Lanbroadcastservice 428

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// LAN UDP-Broadcast Service Script // 12-11-2009 // Made by Jordin Kee aka Jordos // You may use and/or modify

this script as you like. Crediting is welcome, but not required. // Use this at your own risk, I do not guarantee it is bugfree. In fact I do not guarantee anything :) // This script can be used as a service to perform UDP Broadcasting over a LAN. This is usefull to search for servers on a LAN, without knowing their IP. // Next, this script is designed for a situation where the player is not able to choose to either start a server, or join one. // Instead, it is determined by the application (i.e. this script). This, becaus e of the projet I made it for. // If you don't like this, but still want to use the script, read on... // This script uses the .Net UDPClient class to perform sending and receiving (h ttp:// // How to use this script: // This script must be seen as a service, therefore it must be controlled by ano ther object, say "NetworkController". This script serves 2 goals: // 1. Search for an existing server and determine out of the results, whether th is player should join a server, or start one itself // 2. Send out messages saying it has started a server and is ready to receive c onnections // NetworkController calls 'StartSearchBroadcasting'. This function takes 2 dele gates (WTF? Delegate? --> ).aspx) // One is called when the script has found a server. It passes the IP address of the server, so the NetworkController can join it. // The other is called when there is no server found or it is determined that th is player should start one. The NetworkController can create a server. // In this last case service 2 should be used, namely StartAnnounceBroadcasting( ). This will broadcast messages that this player has a server ready. // When other players start a search, they will receive this message and stop se arching immediately. // Make sure NetworkController also calls StopBroadcasting(), as not doing this may result in crashes when the game is started again. // How the script works: // When a search is started, the script begins recieving messages. These message s are stored in a list and this list is refreshed, so that old messages are dele ted. // What the script also does, is sending out messages that this player is willin g to start a server, but has none ready at the moment. // The search stops as soon as a 'I have server ready' message is received, send out by the StartAnnounceBroadcasting() of another player. // After a specified amount of time, the search is ended. The received messages are scanned. If there are none, this player must start a server. // If there are messages 'i am willing to start a server' from other players, th is means that multiple players are searching, but non has started a server. // In this case the script determines which of these players must start the serv er. This is based on the IP of the players (the highest willl be the server). // All players agree on this, as they use the same script. The player that is ch oosen will call the 'MustStartServer' delegate, // the others will continue searching, waiting for the message that a server is ready. // If you want to use this script, but want players to choose between creating/j oining a server for themselves:

// When the player chooses to create a server, call the StartAnnounceBroadcastin g() // When the player chooses to join, call StartSearchBroadcasting(), but strip th e part of sending out messages (see Update() method) using using using using using UnityEngine; System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Net; System.Net.Sockets;

public class LANBroadcastService : MonoBehaviour { public delegate void delJoinServer(string strIP); // Definition of JoinServe r Delegate, takes a string as argument that holds the ip of the server public delegate void delStartServer(); // Definition of StartServer Delegate private enum enuState { NotActive, Searching, Announcing }; // Definition of State Enumeration. private struct ReceivedMessage { public float fTime; public string strIP; pu blic bool bIsReady;} // Definition of a Received Message struct. This is the for m in which we will store messages private string strMessage = ""; // A simple message string, that can be read by other objects (eg. NetworkController), to show what this object is doing. private enuState currentState = enuState.NotActive; private UdpClient objUDPClient; // The UDPClient we will use to send and rec eive messages private List<ReceivedMessage> lstReceivedMessages; // The list we store all received messages in, when searching private delJoinServer delWhenServerFound; // Reference to the delegate that will be called when a server is found, set by StartSearchBroadcasting() private delStartServer delWhenServerMustStarted; // Reference to the delegat e that will be called when a server must be created, set by StartSearchBroadcast ing() private string strServerNotReady = "wanttobeaserver"; // The actual content of the 'i am willing to start a server' message private string strServerReady = "iamaserver"; // The actual content of the ' i have a server ready' message private float fTimeLastMessageSent; private float fIntervalMessageSending = 1f; // The interval in seconds betwe en the sending of messages private float fTimeMessagesLive = 3; // The time a message 'lives' in our li st, before it gets deleted private float fTimeToSearch = 5; // The time the script will search, before deciding what to do private float fTimeSearchStarted; public string Message { get { return strMessage; } } // Property to read the strMessage void Start() { // Create our list lstReceivedMessages = new List<ReceivedMessage>(); } void Update() { // Check if we need to send messages and the interval has espired if ((currentState == enuState.Searching || currentState == enuState.Anno

uncing) && Time.time > fTimeLastMessageSent + fIntervalMessageSending) { // Determine out of our current state what the content of the messag e will be byte[] objByteMessageToSend = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cu rrentState == enuState.Announcing ? strServerReady : strServerNotReady); // Send out the message objUDPClient.Send(objByteMessageToSend, objByteMessageToSend.Length, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, scrConnectionManager.iUDPPortNumber)); // Restart the timer fTimeLastMessageSent = Time.time; // Refresh the list of received messages (remove old messages) if (currentState == enuState.Searching) { // This rather complex piece of code is needed to be able to loo p through a list while deleting members of that same list bool bLoopedAll = false; while (!bLoopedAll && lstReceivedMessages.Count > 0) { foreach (ReceivedMessage objMessage in lstReceivedMessages) { if (Time.time > objMessage.fTime + fTimeMessagesLive) { // If this message is too old, delete it and restart the foreach loop lstReceivedMessages.Remove(objMessage); break; } // If this whas the last message, make sure we exit the while loop if (lstReceivedMessages[lstReceivedMessages.Count - 1].E quals(objMessage)) bLoopedAll = true; } } } } if (currentState == enuState.Searching) { // Check the list of messages to see if there is any 'i have a serve r ready' message present foreach (ReceivedMessage objMessage in lstReceivedMessages) { // If we have a server that is ready, call the right delegate an d stop searching if (objMessage.bIsReady) { StopSearching(); strMessage = "We will join"; delWhenServerFound(objMessage.strIP); break; } } // Check if we're ready searching. if (currentState == enuState.Searching && Time.time > fTimeSearchSta rted + fTimeToSearch) { // We are. Now determine who's gonna be the server.

// This string holds the ip of the new server. We will start off pointing ourselves as the new server string strIPOfServer = Network.player.ipAddress; // Next, we loop through the other messages, to see if there are other players that have more right to be the server (based on IP) foreach (ReceivedMessage objMessage in lstReceivedMessages) { if (ScoreOfIP(objMessage.strIP) > ScoreOfIP(strIPOfServer)) { // The score of this received message is higher, so this will be our new server strIPOfServer = objMessage.strIP; } } // If after the loop the highest IP is still our own, call deleg ate to start a server and stop searching if (strIPOfServer == Network.player.ipAddress) { StopSearching(); strMessage = "We will start server."; delWhenServerMustStarted(); } // If it's not, someone else must start the server. We will simp ly have to wait as the server is clearly not ready yet else { strMessage = "Found server. Waiting for server to get ready. .."; // Clear the list and do the search again. lstReceivedMessages.Clear(); fTimeSearchStarted = Time.time; } } } } // Method to start an Asynchronous receive procedure. The UDPClient is told to start receiving. // When it received something, the UDPClient is told to call the EndAsyncRec eive() method. private void BeginAsyncReceive() { objUDPClient.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(EndAsyncReceive), null); } // Callback method from the UDPClient. // This is called when the asynchronous receive procedure received a message private void EndAsyncReceive(IAsyncResult objResult) { // Create an empty EndPoint, that will be filled by the UDPClient, holdi ng information about the sender IPEndPoint objSendersIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); // Read the message byte[] objByteMessage = objUDPClient.EndReceive(objResult, ref objSender sIPEndPoint); // If the received message has content and it was not sent by ourselves. .. if (objByteMessage.Length > 0 && !objSendersIPEndPoint.Address.ToString().Equals(Network.player.ipAdd ress))

{ // Translate message to string string strReceivedMessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(obj ByteMessage); // Create a ReceivedMessage struct to store this message in the list ReceivedMessage objReceivedMessage = new ReceivedMessage(); objReceivedMessage.fTime = Time.time; objReceivedMessage.strIP = objSendersIPEndPoint.Address.ToString(); objReceivedMessage.bIsReady = strReceivedMessage == strServerReady ? true : false; lstReceivedMessages.Add(objReceivedMessage); } // Check if we're still searching and if so, restart the receive procedu re if (currentState == enuState.Searching) BeginAsyncReceive(); } // Method to start this object announcing this is a server, used by the scri pt itself private void StartAnnouncing() { currentState = enuState.Announcing; strMessage = "Announcing we are a server..."; } // Method to stop this object announcing this is a server, used by the scrip t itself private void StopAnnouncing() { currentState = enuState.NotActive; strMessage = "Announcements stopped."; } // Method to start this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by players, used by the script itself private void StartSearching() { lstReceivedMessages.Clear(); BeginAsyncReceive(); fTimeSearchStarted = Time.time; currentState = enuState.Searching; strMessage = "Searching for other players..."; } // Method to stop this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by p layers, used by the script itself private void StopSearching() { currentState = enuState.NotActive; strMessage = "Search stopped."; } // Method to be called by some other object (eg. a NetworkController) to sta rt a broadcast search // It takes two delegates; the first for when this object finds a server tha t can be connected to, // the second for when this player is determined to start a server itself. public void StartSearchBroadCasting(delJoinServer connectToServer, delStartS erver startServer) { // Set the delegate references, so other functions within this class can call it delWhenServerFound = connectToServer; delWhenServerMustStarted = startServer;

// Start a broadcasting session (this basically prepares the UDPClient) StartBroadcastingSession(); // Start a search StartSearching(); } // Method to be called by some other object (eg. a NetworkController) to sta rt a broadcast announcement. Announcement means; tell everyone you have a server . public void StartAnnounceBroadCasting() { // Start a broadcasting session (this basically prepares the UDPClient) StartBroadcastingSession(); // Start an announcement StartAnnouncing(); } // Method to start a general broadcast session. It prepares the object to do broadcasting work. Used by the script itself. private void StartBroadcastingSession() { // If the previous broadcast session was for some reason not closed, clo se it now if (currentState != enuState.NotActive) StopBroadCasting(); // Create the client objUDPClient = new UdpClient(scrConnectionManager.iUDPPortNumber); objUDPClient.EnableBroadcast = true; // Reset sending timer fTimeLastMessageSent = Time.time; } // Method to be called by some other object (eg. a NetworkController) to sto p this object doing any broadcast work and free resources. // Must be called before the game quits! public void StopBroadCasting() { if (currentState == enuState.Searching) StopSearching(); else if (currentState == enuState.Announcing) StopAnnouncing(); if (objUDPClient != null) { objUDPClient.Close(); objUDPClient = null; } } // Method that calculates a 'score' out of an IP adress. This is used to det ermine which of multiple clients will be the server. Used by the script itself. private long ScoreOfIP(string strIP) { long lReturn = 0; string strCleanIP = strIP.Replace(".", ""); lReturn = long.Parse(strCleanIP); return lReturn; } }

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