India Country Brief: Basic Political Developments

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Basic Political Developments

An all-party meeting called to end the deadlock in Parliament on 2G spectrum failed on Monday as the Opposition stuck to its demand for JPC probe and rejected the go ernment!s proposal for attaching multi-disciplinary probe teams "ith the PAC to go into CAG report# $he Maoists are apparently trying to take their "ar against the establishment to the people by reaching out to disgruntled tribals% &alits and religious minorities# $he e'tremists claim to be "orking to uphold the (democratic rights( of those "rong- footed by the go ernment and security agencies - in other "ords% they are doing all they can to incite the people against the state% the police said# Congress leaders say )adapa MP *#+# Jaganmohan ,eddy% "hose $- channel attacked party chief +onia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan +ingh% is a person of (no conse.uence( and his ouster "ill be less harmful than his staying on# )arnataka Chief Minister /#+# *eddyurappa has agreed to accept the /JP(s decision to remo e him and step do"n% according to sources in the party# 0e reached &elhi after the top leadership summoned him#

National Economic Trends

,eser e /ank of 1ndia Go ernor &u uri +ubbarao said emerging market economies contribute more than half the global gro"th#
Business, Ener ! or Environmental re ulations or discussions

$he 2ttar Pradesh Go ernment today appro ed signing of an agreement bet"een 2P +tate Po"er Generation Corporation and 3i eli 4ignite Corporation 4imited for setting up of a 2555 M6 thermal po"er project in )anpur# $he decision in this regard "as taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Maya"ati here# 1ndia today mo ed a step closer to making mobiles irtual "allets by launching ser ices that allo" seamless and real-time fund transfer from one person((s bank account to another through cellphones# Mobile remittance ser ices% "hich ha e done "onders in other emerging market economies like )enya and the Philippines% are e'pected to change the retail payment landscape in the country that has o er 755 million mobile subscribers and 855 million bank account holders#

Orissa Chief Minister 3a een Patnaik launched a capital e'penditure programme of ,s#2%955 crore :around ;<85 million= Monday to upgrade the energy infrastructure in the state o er the ne't fi e years# Orissa Monday signed a final agreement "ith 0yderabad-based 3a ayuga >ngineering Company 4td for a ,s#7%<55 crore port project% an official said#$he full-fledged all-"eather port "ould be built by the company at Astaranga in Puri by 25?< on a build% o"n% operate% share and transfer :/OO+$= basis% G#)# &hal% secretary of the commerce and transport department% told 1A3+#

Activit! in t"e Oil and #as sector $includin re ulator!%

&ilitant Activit!'Terrorism $Particularl! in Ban alore, &um(ai, Noida, C"ennai, Coim(atore%

+uspected Maoists today killed three CP1:M= supporters in 6est Midnapore district "here the bullet-riddled bodies of t"o $rinamool Congress acti ists "ere found# $"o $rinamool Congress supporters% "ho "ere among se en kidnapped from /odomouli illage allegedly by CP1:M= armed cadre last night% "ere found shot dead "ith their hands tied on 3ational 0igh"ay 75 near Jagannathpur under +alboni police station area this morning# 4ashker-e-$oiba :4e$= militants tonight attacked the house of a +pecial $ask @orce :+$@= constable and killed his mother besides injuring his "ife and t"o children in )isht"ar district of Jammu and )ashmir% triggering an encounter "ith security forces#

)a(or'*ocial Unrest

Basic Political Developments

All-party meet fails to end Parliament deadlock P$1 httpABB"""#thehindu#comBne"sBnationalBarticleC5<87<#eceDhomepageEtrue An all-party meeting called to end the deadlock in Parliament on 2G spectrum failed on Monday as the Opposition stuck to its demand for JPC probe and rejected the go ernment!s proposal for attaching multi-disciplinary probe teams "ith the PAC to go into CAG report#

After the hour-long meeting% @inance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told the opposition parties that he "ould get back to them after consulting Prime Minister Manmohan +ingh# Mr# Mukherjee had called the leaders of all parties to discuss "ays to end the logjam o er 2G probe because of "hich Parliament has remained paralysed e er since the "inter session began on 3o ember C as the Opposition has been insisting on setting up of Joint Parliamentary Committee to go into the scam# &uring the meeting% the go ernment proposed that the teams of multiple agencies probing the 2G scam could be attached "ith the Public Accounts Committee% 4eader of the Opposition in the 4ok +abha +ushma +"araj said# $his "as rejected by the opposition parties in unison as they stuck to their demand for JPC% she said# F6e said that "e "ill not accept :the go ernment proposal=%G Mr# +"araj said% a ie" echoed by representati es of other opposition parties "ho attended the meeting# Maoist plot to incite people's war revealed &alip +ingh3e" &elhi% 3o ember 22% 25?5 httpABBindiatoday#intoday#inBsiteB+toryB?25H7<B4A$>+$I250>A&413>+Bmaoist-plot-toincite-peoples-"ar-re ealed#html $he Maoists are apparently trying to take their "ar against the establishment to the people by reaching out to disgruntled tribals% &alits and religious minorities# $he e'tremists claim to be "orking to uphold the (democratic rights( of those "rongfooted by the go ernment and security agencies - in other "ords% they are doing all they can to incite the people against the state% the police said# $his "as re ealed in a letter reco ered by the Andhra Pradesh Police from the &elhi home of slain journalist 0emchandra Pandey# A fi e- member team of the AP Police(s +pecial 1n estigation $eam :+1$= had raided the rented accommodation in north &elhi "here Pandey and his "ife /abita stayed from @ebruary H to July ?# $he 0indi journalist "as shot dead by AP Police on July ? in the forests of Adilabad along "ith CP1 :Maoist= central committee member Cherukuri ,ajkumar alias AJad# $he letter "as "ritten by (Comrade Ajith( :said to be the code name of CP1 :Maoist= chief Ganpathy= to (+itapathi( :AJad=# 1t said Maoists should "ork to mobilise opinion to ensure that adi asis% &alits and religious minorities are be able to e'ercise their rights# Ajith said in the letterA K1 re.uest you to "rite letters to Pracharak and Gaayak and to other leading elements to raise democratic demandsB autonomy of adi asis% the issue of reser ations for back"ard sections and the basic demands of &alits% religious minorities% "omen% students% peasants and "orkers#K Ganpathy heads the CP1 :Maoist=( s standing committee - the outfit(s highest decision-making panel# $he committee comprises t"o members - 3ambala )esa ,ao and )ishen &a# AJad "as part of the CP1 :Maoist=( s ?2-member politburo# $he letter% penned in >nglish% touches upon ( hot topics( such as the $elangana issue as "ell as ri er- "ater sharing in Andhra Pradesh# $he timing of the letter - "ritten on &ecember 22 last year - is also significant% for the $elangana agitation reached its peak then#

Ajith called for making ri er- "ater sharing a fundamental demand for a separate $elangana state# 0e also stressed that the capital of the ne" state should be 0yderabad# $he Maoist also had "ords of caution for his comrades% discussing the need to be more K secreti e and selecti eK about the mo ement of the central committee members and important couriers Not easy to forgive Jaganmohan !ongress leaders Mon" Nov 22 0# $# PM httpABBin#ne"s#yahoo#comB98B25?5??22BL?LBtnl-not-easy-to-forgi e-jaganmohancongrM?#html 3e" &elhi% 3o 22 :1A3+= Congress leaders say )adapa MP *#+# Jaganmohan ,eddy% "hose $- channel attacked party chief +onia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan +ingh% is a person of (no conse.uence( and his ouster "ill be less harmful than his staying on# (0e has done something "hich is not easily forgi able and the high command "ill take the final decision%( Congress leader )# )esha ,ao told reporters outside parliament# (As far as 1 am concerned "e don(t take him as a man of conse.uence%( he said# A programme aired @riday and +aturday by +akshi $- channel% o"ned by Jaganmohan ,eddy% blamed Gandhi for the (sorry state of affairs in the Congress( and called Prime Minister Manmohan +ingh a (rubber stamp(# +on of late Andhra Pradesh chief minister *#+# ,ajasekhara ,eddy% Jagan has been rebelling against the party high command e er since )# ,osaiah "as made chief minister follo"ing his father(s death in a helicopter crash last year# ,ao said that Jagan "as trying to be a hero through these acts of rebellion# (/y doing this he thinks he has become a hero% if he is remo ed he becomes a martyr%( ,ao said# ($his is not the first time that the boy is re olting### he had done it earlier "hen he defied orders of Madam :+onia Gandhi=###not only this he had issued a protest letter% an open letter# 0e had also used some sentences "hich "ere a slap on the high command(s face%( he added# Another senior Congress leader from Andhra Pradesh saidA (Jagan has al"ays been a rebel% perhaps his ouster "ill be less harmful than his continuation in the party#( Admitting that Jagan may float his o"n party if remo ed from the Congress% the party leader said that though it "ill ha e a negati e impact on the party% his continuation may ha e "orse effects# (Of course if he floats a party it "ill cut into our ote bank% but "hat he is doing is "orse for the party%( he said# %eddy&rappa ready to go 'JP so&rces 0eadlines $oday3e" &elhi% 3o ember 22% 25?5 httpABBindiatoday#intoday#inBsiteB+toryB?25H7LB4A$>+$I250>A&413>+Byeddyurappaready-to-go-bjp-sources#html

)arnataka Chief Minister /#+# *eddyurappa has agreed to accept the /JP(s decision to remo e him and step do"n% according to sources in the party# 0e reached &elhi after the top leadership summoned him# *eddyurappa% "ho had been reluctant to .uit% is learnt to ha e agreed to abide by the party(s decision# *eddyurappa has been called to &elhi on Monday to meet /JP chief 3itin Gadkari# 0is aides% )arnataka 0igher >ducation Minister -#+# Acharya and 0ome Minister ,# Ashok% are already in &elhi# 6hile Acharya claimed the /JP had not taken any decision on *eddyurappa(s fate% Ashok said the crisis "ould be sorted out# K*eddyurappa "ill put before the party all the problems that the Opposition has been creating for him for the last three years# > erything "ill be sorted out%K Ashok said# $he chief minister is e'pected to isit the -aishno &e i shrine from &elhi# +ources said there is also a possibility that *eddyurappa "ill put in his papers in /angalore itself and stay a"ay from &elhi# 0eadlines $oday has learnt that he has e en chosen a successor# *eddyurappa has been under fire for an alleged land scam fa ouring his sons# $his has come as an embarrassment for the /JP "hen it(s fighting the Congress o er the 2G spectrum scam# /ut getting *eddyurappa to step do"n too has its conse.uences# 1t "ould mean that the /JP is admitting to corruption in its )arnataka go ernment and could dent the party(s campaign on the 2G scam# )arnataka(s complicated caste e.uations and the fear of a split in the /JP state unit ha e complicated things#
National Economic Trends

(') chief *Ms contri+&ting more to glo+al growth httpABBin#ne"s#yahoo#comB?8HB25?5??22BH9LBtbs-rbi-chief-ems-contributing-more-tog#html Mon% 3o 22 57A2H PM >nlarge Photo ,eser e /ank of 1ndia :,/1= Go ernor &u uri +ubbarao speaks in 3e" &elhi March 27% 255C#### >merging market economies contribute more than half the global gro"th% the ,eser e /ank of 1ndia go ernor &u uri +ubbarao said on Monday# +ubbarao also said in a speech that the coupling of emerging market economies "ith others "as getting stronger# 0e "as speaking at a book launch e ent in Mumbai#
Business, Ener ! or Environmental re ulations or discussions

,P -ovt approves signing of power pro.ect Mon" Nov 22 0/ 2/ PM httpABBin#ne"s#yahoo#comB25B25?5??22B8H2Btbs-up-go t-appro es-signing-of-po"erpr#html 4uckno"% 3o 22 :P$1= $he 2ttar Pradesh Go ernment today appro ed signing of an agreement bet"een 2P +tate Po"er Generation Corporation and 3i eli 4ignite Corporation 4imited for setting up of a 2555 M6 thermal po"er project in )anpur# $he

decision in this regard "as taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Maya"ati here# As per the decision% the state "ould get at least H< per cent of the po"er generated% the go ernment spokesman said% adding that the plant "ould be established in Ghatampur of )anpur district# Mean"hile% Maya"ati also directed the 2ttar Pradesh @orest Corporation :2P@C= to pro ide <5 per cent of the total profit generated from tendu lea es to those "ho collect it# $he "ork of collecting tendu lea es for the bidi industry is done by local labourers% "ho sell it at 2P@C centres# $hese labourers are presently issued coupons and paid ,s <55 for <5 thousand tendu lea es# Mo+ile remittance service la&nched in )ndia Mon" Nov 22 0/ $# PM httpABBin#ne"s#yahoo#comB25B25?5??22B8H2Btbs-mobile-remittance-ser ice-launchediM?#html Mumbai% 3o 22 :P$1= 1ndia today mo ed a step closer to making mobiles irtual "allets by launching ser ices that allo" seamless and real-time fund transfer from one person((s bank account to another through cellphones# Mobile remittance ser ices% "hich ha e done "onders in other emerging market economies like )enya and the Philippines% are e'pected to change the retail payment landscape in the country that has o er 755 million mobile subscribers and 855 million bank account holders# $he 1nterbank Mobile Payment +er ice :1MP+=% "hich currently has se en banks including the largest lender +/1 on board% "as launched by ,eser e /ank &eputy Go ernor% +hyamala Gopinath# +he said the ser ice has the potential not only to change the retail payment landscape in 1ndia but also help push financial inclusion% on the back of high mobile penetration# 3ational Payments Corporation of 1ndia :3PC1=% promoted by ?5 banks% "ill act as the settlement agency bet"een banks and deli er the back-end support to the system# K$his is the first-of-a-kind system in the country and the real po"er "ould be "hen it starts deli ering in the rural areas%K 3PC1((s Chief >'ecuti e% A P 0ota% told reporters# $o a ail of the ser ice% an account holder "ill ha e to get mobile money 1& :MM1&= from the bank# MM1& "ill be his 1& for all mobile-commerce transactions# $he banks "ill install special application on the mobile phone from "here the remitting "ill be done# Once the process is complete% the bank account holder can remit money to anyone% pro ided he has the recei er((s MM1& and mobile phone number# 1n case of a lo"-end phone% "here the application cannot be installed% money can be transfered through +M+# 1nitially% the ser ice "ill be free for the account holder "ith banks bearing the cost of 2< paise per transaction# 1n case of +M+-based remittance% the user "ill be charged ,s 2 per +M+% "hich 3PC1 is trying to get "ai ed-off by talking to mobile phone operators% an 3PC1 official said# Currently% the ,eser e /ank regulations cap the ma'imum amount to be remitted through mobiles at ,s <5%555 a day# Gopinath said the launch of such a ser ice "ill help in financial inclusion because of the success of mobile telephony in the country# +he said stakeholders in the scheme -- banks% merchants and mobile phone companies -should "ork together for greater integration to help reduce the use of cash and encourage the use of Kmobile "alletsK# Gopinath said% ,/1 is encouraging the bank-led model for m-

commerce% "hich allo"s the "hole gamut of ser ices like deposits% "ithdra"als and remittances rather than the less secure non-bank led model# 0rissa to &pgrade power infrastr&ct&re Mon" Nov 22 0# 1/ PM httpABBin#ne"s#yahoo#comB98B25?5??22BL87Btbs-orissa-to-upgrade-po"erinfrastructuM?#html /hubanes"ar% 3o 22 :1A3+= Orissa Chief Minister 3a een Patnaik launched a capital e'penditure programme of ,s#2%955 crore :around ;<85 million= Monday to upgrade the energy infrastructure in the state o er the ne't fi e years# ($he aggregate technical and commercial loss in Orissa stands at 8C percent% "hich appears to be ery high%( Patnaik said here# (6ith this loss le el% the distribution sector cannot be iable enough to pro ide .uality and reliable po"er%( he added# Patnaik said the project "ill cut do"n on po"er losses during distribution% and pro ide cheap and reliable electricity to consumers# $he state go ernment and po"er distribution companies "ill in est ,s#?%255 crore each under the programme# 0rissa signs final pact for (s2/"100 crore port pro.ect Mon" Nov 22 01 #2 PM httpABBin#ne"s#yahoo#comB98B25?5??22BL87Btbs-orissa-signs-final-pact-for-rs-7<55M?#html /hubanes"ar% 3o 22 :1A3+= Orissa Monday signed a final agreement "ith 0yderabadbased 3a ayuga >ngineering Company 4td for a ,s#7%<55 crore port project% an official said# $he full-fledged all-"eather port "ould be built by the company at Astaranga in Puri by 25?< on a build% o"n% operate% share and transfer :/OO+$= basis% G#)# &hal% secretary of the commerce and transport department% told 1A3+# $he company "ill submit a detailed project report "ithin a year% &hal said after signing the final agreement% also kno"n as a concession agreement% "ith a senior official of the company in the state secretariat# $he port "ill initially handle 2< million tonnes of cargo per annum and "ill further e'pand to H5 million tonnes per annum% he said# At the initial phase% dredging "ill be done up to ?<#< metres "hich "ill ultimately reach 25 metres# 1t "ill cater to ultimate essel siJe of ?#H< lakh &6$ :&ead 6eight $onnage=% he said# $he go ernment had earlier entered into an initial pact "ith the company in 255L for the project# $he concession agreement "as signed as part of the terms and conditions in the initial pact% he said#
Activit! in t"e Oil and #as sector $includin re ulator!%

&ilitant Activit!'Terrorism $Particularl! in Ban alore, &um(ai, Noida, C"ennai, Coim(atore%

3' Maoists 4ill *ight in 3est Midnapore Midnapore 53'6

7 Nov 22" 2010 httpABBne"s#outlookindia#comBitem#asp'DH5259< +uspected Maoists today killed three CP1:M= supporters in 6est Midnapore district "here the bullet-riddled bodies of t"o $rinamool Congress acti ists "ere found# $he ultras gunned do"n t"o CP1:M= supporters +ushil Mahato and Paresh Mahato% "ho "ere neighbours% at &hanngori illage% police said# 1n another incident% the body of CP1:M= supporter Ganesh Ahir% "ho "as kidnapped by suspected Maoists from ,ashikpur illage in +alboni police station area last night% "as found this morning# $"o $rinamool Congress supporters% "ho "ere among se en kidnapped from /odomouli illage allegedly by CP1:M= armed cadre last night% "ere found shot dead "ith their hands tied on 3ational 0igh"ay 75 near Jagannathpur under +alboni police station area this morning% they said# $he t"o $rinamool Congress supporters "ere identified as )alipada $udu and Chunka +oren# $he other fi e managed to escape# Maoists had yesterday killed CP1:M= Jonal committee member ,ahim Patar and Garmal gram panchayat pradhan% Pashupati +ingh at O kharikasuli illage under the same police station area# $he joint forces had yesterday reco ered an unidentified beheaded body from Puluidanga illage in /inpur police station area# J84 9e: Militants Attack ;:< !onsta+le's =o&se Jamm& 7 Nov 22" 2010 httpABBne"s#outlookindia#comBitem#asp'DH52528 4ashker-e-$oiba :4e$= militants tonight attacked the house of a +pecial $ask @orce :+$@= constable and killed his mother besides injuring his "ife and t"o children in )isht"ar district of Jammu and )ashmir% triggering an encounter "ith security forces# A group of militants of 4e$ led by Commander +alman barged into illage 3adigad in )ehs"an belt of )isht"ar district and attacked the house of +$@ cop Nasim Gujjar tonight% police officials said# $hey opened indiscriminate firing on the house and also lobbed grenades% they said% adding that the cop(s mother Goja /egum "as killed% "ife 3aJia and his t"o children aged 7 and C "ere injured% they said# After hearing the firing% police and Army personnel rushed to the spot and cordoned off the area% "here a fierce gunbattle has broken out bet"een militants and the security forces#

$he attack came close on the heels of yesterday(s encounter at Gujjar Mohalla% "here &istrict Commander +alman alias 0ayder(s 2ncle% an 4e$ operati e "as killed# K1t seems a case of retaliation# $his is an act of 4e$%K they said% adding +$@ Cop Nasim "as one of the policemen in ol ed in the operation against 4e$ terrorists in the Gujjar Mohalla yesterday#
)a(or'*ocial Unrest

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