Vodafone For Qatar Today

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“When I say this is what I did for the last 10

“Being two
years and this is what I should do for the next
10, I should retire! Anyone who is trying to
protect an old (business) model will lose out.”

different people
at work and home is
schizophrenic” i t is refreshing to walk into a
‘corporate’ setup first thing on
a Sunday morning and see an
environment that screams ‘busi-
ness’ without the predictable
An open office, hot-desking (no fixed
work stations), brilliant splashes of reds
all over, and staff who are dressed weath-
fice products. I applied for it, because I
had an expense account and a company
car with which I could drive all around
Australia. I lied about my age by the way,
but I got the job...
Then I went back to university and
studied Marketing, Sales and Finance.
I was kind of working out what I really
wanted to do. And what I really wanted to
People pick something to study, but
underneath that there is a natural style
of the person that comes out.
To my daughters my advice is, “Get a
degree, and then see what happens.”
You don’t have to get stuck on the
fact that because you did a HR or an IT
degree you have to work in HR or IT.
In business, particularly in a lot of the
er-appropriate (light jackets and hardly do was run my own business. smaller countries, you need an under-
any neckties in sight), gives an instant re- I set up my own business, and I ended standing of everything, actually.
prieve from the sweltering heat outside. up running six or seven businesses over
At the in-house cafe, Vodafone-Qa- 10-15 years. How easy has it been for you to
tar CEO Grahame Maher sits down come from Australia – where
for a chat with Managing Editor Vani What kind of businesses? irreverence rules, to here,
Saraswathi. Over a cuppa, he speaks A couple in office products, faxes, where the environment is rath-
about business disasters and successes, PABX... that’s where I had my first ex- er formal?
the journey from baking to mobile tele- perience with mobiles. British Telecom I came here via Japan – hierarchical and
phony, dream rides and his family. had introduced them in Australia. Around formal; Sweden – egalitarian, but in a
As refreshing as the business environ- Aus$7,000 – about QR20,000 per phone! personal sense very formal, you had to
ment, is the man who runs the show. His Couple of those businesses were disas- hold the cup the right way and all that;
personal and professional mantras seem ters, couple were successes. I started the and Czech Republic – very formal, very
to work in sync, and answers about one first Mobile Virtual Network Operators in old European, their language has for-
could just as well hold true for the other. Australia. mal, informal, real formal, minor formal,
Your career path has mean- You took your time choosing I think I am in a better shape to be in
dered a long way from bak- your career path. You think different cultures than I might have been
ing... you didn’t see a career in there’s more pressure on the 10 years ago when I hadn’t had those oth-
that? No temptation when you youth now to make a choice er experiences.
see an oven now? quickly? And I think some of the fascinating
No, no! When I look at the bakery now, I It’s tough. I have two daughters 25 and 22 things about the Arab world is the infor-
am only looking at buying something. years of age. Watching them is difficult. mality. When you sit in the majlis there is
I was at school, trying to work out what They say, “but dad, you did this,” and I physical informality – I kiss men now!
to do next, and I couldn’t afford univer- go, “God no, don’t do what I did”. The discussion in the majlis is where
sity. I was working at the weekends in a What I’ve observed in business is that decisions are made – and that’s very in-
bakery to fund my motorbike racing hab- lots of people doing engineering end up formal. It’s about opinions, views and
its. My school’s advice was, firstly you working in something completely dif- discussions, rather than the American
cannot afford to go to university; and sec- ferent. We sometimes think what we style where it’s legal, legal, legal and
ondly, you are not smart enough to go to study is what we should do; whereas I tough negotiations.
university; take a baking job, get a trade. think, just studying is important to get Here there’s formality in religion. Then
When we were at school, living in the a grounding. there is some of the cultural formal-
countryside, getting a trade was impor- I think general-ism is better than spe- ity, and the family structure too is really
tant. So I did that, it was fun for a while, cialism. You need specialists, but it’s nice. Some of these things is what I think
but I didn’t like it much. good you have a generalist, who has the West has lost. Europe is better than
Then I got into a sales job, selling of- also got a specialty. America. In each country I spend time in,

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Maher turned his entrepreneurial skills to developing and launching one of the I am a big fan of the guy who wrote
first Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) in Australia. He and his business The Seven Day Weekend, Ricardo Semler,
partner sold the company to Vodafone in 1996. It wasn’t long before he was lead- who says in his book, ‘why is it ok to send
ing the team in Vodafone New Zealand. He has travelled on a Vodafone passport, emails on a Sunday, but not ok to go to
to Australia, Sweden, Czech Republic, and now Qatar. the park with your kids on a Tuesday.’
These days when he is not working, he prefers to hit the road with his feet rather He says work-life balance is doing
than on his motorbike; he loves long distance running. He also loves exploring the what you like, when you like. If that
world with his wife Jenny and daughters Jessica and Kate. means working all weekend and going to
the park on a weekday, it’s ok, what’s the
I leave better. we have with us our stuff, is home. We’ve difference?
moved a lot. I would advocate for a balance the
What do you hope to leave We sit outside by the pool in the West person feels comfortable with, and al-
behind? Bay Lagoon, it’s like a holiday every week- lows them to be themselves. Instead of
I guess the main thing I would like to end – it’s a good life. We are very comfort- being someone at work, and someone
think is that, we are helping Qatar in its able here. else at home, which I think is difficult.
evolution and journey to where the coun- However, the difference for all countries If I act differently in the two places,
try wants to go. And to have some posi- that are going through a growth period of I am schizophrenic. And the Western
tive impact with what I’ve done. lots of expats is that it doesn’t have that World drives schizophrenia, frankly.
What I will leave behind, and it’s tough feeling of home, as everything is transient. That’s why so many people have heart
every time I leave a country, is a bunch of It feels like a bit of Hong Kong and Singa- attacks and break down. If they are a
new friends. Facebook is really good for pore 20 years ago. tough, demanding b****** at work,
that, to be able to stay in touch. Important It’s easy as an expat to come in. The and go home and are nice to their kids –
to keep that alive. big challenge going forward is how to it’s weird. If you can just be human, it’s
make the transition from a country that good... that’s my opinion.
And there are those who say is growing rapidly with a lot of inter-
technology erodes relation- national expats, to people becoming What is the toughest deci-
ships... ‘Qataris’. People have been here for 20-30 sion you have had to make,
I disagree. Things like Facebook are prob- years, and are still not ‘Qatari’. in your career?
ably recreating relationships that disap- It’s the same in Australia, where there Probably when I said ‘yes’ to go
peared... I think technology enables rela- was nobody there 200 years ago, but all to Sweden to run the business. My
tionships. People in India, China and Africa kinds of nationalities went there, and they daughter was in her last year of high
are using mobiles, and if that didn’t exist, are now locals. school, and my wife was going to stay
they would be limited in who they kept It’s a difficult challenge for Qatar as to in Australia for that year. I was liv-
in touch with. The interesting thing about how to do that without losing its local iden- ing alone, for eight months, on the
emails is how senior citizens are using it to tity, without losing control of the core as- other end of the world. I wouldn’t do
keeping in touch with their family that has sets of their country; because Qataris are a it again. For anybody.
moved away. minority.
If people think it replaces face-to-face It’s a long answer to ‘does it feel like Any other regrets you would
interaction, sitting down in the majlis and home?’; for the country, when they get that like to share?
talking, that’s where I think they are wrong. right, when people actually make it home, Heaps. How long have you got?!
It doesn’t have to. then it will be stronger. I make lots of mistakes and i’m happy
When I sit in the majlis here, everyone But I’m having a ball and enjoying it. to continue to try and make lots more.
is on their mobile phone anyway! I am like I regret some of them, but not to an ex-
‘talk to me’... Career women are often asked tent that I worry about them. It’s more
Jokes aside, I think it enhances rela- about work-life balance. You like how do I fix that. When my wife
tionships. And you have the choice of think we need to address this and I were living in New Zealand, my
pressing the red button and switching off. to men more frequently? older daughter was in her last year at
People are addicted to the Blackberry, but Work-life balance is a personal thing. school and was about to start university.
it’s not Blackberry’s fault, YOU have the When I judge if someone is having a We were moving to Australia, and she
addiction. work-life balance, it should not be ME wanted to stay and finish school. We
that’s asking that. It should be US as an agreed. There are times, when we won-
Does Qatar feel like home now? organisation saying we believe in that der if it would have been better for her
I’ve been here for 18 months. My wife, balance. But if someone wants to work to come with us. Do I regret it? No. But
Jenny, and I say where we both are, where all the time, that may be their work-life we do talk about it.

120 Qatar Today

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How has the regulation pro-

Of Men... ...Books
cess been in Qatar? “I think some of the fascinating things
Dr Hessa Al Jaber, Secretary General, about the Arab world is the informality.
Maher recommends ictQatar and the regulatory process here When you sit in the majlis there is physi-
Firms of Endearment: have done a really good job, in a very cal informality – I kiss men now.”
How World-Class Com- short time. The license process started
panies Profit from Pas- just three years ago, and we are already
sion and Purpose by in operation. I think that’s impressive.
Rajendra S. Sisodia (A This was more planned and thought
book that hasn’t received the publicity out, than it was in Eastern Europe after I should retire! First, in this industry, the scious of that. Therefore I think there is a innovative branding. What’s
it deserves) communism. That was crazy. From being window is two and three, not 10 years; role for government censoring processes, your take on brands that don’t
Jack Welch or Warren Buffett? Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by controlled in a communist environment and secondly, what we will be doing in also. deliver, and great products that
Jack Welch. I admire them both. Buf- Richard Bach (A classic first gifted by to being regulated, and all sorts of cor- the next three years is not what we are do- fail to brand itself?
fett is a fantastic investor. Welch is an my father. I have both the original and ruption issues. That I haven’t experienced ing now. What about censoring Branding is not advertising. When I think
operator, therefore runs businesses. I several other copies) here and it’s a significant difference. Anyone who is trying to protect an technology? about branding, I am thinking about EV-
understand operators, rather than in- The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revo- There are days with the government old (business) model will lose out. How You can’t censor technology. It’s impos- ERYTHING we do. Be it having a chat
vestors. I deal with both, but I am an lutionary Book that Will Change the here, when it’s ‘Inshallah, Inshallah, In- long can you survive on an old business sible. Remember when sharing songs on with you, through to our ads, our custom-
operator. Way You Do Business by Clayton M. shallah’, and it’s slow. But it is honest, model? I don’t know... There is a great the internet was illegal? Now Apple is ers, what we do in the shops.
Christensen trying to do the right thing, and actually book called The Innovator’s Dilemma making a lot of money out of it. They put Companies get it wrong when they think
Who inspires you? Good to Great by Jim Collins making pretty quick progress. Some peo- and it talks about how industries change, a business model around it, put the rules advertising is branding, and they can do
Nelson Mandela. The Seven-day Weekend: A Better Way ple expect it to be more mature than it is, how complete industries disappeared. right... they are now using the regulation what they like. It’s like saying ‘trust us, trust
to Work in the 21st Century by Ricardo it’s only a couple of years old. There’s a They used to have the 8” disk, and ev- of the music industry. All they did was us, trust us’ and then putting your customers
Business-wise? Semler lot to learn now. There are two competi- eryone said the 51/2” floppy would never take something that was illegal and make off. A company is just like an individual.
Ingvar Kamprad, the owner of Ikea. I Maverick!: The Success Story Behind tors actually in the market, there will be replace that. Soon as it got cheap enough, it legal. If I say ‘you can trust me’, then take your
was lucky enough to spend time with the World’s Most Unusual Workplace test cases... we will see how it works. the people who made the first went broke; It’s very clever. Looking for the next recorder away, you are not going to.
him when I was in Sweden. An amaz- by Ricardo Semler (A very interest- People ask if it’s really a regulators’ then the 3” disk got the price-quality mix business model? Look at something that’s Behaviours that companies have will
ing man. ingly written book) rule. My view is: It’s absolutely a regula- right, and they won. Now these guys illegal, make it legal, and you make a lot reinforce their brands or their image.
tors’ rule. And the government is abso- don’t exist anymore because we have of money. Some companies get it exactly right,
...& Wheels lutely adamant on real competition and USB sticks. Within 20 years, four compa- like a Harley Davidson, like an Ikea –
evolution of the market. nies went broke, because they held on to Is there a pattern to communi- they deliver what they promise.
Owned their old technologies. Same will happen cation that overrides other cul- But when they get it wrong, they ad-
A Honda 600 (I used to race motocross
with sidecars. A crazy Australian sport). How quickly should mobile te- in telecommunications. tural differences? mit it. Most companies would say “how
lephony innovate to keep pace If you look at it as a Maslow’s Hierarchy of can we spin this to make it sound bet-
As a brand with online developments? Is it So is censorship, in all its facets, Needs, we all need to eat, breathe, love, and ter.” Just tell the truth, “We screwed
The Harley Davidson (One of my role keeping pace or merely jump- ‘holding on’ to the old model? we all need to communicate. up, we got it wrong, I am sorry.” So
models as a brand is the HD. What they ing onto the bandwagon? Wow, that’s a big question. No, I think So I think communication is at the basic many companies don’t do that. Ones
do in terms of branding is fantastic. Last Communication is a key human require- censorship has its place. But censorship level of Maslow’s Hierarchy. that do that, generally build stronger
year I was at the HD museum, and it was ment. Whether it’s fixed, mobile or inter- has a place when people take responsi- Then what we see is things like mobiles relationships.
a fascinating experience. But I don’t like says, if I get one of that I would kill my- net, from a customer’s perspective it’s bility for their own censorship. So con- are growing faster in the emerging world
their bikes.) self. I would like to believe I can still just communications. We will continue trols, which is the debate around China, than in the mature world. Many of the peo- Closing thoughts?
race, but I am too old! to see things change as fast, or faster than is where I see censorship getting between ple in China make their first phone call on When I was first asked by my Chairman
As a ride before. politics, religion and stuff, and trying to a mobile, same in India and Africa... they to come to Qatar, I said, “Where is that?”
Ducati. My favourite ride bike. My wife But I think our industry struggles when force things. don’t even know what a fixed line is. Be- And then I said, “No way”.
the business model changes. It used to be If I am a practising Muslim and I want cause it was never built in the rural parts. Now I am glad I listened to one of my
just fixed telephony; then mobiles took to be able to see content related to that, I Then you have SMS. People were saying mentors who said, “This would be a good
...Gizmos over fixed line almost completely, then should be able to do that. Or something it would never work. How wrong was that? thing for you to do, you will learn a lot of
the internet, and things like Facebook... else of that nature. And then responsibili- Messaging requirements that allow you to different stuff, and it will be a great expe-
iPhone or Blackberry? all devices of communication. ties as a parent – I feel parental guidance communicate without speaking, but is per- rience.” He was right. I’ve learned a lot,
Blackberry. But it’s because of corporate email What’s critical for us is how we navi- is important. sonal That’s email, SMS, IMs, Twitter. and continue to do so. It is a fascinating
use. If not for that, I like some of the other smart gate all this. I think understanding the political and These are just basic needs. It doesn’t experience of a different culture, a dif-
phones, like the iPhone, that have nice features like At times, I worry about is when we cultural environment, and understanding matter what language it is, it doesn’t matter ferent religion, with a fascinating history
picture storage etc. think we know the answer. When I say, the country is really important; we are what culture it is. and an amazing future it is trying to build.
this is what I did for the last 10 years and working in the Middle East in a Muslim Opportunities like this don’t happen very
this is what I should do for the next 10, country, and have to be aware and con- Your company is known for its often. So it’s quite special

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