Outcomes Assessment Division Plan (Section I) - Aka Faculty Form 1

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Outcomes Assessment Division Plan - 2009-

Section I - Division Assessment Plan Faculty completes with Direction from
Division Dean

A. Division Name: (Please choose from drop-down menu) B. Division Dean Name:
(Please choose from drop-down menu)

Choose an item. Choose an item.

C. Program / Division / Discipline: (Please choose from drop-down menu)
Choose an item.

1. Course Prefix, Number - Please type in. You may enter more than one course.
(i.e., ENG 101, English Composition I) .
(To expand section, click Enter after last line)
2. Primary Delivery /instructional method: (Double-click in the box and select ‘Checked’,
then OK)

Hybrid/Internet/Online & Classroom
Interactive TV (ITV)
Open Entry/Closed Exit (OE/CE)

3. Type of Assessment - check all that apply (Double-click in the box and select
‘Checked’ then OK)

Classroom (Instruction- not tied to any certificate or degree

Course (One course - part of certificate or degree program)
Lab-Based Course (Lab course - part of certificate or degree program)
Studio-based Course (Studio course - May or may not be part of a
certificate or degree program)
Performance-based Course (Music ensembles; theatre performance,
dance studio)
Program (Multiple instructors assessing in two or more courses)

4. List Learning Outcomes to be Assessed (from Course Outline/Program

Remember all Outcomes are assessed for each course; however, list a minimum of 3 specific
outcomes you will analyze & report this semester
(To expand section, click Enter after last line)

5. Faculty Member(s) who will participate in the assessment: (To expand

section, click Enter after last line)
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Outcomes Assessment Division Plan - 2009-

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6. Assessment Tool(s) will you use (Check a minimum of 3, please) (Double-click
in the box and select ‘Checked’/OK)

Insert a hyperlink/attach a sample/copy, if possible.

Class Participation/Discussion Papers/ Essays

Clinical / Practicum Portfolio
Community Service / Pre- and Post-tests
Coop/Internship Projects
Critique Quizzes
Demonstrations Skills / Competency Exams
Direct Observation Standardized Exams
Exams (oral / Written
Experiments Lab Courses may also include:
Field Trip Response Lab/ Field Notebooks
Film/Video Response Lab Practical Exams
Group Activities Lab Reports
In-class presentations Studio Courses may include:
Interviews/Surveys Performances skills check
Journal Recitals

7. Data Collection - how will you collect & analyze data? (Double-click in the box and
select ‘Checked’/ then ‘OK’)
Division benchmarks / Pre-testing/ Post-testing
Other (Explain briefly): .

General Directions:
• Complete Section I, under direction of their Division Dean
• Save the Form and submit to Division Dean
Division Deans:
• Review, save, and submit electronically to susan.carroll@yc.edu

Remember to Save this Form

End of Year Report - Section II - will be completed at the end of the
Assessment Period.
Thank you!

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