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Raphaella G.



The existence of a wood economy, or more correctly, a forest economy (since in many countries a bamboo economy predominates), is a prominent matter in many developing countries as well as in many other nations with temperate climate and especially in those with low temperatures. These are generally the countries with greater forested areas. The uses of wood in furniture, buildings, bridges, and as a source of energy are widely known. Additionally, wood from trees and bushes, can be employed in a wide variety, including those produced from wood pulp, as cellulose in paper, celluloid in early photographic film, cellophane, and rayon (a substitute for silk).


GINSENG The root is most often available in dried form, either whole or sliced. Ginseng leaf, although not as highly pri ed, is sometimes also used! as with the root, it is most often available in dried form. "olk medicine attributes various benefits to oral use of American ginseng and Asian ginseng (P. ginseng) roots, including roles as an aphrodisiac, stimulant, type ## diabetestreatment, or cure for sexual dysfunction in men. Ginseng may be included in small doses in energy drinksor herbal teas, such as ginseng coffee.$%& #t may be found in hair tonics and cosmetic preparations, as well, but those uses have not been shown to be clinically effective.




Bamboo is a plant that provides considerable environmental benefits. It is used for ecological purposes such as soil stabilisation and erosion prevension on hill slopes and verges. It is a very important forestry plant which is harvested from existing natural forests, plantations, and mixed agroforestry systems. Bamboo silviculture is a option for conserving and protecting tropical forests while creating enduring supplies for the wood and cellulose industries.


V !A"!#M A$B#M

Veratrum alb. or veratrum album is a homeopathic medication that is prescribed for patients suffering from melancholia, mania and epilepsy. In fact, veratrum alb. is considered to be a highly important homeopathic medication in the community and history of this stream of medication. "his homeopathic medicine actually helped to establish the manner in which homeopathy functions and the reason behind the advantages of this curative process.


RUBBER TREE Rubber trees make goo !ouse"#a$ts% great at &'$ break'$g a$ are a great sour(e o) rubber a$ #ate*. Cuts are ma e '$to t!e stem to ta" t!e ra& "ro u(t. Rubber% '$ o$e )orm or a$ot!er !as bee$ use s'$(e t!e t'mes o) o# % e+' e$(e o) 'ts use go'$g ba(k 2%,,,%,,, -ears or more. I$ t!ose a-s t!e substa$(e &as er'+e $atura##- )rom t!e rubber tree. I$ '+' ua#s &ou# t!e$ use 't to make ba##s% a$ to &ater"roo) !a$ ma e bu(kets% "a'#s a$ more. As t'me &e$t o$ more a$ more uses )or rubber &as 's(o+ere '$s"'r'$g t!e '$+e$t'o$ o) s-$t!et'( rubber be(ause t!e $atura# a#ter$at'+e (ou# $ot kee" u" &'t! t!e gro&'$g ema$ .



Withania somnifera, k$o&$ (ommo$#- as as!&aga$ !a . As!&aga$ !a 's use )or art!r't's% a$*'et-% troub#e s#ee"'$g 0'$som$'a1% tumors%tuber(u#os's% ast!ma% a sk'$ (o$ 't'o$ marke b- &!'te "at(!'$ess 0#euko erma1%bro$(!'t's% ba(ka(!e% )'brom-a#g'a% me$strua# "rob#ems% !'((u"s% a$ (!ro$'( #'+er 'sease. Mu#t'"#e stu 'es !a+e s!o&$ "os't'+e e))e(ts '$ re u('$g "!-s'o#og'(a# a$ "s-(!o#og'(a# stress as &e## as restor'$g a$ '$(reas'$g e$erg#e+e#s. More t!a$ o$e stu - !a )'$ '$gs s!o&'$g a s'g$')'(a$t 'm"ro+eme$t '$ bot! (ar 'o+as(u#ar a$ res"'rator- e$ ura$(e.


PALM TREES Palm oil is ri ! i" aro#$"oi%s& '(i)m$"#s *o+"% i" (la"#s a"% a"imals, *rom -!i ! i# %$ri.$s i#s %$$( r$% olo+r& a"% #!$ ma/or om(o"$"# o* i#s )l0 $ri%$s is #!$ sa#+ra#$% *a##0 a i% (almi#i 1 !$" $ i# is a .is o+s s$mi-soli%& $.$" a# #ro(i al am2i$"#s& a"% a soli% *a# i" #$m($ra#$ lima#$s.Be(ause o) 'ts e(o$om'( 'm"orta$(e as a$ !'g!--'e# '$g sour(e o) e 'b#e a$ te(!$'(a# o'#s% t!e o'# "a#m 's $o& gro&$ as a "#a$tat'o$ (ro" '$ most (ou$tr'es &'t! !'g! ra'$)a## 0m'$'mum 2 3,, mm4-r1 '$ tro"'(a# (#'mates &'t!'$ 2,5 o) t!e e6uator. T!e "a#m bears 'ts )ru't '$ bu$(!es 0F'g.21 +ar-'$g '$ &e'g!t )rom 2, to 7, kg. T!e '$ '+' ua# )ru't% 0F'g. 21 ra$g'$g )rom 3 to 2, gm% are ma e u" o) a$ outer sk'$ 0t!e e*o(ar"1% a "u#" 0meso(ar"1 (o$ta'$'$g t!e "a#m o'# '$ a )'brous matr'*8 a (e$tra# $ut (o$s'st'$g o) a s!e## 0e$ o(ar"18 a$ t!e ker$e#% &!'(! 'tse#) (o$ta'$s a$ o'#% 6u'te '))ere$t to "a#m o'#% resemb#'$g (o(o$ut o'#.



Ginger root already has a well-established reputation for providing many medical and health benefits, and is now being applied alongside traditional medical treatments. Ginger root is available in several forms, such as liquid, powder, pills, and natural root, and contains several beneficial nutrients like copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6. Ginger root is a very old plant with a multitude of uses that grows in many parts of the world, and can be found practically everywhere. For all the benefits that have been attributed to ginger root, modern society continues to find even more health and economic benefits for this very useful plant.

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