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BAHASA INGGRIS II EXERCISES MEETING 1 1. Do you know the origin of computer and what it means? a.

An electronic device that stories, retrives, and processor data and can be programed with instruction b. Referring to a person who carried out calculation or computation c. General purpose device that can be programed to carry out a finate set arithmetic or logical oprations d. The answer a,b, and c true 2. Mention in the type of computer as you know a. Minicooper b. Mainframe c. Compuseve d. Pc magazine e. Server 3. The first use of the word computer was recorded in a. 1663 b. 1661 c. 1662 d. 1613 e. 1664 4. Origin of the word computer is a. To compute b. To comp c. To puter d. To comput e. To com EXERCISES MEETING 2
5. One of the most important components within yout computer a. CPU b. ALU c. RLU d. RPU e. TPU

6. There the components of inside a computers, except a. Hardisk b. RAM c. REM d. VGA Card e. Processor 7. The brain of the bcomputer a. Microprocessor b. Microchip c. MicroRAM d. McroDISK e. MicroSC 8. Management capacity of hard drive a. KiloBytes b. KiloGrams c. MegaBytes d. GygaBytes e. All answer are true 9. Edxamples input device? a. Mouse and HardDrive b. Keyboard and memory c. Scanner and mouse d. Mouse and printers e. Printers and keyboard

1. A special type of the program that laods automatically when you star your computers is, a. System b. Software c. Operating system d. D. System Program e. Aplications 2. There are example of operating System as you know, except a. Windows XP b. Windows 7 c. Windows Tec d. Ubuntu e. Genome 3. There are open source operating system ? a. Ubuntu b. Redhat c. Windows NT d. A and B true e. A and C True

4. There type of programs that you use once the operating system has been loaded: a. Operating system b. System Memory c. WordPad d. Enterprise System e. Aplicatons Software 5. Tehere the application software for editing image? a. Power Point b. Photoshop c. Adobe Reader d. Adobe Premier e. Microsoft EXECl

EXERCISES MEETING 6 1. Hardware can be divided into two categories, mentioned that.. a. Inside/Outside devices b. Front/Outside Devices c. Input/Output devices d. Software/freeware e. Shareware/open source 2. A set of computer consist of metal plastic and other physical devices which is called a. Software b. Hardware c. Program d. Prcess e. Instruction 3. There are input device, except.. a. Mouse b. Keyboard c. Microphone d. HarDrive e. Scanner 4. Video capturing devices connected to computers or computer networdk, often using USB.. a. Web b. Webcam c. Web d. Web video e. Video Conference 5. A device that provide input analizyng image, printed text, hardwriting or an object is.. a. Printer b. Webcam c. Plooter d. Hardrive e. Scanner

EXERCISES MEETING 4 1. An artificial language designed to communicate instructons to a machine, particulary a computer is.. a. Computer language b. Programing Language c. Software language d. Typical Language e. Imae Language 2. The example of programing language is.. a. Safari b. Java c. Microsoft Word d. Firefox e. Internet Explorer 3. A system where by individual PCs are connected togedher within a company or organization a. WAN b. GAN c. TAN d. LAN e. BAN 4. Small program that hide themselves your file/disk: a. Virus b. Worm c. Worm d. Data e. AntiVirus

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