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Systems Engineering For Automotive Development

Automotive Challenges

Accelerating product introductions Rapidly implementing changes Improving time-to-market Tightening Regulatory requirements Efficiently transferring and best practices More innovations processes


To meet these challenges, the automotive companies adjust their product development as follows: Reducing the period of development Optimizing the in-house capabilities Modularizing the product Increasing the number of products/ variants Improving product performance i.e. Durability, NVH, Safety, and Ride quality
Some of the steps connected to these strategies are Introduction of new working methods (Simultaneous Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, use of NPI process) Usage of highly sophisticated functions of CAD systems (Parametric, Feature based Design, Digital Mock Up) Early concept evaluation (Computation and Simulation)

Key elements

Some of the key elements to fulfil their objectives required by the global competition are

Integrated System to facilitate real-time connectivity among various

systems, data and processes within and across the value net, provide connection to partners, suppliers and customers, and enable active data mining and decision support.

CAD / CAM / CAE Systems PLM Systems ERP Systems

Visualization System to enable all the people involved in vehicle

development to have an accurate and real-time view of work-in-progress.

Knowledge Based Engineering System to transform superior know-how

into new technology, and thus generate value from it.

Traditional Evolutionary environment

Systems Engineering

Automotive Systems Engineering

Automotive Systems Engineering is an integrated approach, that combines the product, process and resource view.
It is a logical sequence of activities and decisions that transforms requirements to a description of the system configuration It includes design, analysis and testing of the solution at the various stages of the development process, i.e. system verification and validation. It also includes planning and controlling the development process with its engineering and management aspects

The systems Engineering process is applied at levels of more and more details, i.e.

Systems Sub-systems Sub-sub-systems Components etc

The Project Organisation

Executive Director
Project Office R&D Head
Project manager Operations Head Marketing Head


Functional reps dedicated to Project


The Project Organisation Structure

Business Unit Head

Head Projects Office Project Team Leader




Core Team Members

Project Team Members

Digital Vehicle Program

Concept Development & Business Case



Strategy Review

M05 M04 M03 M02 M01 M12 M11 M10 M09 M08 M07 M06 M05 M04 M03 M02 M01 M12 M11 M10 M09 M08 M07 M06 M05 M04 M03 M02 M01 M12 M11 M10 M09 M08 M07 M06 M05 M04 M03 M02 M01
Product Strategy & Concept Evaluation R1 R2 Product Design & Validation R3 Concept & Project Approval R4 Design Release Productionisation R5 Production Release Pre-production R6 Volume Release Ramp-up VOL Project Review Concept Selection


Product Specification & Vehicle Design BIW Design
Pre Production Vehicle Manufacturing & Testing

Manufacturing Process

Production Tooling
Vendor Selection / Vendor Tooling Development

Concept to Manufacturing - Digitally








Product Design Optimization Workflow

Product Design

One Step Analysis

Draw Surface Development

Incremental Analysis (OPTRIS )

Final Optimised Product Design

Crash Analysis with LS-DYNA

OPTRIS results Transformed with Hyper Works DYNA_IN utility

Visualization : Optimization using Digital Mockup

Ability to handle large data in real time

Project Reviews with Marketing and Dealers Packaging studies and distribution of weight Manufacturing & Service feasibility for access of tools and ease of assembly Try out various configurations / variants to create base platform

Knowledge Based Engineering System : KNEXT

KNEXT is Next Generation Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) System that helps the organization in various stages of product life cycle such as

Conceptualization Detail Design Manufacturing Planning

Trouble shooting in prove-out


( KNEXT kernel is based on a specially designed language - Object Definition Language, proprietary of TATA Technologies Limited )

KNEXT is used to

Capture Best Practice

Integrate Engineering Tools and Processes

Reduce Cost / Weight Improve Performance and Quality Shorten Design Cycle

Summary : System Engineering Challenges

From component design to complete vehicle integration When individual components are initially brought together, there are often assembly problems From local task optimization to end-to-end throughput

Optimization of an individual process will not necessarily improve the productivity of an overall development process

From departmental organization to extended enterprise integration

More and more of a vehicle is designed and produced by suppliers and partners of a vehicle manufacturers rather than an OEM itself

From individual performance to collaborative team work

By sharing component information within a team even before design completion, others can start working earlier

From individual know-how to learning enterprise

The industry looks to implement mechanisms which capture and distribute expertise and even detect expertise being applied.

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