Layer 3 Redundancy - HSRP PDF

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Understanding Layer 3 Redundancy

! "ectives
U#on co$#leting this lesson% you &ill e a le to $eet these o "ectives'
( )escri e routing issues in connection to redundancy ( *+#lain the router redundancy #rocess and &hat ha##ens &hen a

failover occurs
( ,dentify -.RP and /RRP as Layer 3 redundancy #rotocols ( Configure asic -.RP ( )escri e the idea ehind -.RP interface trac0ing ( )escri e the idea ehind -.RP load alancing ( ,dentify 1L2P as a load3 alancing redundancy #rotocol
2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Pu lic 2

4he 5eed for )efault 1ate&ay Redundancy

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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)efault 1ate&ay Redundancy

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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)efault 1ate&ay Redundancy 8Cont.9

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Pu lic

( -.RP defines a grou# of routers 33 one active and one stand y. ( /irtual ,P and ;AC addresses are shared et&een the t&o

( 4o verify -.RP state% use the show standby co$$and. ( -.RP is Cisco #ro#rietary% and /RRP is a standard #rotocol.

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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-.RP 8Cont.9
( Active router'
Res#onds to default gate&ay ARP re=uests &ith the virtual router ;AC address Assu$es active for&arding of #ac0ets for the virtual router .ends hello $essages >no&s the virtual router ,P address

( .tand y Router
Listens for #eriodic hello $essages Assu$es active for&arding of #ac0ets if it does not hear fro$ active router

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Configuring -.RP
( Routers A and 2 are configured &ith #riorities of 110 and @0%

res#ectively. 4he configuration of Router A is dis#layed. A si$ilar configuration is re=uired on Router 2.

( 4he preempt 0ey&ord ensures that Router A &ill e the -.RP

active router as long its interface is active and sending hellos.

-.RP 1rou# 1
Router A Priority 110 Router 2 Priority @0

RouterA(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0 RouterA(config-if)# ip address RouterA(config-if)# standby 1 ip RouterA(config-if)# standby 1 priority 110 RouterA(config-if)# standby 1 preempt
2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Pu lic ?

-.RP /erification
Use the show standby co$$and to verify the -.RP state.
RouterA# show standby GigabitEthernet0/0 - Group 1 (version 2) State is Active 2 state changes, last state change 00 00 1! Virt a! "# address is Active virtual "A# a$$ress is 0000%0#&'%'001 (ocal virtual "A# a$$ress is 0000%0#&'%'001 (v2 $efault) )ello ti*e + sec, hol$ ti*e 10 sec ,e-t hello sent in 2%2.! secs /ree*ption enable$ Active router is local 0tan$b1 router is 10%1%10%+, priorit1 &0 (e-pires in & sec) /riorit1 110 (configure$ 110) Group na*e is hsrp-Gig0/0-1 ($efault)

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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-.RP /erification 8Cont.9

4he show standby brief co$$and dis#lays a su$$ary of the -.RP configurations.
RouterA# show standby brief / in$icates configure$ to pree*pt% 2 3nterface Grp /ri / 0tate Active 0tan$b1 Gig0/0 1 110 / Active local 10%1%10%+

4irtual 3/ 10%1%10%1

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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-.RP ,nterface 4rac0ing

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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-.RP Load 2alancing

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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1ate&ay Load 2alancing Protocol

( Allo&s full use of resources on

all devices &ithout the ad$inistrative urden of creating $ulti#le grou#s

( Provides a single virtual ,P

address and $ulti#le virtual ;AC addresses

( Routes traffic to single gate&ay

distri uted across routers

( Provides auto$atic rerouting in

the event of any failure

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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1ate&ay Load 2alancing Protocol 8Cont.9

R1#show g!bp 'astEthernet0/0 - Group 1 0tate is Active 2 state changes, last state change 00 05 12 4irtual 3/ a$$ress is 1&2%16!%2%100 7output o*itte$8 Active is local 0tan$b1 is 1&2%16!%2%2, priorit1 100 (e-pires in .%655 sec) /riorit1 100 ($efault) 9eighting 100 ($efault 100), threshol$s lo:er 1, upper 100 (oa$ balancing roun$-robin Group *e*bers c000%0ce0%0000 (1&2%16!%2%1) local c001%0ce0%0000 (1&2%16!%2%2) 7output o*itte$8

( 4he show g!bp co$$and in this e+a$#le dis#lays infor$ation

a out the status of 1L2P grou# 1.

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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1ate&ay Load 2alancing Protocol 8Cont.9

R1#show g!bp 7output o*itte$8 ;here are 2 for:ar$ers (1 active) 'or:ar$er 1 0tate is Active 1 state change, last state change 00 05 02 "A# a$$ress is 000.%b500%0101 ($efault) <:ner 3= is c000%0ce0%0000 Re$irection enable$ /ree*ption enable$, *in $ela1 +0 sec Active is local, :eighting 100 'or:ar$er 2 0tate is (isten

( 4he show g!bp co$$and in this e+a$#le dis#lays infor$ation

a out the status of 1L2P grou# 1.

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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( *nd devices are ty#ically configured &ith a single default gate&ay

,P address that does not change &hen the net&or0 to#ology changes.
( Redundancy #rotocols #rovide a $echanis$ for deter$ining

&hich router should ta0e the active role in for&arding traffic and deter$ining &hen that role $ust e ta0en over y a stand y router.
( -.RP defines a stand y grou# of routers% &ith one router as the

active router. /RRP is standard #rotocol that #rovides a si$ilar function.

( 1L2P is a Cisco #ro#rietary solution to allo& auto$atic selection

and si$ultaneous use of $ulti#le availa le gate&ays in addition to auto$atic failover et&een those gate&ays.
2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Pu lic 1:

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