Air Import Charges Ex Portuguese Airports LIS/OPO - Portugal

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Air Import charges ex Portuguese airports LIS/OPO - Portugal Airline documentation delivery order Inland tariff Airline handling

fee Airline insurance premium fee Pick up from Airline Storage Customs Clearance Charges Remarks *Above rates are based on the current market and are subject to change with or without notice. **Please be informed that the rates are valid only for the general cargo. Not valid for hea/per/avi/dip/val/dgr. 45,00 See bellow inland freight charges 0,19 / kg 0,045 / kg Basic = 45/Shpt + 0,05 / kg As per outlay See bellow Clearance Charges

(Effective 01-04-2014)

Ocean Import charges for LCL Delivery order Inland tariff THC Origin ISPS Docs transfer fee Stripping / Reloading Storage Eco tax Storage insurance Customs Clearance Charges 45,00 per BL See bellow inland freight charges 35.00 /M3 or 65.00/TON - min 65,00 5,00 per BL 75,00 per BL 52,00 /TON/M3 12,50 From 1st to 10th day 7,50/BL 0,25% over CIF invoice value - MIN 35.00 See bellow Clearance Charges

Ocean Import charges - FCL Delivery order Inland tariff THC Origin Operations pack Docs transfer fee Origin port tax TSC Customs Clearance Charges Remarks *Above rates are based on the current market and are subject to change with or without notice. **Please be informed that the rates are valid only for the general cargo. Not valid for hea/per/avi/dip/val/dgr. 45,00 per BL See bellow inland freight charges 175,00 per Cntr 75,00 per Cntr 75,00 per BL 10,00 per Teu 8,50 per Cntr See bellow Clearence Charges

(Effective 01-04-2014)

E x port Per declaration issuing Eur1 Issuing T1 issuing CARNET ATA Import INV OICE V A LUE De 2.501,00 up to 5.000,00 De 5.001,00 up to 10.000,00 De 10.001,00 up to 25.000,00 Greater than 25.000,00 Duty advance fee
Remark s Import

Rat e 40, 00 10, 00 44, 00 39, 00

Rat e 85, 00 115, 00 135, 00 165, 00 2% of t he Import dut y , t ax es and V A T

** Above customs clearance charges are for free domicile shipments only - goods must be cleared through Extras's broker. If consignee wishes to clear goods through their own broker, the above charges will not be applicable. ** Please ensure to clearly indicate "Free Domicile" on the HAWB to ensure that the entry is submitted correctly ** If the consignee is responsible for duties and taxes only, they must sign a one time power of attorney with our customs broker in order for the above rates to be applicable. Please be advised that if consignee pays duties and taxes through their own broker the above clearance charges are not applicable as our office will be billed a tariff rate from consignees broker ** Above rates do not include any applicable duties & taxes. ** Please note that a 3% disbursement charge will be applied to all invoices for customs, duties and taxes ** Above rates are based on the current market and are subject to change with or without notice. ** Above rates are expressed in Euro

(Effective 01-04-2014)

Air Export FOB charges ex Portuguese airports LIS/OPO - Portugal Rates are in EUR / KG / 6 Dcm LOCAL CHARGES AWB Fee Customs clearance charges Airline handling X - RAY Inland tariff CFS Transfer Remarks *Above rates are based on the current market and are subject to change with or without notice. **Please be informed that the rates are valid only for the general cargo. Not valid for hea/per/avi/dip/val/dgr. 35,00
(See Customs Clearance Charges Chart)

0,03 per kg - MIN - 3,00 0.06/Kg - Min. 5 Euros See bellow inland freight charges 0,08 per Kg

(Effective 01-04-2014)

Ocean Export Charges - FCL THC Origin BL issuing fee Origin per tax Customs Clearance Charges Seal Control + ISPS EMI Inland tariff BL issuing fee Terminal Handling IN/OUT Customs Clearance Charges DME Inland tariff Remarks *Above rates are based on the current market and are subject to change with or without notice. **Please be informed that the rates are valid only for the general cargo. Not valid for hea/per/avi/dip/val/dgr. 195,00 per cntr 55,00 /Set. 10,00 /TEU
(See Customs Clearance Charges Chart)

35,00 25,00 See bellow inland freight charges

Ocean Export Charges - LCL 47 per BL 12,50 per TON or M3

(See Customs Clearance Charges Chart)

15 per invoice See bellow inland freight charges

(Effective 01-04-2014)

LTL ( Applicable for Air and Sea Freight)

BASIC Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 28,75 28,75 28,75 28,75 28,75 28,75

Per Kg 0,07 0,10 0,23 0,29 0,37 0,46

Min 55,00 80,00 125,00 155,00 210,00 250,00

Max 97,50 135,00 265,00 335,00 455,00 515,00

FTL (Applicable or Full Containers)

Distance (KMS) Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Over Remarks until 40 Kms 41 a 60 Kms 61 a 80 kms 81 a 100 Kms 101 a 125 Kms 126 a 150 Kms 151 a 175 Kms 175 Kms

20" E 40" 135,00 150,00 175,00 210,00 260,00 310,00 375,00 On request

*Above rates are based on the current market and are subject to change with or without notice. **Please be informed that the rates are valid only for the general cargo. Not valid for hea/per/avi/dip/val/dgr.

(Effective 01-04-2014)

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