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lnd|ra Gandh| Nat|onal Open Un|vers|ty

Centre for Corporate Lducat|on, 1ra|n|ng and Consultancy (CCL1C)

|n collaborat|on w|th
Chartered lnst|tute of Management Accountants (ClMA)
M8A |n Management Account|ng
and l|nance
1wo-ear MasLers Legree lrogramme
Student Randbook 2011
All lnd|a Counc|l for 1echn|cal Lducat|on
(a SLaLuLory ody o 1he GovernmenL o lndia)
Lr. Nagin Chand
Advisor (lC/Academic)
l. No. AlC1L/Academic/MOU-LLC/200S
LaLed. May 13, 200S
1he SecreLaries/LirecLors,
1echnical LducaLion,
All SLaLe GovernmenLs/Union 1erriLories.
Sub|ecL. kecogniLion o MA, MCA programmes awarded by lndira Gandhi NaLional
Open UniversiLy (lGNOU), New Lelhi.
lGNOU, New Lelhi has been esLablished by sub-secLion (2) o secLion (1) o Lhe lGNOU
AcL, 198S (S0 o 198S) vide NoLiicaLion No. l.13-12/8S-Lesl (U) daLed SepLember 19, 198S
issued by Lhe LeparLmenL o LducaLion, MinisLry o HkL, GovernmenL o lndia, New Lelhi.
l amdirecLed Lo say LhaL Lhe MasLer o usiness AdminisLraLion (MA) and MasLer o
CompuLer ApplicaLions (MCA) degrees awarded by lGNOU are recognised by AlC1L.
ours laiLhully,
(Nagin Chand)
Copy Lo.
All kegional Oicers, AlC1L.
lndira Gandhi SporLs Complex, l.l. LsLaLe, New Lelhi - 110 002
lhone. 23392S06, 63-6S, 68, /1, /3-/S/lax. 011 23392SS4
lGNOU is a CLN1kAL UNlvLkSl1 esLablished by an AcL o larliamenL in 198S (AcL No. S0
o 198S). lGNOU Legrees/Liplomas/CerLiicaLes are recognised by all Lhe members o Lhe
AssociaLion o lndian UniversiLies (AlU) and are aL par wiLh Legrees/Liplomas/CerLiicaLes
o all lndian UniversiLies/Leemed UniversiLies/lnsLiLuLions vide UGC Circular No. l.1-8/92 (Cll)
daLed lebruary 1992 & AlU Circular No. Lv/ (449)/94/1/691S-1//11S daLed |anuary 1994.
lrogramme Ues|gn Comm|ttee
lrogramme Coord|nators
lro. v. K. halla AraLi lorwal
lMS, Lelhi UniversiLy Chie kepresenLaLive,
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice
Lr. S. K. 1uLe|a
lMS, Lelhi UniversiLy
lro. C. G. Naidu
LirecLor (SOvL1), lGNOU
Lr. v. v. keddy
LirecLor (kesearch UniL), lGNOU
lro. l. C. asal
School o ManagemenL SLudies, lGNOU
Lr. Kamal vagrecha
School o ManagemenL SLudies, lGNOU
lro. l. k. k. Nair
OSL & CoordinaLor, CCL1C
Lr. NayanLara ladhi
Lr. vi|ay v. Arya
lro. l. k. k. Nair
Lr. NayanLara ladhi
AraLi lorwal
Message or Lhe SLudenLs 1
AbouL lGNOU 2
AbouL Lhe CenLre or CorporaLe LducaLion, 1raining and ConsulLancy 2
AbouL ClMA 3
AbouL Lhe Course 3
SemesLers 4
lee SLrucLure 4
Schedule o OperaLion S
Change/CorrecLion o Address 6
LvaluaLion 6
SLudenL Query /
ModaliLies o Submission o AssignmenLs and 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion (Annexure 1) 8
lnsLrucLions or AssignmenLs 9
Syllabus (Annexure 2) 10
Guidelines or lro|ecL Course (MCNl-081) 16
lormNo. 1. lroorma or Approval o lro|ecL lroposal (MCNl-081) 20
lormNo. 2. ke-kegisLraLion/ke-Admission lorm 21
lormNo. 3. ApplicaLion lormor kequisiLion o AssignmenLs 23
lormNo. 4. 1erm-Lnd Lxamlorm 2S
lormNo. S. ApplicaLion lormor ke-LvaluaLion o Answer ScripL 2/
lormNo. 6. ApplicaLion lormor ObLaining LuplicaLe Grade Card/Marl SheeL 29
lormNo. /. Non-keceipL o SLudy MaLerial/AssignmenL 30
lormNo. 8. Change/CorrecLion o Address/SLudy CenLre 31
Lear Aspiring SLudenL,
GreeLings romLhe lndira Gandhi NaLional Open UniversiLy (lGNOU).
ln Lhe age o lielong learning, a paradigmshiL has been Laling place in Lhe lndian
educaLion sysLem. 1here is a growing demand or recognised, qualiLy educaLion
programmes which would allowyoung aspiranLs Lo acquire new abiliLies and
experLise while Lhey pursue Lheir careers. We are happy Lo announce LhaL lGNOU,
in collaboraLion wiLh Lhe CharLered lnsLiLuLe o ManagemenL AccounLanLs (ClMA),
has launched an MA programme in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance Lo caLer
Lo Lhe growing demand and help Lhe aspiranLs Lo verLically move up Lhe corporaLe
1his handbool is designed Lo give you inormaLion and advice Lo male your sLudy
decisions easier. llexible mode o learning is a ley parL o Lhis course.
lL has been a consLanL endeavour o lGNOU Lo become lndia's mosL progressive
UniversiLy wiLh inLernaLional acclaimor innovaLion and responsiveness o Leaching
and learning, research parLnership and inLernaLional acLiviLies. Our ob|ecLive is Lo
produce highly employable graduaLes o Lhe highesL possible qualiLy by orging
linlages wiLh business and indusLry.
On behal o Lhe CenLre or CorporaLe LducaLion, 1raining and ConsulLancy, lGNOU,
we inviLe your parLicipaLion in aLLaining Lhe goal o maling Lhis naLion a lnowledge
inLensive socieLy, where unemployable youLh will be a Lhing o Lhe pasL.
l Lale Lhis opporLuniLy Lo wish you all Lhe success in your academic pursuiL.
OSL and CoordinaLor,
CenLre or CorporaLe LducaLion, 1raining and ConsulLancy (CCL1C), lGNOU
lro. l. k. k. Nair
Message for the Students
About lGNOU
About the Centre for Corporate Lducat|on, 1ra|n|ng and Consultancy
Since iLs esLablishmenL in 198S, lGNOU has conLribuLed signiicanLly Lo Lhe developmenL o higher educaLion
in Lhe counLry Lhrough Lhe Open and LisLance Learning (OLL) mode. 1he 'leople's UniversiLy' ollows a learner-
cenLric approach and has successully adopLed a policy o openness and lexibiliLy in enLry qualiicaLions, Lime
Lalen or compleLion o a programme, and place o sLudy.
1he UniversiLy, aL presenL, oers 44S programmes o sLudy Lhrough over 4,000 courses Lo a cumulaLive
sLudenL sLrengLh o over 30 lalh sLudenLs.
One o Lhe biggesL conLribuLions o Lhe UniversiLy has been maling available Lo long-disLance learners, courses
which were hiLherLo exclusively limiLed Lo ace-Lo-ace classroominLeracLions. 1he UniversiLy develops iLs
academic programmes Lhrough 21 Schools o SLudy. A dedicaLed aculLy, Lrained in disLance educaLion
meLhodology, is responsible or planning, designing, developing and delivering academic programmes.
1he UniversiLy has esLablished a neLworl o 63 kegional CenLres (kCs), six Sub-kegional CenLres and 3,100
SLudy CenLres (SCs) all over Lhe counLry Lo provide easy access and eecLive supporL services Lo Lhe learners.
1hese include lrogramme SLudy CenLres (lSCs), as well as Special SLudy CenLres or SCs/S1s, minoriLies,
dierenLly-abled learners, |ail inmaLes, and personnel o dierenL wings o Leence and lara-miliLary services.
1he UniversiLy has also exLended iLs ouLreach beyond Lhe borders o Lhe counLry. lGNOU has enLered inLo
bilaLeral and mulLilaLeral alliances wiLh several counLries, especially in Asia and Arica. AusLralia, UniLed
Kingdom, lrance, UniLed Arab LmiraLes, QaLar, KuwaiL, Oman, ahrain, Abu Lhabi, Seychelles, MauriLius,
Maldives, LLhiopia, Madagascar, lapua NewGuinea and Liberia.
1he academic programmes o Lhe UniversiLy have mulLi-media supporL. 1he UniversiLy has aciliLies or audio,
video, radio, Lelevision, inLeracLive radio and video counselling, as well as Lele-conerencing. lGNOU has also
been idenLiied as Lhe nodal agency or running a 24-hour educaLional 1v channel Gyan Larshan in
collaboraLion wiLh oLher insLiLuLions o higher learning. Gyan vani is emerging as a huge cooperaLive neLworl
o lMradio sLaLions, exclusively devoLed Lo educaLion.
AparL romLeaching, research and Lraining, exLension educaLion is an imporLanL componenL o academic
acLiviLies aL lGNOU. LxLension educaLion provides Lhe much-needed linlages beLween Lhe communiLy and
Lhe UniversiLy. various liLeracy programmes ocusing on communiLy awareness and educaLion and Lraining in
need-based and relevanL areas have been successully execuLed by Lhe UniversiLy. 1his is parL o Lhe UniversiLy's
sLraLegy o social inLervenLion, and building Lhe slill and lnowledge capabiliLy o Lhe communiLy.
lGNOU has Lhe unique disLincLion o combining Lhe convenLional role o a UniversiLy wiLh LhaL o an apex body
in Lhe promoLion, coordinaLion and mainLenance o sLandards in disLance educaLion, Lhrough conLinuous
assessmenL and accrediLaLion o Lhe OLL insLiLuLions. 1he UniversiLy esLablished Lhe LLC in 1991 as a sLaLuLory
auLhoriLy Lo ensure high-qualiLy educaLion Lhrough Lhe OLL sysLems. 1he LLC has developed Lhe eLhos
o sharing proessional capabiliLies and resources wiLh iLs peers.
1he CenLre or CorporaLe LducaLion, 1raining and ConsulLancy (CCL1C) is an auLonomous cenLre o lGNOU
serving Lhe corporaLe world. 1he cenLre is seL up Lo aciliLaLe execuLive educaLion, managemenL
developmenL, indusLry-insLiLuLion collaboraLion, corporaLe consulLancy and relaLed research acLiviLies.
1he cenLre uLilises Lhe experLise o Lhe inLernal aculLy resources as well as leading proessionals Lo meeL
and exceed Lhe corporaLe managemenL needs. 1he cenLre has Lhe sLrengLh o providing cusLomised educaLion,
Lraining and consulLancy, and research aciliLies in all aspecLs o corporaLe worl lile linance, MarleLing,
lnormaLion 1echnology, Human kesource ManagemenL, and OperaLions ManagemenL.
About ClMA
About the Course
ClMA (CharLered lnsLiLuLe o ManagemenL AccounLanLs) is a leading membership body LhaL oers a globally
recognised proessional managemenL accounLing qualiicaLion. 1he ClMA proessional qualiicaLion has an
emphasis on creaLing inancially qualiied business leaders. lL is commiLLed Lo upholding Lhe highesL eLhical
and proessional sLandards o members and sLudenLs, and Lo mainLaining public conidence in managemenL
ClMA, ounded in Lhe UK in 1919, is Lhe voice o over 183,000 sLudenLs and members in 168 counLries and
is responsible or Lhe educaLion and Lraining o managemenL accounLanLs who worl across secLors - indusLry,
commerce, Lhe public secLor and noL-or-proiL organisaLions.
ClMA qualiied managemenL accounLanLs have an excellenL undersLanding o inance and business. 1hey use
Lhis Lo shape Lhe uLure o Lheir organisaLions. 1hey have a broad business perspecLive, and excellenL
employmenL opporLuniLies around Lhe world. WiLh iLs emphasis on sLraLegic business slills, a ClMA
qualiicaLion widens career opLions, wiLhin and ouLside o inance.
ClMA worls wiLh some o Lhe world's leading employers and course providers Lo educaLe, qualiy and supporL
irsL-class inancial managers. ClMA prides iLsel on Lhe commercial relevance o iLs syllabus, which is in Lune
wiLh Lhe acLiviLies o high proile organisaLions, and evolves conLinually Lo relecL Lhe laLesL developmenLs
in global business.
lor more inormaLion abouL ClMA, please visiL
Name of the lrogramme
MA in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance
Un|que leatures
1. Leads Lo a dual qualiicaLion, i.e. an MA romlGNOU and an Advanced Liploma in ManagemenL
AccounLing romClMA
2. 1he MA degree awarded by lGNOU is recognised by AlC1L
3. 1he ClMA qualiicaLion is recognised by employers worldwide.
Mode of Uel|very
LisLance learning mode
Semester 1 - ]uly to Uecember 2011
Semester 2 - ]anuary to ]une 2012
Semester 3 - ]uly to Uecember 2012
Semester 4 - ]anuary to ]une 2013
lee Structure
ManagemenL ConcepLs and lrocesses - MC1 - 011
AccounLing and linance or Managers - MS - 04
Managerial Lconomics - MS - 09
MarleLing or Managers - MS - 06
ManagemenL o Human kesources - MS - 02
QuanLiLaLive Analysis or Managerial ApplicaLion - MS - 08
kesearch MeLhodology or ManagemenL Lecisions - MS - 9S
linancial ManagemenL - MC1 - 02S
lnormaLion SysLemor ManagemenL - MS - /
lroducLion/OperaLions ManagemenL - MS - S3
usiness Law, LLhics, and CorporaLe Governance - MC1 - 030
OrganisaLion Lesign, LevelopmenL and Change - MS - 10
lro|ecL - linancial Appraisal and ManagemenL - MCN - 082
ManagemenL ConLrol SysLems - MCN - 083
CosL llanning and Analysis or CompeLiLive AdvanLage - MCN - 084
Advanced linancial AccounLing and keporLing - MCN - 08S
Analysis o linancial AccounLs and LxLernal keporLing - MCN - 086
Llect|ves - any 3 out of 5
lnLernaLional linancial ManagemenL - MS - 4S
lnLernaLional linancial MarleLs - MCNL - 0/0
Worling CapiLal ManagemenL - MS - 41
SecuriLy Analysis and lorLolio ManagemenL - MS - 44
kisl ManagemenL and lnsurance - MCNL - 0/1
lro|ecL keporL - MCNl - 081
1he LoLal course ee will have Lwo componenLs. L 1200
ks. S0000
1he LoLal course ee is payable in our parLs - each payable aL
Lhe commencemenL o every semesLer.
Lach paymenL will be o. L 300
ks. 12S00
lee in lNk (ks.) by Lemand LraL avouring lGNOU, payable aL Lelhi.
lee in Gl (L) by Lemand LraL avouring ClMA, payable aL London.
LeLailed syllabus or SemesLer 1. lage 10 - 1S
LeLailed syllabus or SemesLer 2, 3 and 4 will be made available aL Lhe end o SemesLer 1.
Schedule of Operat|on
AC1lVl1lLS (]uly - Uecember) (]anuary - ]une)
i. LispaLch o SLudy MaLerial |uly - AugusL |anuary - lebruary
Lo begin by ClMA
ii. lace-Lo-lace classes Schedule will be senL Schedule will be senL
iii. Submission o AssignmenLs 1S SepLember 1S March
Lo lGNOU sLudy cenLre
iv. AssignmenL eedbacl Lo 31 OcLober 30 April
sLudenLs (AssignmenL 1 and 2) (AssignmenL 1 and 2)
1S November (AssignmenL 3) 1S May (AssignmenL 3)
v. LasL daLe or submission o 30 SepLember - No laLe ee 31 March - No laLe ee
LxaminaLion lorms 20 OcLober - wiLh ks. 300 laLe ee 20 April - wiLh ks. 300 laLe ee
Lo lGNOU 1S November - wiLh ks. S00 laLe ee 1S May - wiLh ks. S00 laLe ee
28 November - wiLh ks. 1000 laLe ee 28 May - wiLh ks. 1000 laLe ee
vi. 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions Lecember |une
as scheduled by lGNOU
vii. LasL daLes or submission 31 March 1 OcLober
o ke-kegisLraLion lormor (30 April) (31 OcLober)
nexL semesLer (wiLh a laLe
ee o ks. 200)
viii. Submission o kequisiLion |une/|uly November/Lecember
or resh seL o assignmenLs,
i noL aLLempLed earlier,
(LaLes are sub|ecL Lo change due Lo unoreseen circumsLances)
LxaminaLion lorms can also be illed up and submiLLed Lhrough lGNOU websiLe
Lill 30 SepLember or Lecember 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions and 31 March or |une 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions
1o be submiLLed aL concerned kegional CenLre o lGNOU/SLL o lGNOU. llease reer Lo lorm4.
Change/Correct|on of Address
lor any correcLion/change in Lhe address, Lhe learners are advised Lo use Lhe proorma provided in Lhis
handbool (lorm8, page no. 31) and send iL Lo 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, M8A |n Management Account|ng
and l|nance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex,
andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
kequesLs received wiLhouL using Lhe prinLed proorma will noL be enLerLained. 1he ormor change o address
can also be downloaded romlGNOU websiLe www.||n. Learners are advised noL Lo wriLe leLLers Lo any
oLher oicer in Lhe UniversiLy in Lhis regard. Normally, iL Lales 4-6 weels Lo eecL Lhe change. 1hereore,
learners are advised Lo male Lheir own arrangemenLs Lo geL Lhe mail redirecLed Lo Lhe changed address during
Lhis period.
1he evaluaLion sysLemo Lhe programme is based on Lwo componenLs.
a. Cont|nuous evaluat|on |n the form of ass|gnments (we|ghtage: 30%)
1his componenL carries a weighLage o 30%. 1here will be one graded assignmenL per course. All Lhe Lhree
assignmenLs are Lo be submiLLed Lo 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, M8A |n Management Account|ng
and l|nance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl, andra Kurla
Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
b. 1erm-Lnd Lxam|nat|on (we|ghtage: I0%)
1erm-end exams will be held Lwice every year in Lhe monLhs o |une and Lecember. 1he sLudenLs are aL
liberLy Lo appear in any o Lhe examinaLions conducLed by Lhe UniversiLy during Lhe year. A sLudenL will
be allowed Lo appear in Lhe 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion, only aLer he/she has regisLered or LhaL course and
submiLLed all Lhe assignmenLs.
lor appearing in Lhe examinaLion, a sLudenL has Lo submiL Lhe assignmenLs and Lhe LxaminaLion lorm
beore Lhe due daLes as given in Lhe schedule o operaLions. LxaminaLion CenLre Code may be veriied
romlGNOU websiLe.
l a sLudenL misses any 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion o a course or any reason, he/she may appear or any o
Lhemor all Lhe papers in Lhe subsequenL 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions. 1his aciliLy will be available unLil a
sLudenL secures Lhe minimumpass grade in Lhe courses buL up Lo a maximumperiod o our semesLers
romLhe daLe o regisLraLion o Lhe course. eyond Lhis period, he/she may conLinue or anoLher our
semesLers by geLLing re-admission by paying ees again. ln LhaL case, Lhe score o qualiied assignmenLs
and/or 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion will be reLained and Lhe sLudenL will be required Lo compleLe Lhe leL ouL
requiremenLs o such re-regisLered courses.
l a sLudenL ails cerLain examinaLions in a semesLer, he/she can re-appear or Lhe examinaLions during
Lhe subsequenL 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions - again up Lo a maximumo our semesLers romLhe daLe o
regisLraLion o Lhe course. A sLudenL can however appear or a maximumo eighL examinaLions/papers
during each 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion. eyond Lhis period, a sLudenL has Lo seel re-admission by paying
Lhe ees again.
LeLLer grade sysLemis used or grading conLinuous and 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion componenLs. 1hese leLLer
grades are.
Letter Grade Qual|ty Value Lqu|valent % of numer|cal marks
A LxcellenL /0% and above
very Good Above SS% and below /0%
C Good Above 4S% and below SS%
L Average Above 3S% and below 4S%
L UnsaLisacLory Less Lhan 3S%
lor successully qualiying a course, a sLudenL will have Lo obLain aL leasL 'L' grade in boLh conLinuous
and 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion. lor Lhe pro|ecL course, Lhe sLudenL has Lo obLain aL leasL 'C' grade.
Modal|t|es of subm|ss|on of ass|gnments and appear|ng |n 1erm-Lnd Lxam|nat|ons are g|ven |n Annexure 1.
Student Query
All sLudenL queries may be addressed Lo.
1he lrogramme CoordinaLor,
MA in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance,
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex,
andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1. +91-22 423/ 0100 | l. +91-22 423/ 0109
L.| www.c|
However, sLudenLs may seel help romLhe ollowing lGNOU represenLaLive or sorLing ouL Lhe speciic issues
menLioned below.
AbouL LxaminaLion CenLre, : kegisLrar (SLL)
LxamkesulL, Grade Card, lmprovemenL, lGNOU
ke-LvaluaLion o 1erm-Lnd Maidan Garhi
LxaminaLion, Change o LlecLives, New Lelhi - 110068
CrediL LxempLion, lro|ecL keporL
kesulL, lssuance o Liploma Legree
Modal|t|es of Subm|ss|on of Ass|gnments and 1erm-Lnd Lxam|nat|on

One assignmenL per course
AssignmenL submission aL Lhe designaLed sLudy cenLre o lGNOU
AssignmenLs consLiLuLe Lhe conLinuous evaluaLion. 1he submission o assignmenLs is compulsory. 1he grade
LhaL you geL in your assignmenLs will be counLed in your inal resulL. AssignmenLs o a course carry 30%
weighLage while /0% weighLage is given Lo Lhe 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion. 1hereore, you are advised Lo Lale your
assignmenLs seriously. ou will noL be allowed Lo appear or Lhe 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion or any course i you
do noL submiL Lhe speciied number o assignmenLs in Lime or LhaL course.
1he main purpose o assignmenL is Lo LesL your comprehension o Lhe learning maLerial you receive romus
and also Lo help you geL Lhrough Lhe courses. 1he inormaLion given in Lhe prinLed course maLerial should be
suicienL or answering Lhe assignmenLs. llease do noL worry abouL Lhe non-availabiliLy o exLra reading
maLerial or worling on Lhe assignmenLs. However, i you have easy access Lo oLher bools, you may male use
o Lhem. uL Lhe assignmenLs are designed in such a way as Lo help you concenLraLe mainly on Lhe prinLed
course maLerial and exploiL your personal experience.
ln case of any d|screpancy regard|ng the set of mater|als and ass|gnments, contact:
1he lrogramme Coord|nator, M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance, ClMA lnd|a L|a|son Off|ce, 303,
3rd lloor, Vl8GYOk 1owers, C-62, G 8lock, 8andra Kurla Complex, 8andra Last, Mumba| 400 051.
1he assignmenL responses should be compleLe in all respecLs. 1he LuLor marled assignmenLs are Lo be senL on
response sheeLs Lo 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA. ALer evaluaLion, Lhese LuLor marled assignmenLs will
be senL bacl Lo sLudenLs wiLh commenLs and grade.
lGNOU/1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA has Lhe righL noL Lo enLerLain or re|ecL Lhe assignmenLs submiLLed
aLer due daLe. ou are, Lhereore, advised Lo submiL Lhe assignmenLs beore Lhe due daLe.
Lo noL orgeL Lo geL bacl your duly evaluaLed assignmenLs along wiLh a copy o Lhe assessmenL sheeLs
conLaining commenLs o Lhe evaluaLor on your perormance rom1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA.
1his may help you Lo improve uLure assignmenLs and in preparing or 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion.
lor your own record, reLain a copy o all assignmenL responses which you submiL. l you do noL geL bacl your
duly evaluaLed LuLor marled assignmenLs along wiLh copy o assessmenL sheeL conLaining commenLs
o evaluaLor on your assignmenLs wiLhin Lwo monLhs aLer submission, please wriLe Lo 1he lrogramme
CoordinaLor, ClMA.
l you do noL geL pass grade in any assignmenL, you have Lo submiL iL again. lor Lhis, you have Lo asl or/obLain
a resh seL o assignmenLs or LhaL course, applicable Lo LhaL parLicular semesLer. However, once you geL Lhe
pass grade in an assignmenL, you cannoL re-submiL iL or improvemenL o grade. AssignmenLs are noL sub|ecL
Lo re-evaluaLion excepL or acLual errors, i any, commiLLed by Lhe evaluaLor. 1he discrepancy noLiced by you in
Lhe evaluaLed assignmenLs should be broughL Lo Lhe noLice o 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA so LhaL Lhe
correcL score is orwarded by him/her Lo lGNOU.
ln case you ind LhaL Lhe score indicaLed in Lhe assessmenL sheeL o your assignmenLs has noL been correcLly
relecLed or is noL enLered in your grade cards, you are advised Lo conLacL 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA
wiLh a requesL Lo orward Lhe correcL award lisL Lo lGNOU.
Uo not enclose any paper ask|ng for any clar|f|cat|on on any of your doubts related to academ|c or
adm|n|strat|ve matters, along w|th the ass|gnment. Send your doubts |n a separate cover. G|ve your
complete enrolment number, name, address, t|tle of the course and the number of the un|t or the
ass|gnment, etc., on the top of your letter. lf you want to drawour attent|on to someth|ng of an
urgent/|mportant nature, wr|te to 1he lrogramme Coord|nator, ClMA.
Annexure 1
lnstruct|ons for Ass|gnments
1. WriLe your LnrolmenL Number, Name, lull Address, SignaLure and LaLe on Lhe Lop righL hand corner
o Lhe irsL page o your response sheeL.
2. WriLe Lhe lrogramme 1iLle, Course Code, Course 1iLle, AssignmenL Code on Lhe leL hand corner
o Lhe irsL page o your response sheeL.
Course Code and Ass|gnment Code may be reproduced from the ass|gnment.
1he Lop o Lhe irsL page o your response sheeL should lool lile Lhis.
3. kead Lhe assignmenLs careully and ollowLhe speciic insLrucLions, i any, given on Lhe assignmenL iLsel
abouL Lhe sub|ecL maLLer or iLs presenLaLion.
4. Go Lhrough Lhe uniLs on which assignmenLs are based. Male some poinLs regarding Lhe quesLion and Lhen
rearrange Lhose poinLs in a logical order and draw up a rough ouLline o your answer. While answering an
essay Lype quesLion, give adequaLe aLLenLion Lo inLroducLion and conclusion. 1he inLroducLion musL oer
your brie inLerpreLaLion o Lhe quesLion and howyou propose Lo develop iL. 1he conclusion musL
summarise your response Lo Lhe quesLion. Male sure LhaL Lhe answer is logical and coherenL, and has clear
connecLions beLween senLences and paragraphs. 1he answer should be relevanL Lo Lhe quesLion given
in Lhe assignmenL. Male sure LhaL you have aLLempLed all Lhe main poinLs o Lhe quesLion. Once you are
saLisied wiLh your answer, wriLe down Lhe inal version neaLly and underline Lhe poinLs you wish
Lo emphasise. While solving numericals, use proper ormaL and give worling noLes wherever necessary.
S. Use only oolscap paper or your response and Lie all Lhe pages careully. Avoid using very Lhin paper.
Allow a 4 cmmargin on Lhe leL and aL leasL 4 lines in beLween each answer. 1his may aciliLaLe
Lhe evaluaLor Lo wriLe useul commenLs in Lhe margins aL appropriaLe places.
6. WriLe Lhe responses in your hand. Lo noL prinL or Lype Lhe answers. Lo noL copy your answer rom
Lhe uniLs/blocls senL Lo you by Lhe UniversiLy. l you copy, you will geL zero marls or Lhe respecLive
/. Lo noL copy romLhe response sheeLs o oLher sLudenLs. l copying is noLiced, Lhe assignmenLs o such
sLudenLs will be re|ecLed.
8. WriLe each assignmenL separaLely. All Lhe assignmenLs should noL be wriLLen in conLinuiLy. WriLe Lhe
quesLion number wiLh each answer.
9. ALer submiLLing Lhe assignmenL Lo 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA geL Lhe aclnowledgmenL
romhim/her on Lhe prescribed assignmenL remiLLance-cum-aclnowledgmenL card.
10. Use lorms 3 & 4 or AssignmenL and 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions respecLively.
LnrolmenL No.
lrogramme 1iLle Name
Course Code
Course 1iLle
AssignmenL Code SignaLure
(as prinLed on assignmenLs)
(Med|um of lnstruct|on |s Lngl|sh)
lGNOU in CollaboraLion wiLh ClMA - MA in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance (1wo ears)
Annexure 2
Semester 1
Management Concepts and lrocesses - MC1 - 011
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Management and llann|ng
1 ManagemenL
2 llanning
ll Organ|s|ng and U|rect|ng
3 Organising
4 LirecLing
lll Commun|cat|on, Controll|ng and Coord|nat|on
S CommunicaLion
6 ConLrolling and CoordinaLion
lV Mot|vat|on, Leadersh|p and Superv|s|on
/ MoLivaLion
8 Leadership and Supervision
Account|ng and l|nance for Managers - MS - 04
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Account|ng lramework
1 AccounLing and iLs luncLions
2 AccounLing ConcepLs and SLandards
3 AccounLing lnormaLion and iLs ApplicaLions
ll Understand|ng l|nanc|al Statements
4 ConsLrucLion and Analysis o alance SheeL
S ConsLrucLion and Analysis o lroiL and Loss AccounL
6 ConsLrucLion and Analysis o lunds llow and Cash llowSLaLemenL
lll Cost Management
/ UndersLanding and Classiying CosLs
8 AbsorpLion and Marginal CosLing
9 CosL-volume-lroiL Analysis
10 variance Analysis
lV l|nanc|al And lnvestment Analys|s
11 linancial ManagemenL. An lnLroducLion
12 kaLio Analysis
13 Leverage Analysis
14 udgeLing and udgeLary ConLrol
1S lnvesLmenL Appraisal MeLhods
V l|nanc|al Uec|s|ons
16 ManagemenL o Worling CapiLal
1/ CapiLal SLrucLure
18 Lividend Lecisions
Manager|al Lconom|cs - MS - 09
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l lntroduct|on 1o Manager|al Lconom|cs
1 Scope o Managerial Lconomics
2 1he lirm. SLaleholders, Ob|ecLives & Lecision lssues
3 asic 1echniques
ll Uemand And kevenue Analys|s
4 Lemand ConcepLs and Analysis
S Lemand LlasLiciLy
6 Lemand LsLimaLion and lorecasLing
lll lroduct|on And Cost Analys|s
/ lroducLion luncLion
8 CosL ConcepLs and Analysis l
9 CosL ConcepLs and Analysis ll
10 LsLimaLion o lroducLion and CosL luncLions
lV lr|c|ng Uec|s|ons
11 MarleL SLrucLure and arriers Lo LnLry
12 lricing Under lure CompeLiLion and lure Monopoly
13 lricing Under MonopolisLic and OligopolisLic CompeLiLion
14 lricing SLraLegies
V Comprehens|ve Case
CompeLiLion in 1elecommunicaLion Service lrovision
Market|ng for Managers - MS - 06
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Market|ng and |ts Appl|cat|ons
1 lnLroducLion Lo MarleLing
2 MarleLing in a Leveloping Lconomy
3 MarleLing o Services
ll Market|ng llann|ng and Organ|sat|on
4 llanning MarleLing Mix
S MarleL SegmenLaLion
6 MarleLing OrganisaLions
/ MarleLing kesearch and iLs ApplicaLions
lll Understand|ng Consumers
8 LeLerminanLs o Consumer ehaviour
9 Models o Consumer ehaviour
10 lndian Consumer LnvironmenL
lV lroduct Management
11 lroducL Lecisions and SLraLegies
12 lroducL Lie Cycle and New lroducL LevelopmenL
13 randing and laclaging Lecisions
V lr|c|ng and lromot|on Strategy
14 lricing lolicies and lracLices
1S MarleLing CommunicaLions
16 AdverLising and lubliciLy
1/ lersonal Selling and Sales lromoLion
Vl U|str|but|on and lubl|c lol|cy
18 Sales lorecasLing
19 LisLribuLion SLraLegy
20 Managing Sales lersonnel
21 MarleLing and lublic lolicy
22 Cyber MarleLing
Management of Ruman kesources - MS - 02
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Ruman kesource Management: Context, Concept and 8oundar|es
1 1he Changing Social ConLexL and Lmerging lssues
2 1he ConcepL and luncLions o Human kesource ManagemenL
3 SLrucLuring Human kesource ManagemenL
ll Compensat|on and keward Management
4 |ob Analysis and |ob Lesign
S Human kesource llanning
6 ALLracLing Lhe 1alenL. kecruiLmenL, SelecLion, OuLsourcing
/ SocialisaLion, MobiliLy and SeparaLion
lll lerformance Management and lotent|al Assessment
8 CompeLency Mapping
9 lerormance llanning and keview
10 loLenLial Appraisal, AssessmenL CenLres and Career and Succession llanning
11 Hk MeasuremenL and AudiL
lV Ruman kesource Uevelopment
12 Human kesource LevelopmenL SysLem
13 1raining
14 MenLoring and lerormance Coaching
1S uilding koles and 1eams
V Compensat|on and keward Management
16 Laws Covering Wages, Welare and eneiLs
1/ CompensaLion SLraLegy, SLrucLure, ComposiLion
18 keward ManagemenL
Vl Lmployer-Lmployee kelat|ons
19 kegulaLory Mechanisms in lndusLrial kelaLions
20 Lealing wiLh Unions and AssociaLions
21 lndusLrial Lemocracy
22 Grievance Handling and Liscipline
Quant|tat|ve Analys|s for Manager|al Appl|cat|on - MS - 08
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l 8as|c Mathemat|cs for Management
1 QuanLiLaLive Lecision Maling - An Overview
2 luncLion and lrogressions
3 asic Calculus and ApplicaLions
4 MaLrix Algebra and ApplicaLions
ll Uata Collect|on and Analys|s
S CollecLion o LaLa
6 lresenLaLion o LaLa
/ Measures o CenLral 1endency
8 Measures o variaLion and Slewness
lll lrobab|l|ty and lrobab|l|ty U|str|but|ons
9 asic ConcepLs o lrobabiliLy
10 LiscreLe lrobabiliLy LisLribuLion
11 ConLinuous lrobabiliLy LisLribuLions
12 Lecision 1heory
lV Sampl|ng and Sampl|ng U|str|but|ons
13 Sampling MeLhods
14 Sampling LisLribuLions
1S 1esLing o HypoLheses
16 Chi-Square 1esLs
V lorecast|ng Methods
1/ usiness lorecasLing
18 CorrelaLion
19 kegression
20 1ime Series Analysis
LeLailed syllabus or SemesLer 2, 3 and 4 will be made available aL Lhe end o SemesLer 1.
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh| 110068
Gu|del|nes for lro[ect Course (MCNl-081)
SLudenL can Lale up lro|ecL Course only aLer regisLering or MCNl-081 courses. lor regisLraLion purposes Lhe
pro|ecL course is LreaLed as one course, and Lhe ee is ks. 2000 (equivalenL Lo Lwo courses).
1) Ob[ect|ve
1he ob|ecLive o Lhe pro|ecL is Lo help Lhe SLudenL develop Lhe abiliLy Lo apply mulLidisciplinary concepLs,
Lools and Lechniques Lo solve organisaLional problems.
2) 1ype of lro[ect
1he pro|ecL may be romany one o Lhe ollowing Lypes and preerably romyour area o specialisaLion.
i) Comprehensive case sLudy (covering single organisaLion/mulLiuncLional area problem,
ormulaLion, analysis and recommendaLions)
ii) lnLer-organisaLional sLudy aimed aL inLer-organisaLional comparison/validaLion o Lheory/survey
o managemenL pracLices
iii) lield sLudy (empirical sLudy).
3) lroposal lormulat|on
Synopsis o Lhe pro|ecL should be prepared in consulLaLion wiLh Lhe Supervisor and senL Lo
1he lrogramme CoordinaLor, MA in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice,
303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1he synopsis should clearly sLaLe Lhe ob|ecLives and research meLhodology o Lhe proposed pro|ecL Lo be
underLalen. lL should have ull deLail o Lhe raLionale, sampling, insLrumenLs Lo be used, limiLaLions i any,
and uLure direcLions or urLher research, eLc.
4) Ll|g|ble lro[ect Superv|sor
i) laculLy aL Lhe HeadquarLers (School o ManagemenL SLudies)
ii) Academic Counsellors o ManagemenL lrogramme having relevanL experience
iii) 1eacher in ManagemenL having S years o lG Leaching experience/lroessionals holding MasLers
degree in ManagemenL or allied disciplines having a minimumo S years o experience in Lhe
relevanL area. |ln excepLional cases, a Supervisor wiLh a .L. degree and S years o relevanL
experience may also be approved|.
SLudenLs are advised Lo send Lheir pro|ecL synopsis and bio-daLa o Lhe Supervisor (in case o (ii) and (iii)
above, which musL be duly signed by Lhe guide) Lo Lhe CoordinaLor (lro|ecLs), MA in ManagemenL
AccounLing and linance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl,
andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
ln case Lhe proposed Supervisor is noL accepLable Lo Lhe laculLy, Lhe SLudenL shall be advised so, and in
such cases Lhe SLudenL should change Lhe Supervisor and resubmiL Lhe proposal. Hence Lhe SLudenL will
submiL pro|ecL proposal aresh wiLh Lhe signaLure o Lhe newSupervisor, as iL will be considered a new
proposal. Similarly i a SLudenL wanLs Lo change his/her Supervisor or any reason, he/she would be
required Lo submiL Lhe pro|ecL proposal alongwiLh Lhe signaLure o Lhe newSupervisor on a new pro|ecL
proposal proorma, as iL would be considered a new proposal.
ln case o academic counsellors, iL should be clearly menLioned as Lo which are Lhe courses he/she is
counselling or, and since when, alongwiLh Lhe name and code o Lhe sLudy cenLre he/she is aLLached
wiLh. 1he lro|ecL Supervisor will be paid a Lolen honorariumo ks. 300 by Lhe UniversiLy or guiding
Lhe SLudenL.
AL any given poinL o Lime a Supervisor cannoL guide more Lhan ive sLudenLs.
NoLe . SLudenLs are advised Lo selecL Supervisors who are acLive proessionals in Lhe relevanL area o Lhe
selecLed Lopic, i.e., i Lhe Lopic is in Lhe area o linance, Lhe Supervisor should be a specialisL in
linance and so on. lro|ecL Supervisors are also advised Lo resLricL guiding pro|ecLs in Lheir core
specialisaLion area only.
5) lro[ect lroposal Subm|ss|on and Approval
ALer selecLion o Lhe Supervisor and inalising Lhe Lopic, SLudenL should send Lhe lro|ecL lroposal
lroorma alongwiLh one copy o Lhe synopsis and bio-daLa o Lhe Supervisor Lo 1he lrogramme
CoordinaLor, MA in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor,
vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1 or approval.
lroposals incompleLe in any respecL will sLraighL away be re|ecLed. SLudenLs are advised Lo reLain a copy
o Lhe synopsis. lroposals noL accompanying a compleLe and signed bio-daLa o Supervisor will noL be
considered or approval. lro|ecL lroposal can be submiLLed LhroughouL Lhe year.
6) Commun|cat|on of Approval
A wriLLen communicaLion regarding Lhe approval/non-approval o Lhe pro|ecL will be senL Lo Lhe SLudenL
wiLhin eighL weels o Lhe receipL o Lhe proposal in Lhe School o ManagemenL SLudies.
I) kesubm|ss|on of lro[ect lroposal
ln case o non-approval o Lhe proposal, Lhe commenLs/suggesLions or reormulaLing Lhe pro|ecL will be
communicaLed Lo Lhe SLudenL. ln such case Lhe revised pro|ecL synopsis should be submiLLed wiLh revised
lro|ecL lroposal lroorma and a copy o Lhe re|ecLed synopsis and lro|ecL lroposal lroorma bearing Lhe
commenLs o Lhe evaluaLor and l.l. No. (lro|ecL lroposal Number) alloLLed by Lhe School o ManagemenL
8) lormulat|on
i) 1he lengLh o Lhe reporL may be abouL S0 Lo 60 double spaced Lyped pages noL exceeding
approximaLely 18,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibiLs). However 10% variaLion on eiLher
side is permissible.
ii) Lach pro|ecL reporL musL adequaLely explain Lhe research meLhodology adopLed and Lhe direcLions
or uLure research.
iii) 1he pro|ecL reporL should also conLain Lhe ollowing.
a) Copy o Lhe lro|ecL lroposal lroorma and synopsis
b) CerLiicaLe o originaliLy duly signed by Lhe sLudenL and Lhe Supervisor
9) Subm|ss|on of lro[ect keport
One Lyped copy o Lhe pro|ecL reporL is Lo be submiLLed Lo Lhe kegisLrar (SLL), lGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Lelhi-110 068. As soon as you submiL Lhe lro|ecL keporL, a l.k. No. would be alloLLed which
will be communicaLed Lo Lhe SLudenL. SLudenL should quoLe Lhis l.k. No. while corresponding wiLh
Sk & L Livision regarding lro|ecL keporL.
lro|ecL keporL can be submiLLed any Lime LhroughouL Lhe year.
NoLe. 1) l a lro|ecL keporL is submiLLed beLween 1 Lecember Lo 31 May Lhen Lhe resulL will be
declared along wiLh |une 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions.
lkO]LC1 kLlOk1
2) l a lro|ecL keporL is submiLLed beLween 1 |une Lo 30 November Lhen Lhe resulL will
be declared along wiLh Lecember 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLions.
10) V|va-Voce
A sLudenL may be asled Lo appear or a viva-voce, i Lhe evaluaLor so recommends. ln LhaL case, Lhe
sLudenL will be duly inLimaLed abouL iL.
11) Lnqu|r|es
Lnquiries regarding Lhe approval o lro|ecL synopsis should be addressed Lo 1he lrogramme CoordinaLor,
MA in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1. Send only one copy o Lhe lro|ecL lroposal, and reLain a copy wiLh you.
2. "MCNl-081" should be wriLLen prominenLly on Lhe envelope and should be addressed Lo 1he lrogramme
CoordinaLor, M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor,
vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
3. Lnsure Lhe inclusion o Lhe ollowing while submiLLing Lhe lroposal.
a) lroorma or Approval o lro|ecL lroposal, duly illed and signed by boLh - Lhe SLudenL and Lhe
b) LeLailed bio-daLa o Lhe Supervisor duly signed by him/her (bio-daLa o Lhe Guide should
include his/her deLailed oice address wiLh 1elephone No.)
c) Synopsis o Lhe lro|ecL
4. 1he Synopsis o your lro|ecL lroposal should include Lhe ollowing.
a) kaLionale or Lhe SLudy
b) Ob|ecLives o Lhe SLudy
c) kesearch MeLhodology Lo be used or carrying ouL Lhe SLudy (deLailing naLure o daLa, daLa
sources, collecLion meLhods, Lools and Lechniques o analysis, sampling eLc.)
d) 1he expecLed conLribuLion romLhe SLudy
e) LimiLaLions, i any, and Lhe direcLion o uLure research.
SOML lMlOk1AN1 NO1LS WRlLL lkLlAklNG1RL lkO]LC1 kLlOk1
1. 1he lro|ecL Worl should be submiLLed in original in A-4 Size (29 x 20 cm), Lyped in double space,
in a bound volume Lo Lhe kegisLrar (SLL) o Lhe UniversiLy by kegisLered insured posL.
2. eore binding Lhe lro|ecL reporL Lhe sLudenL should ensure LhaL iL conLains Lhe ollowing.
i) Approved lro|ecL lroposal lroorma (original)
ii) Original Approved Synopsis, and
iii) An originaliLy cerLiicaLe duly signed by Lhe SLudenL and Supervisor (lroorma enclosed)
l any lro|ecL keporL is received in Lhe absence o Lhe above, Lhe same will be reLurned Lo Lhe
sLudenLs or compliance.
3. Kindly menLion on Lhe Lop o Lhe envelope "lkO|LC1 kLlOk1-Ml". 1his will aciliLaLe sorLing ouL
lro|ecL keporLs received in SL Livision or various lrogrammes.
4. SLudenLs should leep a copy o Lhe lro|ecL keporL wiLh Lhem. 1he lro|ecL keporL will noL be reLurned
Lo Lhe SLudenL.
CerLiicaLe o OriginaliLy
1his is Lo cerLiy LhaL Lhe pro|ecL LiLled "
" is an original worl o Lhe
SLudenL and is being submiLLed in parLial ulillmenL or Lhe award o Lhe M8A |n Management
Account|ng and l|nance o lndira Gandhi NaLional Open UniversiLy. 1his reporL has noL been submiLLed
earlier eiLher Lo Lhis UniversiLy or Lo any oLher UniversiLy/lnsLiLuLion or Lhe ulillmenL o Lhe requiremenL
o course o sLudy.
SignaLure o Supervisor SignaLure o SLudenL
llace . llace .
LaLe . LaLe .
1he bio-daLa o Lhe Guide musL be duly signed by him/her in original and musL conLain Lhe ollowing
1. LaLe o irLh
2. lull oice and residenLial addresses alongwiLh conLacL Lelephone numbers
3. Academic qualiicaLions including year o passing
4. Worl experience alongwiLh designaLion and name o Lhe organisaLion and period.
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh| 110068
lroforma lor Approval of lro[ect lroposal (MCNl-081)
LnrolmenL No.. SLudy CenLre.
kegional CenLre.
Name and Address o Lhe SLudenL.
1iLle o Lhe lro|ecL.
Sub|ecL Area. HkM& O/AccounLing & linance/OperaLions MgL. & lnormaLion
SysLem/MarleLing/CorporaLe MgL./Any OLher (Speciy)
Name and Address o Lhe Supervisor.
ls Lhe Supervisor an Academic Counsellor es No
o ManagemenL lrogramme o lGNOU?
l es, Name and Code o SLudy
CenLre and Lhe courses he/she is
counselling or and since when.
No. o SLudenLs currenLly worling
under Lhe Supervisor or MCNl-081.
SignaLure o SLudenL SignaLure o Supervisor
LaLe. LaLe.
llease do noL orgeL Lo enclose Lhe synopsis o Lhe pro|ecL and Lhe bio-daLa o Lhe Supervisor. ln case Lhe
compleLe and signed bio-daLa o Lhe Supervisor (even i Lhe proposed Supervisor is an academic counsellor
o lGNOU's ManagemenL lrogramme) is noL enclosed, Lhe proposal will noL be enLerLained.
SYNOlSlS SUlLkVlSOk lor Off|ce Use only
Comments/Suggest|ons for reformulat|on of the lro[ect. LaLe. ..........................................
(llease use Lhe phoLocopy o Lhis proorma)
lro|ecL lroposal No.._______________
(1o be assigned by Lhe School)
lorm 1
l opL or Lhe ollowing semesLer and enclosed is a Lemand LraL Lowards Lhe course ee as per Lhe deLails
given below.
1. Name o SLudenL.
2. LnrolmenL No..
3. lrogramme.
1. A semesLer once selecLed or sLudy musL be compleLed wiLhin 2 years. ln case o ailure Lo do so,
Lhe SLudenL will be reLained Lo seel re-admission by paying ee o ks. 1000 per semesLer.
2. SLudenLs are also required Lo urnish Lhe sLaLisLical inormaLion in Lhe enclosed proorma (Annexure
Lo ke-kegisLraLion lorm).
M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance
ke-keg|strat|on/ke-Adm|ss|on lorm
LraL No..
lssuing anl
& ranch.
layable aL.
AmounL ks..
LaLes or submission o Lhis lormare.
Semester 1 and 3 (]uly - Uec)
1 lebruary Lo 31 March
30 April wiLh a laLe ee o ks. 200.00
31 May wiLh a laLe ee o ks. S00.00
20 |une wiLh a laLe ee o ks. 1000.00
Semester 2 and 4 (]an - ]une)
1 AugusL Lo 30 SepLember
31 OcLober wiLh a laLe ee o ks. 200.00
30 November wiLh a laLe ee o ks. S00.00
20 Lecember wiLh a laLe ee o ks. 1000.00
SignaLure o Lhe SLudenL
lhone (O/kes).
L mail lL.
Mail Lhis ormLo 1he lrogramme Coord|nator,
M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance,
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor,
vlGOk 1owers, C-62, G locl, andra Kurla
Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1, along
wiLh requisiLe ee so as Lo reach him/her by Lhe
due daLe. lormreceived aLer Lhe lasL daLe or
by any oLher oice o lGNOU Lhan Lhe kegional
CenLre concerned will be summarily re|ecLed.
(llease use Lhe phoLocopy o Lhis proorma)
lorm 2
lnformat|on for Stat|st|cal lurpose: Students are
requ|red to f|ll up th|s Annexure compulsor|ly
Annexure to ke-keg|strat|on lorm
1. Name o SLudenL.
2. LnrolmenL No.
3. lrogramme Code.
4. LeLails o Scholarship being keceived, i any.
(a) AmounL (annually) (b) GovL. LepLL. (c) lamily lncome (yearly)
(llease use Lhe phoLocopy o Lhis proorma)
(llease use Lhe phoLocopy o Lhis proorma)
lorm 3
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh| 110068
Appl|cat|on lorm for kequ|s|t|on of Ass|gnments
lrogramme o SLudy
LnrolmenL Number
WriLe in LOCK CAll1AL LL11LkS only
Name . Shri./SmL./Km.
llease indicaLe course code, assignmenL code and course LiLle or which you need Lhe assignmenL in Lhe
ollowing columns. 1he assignmenL o Lhe course which youhave alreadypassedshouldnoL be menLioned.
Sr. No. SemesLer Course Code AssignmenL Code Course 1iLle
CompleLe Address SignaLure
llease mail Lhis lormLo.
1he lrogramme Coord|nator,
M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance,
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1. +91-22 423/ 0100 | l. +91-22 423/ 0109 | L.
lor Off|c|al Use Only:
LaLe o LispaLch o assignmenLs Lo Lhe sLudenLs
lnstruct|ons for kequ|s|t|on/Subm|ss|on of Ass|gnments
1. kead Lhe insLrucLions or submission o assignmenLs given in your lrogramme Guide careully.
2. AssignmenL should be demanded only i your regisLraLion or Lhe course (sub|ecL) is valid.
3. llease ensure LhaL you have menLioned your correcL LnrolmenL No. (iL consisLs o 9 digiLs), Name, Course
Code, and Course 1iLle, SemesLer/ear, wherever applicable, on your assignmenL responses beore
4. Submission o assignmenL wiLhin due daLe is a pre-requisiLe or appearing in Lhe 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion.
ou are, Lhereore, advised Lo submiL your assignmenL Lo Lhe lrogramme CoordinaLor, MA
in ManagemenL AccounLing and linance, ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1, wiLhin Lhe prescribed daLes.
AssignmenLs received aLer due daLes will be summarily re|ecLed.
S. ln case you have ailed Lo geL Lhe overall qualiicaLion grade or a course, you may choose Lo eiLher appear
in Lhe 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion or aLLempL Lhe assignmenLs or LhaL course again.
6. AssignmenLs should noL be demanded Lo improve your score i you have secured minimumqualiying score
in a course (sub|ecL).
/. llease do noL submiL your assignmenL responses Lwice Lo Lhe lrogramme CoordinaLor, ClMA.
lrogramme Code SLudy CenLre Code
LnrolmenL No. LxamCenLre Code
Name o Lhe CandidaLe (Leave one box empLy beLween lirsL Name, Middle Name and Surname)
Address or correspondence (Lo noL give losL ox No. address. Leave a blanl box beLween each uniL o address lile House No.,
Name, l.O., eLc.)
CiLy LisLricL
SLaLe lin Code
Sr. No. Course Code Sr. No. Course Code Sr. No. Course Code
1. 9. 1.
2. 10. 2.
3. 11. 3.
4. 12. 4.
S. 13. S.
6. 14. 6.
/. 1S. /.
8. 16. 8.
lorm 4
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh|-110068
1erm-Lnd Lxam ]une / Uecember - 20____
Control No.
1. Use LACK ALL lOlN1 lLN in boxes using Lnglish capiLal leLLers or Lnglish numerals.
2. Lo noL sLaple. Only clip Lhe documenLs along wiLh iL.
3. WriLe in CAll1AL LL11LkS only wiLhin Lhe box wiLhouL Louching Lhe lines as shown in Lhe sample below.
Course Codes (Lxamalready Lalen in lasL 1LL
buL resulL awaiLed on Lhe daLe o submission o
Lhe examorm) (lor resulL please visiL lGNOU siLe NO LXAMlLL 1O L lAlL
lLL LL1AlLS (llease wriLe your Name & LnrolmenL No. aL Lhe bacl o Lhe LraL)
1oLal No. o 1oLal AmL.
Courses X S0
Courses X S0
LaLe lee
(wiLhin Lhe box only)
1. LraL No.
2. LraL No.
LaLe / /
lssuing ranch
layable aL
0 1 2 3 4 S 6 / 8 9 A C L L l G H l | K L M N O l Q k S 1 U v W X 7
(Where you wish Lo appear or Lhe exam)
N L W L L L H l
Semester 1
Management Concepts and lrocesses - MC1 - 011
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Management and llann|ng
1 ManagemenL
2 llanning
ll Organ|s|ng and U|rect|ng
3 Organising
4 LirecLing
lll Commun|cat|on, Controll|ng and Co-ord|nat|on
S CommunicaLion
6 ConLrolling and Co-ordinaLion
lv Mot|vat|on, Leadersh|p and Superv|s|on
/ MoLivaLion
8 Leadership and Supervision
Account|ng and l|nance for Managers - MS - 04
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Account|ng lramework
1 AccounLing and iLs luncLions
2 AccounLing ConcepLs and SLandards
3 AccounLing lnormaLion and iLs ApplicaLions
ll Understand|ng l|nanc|al Statements
4 ConsLrucLion and Analysis o alance SheeL
S ConsLrucLion and Analysis o lroiL and Loss AccounL
6 ConsLrucLion and Analysis o lunds llow and Cash llowSLaLemenL
lll Cost Management
/ UndersLanding and Classiying CosLs
8 AbsorpLion and Marginal CosLing
9 CosL-volume-lroiL Analysis
10 variance Analysis
lV l|nanc|al And lnvestment Analys|s
11 linancial ManagemenL. An lnLroducLion
12 kaLio Analysis
13 Leverage Analysis
14 udgeLing and udgeLary ConLrol
1S lnvesLmenL Appraisal MeLhods
V l|nanc|al Uec|s|ons
16 ManagemenL o Worling CapiLal
1/ CapiLal SLrucLure
18 Lividend Lecisions
Manager|al Lconom|cs - MS - 09
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l lntroduct|on 1o Manager|al Lconom|cs
1 Scope o Managerial Lconomics
2 1he lirm. SLaleholders, Ob|ecLives & Lecision lssues
3 asic 1echniques
ll Uemand And kevenue Analys|s
4 Lemand ConcepLs and Analysis
S Lemand LlasLiciLy
6 Lemand LsLimaLion and lorecasLing
lll lroduct|on And Cost Analys|s
/ lroducLion luncLion
8 CosL ConcepLs and Analysis l
9 CosL ConcepLs and Analysis ll
10 LsLimaLion o lroducLion and CosL luncLions
lV lr|c|ng Uec|s|ons
11 MarleL SLrucLure and arriers Lo LnLry
12 lricing Under lure CompeLiLion and lure Monopoly
13 lricing Under MonopolisLic and OligopolisLic CompeLiLion
14 lricing SLraLegies
V Comprehens|ve Case
CompeLiLion in 1elecommunicaLion Service lrovision
Market|ng for Managers - MS - 06
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Market|ng and |ts Appl|cat|ons
1 lnLroducLion Lo MarleLing
2 MarleLing in a Leveloping Lconomy
3 MarleLing o Services
ll Market|ng llann|ng and Organ|sat|on
4 llanning MarleLing Mix
S MarleL SegmenLaLion
6 MarleLing OrganisaLions
/ MarleLing kesearch and iLs ApplicaLions
lll Understand|ng Consumers
8 LeLerminanLs o Consumer ehaviour
9 Models o Consumer ehaviour
10 lndian Consumer LnvironmenL
lV lroduct Management
11 lroducL Lecisions and SLraLegies
12 lroducL Lie Cycle and New lroducL LevelopmenL
13 randing and laclaging Lecisions
V lr|c|ng and lromot|on Strategy
14 lricing lolicies and lracLices
1S MarleLing CommunicaLions
16 AdverLising and lubliciLy
1/ lersonal Selling and Sales lromoLion
Vl U|str|but|on and lubl|c lol|cy
18 Sales lorecasLing
19 LisLribuLion SLraLegy
20 Managing Sales lersonnel
21 MarleLing and lublic lolicy
22 Cyber MarleLing
Management of Ruman kesources - MS - 02
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l Ruman kesource Management: Context, Concept and 8oundar|es
1 1he Changing Social ConLexL and Lmerging lssues
2 1he ConcepL and luncLions o Human kesource ManagemenL
3 SLrucLuring Human kesource ManagemenL
ll Compensat|on and keward Management
4 |ob Analysis and |ob Lesign
S Human kesource llanning
6 ALLracLing Lhe 1alenL. kecruiLmenL, SelecLion, OuLsourcing
/ SocialisaLion, MobiliLy and SeparaLion
lll lerformance Management and lotent|al Assessment
8 CompeLency Mapping
9 lerormance llanning and keview
10 loLenLial Appraisal, AssessmenL CenLres and Career and Succession llanning
l1 Hk MeasuremenL and AudiL
lV Ruman kesource Uevelopment
12 Human kesource LevelopmenL SysLem
13 1raining
14 MenLoring and lerormance Coaching
1S uilding koles and 1eams
V Compensat|on and keward Management
16 Laws Covering Wages, Welare and eneiLs
1/ CompensaLion SLraLegy, SLrucLure, ComposiLion
18 keward ManagemenL
Vl Lmployer-Lmployee kelat|ons
19 kegulaLory Mechanisms in lndusLrial kelaLions
20 Lealing wiLh Unions and AssociaLions
21 lndusLrial Lemocracy
22 Grievance Handling and Liscipline
Quant|tat|ve Analys|s for Manager|al Appl|cat|ons - MS - 08
locl UniL Nos. UniL 1iLle
l 8as|c Mathemat|cs for Management
1 QuanLiLaLive Lecision Maling - An Overview
2 luncLion and lrogressions
3 asic Calculus and ApplicaLions
4 MaLrix Algebra and ApplicaLions
ll Uata Collect|on and Analys|s
S CollecLion o LaLa
6 lresenLaLion o LaLa
/ Measures o CenLral 1endency
8 Measures o variaLion and Slewness
lll lrobab|l|ty and lrobab|l|ty U|str|but|ons
9 asic ConcepLs o lrobabiliLy
10 LiscreLe lrobabiliLy LisLribuLion
11 ConLinuous lrobabiliLy LisLribuLions
12 Lecision 1heory
lV Sampl|ng and Sampl|ng U|str|but|ons
13 Sampling MeLhods
14 Sampling LisLribuLions
1S 1esLing o HypoLheses
16 Chi-Square 1esLs
V lorecast|ng Methods
1/ usiness lorecasLing
18 CorrelaLion
19 kegression
20 1ime Series Analysis
l hereby airmLhaL l have submiLLed/will submiL all Lhe required number o assignmenLs as applicable or Lhe
above course(s) wiLhin Lhe deadlines prescribed by Lhe UniversiLy Lo Lhe appropriaLe auLhoriLy or evaluaLion.
l also airmLhaL my regisLraLion or Lhe above course(s) is valid and noL Lime barred. l any o my above
sLaLemenLs are ound Lo be unLrue, l will have no claimor Laling examinaLion. l underLale LhaL l shall abide
by Lhe rules and regulaLions o Lhe UniversiLy.
LaLe. (SignaLure o Lhe SLudenL)
LaLes or Submission o Lxamlorms
lor |une 1LL LaLe lee lor Lec 1LL LaLe lee
1 March Lo 31 March Nil 1 SepLember Lo 30 SepLember Nil
1 April Lo 20 April ks. 300/- 1 OcLober Lo 20 OcLober ks. 300/-
21 April Lo 1S May ks. S00/- 21 OcLober Lo 1S November ks. S00/-
16 May Lo 28 May ks. 1000/- 16 November Lo 28 November ks. 1000/-
Luring Lhese daLes, submiL Lhe examinaLion ormwiLh laLe ee Lo concerned kegional CenLre (or ouLside
Lelhi). lor Lelhi, submiL Lo Lhe kegisLrar (SLL), lGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Lelhi - 110068.
Lxams or Lhese sLudenLs will be conducLed aL kegional CenLre o lGNOU only.
LxaminaLion ormwiLhouL laLe ee can be submiLLed by kegd. losL/Speed losL alongwiLh Lhe requisiLe ee (in Lhe
ormo Lemand LraL) aL SLL division, lGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Lelhi - 110068 or aL Lhe concerned kegional
CenLre wiLhin Lhe sLipulaLed daLes.
lnsLrucLions or illing up Lhe Lxamlorm
1. llease send Lhe LxaminaLion lormby kegisLered losL/Speed losL and reLain Lhe proo o iLs mailing Lill you
receive Lhe Hall 1icleL.
2. SLudenLs should submiL Lhe LxaminaLion lormonly once or each 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion.
3. LxaminaLion ee @ks. S0/- per course in Lhe ormo Lemand LraL drawn in avour o lGNOU and payable
aL New Lelhi is required Lo be senL along wiLh Lhe LxaminaLion lorm.
4. lL is advisable LhaL sLudenLs ill up Lhe LxaminaLion lormwiLhouL waiLing or Lhe resulL o Lhe previous
examinaLion. No LxaminaLion lee is required Lo be paid or Lhe courses or which Lhe sLudenL appeared in
Lhe preceding 1LL and Lhe resulL has noL been declared on Lhe daLe o submission o Lhe LxaminaLion lorm.
S. 1erm-Lnd LxaminaLion resulL is also available on Lhe UniversiLy websiLe, i.e., llease see
Lhe resulL sLaLus beore illing Lhe LxaminaLion lorm.
6. l you ail Lo receive LxaminaLion lnLimaLion Slip one weel beore commencemenL o examinaLion, you may
visiL our websiLe and download Hall 1icleL and reporL Lo LxaminaLion CenLre wiLh your
ldenLiLy Card.
/. Normally, lGNOU SLudy CenLre is Lhe LxaminaLion CenLre. ln case you wish Lo Lale Lhe examinaLion aL
a parLicular lGNOU cenLre, Lhe code o your chosen lGNOU cenLre should be illed up as LxaminaLion
CenLre Code. However, i LxaminaLion CenLre chosen by you is noL acLivaLed, you will be alloLLed anoLher
LxaminaLion CenLre under Lhe same region o lGNOU.
8. Change o LxaminaLion CenLre, once alloLLed, is noL permissible under any circumsLances.
9. llease wriLe correcL course code(s) as indicaLed in your lrogramme Guide, ailing which Lhe course(s) will
noL be included in Hall 1icleL or Laling examinaLion. (lor example LCO-01/MS-02)
10. ln case wrong/invalid course code is menLioned in Lhe LxaminaLion lorm, Lhe course will noL be included
in Lhe Hall 1icleL and Lhe examinaLion ee paid will noL be reunded.
11. SLudenLs are advised Lo enclose/orward only Lhe LxaminaLion lee along wiLh Lhis orm. Any oLher ee
orwarded wiLh Lhe Lxamlee will resulL in re|ecLion o Lhe LxaminaLion lorm.
12. SLudenLs o ManagemenL lrogramme can Lale examinaLions o a maximumo 8 courses aL a Lime.
13. LxaminaLion lormcan also be submiLLed wiLh Lhe requisiLe ee (wiLh or wiLhouL laLe ee) wiLhin Lhe sLipulaLed
daLes aL Lhe respecLive kegional CenLres.
14. LxaminaLion lee once paid will noL be reunded/ad|usLed.
(ou are advised Lo use Lhe phoLo copy o Lhis proorma)
lorm 5
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh| 110068
Appl|cat|on lorm for ke-Lvaluat|on of Answer Scr|pt
1. Name.
2. lrogramme. LnrolmenL No..
3. Address.
4. MonLh and ear o Lhe LxaminaLion.
S. LxaminaLion CenLre Code.
6. Address o Lhe LxaminaLion CenLre.
/. Courses in which Course Code Marls/Grade ObLained
re-evaluaLion is soughL.
8. lee LeLail.
(1he ee or re-evaluaLion o answer scripL is ks. S00 per course, which is Lo be paid Lhrough Lemand LraL
drawn in avour o 'lGNOU' & payable aL 'New Lelhi')
No. o Course(s). X ks. S00 1oLal AmounL.
Lemand LraL No.. LaLe.
lssuing anl.
LaLe. (SignaLure o Lhe SLudenL)
kules & kegulat|ons for ke-Lvaluat|on of Answer Scr|pts
1. 1he requesL or re-evaluaLion by Lhe sLudenL musL be made beore 31 March or Lecember 1LL and
30 SepLember or |une 1LL or wiLhin one monLh o declaraLion o resulLs, whichever is laLer.
2. 1he daLe o declaraLion o resulLs will be calculaLed romLhe daLe on which Lhe resulLs are placed on
Lhe lGNOU websiLe.
3. ALer re-evaluaLion, Lhe beLLer o Lhe Lwo scores o original marls/grade and marls/grade aLer
re-evaluaLion will be considered.
4. 1he revised marls/grade aLer re-evaluaLion shall be communicaLed Lo Lhe sLudenL on receipL o
re-evaluaLion resulL and resulL o re-evaluaLion will also be made available on Lhe lGNOU websiLe aL 1he minimumLime required or re-evaluaLion shall be 30 days romLhe daLe o receipL
o applicaLion.
S. ke-evaluaLion is permissible in 1LL only and noL in Lhe lro|ecL/LisserLaLion lracLicals/Lab courses,
Worlshops, AssignmenLs & Seminars, eLc.
6. On Lhe Lop o Lhe envelope conLaining Lhe prescribed applicaLion orm, please menLion 'Appl|cat|on
lorm for ke-Lvaluat|on of Answer Scr|pts'.
/. ApplicaLion lormmusL reach wiLhin Lhe prescribed daLes aL Lhe ollowing address.
1he kegisLrar
SLudenL LvaluaLion Livision
lndira Gandhi NaLional Open UniversiLy
Maidan Garhi,
New Lelhi-110068.
(ou are advised Lo use Lhe phoLo copy o Lhis proorma)
lorm 6
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh| 110068
Appl|cat|on lorm for Obta|n|ng Uupl|cate Grade Card/Mark Sheet
LnrolmenL No..
MonLh and ear o Lhe Lxam.
CenLre romwhere appeared aL Lhe
lasL examinaLion.
anl LraL/llO No. daLed
or ks. 1S0/- in avour o lGNOU, New Lelhi
LaLe. SignaLure
NoLe. lee or duplicaLe grade card is ks. 1S0/-. 1he duplicaLe grade card/marl sheeL will be senL
by kegisLered losL.
1he illed in ormwiLh Lhe requisiLe ee is Lo be senL Lo.
kegisLrar (SLL)
lndira Gandhi NaLional Open UniversiLy
locl 12, Maidan Garhi,
New Lelhi-110 068.
(ou are advised Lo use Lhe phoLo copy o Lhis proorma)
lorm I
1he lrogramme CoordinaLor,
M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance,
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1. +91-22 423/ 0100 | l. +91-22 423/ 0109 | L.
Sub[ect: Non-rece|pt of Study Mater|al/Ass|gnment
LnrolmenL Number.
l have noL received Lhe SLudy MaLerial/AssignmenLs in respecL o Lhe ollowing.
Sr. No. Course Code locls AssignmenLs
l have remiLLed all Lhe dues Lowards Lhe course ee and Lhere is NO CHANGL in my address given as ollows.
Name and Address.
lor Oice Use
LaLe o despaLch o sLudy maLerial/assignmenLs Lo sLudenLs.
(ou are advised Lo use Lhe phoLo copy o Lhis proorma)
lorm 8
Ma|dan Garh|, New Uelh| 110068
Change/Correct|on of Address/Study Centre
All correspondence Lo be senL aL Lhe ollowing address and change o address Lo be recorded.
LnrolmenL LaLe o Change
Number. eecLive rom.
WriLe in LOCK CAll1AL LL11LkS only
Name. Shri/SmL./Km.
lrogramme o SLudy.
SLaLe. lin.
SLaLe Code.
SignaLure LaLe.
1he illed-up ormshould be mailed Lo.
1he lrogramme CoordinaLor,
M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance,
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice, 303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex, andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1. +91-22 423/ 0100 | l. +91-22 423/ 0109 | L.
Contact Ueta|ls
1he lrogramme CoordinaLor
M8A |n Management Account|ng and l|nance
ClMA lndia Liaison Oice
303, 3rd lloor, vlGOk 1owers,
C-62, G locl, andra Kurla Complex,
andra LasL, Mumbai 400 0S1.
1. +91 22 423/ 0100, +91 22 423/ 0111, +91 22 3291 1383

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