Jan Feb: SLOA Process: A Month-By-Month Guide

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SLOA Process: A month-by-month guide

Mon Faculty Member Division Dean/Program SLOA

th Director
Jan ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)*”
Feb ----Gather data as per ----Direct the evaluation of data Assist with third Friday in
“Outcomes Assessment collected. 3rd Friday in February February’s “Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)” (“Assessment Friday”), guide your Friday” where necessary.
division’s discussion regarding findings
----Evaluate data collected. 3rd of gathered data and the implications
Friday in February (“Assessment of these findings.
Friday”), divisions discuss
findings of data and implications ----Evaluate your faculty’s completed
of these findings. Discuss and “Outcomes Assessment Division
complete “Outcomes End of Year Reporting (Section 2)”
Assessment Division End of
Year Reporting (Section 2) **” ----Complete parts 1 and 2 of “Year-
End Assessment Summary***”
Due: Section 2 of “Outcomes
Assessment Division End of Due: Parts 1 and 2 of “Year-End
Year Reporting (Section 2)” to Assessment Summary” to SLOA by
division dean by last Friday in 4th Friday in March
Mar ----Establish next year’s ----Assist faculty in establishing next ----Gather Parts 1 and 2 of
assessment plans w/input from year’s assessment plans and assist in “Year-End Assessment
division dean (fill out “Outcomes filling out “Outcomes Assessment Summary” from division
Assessment Division Plan Division Plan (Section 1)”. deans
(Section 1)”)
----Gather “Outcomes Assessment
Due: “Outcomes Division Plan (Section 1)” from
Assessment Division Plan faculty members. Due: “Outcomes
(Section 1)” to division dean as Assessment Division Plan (Section
soon as possible. 1)” as completed by Faculty members,
----Assist faculty and division
to SLOA by last Friday in September.
dean in filling out and
----Gather data as per submitting section 1 of
“Outcomes Assessment “Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)” Division Plan (Section 1)”
Apri ----Establish next year’s ----Assist faculty in establishing next ----Analysis of “Year-End
assessment plans w/input from year’s assessment plans and assist in Assessment Summary”
l division dean (fill out “Outcomes filling out “Outcomes Assessment submitted from division deans
Assessment Division Plan Division Plan (Section 1)”. (SLOA completes part three of
(Section 1)”) this form). Report
----Gather “Outcomes Assessment assessment analysis to
Provost. Provost shares
Due: “Outcomes Division Plan (Section 1)” from
analysis and findings with
Assessment Division Plan faculty members. Due: “Outcomes
division deans.
(Section 1)” to division dean as Assessment Division Plan (Section
----Assist faculty and division
soon as possible. 1)” as completed by Faculty members,
dean in filling out and
to SLOA by last Friday in September.
submitting section 1 of
----Gather data as per “Outcomes Assessment
“Outcomes Assessment Division Plan (Section 1)”
Division Plan (Section 1)”
May ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”
Aug ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”
Sep ----Gather data as per Gather Section 1 of
“Outcomes Assessment “Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)” Division Plan (Section 1)”
from division deans by last
Friday in September. SLOA
chair informs division deans
about omitted material that
should be returned to SLOA as
soon as possible.
Oct ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”
Nov ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”
Dec ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”
Jan ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”
Feb ----Gather data as per ----Direct the evaluation of data Assist with third Friday in
“Outcomes Assessment collected. 3rd Friday in February February’s “Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)” (“Assessment Friday”), guide your Friday” where necessary.
division’s discussion regarding findings
----Evaluate data collected. 3rd of gathered data and the implications
Friday in February (“Assessment of these findings.
Friday”), divisions discuss
findings of data and implications ----Evaluate your faculty’s completed
of these findings. Discuss and “Outcomes Assessment Division
complete “Outcomes End of Year Reporting (Section 2)”
Assessment Division End of
Year Reporting (Section 2)” ----Complete parts 1 and 2 of “Year-
End Assessment Summary”
Due: “Outcomes
Assessment Division End of Due: Parts 1 and 2 of “Year-End
Year Reporting (Section 2)” to Assessment Summary” to SLOA by
division dean by last Friday in 4th Friday in March
Marc ----Establish next year’s ----Assist faculty in establishing next ----Gather Parts 1 and 2 of
h assessment plans w/input from year’s assessment plans and assist in “Year-End Assessment
division dean (fill out “Outcomes filling out “Outcomes Assessment Summary” from division
Assessment Division Plan Division Plan (Section 1)”. deans
(Section 1)”)
----Gather “Outcomes Assessment
Due: “Outcomes Division Plan (Section 1)” from
Assessment Division Plan faculty members. Due: “Outcomes ----Assist faculty and division
(Section 1)” to division dean as Assessment Division Plan (Section dean in filling out and
soon as possible. 1)” as completed by Faculty members, submitting section 1 of
to SLOA by last Friday in September. “Outcomes Assessment
----Gather data as per Beginning Plan/Year-End
“Outcomes Assessment Report”
Division Plan (Section 1)”
April ----Establish next year’s ----Assist faculty in establishing next ----Analysis of “Year-End
assessment plans w/input from year’s assessment plans and assist in Assessment Summary”
division dean (fill out “Outcomes filling out “Outcomes Assessment submitted from division deans
Assessment Division Plan Division Plan (Section 1)”. (SLOA completes part three of
(Section 1)”) this form). Report
----Gather “Outcomes Assessment assessment analysis to
Provost. Provost shares
Due: “Outcomes Division Plan (Section 1)” from
analysis and findings with
Assessment Division Plan faculty members. Due: “Outcomes
division deans.
(Section 1)” to division dean as Assessment Division Plan (Section
----Assist faculty and division
soon as possible. 1)” as completed by Faculty members,
dean in filling out and
to SLOA by last Friday in September.
submitting section 1 of
----Gather data as per “Outcomes Assessment
“Outcomes Assessment Division Plan (Section 1)”
Division Plan (Section 1)”
May ----Gather data as per
“Outcomes Assessment
Division Plan (Section 1)”

*“ Outcomes Assessment Division Plan (Section 1)” form can be downloaded here

**“Outcomes Assessment Division End of Year Reporting (Section 2)” form can be downloaded here

***“Year-End Assessment Summary” form can be downloaded here

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