Action Plan

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1.0 INTRODUCTION SHIOSA is non-governmental organization formed and specialized in improving the environmental sustainability of environmentally degraded and threatened areas. The organization was officially registered in 2011 with its office headquarters in Kharumwa, Geita It is the organizations mission to be involved in different initiatives in protecting the environment while balancing the socio-economic needs of the present and the future generations. The organization works in the areas which are regarded to be most prone to environmental degradation such as mining areas, catchment areas, forestry areas, and in the urban areas waste is poorly managed. Some of the things that the organization is involved with include control of deforestation, re-afforestation, waste management, control of air pollution, and encouraging the sustainability of socio-economic activities. In doing so, the organization undertakes various activities some of which include; Education and Awareness programs Planting of trees & managing tree nurseries Waste management and recycling Managing environmental clubs in schools 2.0 ACTION PLAN

SHIOSA has developed this action plan as a way to plan, execute, and monitor its activities in the period of 6 months. This action plan is planned to meet the following objectives; I. II. III. IV. V. To guide on the education and awareness programs To guide the organization on selecting the strategic areas for tree planting To guide on the organizations engagement with other stakeholders To guide the acquisition and use of financial resources To assist the stakeholders understand about the organizations vision and mission


3.0 PROPOSED ACTIVITIES In order to achieve the above objectives, the organization shall embark on the following activities; MAIN ACTIVITY Education and Awareness programs SUB-ACTIVITIES Education and awareness programs in primary and secondary schools Distribution of flyers and brochures Use of local media increased of cooperation from local communities Planting of trees & managing tree nurseries Supply of tree plants for others to plant in other areas Waste management recycling and Working with home residences in developing the better ways to manage their wastes Working closely with local municipalities in reducing and managing wastes in the urban areas Working closely with primary and secondary schools in forming environmental clubs Afforestation Re-afforestation Increased of tree planting activities Re-afforestation of Deforestared areas EXPECTED OUTPUT Increased awareness on environmental education Decreased of environmental destructive activities

Reduced wastes in the urban areas Reduced waste-related diseases

Managing environmental clubs in schools

Developing environmental education among young Tanzanians Streamlining environmental education in primary and secondary education systems

4.0 CONTEXT SHIOSA works in the context of national, regional, and international legal and regulatory framework that Tanzania has subscribed to, Some of these include; i. ii. iii. iv. v. National Environmental Policy Environmental Management Act Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Kyoto Protocol Other national Policies and Acts

5.0 STAKEHOLDERS The organization plans to collaborate with other players as a way to develop inclusive and participatory approaches for managing the environment for the sustainable use. Some of the stakeholders include but not limited to: a. Central and Local Government b. Local communities c. Local and International NGOs

d. Donor community e. Private sector/ investors f. Media

6.0 TARGET GROUP Our organization works in both rural and urban areas with the intention of saving the environment across the country. But more specifically, the organization works in the following areas; Mining areas Catchment areas Deforestared areas Environmentally degraded areas


7.0 APPROACH The organization plans to work closely with the local communities as the primary partners in the areas. This will help to create a friendly environment for local support which is key for the success of any local initiative. The organization also works closely with the private sector and investors who have investments/projects in the local areas.

8.0 FINANCING STRUCTURE The organization is expected to be financed by the following ways; Grants Own sources Sponsorships/Donations

9.0 PROPOSED ROLL-OUT PLAN This roll-out plan is expected to be executed in the period of 6 months the roll-out of the plan shall depend on the following; Availability of financial resources Availability of Human resources Support from the local communities



As part of executing our 6-month action plan, we are currently organizing our tree nursery project that we seek sponsorship from Geita Gold Mine. Project area This project is expected to cover a total area of 3.5 acres with the total proposed cost of TZS 30, 060,000.00. Involvement of Local community This project shall involve a total 25 members of the organization plus other 25 volunteers, so the total number of people to be involved in the local community is about 50. Project benefits Some of the proposed project benefits include but not limited to; Tree nursery that will serve the local community and the surrounding communities Jobs for local community An opportunity for GGM to play its part in improving the environmental condition in the area Afforestation & Re-afforestation Project duration This project is expected to be carried out for the period of four (4) months

Project budget For this project to be carried out, we need a total of TZS 30,060,000.00 as shown on the attached budget

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