Sim5 Changes Physical & Chemical

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STRATEGIC INTERVENTION MATERIAL SCIENCE V Ob*ecti+e, -ifferentiate ph(#ical fro$ che$ical change

Look at the picture of the candle burning The !a" of a candle burn# into a#h and #$oke The original $aterial# are changing into #o$ething different Change# that create a ne! $aterial are called chemical changes.

Look at the picture of !ater boiling and changing into #tea$ Stea$ i# another for$ of !ater %eating !ater did not create a ne! $aterial In changing the !ater fro$ a li&uid to a ga#' onl( the #tate of the !ater changed Change# in the #hape' #i)e' or #tate of a $aterial are called physical changes.

Directions: Stud( the change# that are occurring in each picture belo! Tell !hat i# changing Then decide if the change i# a che$ical change or a ph(#ical change

.hat i# changing/ ASSESSMENT,


.hat kind of change/

State !hether the follo!ing are =h(#ical >=? or che$ical >C? change#, e? -i##ol+ing #alt in !ater 222222 f? Magneti)ing iron 2222222 g? @urning of coal 2222222 h? =ul+eri)ing #ugar 2222222 i? @oiling !ater 22222222 *? Melting ice 22222222 k? Melting paraffin 222222 l? -eca(ing of food 222222222

a? Souring of $ilk 2222222 b? Ru#ting of iron 2222222 c? @reaking gla## 2222222 d? Tarni#hing of #il+er 2222222

-irection#, Choo#e the letter of the correct an#!er 1 .hen $atter change# the #tate#' it goe# through a2222 a che$ical change# b ph(#ical change# c change in co$po#ition d change in $aterial 3 .hich of the follo!ing #ho!# a ph(#ical change/ a digging the #oil for planting b ripening of food c #poiling of food d $aking #oap fro$ coconut oil 4 .hich of the follo!ing doe# not belong/ a ru#ting of iron b burning fire!ood c chopping fire!ood d deca(ing plant# and ani$al# 5 .hen do !e #a( a che$ical change occur#/ a bubble# for$ b te$perature increa#e# c !hen #olid turn# to ga# d both a and b 6 .hich of the follo!ing #ho!# a che$ical change/ a #a!ing of !ood b grinding of rock# c #ouring of $ilk d cutting of paper into piece# 7 A che$ical propert( de#cribe# ho! $atter react# !ith22222 a different color# and #hape# b $a## and !eight c a ph(#ical change d other $atter 8 .hen !ood burn#' it turn# to charcoal and a#he# .hat doe# thi# #ho!#/ a a ne! #ub#tance i# for$ed c The !ood ha# change ph(#icall( b The !ood *u#t changed in color d Charcoal and a#he# are #till !ood 9 It i# the change of $atter in for$ onl(' not in co$po#ition a ph(#ical change b che$ical change c en+iron$ental change d none of the#e : It i# !idel( u#ed in indu#trial factorie# and che$ical plant# a ph(#ical change b che$ical change c en+iron$ental change d none of the#e 1; <ou ob#er+ed that a lu$p of dr( ice get# #$aller and #$aller once e"po#ed to the air <ou did not #ee it $elt .hat changed ha# occurred/ a conden#ation b +apori)ation c #ubli$ation d $elting


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