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Prepared by:
Barry Boltz Stacey Enders David Ross Mark Yingling Project Manager Business Analyst Database Analyst Progammer Analyst

Dr. illiam Eddins !"S##$ % Business Systems Analysis and Design &S'ring ($$)* +tt',--dragon.yc'.edu-.bboltz-!"S##$-inde/.+tml

Table of Contents
"inal Document 0or !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art..........................................2 Project Descri'tion..........................................................................................2 3ick4o00 Meeting Minutes................................................................................# Project 1+arter................................................................................................5 Sco'e Statement............................................................................................6 7eam 1ontract................................................................................................8 ork Breakdo9n Structure.............................................................................: ;antt 1+art.....................................................................................................) Business 1ase..............................................................................................<$ Business 1ase "inancials.............................................................................<2 Status-Progress Re'ort................................................................................<# "inal Re'ort..................................................................................................<5 Barry=s 7+oug+ts.....................................................................................<5 Dave=s 7+oug+ts.....................................................................................<6 Mark=s 7+oug+ts......................................................................................<6 Stacey=s 7+oug+ts...................................................................................<8 >essons >earned..........................................................................................<) S+o''ing 1art Develo'ment........................................................................($ ?se 1ase Diagrams................................................................................($ @rder Process "lo9 1+art.......................................................................(< ?se 1ase Aarratives...............................................................................(( ERD.........................................................................................................() @rders................................................................................................2$ 1ustomers..........................................................................................2< Products.............................................................................................2( Administrator !nter0ace Processes................................................................22 1ustomer !nter0ace Processes.....................................................................2) Direct 1ustomer......................................................................................2) Retail Store..............................................................................................#2 Distributors..............................................................................................#2 1ontract 1asting......................................................................................## Accessing t+e ebsite.................................................................................#6 So0t9are ReBuirements................................................................................#8 1om'arison Matri/..................................................................................#8 A''endi/.......................................................................................................#: 7eam Cournals 1ustomer Purc+ase @rders 1ustomer !nvoices

Project Description
!ron ind Metals is a small manu0acturer o0 'e9ter miniatures t+at are

used 9it+ many di00erent game lines. 7+e Battletec+ 'roduct line is one o0 t+eir largest and best selling 'roducts 9it+ almost 6$$ S3?=s in t+e line. 1urrentlyD only Direct 1ustomer sales are 'rocessed t+roug+ t+eir online store. DistributorsD Retail StoresD and 1ontract 1asting customers must 'lace t+eir orders t+roug+ email or 0a/. 7+is 'roject is to analyze +o9 to create an online s+o''ing cart solution t+at 9ill allo9 all o0 t+eir di00erent customer ty'es to order 0rom it. 7+e ne9 online s+o''ing cart 9ill re'lace t+e e/isting 0orms o0 order submissions. 7+e 'roject s'onsor is Mic+ael AoeD +e is t+e o9ner-o'erator o0 !ron orks Metals. 7+e 'roject budget is E<5D$$$ and t+e e/'ected com'letion date is 6-#-$).

Iron Wind Metals Shopping Cart Project Kick-off Meeting March 22, 2009 ( e!ised "pril #$, 2009%
Meeting &'jecti!e( ;et t+e 'roject o00 to a great start by revie9ing 'roject goalsD assigning 'roject documents to team membersD and discussing 0uture 'lans

Background o0 'roject Revie9 o0 'roject4related documents &i.e. business caseD 'roject c+arter* Discussion o0 'roject organizational structure Discussion o0 'roject sco'eD timeD and cost goals Discussion o0 ot+er im'ortant to'ics >ist o0 action items 0or eac+ team member to 9ork on "ssigned *o Mark Yingling Stacey Enders Mark Yingling Mark Yingling Mark Yingling Stacey Enders Mark YinglingD Stacey EndersD Barry BoltzD Dave Ross Mark Yingling Barry Boltz Dave Ross Dave Ross Mark Yingling Barry Boltz Dave Ross Stacey Enders Mark YinglingD Stacey EndersD Barry BoltzD Dave Ross Mark YinglingD Stacey EndersD Barry BoltzD Dave Ross +,e +ate Marc+ ((D ($$) Marc+ ((D ($$) Marc+ ((D ($$) A'ril ((D ($$) Marc+ 2$D ($$) A'ril ((D ($$) A'ril ()D ($$) A'ril ((D ($$) May #D ($$) May <D ($$) A'ril <D ($$) A'ril ((D ($$) May #D ($$) May #D ($$) May #D ($$) May #D ($$) May <D ($$)

"ction Ite) 1+arter 7eam 1ontract Preliminary Sco'e Statement Business 1ase !nstall os1ommerce and Add4on 1ontributions ?ser ?se 1ase and Aarrative Data Entry Admin ?se 1ase and Aarrative Project "ile Fisio ERD Status Re'ort "inal Sco'e Statement Project ebsite "inal Status Re'ort Assembling "inal Re'ort Assembling Po9er Point ?ser !nter0ace Screen S+ots in Po9er Point

+ate and ti)e of ne-t )eeting( e meet Mondays 5,2$ to 6,2$'m and on certain be0ore class.

ednesdays 5,2$ to 6,2$'m

Project Charter

Project *itle( !ron ind Metals Ae9 @nline S+o''ing 1art Project Start +ate( 2-((-$) Projected .inish +ate( 6-((-$) /,dget Infor)ation( E<5D$$$ Project Manager( Barry BoltzD &8<8* 58:48(#<D bboltzGyc'.edu Project &'jecti!es( Streamlining o0 +o9 t+e customers 'urc+ase 'roduct 0rom !ron ind Metals on t+e !nternetD based on t+e customer ty'e. Suc+ as directD retail storesD distributorD or contract casting. "pproach( Develo' t+e 'roject using t+e Systems Develo'ment >i0e 1ycle and establis+ed com'any guidelinesD s'eci0icationsD and standards to meet 'redetermined s'onsor reBuirements. oles and esponsi'ilities( ole Project S'onsor 0a)e Mic+ael Aoe &rgani1ation2 Position !ron ind Metals President York 1ollege Student York 1ollege Student York 1ollege Student York 1ollege Student Contact Infor)ation &5<2* :8$4$6$6 m &8<8* 58:48(#< bboltzGyc'.edu &8<8* #:846#6$ myinglinGyc'.edu &8<8* :8$48$)# sendersGyc'.edu &8<8* 2<54)2:( drossGyc'.edu

Business Analyst Programmer Analyst Business Analyst

Barry Boltz Mark Yingling Stacey Enders David Ross

Database Analyst

Sign-off( &Signatures o0 all above stake+olders. 1an sign by t+eir names in table above.* Co))ents(

Scope Statement
Project *itle( !ron ind Metals Ae9 @nline S+o''ing 1art +ate( #-<)-$) Prepared '3( Mark Yingling Project 4,stification( !ron ind Metals 9ants to +ave t+e ability 0or all ty'es o0 customers to 'lace customer orders online. 7+is includes orders 0rom individuals &Direct*D distributorsD contract castingD and retail stores. 7+e ne9 online s+o''ing cart 9ill re'lace e/isting 0orms o0 orders 'laced via onlineD emailD or 0a/. Prod,ct Characteristics and e5,ire)ents( 1+oose and install a ne9 s+o''ing cart system to +andle t+e di00erent customer ty'es Direct customer to +ave access to all main and secondary line items at any Buantity Distributors to +ave access to all main and secondary line items at a discount and set Buantities de'ending on line Retail stores to +ave access to all main and secondary line items at a smaller discount and no set Buantities 1ontract 1asting customer to +ave access to only t+eir line o0 'roducts to order 0rom S,))ar3 of Project +eli!era'les Project )anage)ent-related deli!era'les( Business case 1+arter 7eam contract Sco'e statement BS Sc+edule 1ost baseline Status re'orts "inal 'roject 'resentation "inal 'roject re'ort >essons4learned re'ort ?se case diagrams 9it+ narratives ERDHs ?! 0lo9c+art @t+er documents reBuired to manage t+e 'roject Product4related deliverables, !nstall S+o''ing cart and add4ons to s+o''ing cart Design documents So0t9are modi0ications 0or s+o''ing cart eb +osting costs Project S,ccess Criteria( Ae9 s+o''ing cart system meets stake+older=s reBuirements 0or t+e 'rojectD 9+ic+ reBuires eac+ customer grou' to be able to vie9 and buy selected 'roducts. De'ending on t+e

customer grou' is 9+at discount t+ey 9ill receive on t+eir 'urc+ases and 9+at 'roduct t+ey 9ill be able to vie9.

Team Contract
*ea) Processes( @ur team 9ill make decisions based on o'en discussion and researc+. As disagreements and issues ariseD 9e 9ill attem't to reac+ a general consensus. "or all unresolved issuesD meetings and discussions 9ill be +eld and o'en issues 9ill be ke't on a running list t+at 9ill include 'roject 9eak 'ointsD 'otential system 0ailuresD and ot+er items t+at may not be addressed over t+e course o0 t+is 'roject. Any 'roject critical disagreements 9ill +ave a set decision deadline no later t+an a 9eek be0ore t+e related deliverable is due. 7+e team 9ill demonstrate t+e ability to 9ork 'roductivelyD 'ro0essionallyD and collaboratively in a timely manner. 6ro,nd ,les2*ea) 7-pectations( S+o9 u' 0or team meetings Be on time Actively 'artici'ate Submit 9ork on time Submit Buality 9ork Practice em'at+ic listening Practice 9in-9in Demonstrate 'ersonal accountability Res'ect ot+ers= ideas-o'inions 1ommit to team goals Project Me)'ers( Barry A. Boltz IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Signature Date Stacey >. Enders IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Signature Date David B. Ross IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Signature Date Mark . Yingling


Work Breakdown Structure WBS!

"antt Chart

Business Case Iron Wind Metals Shopping Cart "pril 20, 2009 Prepared '3( Mark 8ingling
#90 Introd,ction2 /ackgro,nd !ron ind Metals is a manu0acturer o0 'e9ter miniatures 0or use 9it+ many di00erent game lines. 7+e Battletec+ 'roduct line is one o0 t+eir largest and best selling 'roducts 9it+ almost 6$$ S3?=s in t+e line. 1urrently only Direct 1ustomer sales are taken t+roug+ t+eir online store. DistributorsD Retail StoresD and 1ontract 1asting customers 'lace t+eir orders t+roug+ email or 0a/. 7+is 'roject is to analyze +o9 to create an online s+o''ing cart solution t+at 9ill allo9 all o0 t+eir di00erent customer ty'es to order 0rom it. 290 /,siness &'jecti!e 7+is 'roject is intended as a 9ay 0or !ron ind Metals &! M* to be able to take all o0 t+eir orders t+roug+ t+eir 9ebsite. 7+is 9ill reduce t+e number o0 emails and 0a/es t+at t+ey receive on a daily basis. !t 9ill also streamline +o9 t+e orders 9ill look 9+en t+ey are 'laced and +ave all o0 t+e need in0ormation on t+e PD" !nvoice t+at ! M 9ill need to enter into t+eir JuickBooks and to manu0acture t+e 'roduct 0or t+e order. :90 C,rrent Sit,ation and Pro'le)2&pport,nit3 State)ent 7+e 9ay in 9+ic+ ! M=s gets t+eir orders 0rom all o0 t+eir customer grou's is di00erent. Direct 1ustomers can callD emailD or make 'urc+ases on t+eir current 9ebsite. +ile all ot+er customer grou'sD Retail StoresD DistributorsD and 1ontract 1asting email or 0a/ t+eir orders in. ere t+is can be 'roblematic is t+at eac+ com'any emails or 0a/es t+e orders in a di00erent 0as+ion. 7+e goal o0 t+is 'roject is to analyze and create a develo'ment online store t+at can +andle 'urc+ases 0rom all 0our di00erent customer grou's. By allo9ing all orders to be made t+roug+ t+e 9ebsite 9ill let all customer grou's +ave access to more 'roducts t+at are searc+able. ;90 Critical "ss,)ption and Constraints 7+e os1ommerce online s+o''ing cart system 9ill be used along 9it+ several add4ons to add t+e 0eatures t+at 9ill allo9 0or multi'le customer grou's. e 9ill be constrained by t+e limitations o0 t+e so0t9are and t+e add4ons to t+e system. e are assuming t+at t+eir current +osting 'rovider 9ill be able to +andle any increase in demand on t+e site 9it+ t+e e/tra tra00ic 0rom t+e ot+er customer grou's.


$90 "nal3sis of &ption and eco))endation 7+e a''roac+ t+at 9as taken on t+e 'roject 9as re'lacing t+eir current s+o''ing cart 9it+ a ne9 version t+at can +andle t+eir needs. As t+e 'roject evolves 9e 9ill ada't our a''roac+ to any c+anges t+at come u'. 7+e 'roject 9ill just revolve around t+e develo'ment and testing o0 a version o0 t+e s+o''ing cart so0t9are 9it+ t+eir reBuested 0eatures. 7+ere 9ill be no 'lanning o0 +o9 to convert t+e old s+o''ing cart or u'grade it i0 t+e 'roject is success0ul. <90 Preli)inar3 Project e5,ire)ents <. Select an o'en source s+o''ing cart system t+at 9ill run on PKP and MysBlD i0 'ossible make use o0 os1ommerceD since t+at is 9+at t+ey use no9. (. Researc+ t+e needed add4ons t+at 9ill add t+e need 0eatures to +ave di00erent customer grou's. 2. 1reate a Develo'ment site 9it+ t+e s+o''ing cart installedD along 9it+ any need add4ons. #. 1reate t+e need categories and 'roducts 0rom ! M current 9ebsite and a''ly correct 'ricing to t+e 'roducts. Also any ot+er reBuired settings 0or eac+ customer grou'. =90 /,dget 7sti)ate and .inancial "nal3sis 7+e 'reliminary budget estimate 0or t+e 'roject 9as E<5D$$$D but 9e t+ink t+e 'roject can be com'leted at around E<$D$$$. >abor costs 9ill +ave a +eavy im'act on t+e budgetD de'ending on +o9 t+e 'roducts are entered into t+e store. !0 Easy Po'ulate Add4on is set u'D t+en t+e labor 9ill be lo9er because more t+an one 'roduct can be added at one time. >90 Sched,le 7sti)ate 7+e sc+edule o0 t+e 'roject is at around t+ree mont+sD but once t+e initial testing is done it may take longer de'ending on +o9 muc+ o0 t+eir 'roduct is add. As o0 no9D eac+ 'roduct needs to be added one by oneD 9+ic+ takes u' time. Solution 9ould be to use Easy Po'ulate Add4on 0or os1ommerceD but 9ould reBuire e/tra time to test and im'lement. 990 Potential isks

7+e risks to t+is 'roject come 0rom t9o areasD selections o0 t+e correct s+o''ing cart system and need add4ons and Retail StoresD DistributorsD and 1ontract 1asting customer=s 9illingness to use t+e ne9 system. 7+e 0irst risk is more under our controlD because 9e can researc+ t+e correct s+o''ing cart system and need add4ons. +ile t+e second risk is out o0 our controlD because it 9ould be u' to ! M and t+e ne9 customers to see t+e bene0it o0 t+e ne9 system. #090 7-hi'its


"inancial 1ost Bene0it Analysis o0 t+e !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art "inancial R@! and Payback Analysis o0 t+e !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art


Business Case Financials

/inancial Analysis $or ,ron 0ind Metals 12opping Cart

Created by: Mark Yingling
Discount rate Assume the project is completed in Year 0 Costs Discount factor Discounted costs "enefits Discount factor Discounted bene$its Discounted #enefits $ costs Cumulati'e #enefits $ costs *+, 0 10,000 1.00 10,000 5000 1.00 %000 %5,000& %5,000& 1 500 0.93 "# 000 0.93 %,%%# 5,093 93 8% Year 2 400 0.8 " !500 0.8 #," 0 ,08! ,180 !otal 300 0.!9 2 8 9000 0.!9 &,1"" ,90 13,08

Date: April 22, 2009


2",1 0 1 ,08# '()

118% (ayback in Year .

Assu-ptions "( allo)in* all customer *roups to #e a#le to order throu*h the )e#site, could ha'e an impact in hi*her sales. +a'in* all of ther products a'aila#le on the )e#site for order, )ill also increase sales. Decrease in la#or spent fi*urin* out )hat customers )as from different su#mission methods %,- fa. or email&.


Status#Pro$ress %eport
Project 0a)e( !ron ind Metals *ea) Me)'er?s 0a)es( Barry BoltzD Mark YinglingD Stacey EndersD David Ross +ate( ednesdayD May 6D ($$) eporting Period( A'ril <D ($$) % May 6D ($$) Work co)pleted this reporting period( "inal status re'ort ;antt c+art Detailed sco'e statement ?se case diagrams 9it+ narratives ERD and dev Site ?! "lo9c+art "inal sc+edule & BS* S+o''ing cart design s'eci0ications Business case 1ost baseline "inal 'roject 'resentation "inal 'roject re'ort >essons4learned re'ort Work to co)plete ne-t reporting period( Aone % Project 1om'lete What@s going Aell and Ah3( 7+e team +as been able to stay on task and com'lete t+e necessary 'roject 0iles in a timely manner. @ur grou' 9as able to stay organized and continued to meet at least once every 9eek to discuss our 'rogress and any dilemmas 9e encountered. 7+e test 9ebsite +as +el'ed eac+ o0 us better understand +o9 t+e background 'rocesses o0 t+e s+o''ing cart 9orkD and +el'ed raise Buestions to allo9 us to make t+e 9ebsite 'rovide better services more e00ectively 0or eac+ ty'e o0 user. What@s not going Aell and Ah3( Aone S,ggestions2Iss,es( Aone Project changes( Aone


Final %eport
7+e online s+o''ing cart 'roject 0or !ron ind Metal=s is 'rogressing as

'lanned and sc+eduled to be com'leted on 6-#-$). 7+e team +as been able to stay on task and com'lete t+e necessary 'roject 0iles in a timely manner. 7+e ?se 1ase diagrams and narrativesD ERDD "lo9 1+arts and t+e ?ser !nter0ace >ayouts +ave been com'leted. 7+e test 9ebsite +as +el'ed t+e team to better

understand +o9 t+e background 'rocesses o0 t+e s+o''ing cart 9orkD and +el'ed raise Buestions to allo9 us to make t+e 9ebsite 'rovide better services more e00ectively 0or eac+ ty'e o0 user. 1urrent cost estimates are s+o9ing t+e 'roject to be signi0icantly under budget. Barry&s Thou$hts As a 'roject managerD ! +ave learned a great deal in a s+ort 'eriod o0 time. ! +ad learned instantly t+at 'roject managers +ave many res'onsibilitiesD es'ecially in kee'ing t+e 'roject members and stake+olders +a''y. AlsoD during my e/'erience as a 'roject managerD ! +ad learned t+at time management and organization 9ere essential 0or a 'roject=s success. 7+roug+ t+is 'rojectD ! +ad t+e o''ortunity to 9ork 9it+ a great su''orting cast on t+e ne9 s+o''ing cart system 0or !ron ind Metals. AdditionallyD t+e

team 9as e/ce'tionally kno9ledgeable and communicated 9ell t+roug+ daily emails. !n conclusionD ! +o'e t+at ! +ave 0ul0illed my team member=s e/'ectations as a 'roject managerD ! +ave been 0ortunate to 9ork 9it+ a great team 9+ere anyone one o0 t+em +ad t+e 'otential to be t+e 'roject manager.


Da'e&s Thou$hts >earning to communicate and 9ork e00ectively is one o0 t+e most im'ortant skills ! +ave gained 0rom t+e !ron ind Metals s+o''ing cart 'roject. Kaving t+e

o''ortunity to 9ork 9it+ ot+er team members t+at set as +ig+ a standard as ! do +as enabled eac+ o0 us to communicate 9it+ one anot+erD as 9ell asD s+are our ideas and o'inions about every as'ect o0 t+e 'roject 9it+out con0lict. AlsoD ! +ave learned +o9 muc+ 'lanning and 9ork actually goes into t+e designD develo'ment and im'lementation o0 a 'rojectD even 9it+ one o0 suc+ small scale. Kaving access to so0t9are suc+ as Microso0t Project and Fisio +as not only taug+t me +o9 to use t+e so0t9areD but +as enabled me to better understand t+e '+ases and elements o0 managing a 'roject. AdditionallyD because ! +ave been an end4user most o0 my li0eD ! +ave 0ound t+at it is easy to miss all t+e com'le/ities t+at make u' a com'any=s online s+o''ing cart. 7+is 'roject +as s+o9ed me t+e value t+at can be given to a com'any sim'ly by taking t+eir business online and making use o0 great 9eb so0t9are and tec+nologiesD suc+ as os1ommerce. (ark&s Thou$hts ! +ave enjoyed 9orking on t+is 'rojectD because t+e 'roject t+at 9e ended u' doing may bene0it !ron ind Metals &! M*. ! M=s is a small manu0acturer o0

'e9ter miniatures 0or many di00erent ty'es o0 9ar gaming linesD suc+ as Battletec+ and Babylon 5. ! +ave 'urc+ased a great number o0 t+eir 'roducts over t+e last eig+t years and believe t+at t+e !ron 'roject could add value to t+eir o'erations. ind Metals S+o''ing 1art


"rom t+is 'roject ! +ave learned +o9 im'ortant good communications are bet9een team members and 'roject s'onsor. 7+e good communication dialog bet9een our team members +as lead to t+e s+aring o0 ideas bet9een members in t+e develo'ment o0 t+e 'roject. Being able to ask t+e rig+t Buestions to t+e 'roject s'onsor 9ould allo9 our team to obtain t+e correct in0ormation need to use in develo'ment. !n addition to learning t+e im'ortance o0 communicationD 9e 9ere able to learn more about Microso0t Project and Fisio. 7+ese tools +ave +el'ed our team to create many o0 t+e documents used to +el' 'lan t+e 'roject. !n t+e 'astD ! +ave enjoyed creating and installing various ty'es o'en source so0t9are and t+is 9as an o''ortunity to learn about a ne9 oneD os1ommerce. ! +ad installed t+e core 'ackage along 9it+ several additional add4on contributions to give t+e s+o''ing cart t+e needed 0unctionality. +ile in t+e 'rocessD creating

a develo'ment site 0or testing t+e so0t9are and determining +o9 it 9ill bene0it ! M=s in t+e 0uture. Stacey&s Thou$hts As a team member 0or t+e !ron ind Metals s+o''ing cart 'rojectD ! +ave

0ound t+at it is im'erative t+at a team +ave e/cellent organizational and communication skills. 7+ey must be able to communicate e00ectively in order to kee' t+e 'roject moving in t+e rig+t direction. My team members and ! +ave 9orked to ac+ieve t+ese goals and 'rovide t+e best 'ossible s+o''ing cart 0or t+e customer=s 9eb site. 7+e end result +as been t+atD t+roug+ e/cellent collaborationD 9e 9ere able to 'roduce a 'roduct t+at 9e 0eel 9ill meet !ron Metal=s needs. ind


As t+e 'roject began and 9e 9orked t+roug+ t+e details o0 9+at needed to be done in order to com'lete t+e 'rojectD ! +ave learned t+at t+ere is a great deal involved in creating an online s+o''ing cart. @ur team s'ent many +ours 9orking toget+er on t+e site and documenting t+e 'rocesses 0or t+e 'roject. "rom determining t+e customer=s reBuirementsD to breaking do9n t+e 'rocessesD to entering t+e 'roduct data on t+e siteD 9e 9ere able to ensure t+at 9e 9ere addressing all o0 t+e reBuirements 0or eac+ di00erent ty'e o0 !ron ind Metal=s

customers. @verallD it +as been an e/cellent e/'erience and a 'leasure to 9ork 9it+ a grou' o0 'eo'le t+at +ave been dedicated to t+e success0ul com'letion o0 t+is 'roject.


)essons )earned %eport

Prepared '3( /arr3 /olt1 +ate( 0;22922009 Project 0a)e( Iron Wind Metals Shopping Cart Project Sponsor( Michael 0oe (IWM% Project Manager( /arr3 /olt1 Project +ates( March 22, 2009 to 4,ne 22, 2009 .inal /,dget( #9 +id the project )eet scope, ti)e, and cost goalsB 7+e 'roject did meet t+e sco'e and time reBuirements set during t+e kicko00 meeting. 7+e cost o0 t+e 'roject came in under budget 0rom t+e original estimate. 29 What Aas the s,ccess criteria listed in the project scope state)entB Ae9 s+o''ing cart system meets stake+olders= reBuirements 0or t+e 'rojectD 9+ic+ reBuires eac+ customer grou' to be able to vie9 and buy selected 'roducts. De'ending on t+e customer grou' is 9+at discount t+ey 9ill receive on t+eir 'urc+ases and 9+at 'roduct t+ey 9ill be able to vie9. :9 eflect on Ahether or not 3o, )et the project s,ccess criteria9 7+e 'roject did meet our success criteria by allo9ing t+e di00erent customer grou's to +ave access to t+e 'roduct t+at t+ey are allo9ed to see. Along 9it+ a discounted 'rice i0 t+eir grou' +as a discount. 7o add t+ese 0eatures to os1ommerceD 9e selected several add4on contributions to t+e s+o''ing cart. 7+ese add4ons 'rovided t+e need 0eatures t+at allo9 t+e di00erent customer grou's to be able to see and 'urc+ase t+e correct 'roduct. ;9 In ter)s of )anaging the project, Ahat Aere the )ain lessons 3o,r tea) learnedB 7ime Management Accountability 1ommunication Project Management !nstalling and adding contributions to os1ommerce S+o''ing 1art System $9 +escri'e one e-a)ple of Ahat Aent right on this project9 7+e installation and modi0ication o0 os1ommerce 9as very success0ul during t+e 'roject. @ver t+e course o0 t+e 'roject 9e created test accounts 0or eac+ customer grou' and made several orders. <9 +escri'e one e-a)ple of Ahat Aent Arong on this project9 !ssues 9it+ t+e Distributor and Retail Store discount 'rices dis'laying on t+e 'roduct listing 'age. !t 9as solved by using anot+er contribution &S'ecial Discount by 1ategory* t+at allo9ed a discount to be assigned by customer grou's and 0or a s'eci0ic category. =9 What Aill 3o, do differentl3 on the ne-t project 'ased on 3o,r e-perience Aorking on this projectB e 9ould +ave better understanding o0 +o9 MS Project 9orks and t+is 9ill bene0it us 0rom t+e start on t+e ne/t 'roject. Since 9e 9ill not +ave to learn 'arts o0 MS Project as 9e 9orked on t+e 'roject.

Shoppin$ Cart De'elopment


*se Case Dia$rams



*se Case +arrati'es CieA C,sto)ers

Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( "ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger( Fie9 1ustomers !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Mark Yingling #-(2-$) Administrators 9ill +ave t+e ability to vie9 all customersD edit t+eir 'ro0ilesD vie9 t+eir orders t+at t+ey +ave 'lacedD and c+ange 9+at customer grou' t+ey are in. Administrators Fie9 1ustomer in0ormationD ordersD and customer grou's. ?ser !D and 'ass9ord 0or Administrator accounts >og in aut+entication

Main S,ccess Scenario

< ( 2

Administrators Administrators Administrators

"ctor "ction
Sign in to Admin account Fie9 1ustomers Edit 1ustomer !n0ormation Delete 1ustomer 1ustomer @rders Edit Status o0 @rder Fie9 !nvoice o0 order Fie9 Packing Sli'

S3ste) "ction
Feri0y user !D and 'ass9ord ill dis'lay all customers t+at are registered to t+e store Dis'lay all customer in0ormation t+at can be editedD including t+eir customer grou' Prom't t+e Admin i0 t+ey really 9ant to delete t+e user Dis'lay all orders by t+e selected customer ?'date comments and status o0 order Dis'lay a PD" version o0 t+e invoice Dis'lay a Packing Sli' to be 'rinted and sent 9it+ order

# 5 6 8 :

Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators

Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses

<.< 2.< #.< 6.<

"ailed >ogon ReBuired customer 0ields not 0illed 1on0irms deletion 1+ange status

"ctor "ction
?ser entered incorrect user !D and 'ass9ord Enter or select t+e correct in0ormation 1on0irmed t+e deletion o0 t+e selected user Select LProcessing= or LDelivered= and add

S3ste) "ction
Deny access and return to Main 'age ?'date t+e customer in0ormation Removes all in0ormation about t+e user 0rom t+e database ?'date order in0ormation


any comments or noti0y customer


CieA &rders
Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( "ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger( Fie9 @rders !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Mark Yingling #-(2-$) Administrators 9ill +ave t+e ability to vie9 all customer ordersD edit t+eir statusD vie9 PD" invoice or 'acking sli'. Administrators Fie9 all orders and in0ormation regarding t+em ?ser !D and 'ass9ord 0or Administrator accounts >og in aut+entication

Main S,ccess Scenario

< ( 2 # 5

Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators

"ctor "ction
Sign in to Admin account Fie9 all orders Edit Status o0 @rder Fie9 !nvoice o0 order Fie9 Packing Sli'

S3ste) "ction
Feri0y user !D and 'ass9ord ill dis'lay all orders made and t+eir status ?'date comments and status o0 order Dis'lay a PD" version o0 t+e invoice Dis'lay a Packing Sli' to be 'rinted and sent 9it+ order

Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses

<.< 2.<

"ailed >ogon 1+ange status

"ctor "ction
?ser entered incorrect user !D and 'ass9ord Select LProcessing= or LDelivered= and add any comments or noti0y customer

S3ste) "ction
Deny access and return to Main 'age ?'date order in0ormation


CieA Catalog
Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( "ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger( Fie9 Product 1ategories !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Mark Yingling #-(#-$) Administrators 9ill add 'roduct categories and sub4categories to t+e store catalog. it+in t+ese categories 9ill contain 'roduct t+at customers can 'urc+ase. Administrators Fie9 all categories and 'roducts t+e store as to o00er and add ne9 ones ?ser !D and 'ass9ord 0or Administrator accounts >og in aut+entication

Main S,ccess Scenario

< ( 2 # 5 6 8 :

Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators

"ctor "ction
Sign in to Admin account Fie9 catalog Fie9 Sub41ategories o0 a selected main category !nsert 1ategory Edit 1ategory Move category Delete 1ategory !nsert ne9 Product

S3ste) "ction
Feri0y user !D and 'ass9ord Dis'lay all o0 t+e main categories Dis'lay any sub4categories 9it+in a selected main category 1reate a ne9 main or sub category Dis'lay editable 0ields 0or selected category Dis'lay o'tions to move selected category to become a main or sub category Prom't user to con0irm deletion Dis'lay all o0 t+e 0ields t+at 9ill contain in0ormation about t+e ne9 'roduct

Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses

<.< #.< 5.< 8.< :.< :.(

"ailed >ogon Selected Kide category 0rom grou's ?'load image 1on0irm deletion Set 1ustomer ;rou' Pricing Select to +ide t+e 'roduct 0rom a

"ctor "ction
?ser entered incorrect user !D and 'ass9ord Selects to +ide t+e category 0rom ot+er customer grou's Selects to u'load a ne9 image or re'lace old one Selects delete category Set t+e 'rice 0or eac+ 1ustomer grou' Selects a customer grou' to +ide 'roduct

S3ste) "ction
Deny access and return to Main 'age Save t+e setting and not allo9 selected customer grou's access to t+e category. @ver 9rite current image or just u'load t+e ne9 image Delete t+e selected category Save all o0 t+e 'rice in0ormation 0or eac+ customer grou' Save t+e setting and not allo9 t+at customer grou' access to


certain customer grou'


t+e 'roduct

&n-line egistration
Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( "ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger( @n4line Registration !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Stacey Enders #-($-$) Potential customers use t+e !ron ind Metals= 9ebsite visitor logon to register and create a user 'ro0ile. Potential customers ?ser !DD 'ass9ord and i0 a''licableD com'any 'ro0ile Aone Select M1reate an accountN to start t+e sel0 registration 'rocess

Main S,ccess Scenario

< (

Fisitor Fisitor

"ctor "ction
Select M1reate an accountN 1om'lete all reBuired user in0ormation

S3ste) "ction
Dis'lay user setu' in0ormation. Feri0y data entered 0or errors and con0irm registration.

Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses


!ncom'lete customer in0ormation Pass9ord and 'ass9ord con0irmation do not matc+.

"ctor "ction
?ser did not com'lete one or more reBuired 0ields. ?ser did not enter t+e same 'ass9ord and 'ass9ord con0irmation

S3ste) "ction
;enerate error and system message stating t+at all reBuired 0ields must be com'leted. ;enerate error and system message stating t+at 'ass9ord must matc+ 'ass9ord con0irmation.



Contract Casting C,sto)er P,rchase &rders

Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( Purc+ase @rders !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Stacey Enders #-<#-$) 1ontract 1asting 1ustomers 9ill 'lace orders via t+e !ron orks Metals 9ebsite s+o''ing cart. Products 9ill be added to t+e s+o''ing cart as selected. 7+ey 9ill only +ave access to t+e 'roduct t+at ! M manu0actures 0or t+em. 1ontract 1asting 1ustomers @rder con0irmations and invoices ?ser !D &email address* and 'ass9ord 0or 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer accounts >og in aut+entication

"ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger(

Main S,ccess Scenario

< ( 2 # 5

1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer

"ctor "ction
Sign in to ! M account Searc+ 'roducts and add to s+o''ing cart Proceed to 1+eckout 1ontinue to S+i''ing details and veri0y in0ormation 1ontinue to Met+od o0 Payment and select 'ayment a''licable o'tion 1ontinue to @rder 1on0irmation and veri0y order Place order

S3ste) "ction
Feri0y user !D and 'ass9ord Retain selected 'roduct&s* in customer database >ist s+o''ing cart itemsD Buantities ordered and 'rices Dis'lay s+i''ing address and s+i''ing met+od Dis'lay 'ayment met+ods

6 8

Dis'lay order details @rder received by ! M Sales Re'

Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses

<.< 2.< #.< #.(

"ailed >ogon !ncorrect 'roduct&s* added to s+o''ing cart 1+ange s+i''ing address 1+ange s+i''ing met+od

"ctor "ction
?ser entered incorrect user !D and 'ass9ord Select a''licable item&s*D click ?'date Select L1+ange Address= and make reBuired c+anges Select L1+ange S+i''ing Met+od= and make reBuired

S3ste) "ction
Deny access and return to Main 'age Remove item&s* 0rom cart ?'date address in0ormation ?'date s+i''ing met+od



Additional comments

c+anges Add comments regarding t+e order

Retain instructions

7dit Dser Profile

Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( "ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger( Edit ?ser Pro0ile !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Stacey Enders #-<#-$) ?sers access t+e !ron ind Metals 9ebsite u'date-edit t+eir account in0ormationD address and 'ass9ord. 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer ?'dated 'ro0ile ?ser !D &email address* and 'ass9ord >og in aut+entication

Main S,ccess Scenario

< ( 2 #

1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer

"ctor "ction
Sign in to ! M account Select MMy AccountN Select MFie9 or c+ange my account in0ormationN Make c+anges as necessary to genderD 0irst nameD last nameD date o0 birt+D e4mail addressD tele'+one numberD 0a/ number. 1lick t+e continue button to com'lete. Select MFie9 or c+ange entries in my address bookN Make c+anges as necessary to genderD 0irst nameD last nameD com'any nameD street addressD suburbD 'ostal codeD cityD stateD country 1lick t+e u'date button to com'lete. Select M1+ange my account 'ass9ordN 1lick t+e continue button to com'lete.

S3ste) "ction
Feri0y user !D and 'ass9ord Dis'lay links 0or u'dating accountD address and 'ass9ord in0ormation. Dis'lay current account in0ormation.

5 6 8

1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer

Save customer u'dates. Dis'lay current address.

: ) <$

1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer

Save customer u'dates. Dis'lay 0ields 0or current 'ass9ordD ne9 'ass9ord and 'ass9ord con0irmation Save customer u'dates.


Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses

<.< #.<

"ailed >ogon ?ser selected MFie9 or c+ange my account in0ormationN in error. Selected edit in error. Selected L1+ange my account 'ass9ordN in error.

"ctor "ction
?ser entered incorrect user !D and 'ass9ord 1lick back button to return to t+e My account screen. 1lick back button to return to t+e My account screen. 1lick back button to return to t+e My account screen.

S3ste) "ction
Deny access and return to Main 'age Return user to t+e My account

8.< ).<

Return user to t+e My account Return user to t+e My account

CieA &rder Eistor3

Dse Case 0a)e( S3ste) 0a)e( ",thor(s%( +ate( 0arrati!e( "ctor(s%( &,tp,t(s%( Precondition(s%( *rigger( Fie9 @rder Kistory !ron ind Metals S+o''ing 1art Stacey Enders #-<#-$) 1ustomers access !ron ind Metals 9ebsite to vie9 t+e status o0 t+eir order&s*. 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer @rder +istory and status ?ser !D &email address* and 'ass9ord 0or Retail Store accounts >og in aut+entication

Main S,ccess Scenario

< ( 2

1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer 1ontract 1asting 1ustomer

"ctor "ction
Sign in to ! M account Select MMy AccountN Select order to vie9

S3ste) "ction
Feri0y user !D and 'ass9ord Dis'lay My account in0ormation Dis'lay order details

Scenario 7-tensions or "lternate Co,rses


"ailed >ogon

"ctor "ction
?ser entered incorrect user !D and 'ass9ord

S3ste) "ction
Deny access and return to Main 'age










.dministrator /nterface Processes

Administrator User

The Admin Catalog page, whi h displa!s all o" the main Categories# Also the options are gi$en to add new ategor! or new prod% t# Also there are options to edit, delete, and mo$e a sele ted ategor!# To a ess &%'( Categories or )rod% ts, the Admin wo%ld li * on the "older i on# This will displa! &%'(Categories or )rod% ts#

Administrator User
The 'o+ to the le"t is the ,attlete h ategor! in edit mode# This allows the admin to edit the name, image or hide ategories "rom gro%ps#

The a'o$e 'o+ is displa!ed when the new ategor! '%tton is li *ed# The Admin will enter the name, '%t do not need to in l%de an image# The hide ategories "rom gro%p options, i" sele ted wo%ld hide the new ategor! "rom another %stomer gro%p#


Administrator User
The image on the le"t is the "irst part o" the add new prod% t page# The *e! areas that need to 'e "illed o%t is )rod% t -ame, )rod% t )ri e, and i" the prod% t is in .istri'%tion set the minim%m order /%antit!# The &ele t gro%ps to hide this prod% t "rom, is %sed when the prod% t needs to 'e hidden "rom a ertain gro%p '%t still $iewa'le '! others#

Administrator User

This is the se ond part o" the new prod% t page# The "ields that need to 'e entered are )rod% t name, /%antit!, model, image, and weight# A"ter the in"ormation is entered, the Admin li *s on pre$iew '%tton, whi h 'rings %p a pre$iew entr!# 0" it is good, then the Admin hits insert and it is sa$ed into the data'ase#


Administrator User

This is the &pe ials '! Categor! page, that is %sed to set the dis o%nts "or .istri'%tor and 1etail &tores C%stomer 2ro%ps# The Admin wo%ld sele t whi h ategor!, the %stomer gro%p, and then the dis o%nt need# 0t will appl! the dis o%nt to all prod% ts in that ategor! "or that %stomer gro%p#

Administrator User
The image to the le"t is o" the 3%i * Updates, whi h is an add(on that allows the Admin to ma*e hanges to prod% ts all at the same time# This wa! it red% es the time it ta*es to hanges m%ltiple prod% ts#


Administrator User

The a'o$e image is "rom the %stomer gro%ps page, whi h is were the Admin an edit, insert or delete %stomer gro%ps# ,! de"a%lt, all new %sers are onsidered in the .ire t C%stomer gro%p# The Admin will ha$e to hange the %stomer gro%p "or ea h %ser i" the! are a 1etail &tore, Contra t Casting, or .istri'%tor %stomer# .epending on what %stomer gro%p a %ser is in, will determine what *ind o" dis o%nt on prod% ts and ategories the! an see#

Administrator User

The a'o$e image is on the %stomer page, it displa!s all o" the %stomers in"ormation a'o%t them# 4hen an Admin sele ts a %ser, on the right "o%r options are gi$en, edit, delete, orders, or email#


Administrator User
To the le"t, is an image o" the edit %stomer page# The Admin an edit ertain options "or ea h %stomer and assign the orre t %stomer gro%p#

Administrator User
To the le"t is the $iew all orders "or the sele ted %stomer# 0t will displa! some *e! in"ormation a'o%t the order '%t when it is sele ted, the Admin an edit, delete, $iew ).5 0n$oi e, or pa *ing slip#

To the right is the message the s!stem will displa! i" the Admin has sele ted to delete the order# 0" the! want to delete the order, the Admin an hose to resto * prod% t that was within the sele ted order#


Administrator User

The a'o$e image is o" the Admin page that displa!s all orders, not 6%st orders pla ed '! a ertain %stomer#

Administrator User
The image to the le"t is o" when an order is $iewed# 0t will displa! all o" the sele ted prod% ts and other in"ormation a'o%t the order# The Admin an also add omments a'o%t the order and hange the stat%s )ro essed or .eli$ered# 4hen the stat%s is %pdated, the Admin an either noti"! the %stomer o" hanges or not#


Customer /nterface Processes

.ire t C%stomer

.ispla! all o" the ategories that a .ire t C%stomer has a ess to# .ispla!ing the s%'( ategories o" the ,attlete h 9ine# Along with some new prod% ts that were added "or April#

.ire t C%stomer
.ispla! all o" the ontents o" the ,attlete h 7 8e hs ategor!# The prod% t listing will ontain a pi t%re, name, model, pri e in"ormation# The a'ilit! to '%! now is gi$en, whi h allows "or the %stomer to add one o" that prod% t right into their shopping art#

&ele ting a prod% t "rom the ategor! will displa! more in"ormation a'o%t the prod% t# Along with the a'ilit! to hange /%antit! and add it to their shopping art# 0" the %stomer hooses, the! an lea$e a re$iew o" the prod% t#


.ire t C%stomer

.ispla!s what is in their shopping art and will allow the %stomer to hange /%antities or remo$e that prod% t was %pdating the art# Also on the right side o" the s reen, there is a 'o+ "or ontents o" the shopping art, so that !o% *now what !o% are shopping "or more prod% ts# ,elow that is order histor!, whi h will displa! pre$io%s items that !o% ha$e p%r hased# The last 'o+ is 'estsellers, this lists the top selling prod% ts '! ategories that !o% ha$e p%r hased "rom#

.ire t C%stomer
This is step one o" "o%r in the he *o%t pro ess, whi h displa!s the %rrent shipping address# Along with what shipping methods are a$aila'le to pi * "rom# The %stomer an also add omments a'o%t the order, that the store owners will see#


.ire t C%stomer
&tep two o" the he *o%t pro ess is sele ting the 'illing address and the pa!ment method# The %ser will 'e a'le to hange the 'illing address i" need 'e along with sele ting the orre t pa!ment t!pe# :%st li*e the "irst step, the %stomer an add omments#

.ire t C%stomer
&tep three o" the he *o%t pro ess is the order on"irmation page# This allows the %stomer to re$iew the prod% ts to 'e p%r hases, shipping and 'illing address, and the pa!ment method#


.ire t C%stomer

&tep "o%r o" the he *o%t pro ess is s%'mitting the order# The %stomer will 'e presented with the message a'o$e a'o%t their order has 'een pro essed#

.ire t C%stomer
A"ter an order has 'een pla ed, the %stomer an go 'a * and $iew their order histor!# The image to the le"t is displa!ing the order in"ormation o" the sele ted order# At the 'ottom o" the image, it will displa! the stat%s o" the order, this one is )ending# There are two other order stat%s, pro essing and deli$ered that the store owner will set on orders#


1etail &tore C%stomer

The a'o$e s reen shot o" the ,attlete h )rod% t 9ine "or 1etail &tores shows a "ew less s%'( ategories# This is 'e a%se some s%'( ategories, s% h as <nline =+ l%si$es, are onl! .ire t#

This a s reen shot o" the ,attlete h 7 8e hs ategor! "or 1etail &tores %stomer gro%p# The di""eren e 'etween 1etail &tores and .ire t %stomers is that retail stores get 46; dis o%nt on prod% ts that are in distri'%tion# &ome prod% ts the! ha$e a$aila'le to them 'e"ore dire t %stomers, s% h as the thre e 'ottom me hs#

.istri'%tor C%stomer

The a'o$e s reen shot o" the ,attlete h )rod% t 9ine "or .istri'%tor shows a "ew less s%'( ategories# This is 'e a%se some s%'( ategories, s% h as <nline =+ l%si$es, are onl! .ire t#

This a s reen shot o" the ,attlete h 7 8e hs ategor! "or .istri'%tor %stomer gro%p# The di""eren e 'etween .istri'%tor and .ire t %stomers is that distri'%tor get 55; dis o%nt on prod% ts that are in distri'%tion# &ome prod% ts the! ha$e a$aila'le to them 'e"ore dire t %stomers, s% h as the three 'ottom me hs#


.istri'%tor C%stomer

This me h sele ted "rom the prod% t list is di""erent "rom 1etail &tores and .ire t C%stomer in that .istri'%tors ha$e a minim%m order /%antities# 5or all 'listers pa *ages the! ha$e a minim%m order o" si+ and lamshells ha$e a minim%m order o" three#

Contra t Casting C%stomer

The .ar* &word Contra t Casting %stomer will onl! see their prod% t lines# To the le"t is what di""erent lines are a$aila'le to .ar* &word# As a ontra t asting %stomer, .ar* &word will not 'e a'le to see an! other 0ron 4ind 8etals prod% t lines#

The Categor! $iew o" .ar* &word prod% t lines#


Contra t Casting C%stomer

To the le"t is the .ar* &word 7 ,o+ &et ategor! and the prod% t in it# As a Contra t Casting %stomer, the! agree to a ertain pri e to pa! "or their prod% ts when the! sign their ontra t with 0ron 4ind 8etals#

To the right is an e+ample order "rom the .ar* &word Contra t Casting %stomer#


.ccessin$ the Website

Site Finks Project Site +tt',$Access t+e 'ass9ord 'rotected directory ?ser, 9eddins Pass9ord, !9M##$ @nline Store +tt',$-catalog.o,r *est acco,nts 7+ese test accounts are 0or t+e store. Direct 1ustomer ?ser, Pass9ord, ! Mi0s##$ 1ontract 1asting ?ser, Pass9ord, ! Mi0s##$ Distributor ?ser, Pass9ord, ! Mi0s##$ Retail Stores ?ser, Pass9ord, ! Mi0s##$


Software %e0uirements Co)parison MatriKosting 1om'any Criteria Kard drive S'ace PKP5 MySJ> 5 Dedicated !P Band9idt+ 1ost Per Mont+ 1urrent Kosting Kost Rocket ?nlimited Yes Yes Yes &!ncluded in cost* <7B E<<.)5 @'tion < Site ;round ?nlimited Yes Yes Yes &E2$ a Year* ?nlimited E:.)5 @'tion ( >unar Pages ?nlimited Yes Yes Yes &!ncluded in cost* ?nlimited E(<.)5

1urrentlyD ! do not see t+e need 0or !ron

ind Metals &! M* to +ave to

s9itc+ +osting 'rovidersO because t+ey 'ay a decent 'rice 0or t+e s'ace t+ey +ave and get a dedicated !P included. 7+e only real di00erence bet9een t+eir current +ost and t+e ot+er t9o o'tions is t+e unlimited band9idt+. ! M=s current 'ackage gives t+em one terabyteD 9+ic+ is more t+an enoug+ 0or t+eir usage. 7+e belo9 gra'+ is t+eir band9idt+ usages 0rom December ($$: to A'ril ($$)D all 0ive mont+s are belo9 <$$ gigabytes o0 band9idt+. 7+eir current +osting 'ackage 9ill still allo9 t+e 9ebsite and s+o''ing cart to gro9 9it+ t+e increase in tra00ic 0rom +aving all o0 t+eir orders be 'laced t+roug+ t+e s+o''ing cart. /andAidth '3 )onth December ($$: 8:.(8 ;ig Canuary ($$) :5.6( ;ig "ebruary ($$) 5<.<) ;ig Marc+ ($$) 5:.$) ;ig A'ril ($$) 6#.<: ;ig


.ppendi1 7eam Cournals 1ustomer Purc+ase @rders 1ustomer !nvoices


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