Grammar Worksheet 1 5 Grade: - A Student With A Difference. He Studies But He

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Exercise 1: Choose the best word or phrase to co p!ete the text" Steve Smith (0)_is_ a student with a difference. He studies but he also (1)_____. How (2)_____ he study and work? n !ondays" #ednesdays and $ridays he is a student. n %uesdays and %hursdays (&)_____ works at a 'ob. (()_____ does he work? )ecause he needs money. (*)_____ Steve +ets money from his family and the +overnment but it is not enou+h and it is not often. #hat (,)__________ he do? He occasionally (-)_____ his 'ob because he can only work two days a week. .sually he works at the university. (/)_____ 'obs does he do? 0hotoco1yin+" (2)_____ and answerin+ emails. He is (10)_____ busy. He (11)_____ +et much money but he is (12)_____. 0 a) does b) are c) doesn3t 1 a) doesn3t work 2 a) does ( a) #hat , a) don3t b) works d) he c) #hy d) How d) 7aily d) does d) #hy d) interestin+ d) always c) 6lways d) is c) work d) don3t work d) is

*. 0eter wants to _ ____ a motorbike. ,. 4 ___ ____ to work at 2800 and start workin+ at 281*. -. 4n my 'ob 4 ___ _____ lorries. /. #e _ ____ by boat to $rance every year. 2. 9ou can3t __ ______ basketball here. 10. #here can 4 ___ _______ yo+a? Exercise ): Choose the ri%ht ite : 1. 2. &. (. *. ,. -. /. 2. 10. 4 (+et:+ets:+et3s ) u1 at -o3clock every mornin+. %om collects:collect:collectes 1ostcards. 6lice watch:watch3s:watches %; from / to 10 1.m. every ni+ht. !ichael (1lays:1lay:is 1layin+) the 1iano for his friends every evenin+. She (dose:does:do) her homework durin+ the breaks at school. 0eter (has:haves:have not )a bi+ breakfast every mornin+. How (do:does does3)6nn +o to school? )ob (don3t:dosen3t:doesn3t) listen to his +randma. !y +rand1arents (live:lives:is livin+ )at the country. He (do:doesn3t:doesn3t) like travellin+ by 1lane.

b) are c) doesn3t b) #hich

& a) it b) she c) 4 * a) Sometimes - a) chan+es 2 a) swimmin+ 11 a) doesn3t

b) 5ever

b) do c) doesn3t c) #hat

b) doesn3t chan+e c) chan+e d) don3t chan+e b) buildin+ c) filin+

/ a) #here b) How

10 a) never b) daily c) often

b) is c) does d) are

12 a) u+ly b) ha11y c) noisy d) cold Exercise #: Co p!ete the se$te$ces with %o& p!a'& %et& do& ride or dri(e" 0. 4 can3t ____ tennis this weekend. 1. 7o you ________ on the bus to school? 2. %hey _ ____ to work by car. &. %hree days a week 4 __ _____ runnin+. (. 7o you _ ______ aerobics?

Exercise *: Co p!ete the se$te$ces" +se some or any , o$e o- these words" air - problems - batteries - chairs - friends - milk - cheese - shampoo - money photos - languages - stamps 1. 4 can3t buy you a drink. 4 haven3t +ot <<<.<<<. 2. 4 want to wash my hair. 4s there <<<<<<.<<<? &. 43m +oin+ to the 1ost office to +et <<<<<<< (. =an you s1eak <<<..<.forei+n <<.<<<<? *. 4 haven3t +ot my camera" so 4 can3t take <<..<<<.. ,. Sorry" we3re late. #e had <<<<.<<.with the car. -. >verybody is standin+ because there aren3t <<<<<<< the hall. /. 4t3s hot in the office. 43m +oin+ out for <<<<.<fresh <<<<.. 2. #hy isn3t the radio workin+? 6re there <<<<.<<.in it? 10. 9esterday evenin+ 4 went to a restaurant with <<<<..of mine. 11. #ould you like <<<<<<.<<..? 5o" thank you. 43m not hun+ry any more. 12. =an 4 have <<<<<<.<<<in my coffee" 1lease?

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