for those in strict joint custody and 20.1 for those in strict father custody. Lastly at the end of the study the author wraps up the study with a conclusion. In the conclusion the author says that joint physical custody is not necessarily the best or worst cause today arrangements following divorce for adolescence wellbeing, but it can be less beneficial than sole custody under certain conditions. Also in this source the author is proving her ideas by describing the research present in the study that has been done. In addition in her study the author describes all the variables that she controlled which includes both independent and dependent information. The author also has very thorough and detailed data by herself that she has studied and gotten the information on. All her data leads to her main argument about joint custody how the relationship between the child and his parent ultimately determines who has more custody of the child. I believe that the information is very effective because the author states what looks to be very factual and complex

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information. Also the author provides his readers with tables of information of the different ages of people (children and adults) and their feelings on divorce. For example the author has a table of information just about males and the ages of the individuals tested. The author is proving her ideas by describing her data she obtained and explaining what the data collected means. The author could provide a few quotes by experts so her information seems more factual. The only question I would have for the author is why not quote other researchers? Lastly this source is connected to the other two sources by this source talks about joint custody which is a key point when a divorce occurs. The other two sources are about how younger children from divorced parents were more likely to have emotional and behavioral challenges than those from intact families. All sources are connected because the central theme is divorce and children. In all the studies they concurred that divorce is harmful to both children and the adults. Children are affected more emotionally than adults. Not all the sources that I have found have tables. This source contains tables helping the author Quotes 1. Adolescents in strict joint custody are on aver-age younger than those in strict sole custody: 14.7 versus 15.7 years. (150) 2. Joint custody creates opportunities for maintaining a good relationship with both parents, which is positively related to the childs wellbeing. (153) 3. Children in joint custody had experienced a parental divorce more recently, were on average younger and had more highly educated parents. (153)

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Source 3: Wijckmans, Belinda, and Jan Van Bavel. Divorce and Adult Children's Perceptions of Family Obligations. 44.3 (2013): 291-310. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Feb. 2014. Summary A summary of this source by Wijckmans says that research has stated that divorce weakens the ties between the parent and their adult children. The effects go in both directions in regards to support of one another. The results show that divorce is positively associated with norms of family obligations, even after controlling for the exchange of support between the generations and the perceived quality of the relationship. In addition there is a link between the type of family obligation and the generation in which the divorce occurred. The respondent's own divorce history is more strongly and positively correlated to his or her attitudes towards their personal obligations, whereas the parents divorce history is only positively related to the respondent's parental obligations. This source is from a policy perspective which studies the relationship between attitudes and expectations along with the effects of how people are satisfied. The author is proving her ideas by describing the research present in the article that has been done. In addition the author details other experts opinions which are very valuable when it comes to a research paper. Also in her paper she stated everything from her control variables to her data. After her data she explained what the data meant which helps her explain her idea about how divorce affects the relationship between the parent and their adult children. I believe that this support is effective and convincing because the author states other experts opinions and their research along with hers trying to prove how there is an effect between divorce and the effects it has on the children. In the text the author provides very detailed information regarding the point

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she is trying to make. The author could provide a few more quotes my experts there is only a few throughout the article but the author does mention several times other experts research. My only questions for the author are why would you put all that data? and why did it have to be so long? Lastly all the sources are connected to the third and final source by their main theme which is divorce. Each source mentions numerous times that divorce is bad. This source is connected to the other two by the first two state that divorce along with joint custody after the divorce have many different effects on the children. This third source explains how we know divorce affects the children but the effects actually go both ways. Effects of the children are the ones that are mainly heard but in fact parents are affected to just as much as the children. In the final source it explains that child custody is determined by which parent the child like most. That individual gains custody almost all the time. Lastly this source is connected to the others by it gives another experts opinion on how relationships and attitudes determine how well people are satisfied. Quotes 1. divorced people in general tend to express stronger norms of family obligation (306). 2. Having divorced parents was found to correlate positively with family obligations (306). 3. That having experienced loss through divorce, either from a parent or a partner, and having experienced the hardships a divorce might bring with it, may result in stronger family norms, regardless of the behavior individuals show (307).

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Source 4 Conan, Neil. "Analysis: Effects of Divorce on Children." Literature Resource Center. Gale, 31 Jan. 2002. Web. 22 Feb. 2014. A summary of this source is the source has a host named Neil Conan. A summary of his source would be that divorce is rarely simple and almost never painless. That many experts believe divorce leaves the principals permanently scarred and irreparably harms the children. Many people who've gone through the experience will agree with that. The most comprehensive study on the subject, though, shows that the truth isn't simple, either. Divorce can often be devastating in the short term, but most people, and yes, most of the children, prove resilient and do well later in life. The author or host in this source is proving his ideas by having an interviews with experts and people who have been affected by divorce. The interview was between Neil Conan and E. Mavis Hetherington, who's now a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Virginia. Neil also talked to Sarah, from Minneapolis. Sarah tells us that her parents got divorced when she was at the age of 25. She explains her side of what she believes I wrong with divorce and some of the effects she experienced. In addition to Sarah, Neil Conan talked to many more individuals about their experiences with regards to divorce. I believe that this is credible because it gives experiences of real individuals and the effects they experienced. Also I find this source not credible because the source only gives the experience of a few individuals which would not the whole population. My only questions that I would ask the host would be why choose these specific individual? Was the calls truly random callers? Lastly this source with host Neil Conan is connected to all the other sources by all the sources explains the effects of divorce on the overall population. A distinct difference that this

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source talks about specific individuals effects which is more personal. Neil receives phone calls from individuals who explain what had happened in their lives about divorce. This source is almost completely different than all the others besides the fact that it does mention some facts pertaining to the overall population which would be like all the other sources. This source will help my paper when I talk about individual opinions and how it has affected that one person. Quotes 1. We find many children wish they could get free of a family that's having a lot of conflict, and we find that children from these families do much better when the breakup occurs and they report a sense of relief when the breakup occurs. 2. that children who live in high-conflict families where the couples don't enjoy each other, where they have contempt for each other, where they try to undermine each other's discipline--are very damaging to children. 3. only about 25 percent of parents develop a true cooperative relationship after the divorce where they both participate equally in raising the children, where they consult on the children's problems and the children's activities

Source 5

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Lansford, Jennifer E. Parental Divorce and Children's Adjustment. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. N.p.: Sage Publications, on Behalf of Association for Psychological Science, n.d. JSTOR. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. A summary of Jennifer E. Lansfords findings is she first considers evidence regarding how divorce relates to childrens externalizing behaviors, internalizing problems, academic achievement, and social relationships. Then the author examines the timing of the divorce for example Parental divorce was related to boys externalizing trajectories differently depending on the timing of the divorce. In particular, parental divorce during elementary school was related to an increase in boys externalizing behaviors that began in the year of the divorce and persisted for years afterward. Parental divorce during middle school was related to an increase in boys externalizing behaviors in the years the divorce declined(5-6). Also mentioned in the source is that all children do not act the same way when it comes to divorce. Some children take it harder because they are closer to his or her parents while other children may not be. The effects of a divorce also differ from child to child. The author is proving her ideas by citing other researchers information within her paper. The author cites her information along with the other professional experts on the subject of divorce. Also the author gives specific percentages about divorce. For example Hetherington and Kelly (2002) concluded that 25% of individuals whose parents divorce have serious longterm social, emotional, or psychological problems in adulthood in comparison with 10% of individuals whose parents have stayed together (9). The author gives other experts opinions on her subject she is researching. I believe this research is effective because the author states many percentages and where she got the percentages. Also the author gives other experts opinions. The author gives overall effective and informative information. The author explains many different

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opinions in her paper. There are no questions I would ask the author because she does a great job at presenting her ideas. Lastly this source by Jennifer E. Lansford is connected to all the other sources by all sources have the main topic of discussion of divorce. I believe that this source can be connect to the third source. These two sources I believe are connecter because both sources use experts to help point out their main point of the paper they are writing. The third source explains how we know divorce affects the children but the effects actually go both ways. Effects of the children are the ones that are mainly heard but in fact parents are affected to just as much as the children. This is exactly what we see in this final fifth source.

Quotes 1. In the United States, between 43% and 50% of first marriages end in divorce (U.S.Census Bureau, 2004), and 50% of American children will experience their parents divorce (National Center for Health Statistics, 2008) (3). 2. Children often have more short-term adjustment difficulties immediately after their parents divorce, but these difficulties may lessen in severity or disappear following an initial adjustment period (Chase-Lansdale & Hetherington, 1990) (6). 3. children whose grades are dropping are the same children whose internalizing or externalizing problems are increasing following their parents divorce (10).

Primary Source- Interview with Arielle A summary of my interview with Arielle is how I saw the change of emotion during the interview. She was first relaxed but then became very tense when I brought up the topic of

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divorce. When I asked her what specifically was a correlation with the divorce she said that her schooling was extremely affected. She saw my grades drop one to two letter grades. She also had to take pills because of my depression I had gotten from this. I definitely believe that this divorce played a key role in the drop of my grades. Also that her experience with divorce is still is effecting her today. She understands that this is occurring all over the world now and that she is one of many children who have been affected by this unfortunate event in their lives.

This interview with Arielle connects to all the other sources because it relates to divorce. In both the primary and secondary sources I saw the education as a key distinct aspect of the divorce that was affected. This affected mainly the children. In my interview I felt a very tense and rough experience for my interviewee. This moment in her life was one that she wished never happened. My sources gave me facts supporting what Arielle said how divorce does have a correlation with a drop in grades. She stated that what had happened in that one moment of her life caused all of her depression that she still has today. Her family was her most important thing in her life and she lost it to divorce along with some of her grades that semester.

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