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Chapter 1


Detailed summary of main events: The village of Ixoppo is the fairest valleys of
Africa. Were birds sing and the grass is strong and green. There is mist and rain
falling there in that valley.

Vocabulary log (unknown words):puny

Word - Defintion.. Small and weak

Chapter 2

Characters:___Reverend Stephen Kumalo, Young


Detailed summary of main events: Kumalo was just in his house writing
something. When a young girl came into his house and gave him a letter. She said
that a white man gave it to her. The letter was dirty and bad looking letter.

Vocabulary log (unknown words):confirms

Word - Defintion.. makes sure affrims

Chapter 3

Characters:___Rev Strephen Kumalo,


Detailed summary of main events:Kumalo is very worried about his sisters

health. That it will cost a lot to treat her illness. Kumalo can get shoot were he was
standing. Kumalo goes onto a train.

Vocabulary log (unknown words): acquaintance

Word - Defintion..sord of like a friend like just a person you know

Chapter 4

Characters:___Kumalo, Robber, Mr. Msimangu, Mr.


Detailed summary of main events: The train that Kumalo was in traveled for a
day and a night. He then arrives in Johannesburg were theres a lot of traffic. Kumalo
then gets in a bit in a pickle but he safely get out.

Vocabulary log (unknown words):pity

Word - Defintion.. has some mercy on the person.

Chapter 5
Characters:___Kumalo, Msimangu, Mrs.

Detailed summary of main events: Msimangu tells Kumalo that he has had a
room for him with Mrs. Lithebe. Kumalo uses a real toilet for once. There was two
priest eating with blacks and whites. A white man converted Msimagus Father into a

Vocabulary log (unknown words): accompanies

Word - Defintion.. doesn’t go alone

Chapter 6
Characters:__Gertrude, Msmangu, Kumalo______________________________________

Detailed summary of main events: Kumalo and Msimangu go to were Kumalos

sister is at. The place was horrible it looked really bad. When they meet with the
sister Kumalo asked if she would like to come. She was fine with that so they left that

Vocabulary log (unknown words): Despite

Word - Defintion.. forget

Chapter 7

Characters:__Gertrude, John, _Kumalo,


Detailed summary of main events: Kumalo helps Lithebe around the house and
writes letters to his wife. Msimangu then takes Kumalo to the shop were his brother
works. He went in and at first he didn’t know he was but he was still happy.

Vocabulary log (unknown words):seized

Word - custody

Chapter 8

Characters:__Mrs. Mkize, and Hlabeni, Kumalo___________________________________

Detailed summary of main events: Msimangu and Kumalo had to catch a bus
to Alexandra and they did. They stopped at Dubula were there was blacks that
were boycotting. They were boycotting because the fares have been raised
and persuades them to walk eleven miles to Alexandra.

Vocabulary log (unknown words):squatters

Word - Defintion..didnt use something right
Chapter 9

Characters:____Mrs. Seme, Mr. Dubla_________________________________

Detailed summary of main events: In Johnnesburg people are ppor. There is a

lot of people that rent building to live in. The building get really really full.

Vocabulary log (unknown words):dozen

Word - Defintion..12

Chapter 10

Characters:__Kumalo, Msimangu, Gertrude_________________________________

Detailed summary of main events: Kuamlo and Msimangu asked a nurse

about Absalm. A young white man told them that Absamlon was a model
student but he had to leave a month earlier. He was a good kid but he was to
old to stay there. _________________________________________________

Vocabulary log (unknown words):reformatory

Word - Defintion.. itsl lke a small jail for youg adults.

Chapter 11

Characters:__Kumalo, Msimangu, Father


Detailed summary of main events: Kumalo and Msimangu are still looking for
Absalom. Msimangu takes Kumalo to Ezenseleni. A white priest come out with
an article and Father Vincent reads the article. The article says that a man
named James Javis was shot by a man that shoot him.

Vocabulary log (unknown words): bereaved

Word - Defintion.. a profound absence

Chapter 10

Characters:_Kumalo, Msimangu____________________________________

Detailed summary of main events: They are looking for Absalom. They had
been notified that he went to a reformatory school.He has a girlfriend that he
put a baby in her. _________________________________________________

Vocabulary log (unknown words):possessions

Word - Defintion..things that people have and they love


Characters:__Msimangu, Kumalo, Mrs. Ndlela_________________________________

Detailed summary of main events: Mrs. Ndlela told Msnimagu that the police
was looking for Absalom. They went to MRs. Ndlela house to look for him.

Vocabulary log (unknown words): somber

Word - Defintion..dark in color, serious

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