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New Differentiated Lesson Plan Jamie Daylor Life Cycles Big Idea: Life cycles, Change and Transformation

Key Concepts: Nature Change Cycles Transformation Growth Life Essential Questions: What cycles and changes do we see in living creatures? How are the stages of the butterfly life cycle alike and different from our life cycles as humans? Standards: GLEs: Demonstrate an additive process (e.g., string, card-board, glue, found objects) Cut a symmetrical shape from a folded piece of paper Identify and use horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines Differentiate between shapes and forms Identify and use invented textures Compare different responses students may have to the same artwork NAEA National standards 1. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes Achievement Standard: Students a. know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes b. describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses c. use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories d. use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner 3. Content Standard: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas Achievement Standard: Students b. select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning

Objectives: When given tissue paper, scissors, glue, paper plates and markers, students will be able to create a life cycle wheel using the techniques style of Eric Carles artwork, showing no white space on the page with discernable figure and ground. Following the video, slideshow and Eric Carles book on the life cycle of butterflies, students will be able to recite the stages of a butterflys life with 100% accuracy. When given art material, students will be able to create and make artistic decisions in order to represent the life cycle of butterflies using the materials safely and appropriately, including no injuries or broken or wasted materials. Supply List: Tissue paper of various colors Glue and water solution (made of Elmers liquid glue and water) Two paper plates for each student Metal brads Scissors Old paint brushes one for each student Vocabulary: Metamorphosis Cocoon Pupa Caterpillar Hatch Transform Lesson Vignette: The students will watch a 5 min video on the life cycle of a butterfly. We will then have a class discussion that is primarily student lead as a use of formative assessment to find out what they know about the butterfly life cycle. They will then view a PowerPoint lead by the teacher explaining the different stages of a butterflys life there will be class discussion. This slide show will end with a graphic organizer. They will then explain to a partner the different stages of the life cycle. We will then be read Eric Carles book The Hungry Caterpillar. While reading this book there will be class discussion on the different techniques used by Carle to create the artwork. I will then give a demonstration of how they will complete the art making activity, step-by-step displaying these steps on the board, and show a teacher exemplar. The students will then create a life cycle wheel, which also serves as a graphic organizer using paper plates divided into four sections one for each stage of the life cycle. They will illustrate each stage using the tissue paper techniques of Eric Carle. After they are done creating their pieces they will present their work to a partner and explain in their own words the life cycle. They will then turn in their projects for summative assessment. As they are leaving the class the teacher will quickly teach them a chant and handclap to go along with the word Metamorphosis.

Graphic Organizer:

Project exemplar:

Accommodations: Give a printed schedule to student who needs a regimented routine. Give print out of vocabulary represented visually and verbally to students who struggle with vocabulary as well as translations for ELL students. Make certain students a materials manager. Allow students to write comments to their peers rather than verbally conveying them. Assessment: Formative: In class discussions will allow the teacher to gage the studetns knowledge. Summative: I will use the following rubric to grade their final projects. Completeness Craftmanship Creativity Time on Task Accuracy of lifecycle stages Representation of Eric Carles artistic style Safety and appropriate use of materials ! Excellent (5) Excellent (5) Excellent (5) Excellent (5) Excellent (5) Excellent (5) Excellent (5) Very good (4) Very good (4) Very good (4) Very good (4) Very good (4) Very good (4) Very good (4) Good (3) Good (3) Good (3) Good (3) Good (3) Good (3) Good (3) Developing (2) Developing (2) Developing (2) Developing (2) Developing (2) Developing (2) Developing (2) Try Harder (1) Try Harder (1) Try Harder (1) Try Harder (1) Try Harder (1) Try Harder (1) Try Harder (1)

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