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Gu o Fundamental Of Nursing K2
Ns. Lilik Supriati , S.Kep, M.Kep (LS) * Ns. Toni Suhartono, S.Kep, M.kep (TS) Ns. Fransiska Imavike, S.Kep., MN (FI) Ns. Dina Dewi SLI, Skep, M.Kep (DD) Ns. eni Dwi !, Skep, Mkep, Sp.Kep " ( D!)



Ns, #etno Lestari, Skep, MN (#L)

A. COURSE DESCRIPTION Fundamental of Nursing 2 is delivered to regular students (Program A) in the second semester with 4 theory credits. This subject is a part of basic nursing sciences. t is focused on professional nursing s!ills (vital signs" physical e#amination and health assessment" infection control" administration of medications)" providing a safe environment (mobility and immobility)" basic physiological needs (hygiene" nutrition" sleep" comfort" fluid and electrolyte balances) and caring for the perioperative client. The course conducts in $nglish version and uses student active learning approach. %tudent&s activity during the learning process is a compulsory. A various learning method is used in this course such as lectures" discussions" and practical wor!. The whole process will be evaluated through written e#amination and practical wor! e#amination. B. COMPETENCIES 1. General objective At the end of this topic" students will be able to do professional nursing s!ills (vital signs" physical e#amination and health assessment" infection control" administration of medications)" providing a safe environment (mobility and immobility)" basic physiological needs (hygiene" nutrition" sleep" comfort" fluid and electrolyte balances) and caring for the perioperative client. 2. S eci!ic objective" 2.'. 2.2. 2.(. 2.4. 2.). 2.+. 2.,. 2.-. 2... %tudents are able to do physical e#amination" health assessment and vital signs. %tudents are able to do infection contol. %tudents are able to do administration of medications. %tudents are able to providing a safe environment. %tudents are able to do basic physiological needs * hygiene. %tudents are able to do basic physiological needs * nutrition. %tudents are able to do basic physiological needs * sleep and comfort %tudents are able to do basic physiological needs * fluid and electrolyte balances %tudents are able to caring for the perioperative client.

Students Guidebook of Fundamental of Nursing 2-2011

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C. #EARNING SC$EDU#E Da% Mon)a% Ti&e 12.12-1*.00 1*.00-1*.,2 1*.,2-1,.*0 12.00-12.*0 12.*0-1*.20 1,.00-1,.20 11.*0-12.12 12.12-1*.00 1*.00-1*.,2 1*.,2-1,.*0 1,.*0-12.12 12.12-1..00 01.00-01.,2 01.,2-05.*0 05.*0-0/.12 0/.12-10.00 10.00-10.,2 10.,2-11.*0 6ri)a% 'ee( 1"t 2 -. a ril /obility /obility /obility /andiri /andiri /andiri Physical $#am Physical $#am Physical $#am 4ab /obility 4ab /obility 4ab /obility /edication /edication /edication 4ab Physical 4ab Physical 4ab Physical 'ee( 2n) /-1* A ril 0omfort 1 sleep 0omfort 1 sleep 0omfort 1 sleep /andiri /andiri /andiri 3ygiene 3ygiene 3ygiene 4ab /edication 4ab /edication 4ab /edication Perioperative Perioperative Perioperative 4ab 3ygiene 4ab 3ygiene 4ab 3ygiene 'ee( *t+ 1.-20 A ril 2utrition 2utrition 2utrition /andiri /andiri /andiri 'ee( ,r) 2*-21 A ril

Secon) to ic e3a& /andiri /andiri /andiri mandiri mandiri mandiri Practical E3a& Practical E3a& Practical E3a&



/andiri 4ab nfection 4ab nfection 4ab nfection 0onsept of fluid 0onsept of fluid 0onsept of fluid ndependent practicum ndependent practicum ndependent practicum 6ir"t to ic e3a&


Re&i)i racti(4&

01.00-01.,2 01.,2-05.*0 05.*0-0/.12


nfection nfection nfection

Re&i)i to ic e3a&

Attention 777 Cla"" Roo& 8 GPP ,r) !loor9 Roo& ,0* Ever% Mon)a% 8 GPP ,r) !loor9 Roo& ,02 D. E:A#UATION '.'. '.2. '.(. Practical $#am 7irst $#am %econd $#am (56 ()6 ()6

Students Guidebook of Fundamental of Nursing 2-2011

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E. GROUPS !or PRACTICA# 'OR; Gro4 1 A892 : ;<A 9TA/ A2= <A 79%3 > =? A<2$% P:A?$%T /A% TA ? = 8A2 <$T9T 8@>A %$=A2A A= 2=A /A?A=A :A3/A3 A$:2A2=3A 3A:> = P %3 2=8 ?94A2=A: Gro4 2 A:= A2TA >$=$ P Gro4 3 %: 29: A 2

0A: 2A :$>A 9T@/@ 7$A8 7 T: A/A4 4 %/A = A2A A2 %%A /A8= 2A3 3$%T3 :A3/A=3A2 A$44A A2>>$4 2A 0 %T8 @. <$AA<@4$ 7$:@2 03A >A= % / 7A: 3AT94 3@ :@3 7 B 3 A2=: A2

A: 7 = <A /A3$2=:A 03 2=8 P9:A@ 4AA=@ 7A: =A 4A<% TA: 2 =? P9C :A3A89

/A8=3 %TA A2>>:A 28$P8 P 3$%T : A2 /A >$%T9 >A493 =? % 2urul A/A@:@?AT P9T9 A89 = A2 < = 2A /9</ 4A3 /A3A: <A

Gro4 , %A2=:A 2@D TA %A 7944A3 A47A:9B

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Students Guidebook of Fundamental of Nursing 2-2011

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6. RE6ERENCES 3ar!reader" 3." 3ogan" /.A." 1 Thobaben" /. (255,). Fundamentals os Nursing: caring and clinical judgment. ((rd ed.) %t. 4ouis* %aunders $lsevier. <oEier" A. ('..'). Fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process and practice. (4th ed.) :edwood 0ity* Addison ?esley 2ursing. <oEier" A." $rb" >." 1 Alais" <. ('..)). Fundamentals Of Nursing: concepts, process and practice. ()th ed.) 0alifornia* AddisonF?esley Publishing 0ompany.

G. #ECTURER No. ' 2. Na&e 8ulian ?iji 9tami" %<p" /.<es 7ransis!a mavi!e Da%<Date ?ednesday G 4 April 25'2 Thursday G ) April 25'2 7ridayG '( april 25'2 (. 2s. 4ili! %upriati" %!ep" /<ep 2s. Toni %uhartono" %!ep" /<ep monday G . April 25'2 ThursdayG '2 april 25'2 To ic" /obility and immobility

Dital signs" physical e#amination and health assessment nfection 0ontrol %leep and comfort 3ygiene


wednesday G '' April 25'2 medication 7riday G 25 April 25'2 7luid and electrolyte balances 0aring for the perioperative client

). +.

2s. =ina =ewi %4 " %!ep" /<ep Tim giEi

ThursdayG '. April 25'2 monday G '+ April 25''

0onsept of nutrition

$. 6ACI#ITATORS !or PRACTICA# 'OR; No 1. 2. *. MAIN 6ACI#ITATORS 4ili! %upriati Toni %uhartono 7ransis!a mavi!e SUBSTITUTE 6ACI#ITATORS 2s. /uladefi <hoiriyah" %.<ep

Students Guidebook of Fundamental of Nursing 2-2011

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, 2 .

=ina dewi %4 3eni =wi ? :etno lestari

2s. /ifeti!a 4u!itasari" %<ep

ROTATION O6 6acilitator Practic4& 1 =&obilitation group ' 2 ( 4 ) + :uang 2525. 2'5 2'' 2'2 2'4 7asil Toni 4ili! =ina mavi!e 3eni :etno Practic4& 2 = +%"ic e3a&> grou :uang 7asil p ' 2 ( 4 ) + 2525. 2'5 2'' 2'2 2'4 4ili! 3eni mavi!e =ina :etno Toni Practic4& * = &e)ication> <elp ' 2 ( 4 ) + :uang 2525. 2'5 2'' 2'2 2'4 7asil 3eni Toni 4ili! retno =ina mavi!e

Practic4& , = $%?iene> <elp :uang ' 2 ( 4 ) . I. TOPICS !or E@AM 6ir"t E3a& * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Secon) E3a& * 1. 2. 3. 4. 2525. 2'5 2'' 2'2 2'4 7asil mavi!e :etno 3eni 4ili! Toni =ina

Practic4& 2 = In!ection > <elp :uang ' 2 ( 4 ) + 2525. 2'5 2'' 2'2 2'4 7asil :etno mavi!e Toni 3eni 4ili! 3eni

/obility Dital signs" physical e#amination and health assessment %leep and comfort Administration of medication 3ygiene 2utrition 0aring for the perioperative client ( 7luid and electrolyte balances nfection 0ontrol

Students Guidebook of Fundamental of Nursing 2-2011

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Students Guidebook of Fundamental of Nursing 2-2011

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