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iOS 7 and Android 4.4 KitKat Mobile Operating System: Clash of Titans!

Adina, Jayson Jenrie R. 1st authors affiliation #35 Tabora Street, Trancoville,
Baguio City, Benguet 074-443-81-33, 2600

Chacapna, Teodorico D.
2nd author's affiliation Abatan, Bauko Mountain Province 09467676688l, 2621

The battling operating systems that are featured in the hottest devices around have a number of updates and data to back up the fact that each one does have its own strength, but also proves that, because of that, innovation is becoming a key factor in the system that runs the devices in the electronics industry. Apple and Google attempt to outdo each other every year when they refresh their iOS and Android mobile operating systems. This year has proved no different with the arrival of iOS 7 and Android . !it!at. "ommon tested with the most popular mobile operating systems on the #$% flagship phones & the i'hone (s and Samsung Gala)y. There were categories which people compared. So read on or *ump to the relevant categories on the right to find out which OS is best.

Aim of Research
1n this paper, the researcher will be discussed some advantages and issues of the two common mobile operating systems development approaches from some technical point of view and determining which among is the best or worst +obile Operating system.

1.2 History of

o!i"e O#erati$% System iOS &

a$d A$droid '.' KitKat

The operating system was unveiled with the i'hone at the +acworld "onference 3 4)po, 5anuary 6, #$$7, and released in 5une of that year. At first, Apple marketing literature did not specify a separate name for the operating system, stating simply what Steve 5obs claimed7 8i'hone runs OS 98 and runs 8desktop applications8when in fact it runs a variant of :+ac; OS 9, that doesn<t run OS 9 software unless it has been ported to the in& compatible operating system. 1nitially, third&party applications were not supported. Steve 5obs< reasoning was that developers could build web applications that 8would behave like native apps on the i'hone8.On October %7, #$$7, Apple announced that a native Software =evelopment !it >S=!? was under development and that they planned to put it 8in developers< hands in .ebruary8.On +arch @, #$$A, Apple released the first beta, along with a new name for the operating system7 8i'hone OS8. Apple had released the i'od Touch, which had most of the non& phone capabilities of the i'hone. Apple also sold more than one million i'hones during the #$$7 holiday season On 5anuary #7, #$%$, Apple announced the i'ad, featuring a larger screen than the i'hone and i'od Touch, and designed for web browsing, media consumption, and reading iBooks. 1n 5une #$%$, Apple rebranded i'hone OS as 8iOS8. The trademark 81OS8 had been used by "isco for over a decade for its operating system, 1OS, used on its routers. To avoid any potential lawsuit, Apple licensed the 81OS8 trademark from "isco. By late #$%%, iOS accounted for @$C of the market share for smartphones and tablet computers.By the end of #$%#, iOS accounted for #%C of the smartphone OS market and D.@C of the tablet OS market.

Android, iOS 7, +emory ,am, Technical -ardware and Software, +obile Operating System, Operating System, .ramework

/owadays the mobile operating system has become the backbone or the main brain of our mobile phones. +any organi0ations taking their first step to implement a mobile strategy are facing important decisions that will influent the results of this initiative. .or any enterprise that uses an integrated user friendly or a classy style effect on their operating system will build brand awareness and sell its products to our society, the rapid growth in mobile devices also the operating system grows with it. 1t2s impossible to ignore and companies are trying to compete with the time. The process of choosing a development approach for mobile operating systems namely, native connectivity, web or hybrid functionality, entails many parameters of performance, pro*ect timeframe and mobile OS capabilities.

Android, 1nc. was founded in 'alo Alto, "alifornia in October #$$D by Andy ,ubin >co&founder of =anger?, ,ich +iner >co& founder of Eildfire "ommunications, 1nc.?, /ick Sears >once F' at T&+obile?, and "hris Ehite >headed design and interface development at EebTF?to develop, in ,ubin<s words 8smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner<s location and preferences8. The early intentions of the company were to develop an advanced operating system for digital cameras, when it was realised that the market for the devices was not large enough, and diverted their efforts to producing a smartphone operating system to rival those of Symbian and Eindows +obile. =espite the past accomplishments of the founders and early employees, Android 1nc. operated secretly, revealing only that it was working on software for mobile phones. That same year, ,ubin ran out of money. Steve 'erlman, a close friend of ,ubin, brought him G%$,$$$ in cash in an envelope and refused a stake in the company. Google acHuired Android 1nc. on August %7, #$$(I key employees of Android 1nc., including ,ubin, +iner, and Ehite, stayed at the company after the acHuisition./ot much was known about Android 1nc. at the time, but many assumed that Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market with this move.At Google, the team led by ,ubin developed a mobile device platform powered by the Jinu) kernel. Google marketed the platform to handset makers and carriers on the promise of providing a fle)ible, upgradable system. Google had lined up a series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it was open to various degrees of cooperation on their part. Speculation about Google<s intention to enter the mobile communications market continued to build through =ecember #$$@. The unveiling of the i'hone, a touchscreen&based phone by Apple, on 5anuary 6, #$$7 had a disruptive effect on the development of Android. At the time, a prototype device codenamed 8Sooner8 had a closer resemblance to a BlackBerry phone, with no touchscreen, and a physical, KE4,TL keyboard. Eork immediately began on re&engineering the OS and its prototypes to combine traits of their own designs with an overall e)perience designed to compete with the i'hone. 1n September #$$7, 1nformationEeek covered an 4valueserve study reporting that Google had filed several patent applications in the area of mobile telephony. The main purpose of this study is to analy0e and visually identify appealing information towards the said operating systems. As such, the following aspects of comparison will be taken into consideration7 4stablish what impact of modern operating system features and functionality of both operating systems. 4valuate current changes that can provide e)citing improvements that everyone is looking forward to see. +ake use of well documented information in order to Huickly evaluate if they fit the needs, and then identify them to suit their particular reHuirements. 1ncorporate ideas and concepts from statistical data in which what the society looks upon for the upcoming future of the mobile operating system generations

+obile Operating system is often talked about especially when there is a competition happening during an event of technology wherein they show off their latest invention or development of new innovative gadgets, when we talk about mobile operating system almost everyone knows the common mobile operating system advantages and disadvantages with *ust a few information lying around the internet and articles, due to our limited time frame, this research will take the form of a case study. This means that the development will only be evaluated in a single modern research techniHue and accompanying our own insightsI methods that are taken into consideration will be evaluated e)clusively and methods that are not used will not be as thoroughly e)amined. 4mphasis will be on the comparison of the operating systems iOS7 and Android . !it!at. Thus, we will not engage deeply into the mobile operating system comparison concepts.

One of the main challenges when moving to a mobile solution is operating system development in a technology landscape that2s highly fragmented and rapidly evolving mobile OS reHuire a fair amount of customi0ation and performance to run on different diverse platforms and the steady stream of a new hardware and Operating system versions as well. 4ven a single operating system platform has numerous flavors that reHuire some degree of customi0ation. There are also often factors such as the overlay operating system from different manufacturers that can affect the behavior of the particular device. Below is the list of coverage of the smartphone and operating system >OS? markets7 #.D.% +obile handset OS market trends N bringing you up&to&date with the latest smartphone sales forecasts and main issues, including the adoption of open source, the continuing importance of the user interface, the rise of Android and a potential return to more proprietary ecosystems.



The task of identifying the different capabilities of the iOS 7 and Android . kitkat on which are the pros and cons of the said operating systems and to be able to analy0e which is the best or whose going to win with the rumors ramping up and the awaited official announcement of the society with their different criteria of *udgment towards the worthy Operating System that will sustain upon the *udgments of different users. Msing the technical advancements of researching through different concepts of capabilities in mobile operating systems that can give us a better understanding and good performance run on a limited time basis wherein we investigate what can be achieved with a complete, functionality and high Huality information that were gathered.

#.D.# +obile operating systems N to aid understanding, we clearly define mobile OS market segmentation, its market dynamics and the nature of closed and open architecture. #.D.D 1mportance of handset software N reviewing handset ecosystem trends and market si0es, focusing on software and hardware integration approaches and their key contribution to the user e)perience. #.D. Stakeholder profiles N investigating how key players in the smartphone market have adapted their business models over the past %# months to compete more effectively. #.D.( Smartphone forecasts and analysis N covering volume sales and users for the key regions and countries, by operating system. /ew for this year are additional smartphone forecasts by defined segment, price tiers and form factor. #.D.@ Operating system profiles N our e)pert analysts compare and contrast the main operating systems through insightful company profiles, which include a detailed SEOT analysis, each analy0ing7 'ast, present and future version developments Smartphone OS market share and strategy =evice vendor and operator deals App store offerings and developer relationships.

The design is flat, clean, and yes, refreshing. One of the most striking things about iOS 7 is that it features a design that uses a modern palette of colors, less gradients, and more flatness. That said, as good as the design seems, it is marred by inconsistencies. 1n fact, the M1 is so *arring at times that many people have parodied it. .urthermore, we<re yet to see a significant number of apps that make full use of iOS 7s brilliant design.

.igure % =esign interface of iOS7


Ehen it comes to mobile operating systems, iOS and Android are still the frontrunners. =espite the brilliant and not&so&brilliant efforts of +icrosoft to topple the two giants, the mobile market space is dominated by "upertino and +ountain Fiew. iOS, which made its beginnings in an era where touch&screen smartphones was a relatively new concept. Eith the late Steve 5obs at the helm, Apple was instrumental in starting what we now call the smartphone revolution. iOS with its brilliant and shiny design wowed many users thus catapulting the company into the role of a technology giant. As iOS was soaring at a breathtaking pace, a little&known open&source operating system was making its presence felt ever so slightly. /either Steve 5obs nor the open& source community could guess how the mobile market space would change in the ne)t few years. Time passed and iOS continued its dominance. But this time, the presence of a new predator was more palpable. Android wasn<t *ust an open&source pro*ect tinkered about by hackers, it was a tangible threat to Apple<s deadly dominance. Eith the death of Steve 5obs came a loss in market share. A loss very few had imagined a couple of years ago. Samsung kept making phones after phones and the crowd that once worshipped the "upertino gods now hailed the !orean giant as their new messiah. 1n this raging battle, though, only one thing has been instrumental in letting these two companies spar against each other with such ferocity. And that weapon is the operating system. The reason both iOS and Android are the top is solely because of their ama0ing operating systems. That<s why no Apple vs. Android fight is complete without a comparison between their operating systems. So, here we are with a sweet comparison between Android . !it!at and iOS 7.

"oming to Android<s design, things haven<t always been pretty in the open&source world. 1n the beginning, Android looked like a developer<s device that was followed by a slight design overhaul that made it the poor man<s iOS. Till Android .$, though, Android was considered a poor contender when it came to design and its lack of aesthetics was a ma*or bottleneck as far as wowing the iOS crowd was concerned. That all changed, however, when Android .$ was launched. Eith 1ce "ream Sandwich, Android took a ma*or detour and put most of its focus on improving the design of the operating system. Slowly and steadily things improved and soon Android came to be considered as one of the most beautifully designed mobile operating system. Eith !it!at, this legacy continues as Google refines and polishes Android to the ma) thus making it a treat for users. One of the first things you<ll notice in !it!at >if you<re using a /e)us device that is? is its consistency. .rom status bars to icons, everything is consistent, which definitely is a far cry from Apple<s inconsistent design. The design of Android has improved so much so that there is even a blog documenting the most beautifully designed Android applications. Ehile we can e)pect iOS7 to improve very Huickly in the future, but this department, surprisingly, has been conHuered by the now mighty Android.

The ability to selectively erase company&related data remotely, and not personal data is possible on Android with a Google Apps subscription or a third party +=+ program & it2s not supported by Android =evice +anager. Selective wipe is only available on iOS with third&party +=+ programs. Google devices with /." can emulate smartcards. -owever, we2d like to have seen support for bulk app purchases in !it!at, a feature long supported on iOS via Apple2s Folume 'urchasing 'rogram. Mnder this scheme apps are tied to your corporate iTunes account, and not individual user2s accounts, so apps can be redeployed to other employees as needed via +=+. .igure # =esign 1nterface of Android . Mpon the research we have concluded that Android wins the design interface of the mobile Operating System. Mpon the research we have concluded iOS. Apple2s operating system is more secure and has enterprise friendly features and wins the security and manageability of the mobile Operating System.

0.2 Sec1rity a$d


Apple vets every app in the App Store and it doesn2t have a problem with malicious content. Google does not vet apps before allowing them into the store, instead scanning the 'lay store for malware. Android devices are the more vulnerable due to the open source nature of the operating system and usersO1T admins need to make sure apps are downloaded from verified developers. All ma*or mobile device management >+=+? programs support iOS and Android. Apple provides a free +=+ program known as Apple "onfigurator. This supports user creation based on pre& e)isting directory server accounts, allows admins to restrict which apps and Ei&.i networks can be used as well as which computers each device can connect to via MSB. Apple "onfigurator supports the latest iOS 7 enterprise features first before other +=+ programs. The latest features include the ability to whitelist Air'rint printers, restrict which file formats can be used with which apps and the option to reHuire certain apps are used with the F'/ enabled. =espite this, Apple "onfigurator is only suitable for small&scale deployments as wireless management isn<t possible and iOS devices have to be connected to the administrative computer via MSB. 1t2s also prone to glitches such as the bug in iOS 7 >now fi)ed? that disabled Apple "onfigurator& installed device profiles. Google doesn2t have its own +=+ program for Android but does have a number of enterprise features. Android has supported 1'Sec, ''T' and J#T' F'/s since #.D Gingerbread and multiple user accounts since .D 5elly Bean. -owever, it2s only recently had its own non&4)change based remote wipe service with the launch of the web&based Android =evice +anager. Android =evice +anager is compatible with not *ust . !it!at devices but devices running versions of Android as old as #.# .royo, although there are some rough edges. A recent bug in an update to Google 'lay Services, a background process needed by almost all of Google2s own&branded apps, turned off the security settings needed for Android =evice +anager to work. 1n addition, as it2s designed to work with devices tied to a single Google 'lay account, its interface becomes unwieldy when managing anything more than a handful of phones.

0.0 Hardware Re21ireme$ts

One of the biggest things Apple announced at its September event was that iOS 7 would be @ &bit. Ehile many have called this a gimmick, there are obvious advantages, especially for the future. The @ &bit computing will allow for more ,A+, faster video encoding and decoding, as well as a smoother overall performance. The other big hardware implementation is iOS in the "ar, which is effectively Siri and various iOS integration with supported car consoles.

.igure D -ardware 1nterface Android . , the software changes which affect hardware are pretty abundant. Google has drastically improved memory management to help the software run on older or less beefy hardware. This is aimed towards entry&level, budget devices with as little as (%#+B ,A+. 1t has also added support for hardware sensor batching, an update which reduces the power consumed by Pongoing sensor activities.Q 1t adds support for step detector and step counter composite sensors for action tracking. 1t brings two new Bluetooth profiles7 Bluetooth -1= over GATT and Bluetooth +A'. .inally, it has 1, support and Ei&.i T=JS support.

0.' Tech$ica" S#ecificatio$s

The current version of the operating system >iOS 7.%?, dedicates %N%.( GB of the device<s flash memory for the system partition, using roughly A$$ +B of that partition >varying by model? for iOS itself. 1t runs on the i'hone and later, #nd&generation i'ad and later, all models of the i'ad +ini, and the (th&generation i'od Touch. 4ven if you own *ust one Apple device, i"loud is incredibly useful. .ind +y i'hone helps you locate your lost i'hone, i'ad, i'od touch, or +ac. i"loud 'hoto Sharing lets you post your favorite moments to a shared stream. .riends and family can add photos, videos, and comments to your stream, and it all appears on everyone2s iOS devices R automatically.6 And with i"loud !eychain, you no longer have to remember user names, passwords, and credit card information. 1t does all that for you, and thanks to #(@&bit A4S encryption, it2s highly secure.

Android -"4 emulates 1SOO14" 7A%@ based smart cards that use the contactless 1SOO14" % D& >1SO&=4'? protocol for transmission. These cards are used by many systems today, including the e)isting 4+F"O /." payment infrastructure. Android uses Application 1dentifiers >A1=s? as defined in 1SOO14" 7A%@& as the basis for routing transactions to the correct Android applications. The storage access framework is integrated with the e)isting G4TS"O/T4/T intent, so users also have access to all of their previous content and data sources from the new system M1 for browsing. Apps can continue using G4TS"O/T4/T as a way to let users import data. The storage access framework and system M1 for browsing make it easier for users to find and import their data from a wider range of sources.

0.3 Chromi1m 4e!5iew of A$droid '.'

Android . includes a completely new implementation of EebFiew that<s based on "hromium. The new "hromium EebFiew gives you the latest in standards support, performance, and compatibility to build and display your web&based content. "hromium EebFiew provides broad support for -T+J(, "SSD, and 5avaScript. 1t supports most of the -T+J( features available in "hrome for Android D$. 1t also brings an updated version of the 5avaScript 4ngine >FA? that delivers dramatically improved 5avaScript performance. 1n addition, the new "hromium EebFiew supports remote debugging using "hrome =evTools. .or e)ample, you can use "hrome =evTools on your development machine to inspect, debug, and analy0e your EebFiew content live on a mobile device.


.igure Technical Specification 1mage Apple *ust released new statistics on the adoption rate of its newest mobile software, iOS 7, revealing that almost every active i'hone or i'ad is now running on the latest version of its operating system. Specifically, iOS 7 adoption is at A7 percent, which is a great deal higher than the share of Android devices running on Google<s newest mobile OS updateR Android . !it!at. -ere<s the chart from Apple7

Any device with Android . will benefit from the memory optimi0ation, and it<s a bree0e to skip in and out of apps and games. This speedy performance is no surprise on a powerhouse with their #GB of ,A+, but it really stands out on a device with %GB of ,A+. That<s what makes !it!at so important for the budget end of the Android market. Google<s 'ro*ect Svelte enables the platform to run reliably on devices with *ust (%#+B of ,A+. 1t could be a viable update for devices stuck on Gingerbread. Android . introduces new platform support for secure /."& based transactions through -ost "ard 4mulation >-"4?, for payments, loyalty programs, card access, transit passes, and other custom services. Eith -"4, any app on an Android device can emulate an /." smart card, letting users tap to initiate transactions with an app of their choice R no provisioned secure element >S4? in the device is needed. Apps can also use a new ,eader +ode to act as readers for -"4 cards and other /."& based transactions.

4ven if Google wanted to release its software updates to every single Android phone at onceRit couldn<t. Once smartphone manufacturers are finished adding their own modifications to a version of Android, the update needs to be approved by each individual carrier.This means that depending on which phone you own, it could take ages to receive the latest software update. /ewer flagship phones from popular vendors like Samsung or -T" usually get priority, but if your Android smartphone is already a year old, chances are you may have to wait some time before updating.

.igure ( Apple "hart That number refers to data obtained from Apple<s App Store after a seven&day period ending on April @ #$% .The most recent statistics from Google<s developer dashboard for Android show that only (.D percent of mobile devices are running on !it!at. Google found these numbers by measuring Google 'lay store activity during a seven day period ending on April %.

.igure 7 Table 'latforms This fragmented model particularly hurts Android because it accounts for such a large share of the M.S. smartphone market. The latest data from comScore shows that Android was responsible for (#.% percent of the M.S. smartphone market as of .ebruary #$% , with iOS trailing not too far behind with %.D percent. Since more people in the M.S. are using Android smartphones, this also means Google, individual smartphone vendors and carriers need to prepare the update for more phones. Both Apple and Google are holding their annual developer conferences in 5une, where we<re e)pecting to hear more about iOS A and the ne)t generation of Android.

Both iOS 7 and Android . !it!at are solid mobile operating systems. They are both mature and have navigated safely across some of the most tumultuous periods in the smartphone wars. This is e)actly what makes them so popular. Ehen compared to Eindows 'hone OS, for e)ample, they always have the better apps, the better design, and the better functionality. This means that unless another strong contender comes along, the war will always be between Android and iOS for the ne)t few years to come. As for the stronger one between them, this time, we<ll have to hand it to Android. Areas like design and performance, which were once its weak points, are now its strong points. That said, iOS 7 is still a solid operating system, and Android will have to do much more to keep its winning form. Ehen Apple updated iOS it polari0ed a lot of users. Some didn<t like the cartoon&like visual style and the various changes made under the hood. -owever, as the dust has settled it has become clear that iOS 7 represents a considerable evolution of the software. Apple may have borrowed elements from its rivals N the multitasking menu lifted wholesale from Android being the most obvious e)ample N but in doing so it has improved functionality no end. Ehen enough time has passed for people to forget about the drastic change in appearance, iOS 7 will undoubtedly be

.igure @ Android "hart Google unveiled its newest treat&themed software at the end of October alongside the /e)us (, which is a little more than a month after iOS debuted on Sept. %A, #$%D. The ma*ority of Android smartphones are still running on Android .D 5elly Bean, which was initially announced at Google 1OO in #$%#. Apple users have almost completely phased out iOS @, which claims a meager %% percent of today<s iOS devices. Android adoption traditionally lags so far behind Apple<s for a couple of ma*or reasons. .irst and foremost, Apple makes its new i'hone and i'ad software available for every user at onceR regardless of carrier or i'hone model. This means every i'hone and i'ad owner can install the update as soon as it<s released.Android, conversely, is much more fragmented. The newest version of Android is always made available for Google<s lineup of /e)us smartphones and tablets and Google 'lay edition phones before making their way to other phones.

remember as a move in the right direction for the world2s biggest tech brand. Given the close pro)imity of their respective releases, many will be e)pecting Android . to match iOS 7 in the 8dramatic change8 stakes, but that<s simply not the case. Android already has many of the refinements introduced in iOS 7, and therefore has less ground to cover. . adds in some new features, such as cloud printing and massive optimisations, which allow it to run on phones with as little ,A+ as ($$+B, but on the surface, a layperson may be hard pressed to tell the difference between .D and . . A lot of the effort gone into creating . will no doubt occur out of sight, it runs smooth as silk on the /e)us (, which will come as no great shock but when we see it trickle down to older, less capable devices, then we will surely see how much of an improvement it is over .D. As we<ve already said, there is so little to choose from between these two operating systems now that it would be foolish to switch from one to the other *ust because you fancy a change or feel you are missing out on something. Both offer comparable levels of functionality and apps although one area where Android absolutely dicks Apple is in the types of devices it is available on N you can get =roids of all shapes and si0es, whereas with Apple you2re stuck with the i'hone and it2s D.(&inch or &inch display.

:@; Taylor, +. >#$%D?. 'ocket /ow PAndroid . vs iOS 7 and Eindows 'hone A Mpdate D7 which brings more innovationUQ7 http7OOpocketnow.comO#$%DO%$OD%Okitkat&vs&ios&7&wpA. :7; Jisa, 4. >#$% ?. Business 1nsider. The =ifference Between iOS 7 And Android !it!at Adoption 1s Still Astonishing7 http7OOwww.businessinsider.comOios&7&adoption& versus&android& &kitkat&#$% & :A; =amien, +. >#$%D?. !now your mobile. iOS 7 vs. Android . !it!at7 http7OOwww.knowyourmobile.comOappleOapple&ios&7O#% $AOios&7& vs&android& &kitkat&clash&titans

Our thanks to God for making this possible and to our instructor sir Tandingan for helping us out in able to accomplish this research in time, and to our fellow classmates for helping us out with guidelines and ideas for this proposal thank you. Ee would like to give thanks for the sub*ect that we have enrolled this semester because it helped us seek through different concepts of ideas of what really Operating System is and what does it provides us in our daily life, and hoping that we could implement this information in the upcoming future workplace.

:%; Gel, G.>#$% ?. ,etrieved April @, #$% , from 1nternational Business Time7 http7OOau.ibtimes.comOarticlesO( ((D6O#$% $D#6Oandroid&kitkat& ios&7&%&windows&phone.htmT.M$k(lfmSy@9 :#; =avid, +. >#$%D?. ,etrieved April @, #$% , from 1nforma telecoms and media7 https7OOcommerce.informatm.comOreportsOmainOsmartphones&mos& #nd&ed.html :D; >#$%D?. ,etrieved April @,#$% , from 1T',O7$#%Oandroid&kitkat& &vs&apple& ios&7&head&head&reviewOpageO$O : ; Anna, S.>#$%D?. ,etrieved April @, #$% , from 'hone=og7 http7OOwww.phonedog.comO#$%DO%$O%DOwhich&update& is&more&e)citing&ios&7&or&android& & &kitkatO :(; Android 1nc. >#$%D?. ,etrieved April @, #$% , from Android7

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