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Introduction Kidney is the primary organ for excretion, that take out waste material, minerals, fluid and

other unwanted substances from the blood to be passed in the urine. Urine samples can show what a person ate, drank and even how much a person exercise. Hence, urine samples is has become an useful tool as it can be used to find out about the metabolic conditions relating as toxins and excess substances are filtered as urine. The colour of urine shows the fluid balance, diet, medicines and diseases. The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the urine is, it can be affected by certain treatment. Protein does not normally found in urine of a healthy person, it only occur on some factors such as fever, hard exercise, pregnancy or some diseases such as kidney disease. As for glucose, it is a type of sugar found in blood, when the blood sugar level is high, the person might be having diabetes, causing sugar spills over into the urine. Typical tests are performed on a urine sample include odour, clarity, colour, pH and presence or absence of protein or glucose. In this experiment, 4 different artificial urine samples are prepared and tested. The odour, clarity and colour of samples are observed. The presence of protein, glucose and pH is tested by Biurest test, Benedicts test and universal indicator paper. Apparatus Universal indicator paper, test tubes, dropper

Materials Biuret solution, Benedicts reagent, 4 different urine samples Procedure Initial examination of urine 1. 10cm3 of 4 different urine samples are prepared in a beaker. 2. The clarity and colour are examined visually, and the results are recorded in a table. 3. The odour of the urine samples are smelled by wafting vapours toward the nose.

Testing for pH 1. 2. 3. 4. Approximately 3cm of universal indicator paper is tore off. The paper is dipped in the urine. The paper is removed and the colour is compared against a universal indicator chart. The pH is recorded in results table.

Testing for protein 1. 2cm3 of the urine sample are put into 4 clean test tube respectively. 2. 1cm3 of Biuret solution is added into each test tube respectively. 3. The colour change is observed, presences of protein is comment in the result table. Testing for glucose 1. 2. 3. 4. 2cm3 of the urine sample are put into 4 clean test tube respectively. 1cm3 of Benedict reagent is added into each test tube respectively. The urine sample is heated in a boiling water bath. Any colour change is observed and the presence of glucose is comment in the results table.

Result Urine Sample 1 2 Colour Colourless Colourless Clarity Cloudy Clear Odour Rotten Fish No smell pH 7 6 Biuret test Darkest Blue Light blue Benedicts Test Yellowishgreen Orangeyellow precipitate Brick-red precipitate Yellowishgreen

Light yellow Dark yellow


No smell

Light blue



Dark blue

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