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DATA Logging & Management Vijeo Designer V4.

V1.1 July, 4th 2007

Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Complex, error prone scripts are things of the past with Vijeo Designer V4.5. Why? With improved Data logging & management features in Vijeo Designer V4.5. So, how S h t do: to d Create a Data logging group for real time and historical trends Manage and store Data logged files Use Recipe features Use the Data Manager Use the command line Retrieve files by FTP Print logged data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

General Overview
The key elements in VJD 4.5 data logging are : Improved runtime performance Higher degree of configurability Which data? Sampling method Storage files (location, size, number) Retrieve and print data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Create Data Logging Group

Create a new Data Logging Group from the Navigator and configure the settings in the Property Inspector.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Configure Data Logging Group

Use the 3 tabs to configure the logging groups properties

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Sampling 1 (Periodic)
Create a Data Logging group when you want to record or display variable values on a graph.

Logging Group Name

Periodic or Trigger

Hours Minutes Seconds Units Hours: 1 to 24 Minutes: 1 to 30 Seconds: 1 to 30

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English

Sampling - 2 (Triggered)
Add a Data Logging trigger (tag) property to Data Logging Groups to enable manual data capture capabilities.
Select Trigger Condition for the Variable: When True, When False, On Data Change

Select Trigger Variable

Select Status Variable (discrete or integer). When data collection is triggered, the status variable is set to one. When the trigger variable is cleared, the status variable is set to 0.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Variable Storage 1 (Location & Size)

Define Location & Size
DRAM (not saved on power loss) SRAM (saved on power loss) SRAM & File (DYYMMDDX.dat only on device with secondary storage device, ex. CF card) Only for file storage: No. Of Days or Maximum Data Size and No. of files to keep in the folder Size or No. of days Estimate Sampling units (same as sampling index)

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Variable Storage - 2 (Location & Size)

File limit: Specify whether you want to limit the size of the Data Logging files by Days or File Size.

Days (from 1 to 1825) Size (from 250 kb to 8192 kb)

N of No. f files fil to t keep k From 1 to 999 Group RAM Usage Read only, displays RAM usage of the variables in a data logging group. Number of days Read only, displays the estimated number of days to reach the specified data file size.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Advanced (Interlocking)
This variable validates data collected in periodic or triggered mode.

Enables data input p when the condition defined in the Enable Interlock Field is met. During data input, if the interlock variable turns off, data input is cancelled. When the interlock condition is FALSE, data collection for the group is PAUSED until the condition returns to TRUE.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Logging Properties of a tag

Configure all data logging properties of a tag through its associated Data Logging Group. To increase Software productivity define productivity, a logging group properties, create and configure a variable, and then assign it to the data logging group.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Real time and Historical trends - 1

New trend graph smart parts that display trend data as discrete samples instead of time based data.
Create Real-time trend graphs from the toolbar

Create Historical trend graphs from the toolchest

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Real time and Historical trends - 2

Define properties for the Real-Time graph
Position, size and colors

Graph, Range and Axis settings

Channels settings Save and Restore current properties as default properties

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Real time and Historical trends - 3

Define properties for the historical trend graph

Position, size Position and colors

Graph, Range and Axis settings

Channels settings

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Use Recipe Features

Read Recipe Variable Values: From PLC to HMI to PC

Write Recipe Variable Values: From PC to HMI to PLC

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Recipe Components and their Relationships

Example of recipe management, from setting up ingredients and recipes in a recipe Group to sending recipe data to the equipment.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English



Recipe Properties

Control Variables for recipe management

Download Recipe Group to internal memory or CF Card

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Steps to Set Up a Recipe Group 1 2 3 4 5

In the Navigator window, right-click the recipes node and create a new recipe group. Enter the Recipe p g group p data in the recipe editor, and add ingredients. If needed, create variables for the ingredients. Draw the recipe panel. If the recipe group is to be operator controlled, set up the recipe manager part.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Main Recipe Functions

Recipe Panel
Group Recipe Send to PLC S Save t to file fil Snapshot Compare recipe Delete recipe


HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Optional Recipe Functions

All basic functions are available. New functions to select a group or a recipe, and create a new recipe in an existing group are available.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Security Recipe Functions

Access defined by:

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Manage Run-time Data

Transfer files Data Manager (only on Ethernet) Command Line (only on Ethernet) Maintenance Mode (by extracting CF Card) FTP Server Locate files Run-time Data Location Manager Files supported: Recipe files (*.rcp) Data Logging files (*.dat) Video files (*.mpg) Screen shot files (*.jpg) Project backup files (*.vdz)

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Data Manager 1 (Ethernet)

The Data Manager is the best way to manage data from/to HMI Terminal. You can install it on any PC from the Vijeo Designer CD (no software rights required).

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Data Manager - 2 (Ethernet)

Data Manager provides high efficiency functions to manage all files in HMI terminal. Create new target with user and password

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Data Manager - 3 (Ethernet)

Define files and operations

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Data Manager - 4 (Ethernet)

A Recipe Project Identifier is required to transfer recipes.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Transfer files by Command Line - 1 (Ethernet)

This tool is good for Automated (Scheduled) retrieval of runtime data files. Use or Copy the file (on another PC without Vijeo Designer software):

Read the Parameter Options in Help file or launch data transfer tool without parameter.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Transfer files by Command Line - 2 (Ethernet)

Use the command line in Dos Session Example: (Get Recipe files from HMI Terminal to folder Datalog on hard disk D:)

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Transfer Files during Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode is used to stop data logging to the CF Card, so you can remove it from HMI terminal and plug it on your PC to read/write/remove files on it. Use of system variable _Maintenance Maintenance =0 (allows read/write on CF Card, you cant remove it) Maintenance =1 (stops data logging on the CF card and allows you to remove the CF card once the access led turns off)

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Transfer files by FTP Server - 1

Use a Client FTP Software, for example:

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Transfer files by FTP Server - 2

Use of FTP function (Internet Explorer, warning ! some difficulties due to security control)

- Name - Password - HMI Terminal IP Adress - Port: 6001

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Locate files
The Data Locations property in the Target properties defines where data is located on the HMI Terminal.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Data Logging Group Part 3 Trends Part 4 Recipes Part 5 Run Time Data Part 6 Print Data

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Print logged data

From HMI Terminal Alarm message printing: Printing alarms when the occur Batch printing (print an entire alarm groups alarm messages) Screen snapshots printing: Parameters Control variable Video Screen snapshots printing: Parameters Control variable Print Data (script control) From your PC, after retrieval Logvariable.dat -> logvariable.txt (use word or excel) Alarmgroup1.csv (use excel)

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Alarm Message printing

Real Time printing:

print alarms whenever the alarm state changes: - Active - Acknowledge - Unack - Return to normal state.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Alarm Message printing

Alarm Message Batch printing: Group Properties (Prints all the alarm messages in the alarm group).

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Screen Snapshots printing

Define Variables to perform the Scren Snapshots.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Video Screen snapshots printing

Define Variables to perform the Video Screen Snapshots

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


Print Data from HMI Terminal

Script Control See Help Example: 18.8.7

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


To end
Use Data Logging Groups to store dynamic data and organize the Data Logging Files. Recipes is the simple way to manage the data list exchange between HMI Terminal and PLCs. Use the Data Manager as the best way to manage Recipes, Data Logging Groups, Alarms, Videos and Snapshots files on the HMI Terminal. Print items isnt a global function, but each item has print attributes to manage print function. Many New Features available in Vijeo Designer 4.5 support printing.

HMI V1.1 July 07 - English


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