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What is American Civilization?

Amber Davis Monday 7:00 -9:50 Pm American civilization is the growth this country from the colonial times all the way up to the present day. To understand American civilization you first have to understand civilization. Civilization is the advance state of human society. People can argue that the Native Americans were the beginning of American civilization, I believe that they did not reach the full effect of civilization because that growth was stopped when the colonist invaded the Americas. Christopher Columbus set off on a voyage in 1492 to conquer and colonize new worlds He sailed with Spain to gain and upper hand on rival powers. His voyage was to reach Asia to do a spice trade. During this voyage he ended up landing on the Americas. This new world was inhabited by the Native American tribes such as the Cherokees, Creek, Powhantan, Delaware, Iroquois, and Abenaki. Columbus called them Indians. After Columbuss voyage settlers began to come in boat loads to the new world to escape the rules set by the kind of England. The settlers had ran the natives out of their lands and began to colonize the land, which became the thirteen colonies. The original colonies were, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The Revolutionary war was then fought because the colonist wanted freedom from England. The war was fought between 1775 and 1783. After winning the war, America got their first president, George Washington. He had fought for the revolution and raised to power and helped set up the government for America but not as king, but as President. During his lifetime the Declaration of independence was created. This document stated the independence from Great Britain. This then led to the creation the Constitution, which is still a living

document today. This document limits the governments control over the people, and rights to the people so that they dont have another issue with the government. As time has passed more wars were fought, most of the wars between different countries, and one between states with disagreements. Presidents went into office and out of office. Few presidents didnt get to finish out their term, some due to assassination, some because of impeachment, and some resigned from office. All of this time has shaped civilization into what it is today. Now we have technology that, at the beginning would be considered witch craft but now is considered an everyday household instrument. If we were to go back in time to the colonial times and tell someone that we have a tool that fits in the palm of your hand that can possess the power of infamous knowledge and is capable of talking to someone half the world away, they would look at you as if you were crazy, however if you said that same thing to someone from this time period they would look and you and say well duh its called a cell phone. Not only has technology changed but so has our economy. With a stock market that controls this countries money. If it were to start to fail and people would trade in all of their stocks the economy would collapse just like in did in the 1930s. If the stock market is doing well the economy will be a lot better. This country has seen depression in the economy and recession, as well as a stable economy. The national debt is continuing to grow every minute that passes by. Some people believe that with this growing debt that this nation might collapse again, or cause a second revolution. In conclusion American civilization has grown from the colonial times to the present day. From technologies to economy. American civilization will continue to grow as time continues on and people learn from past mistake if they choose to repeat the past or learn from it our county will move on, as long as the people are willing to advance in society.

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