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Regional Identity Analysis Task Doc Martin, ITV:

v=7sNf-MwxTSE TASK: Watch the clip and answer the questions. You should give evidence from the clip to explain your responses. Evidence should come from technical aspects such as mise en scene, camera work, editing and sound. 1. Can you identify where the characters are from within the country (UK)?

The characters in the extract are from the south east, more specifically Cornwall with the exception of Doc Martin, and possibly the women in the middle, who is from London. You can tell this from their accent/difference in accent, Doc Martin with an accent local to the area in or around London whereas the locals speak with a West Country accent. 2. Are people from different areas shown as having different interests, personalities, attitudes, behaviours? How? Doc Martin (London) is shown to be very uptight and stressed about events which happen in the extract (e.g. the dog walking in) whereas the locals in particular the older plumber juxtaposes this fact as he appears indifferent to the pipe spurting water. 3. Is their regional identity represented as being important in their life? How? Yes the characters regional identities are shown to be important to their lives as it appears relevant to how a lot of the characters dress and behave (Doc Martin, suit & tie doctor etc). 4. How do other characters in the clip treat the characters from different regions? Give examples Doc Martin seems to look down on those from the west country which can be seen when speaking to the policeman and he dismisses him mid sentance. 5. Are people from particular regions portrayed as being better, more powerful, than others? (Binary opposites?) How?

Regional Identity Analysis Task Yes Doc Martin is portrayed as the superior character in this extract. This can be seen through his more upper class attire and the fact his is ordering around the subordinate locals.

6. Are people from particular regions portrayed as being abnormal /weaker/ more pathetic than others? (Dominant/Subordinant!) How? Yes the locals are portrayed as the subordinate characters in this extract. This can be seen through there working class attire (seen above) and the fact that they are ordered about by the Londoner. 7. What is the overall message the clip is trying to portray about regional identity? the overall message of the clip is that regional identity doesn't necessarily define the person but does add to their character and labels them as an outcast/odd if they are different than the social norms of the regional identity they are in (Doc Martin is shown to be almost completely different than the local characters in personality and therefore is easily singled out).

8. Summary: Evaluate how the different regional identities are represented (positive/negative, stereotypically/counter stereotypically, theories) In general both of the main regional identities are represented as stereotypical and negative to an extent. For example the Londoner (Martin) is shown as short tempered and short with other people displaying poor social skills (Londoners are known for their unwillingness to interact with strangers). And the west country characters are shown as much more laid back and work shy in the cases of the receptionist and older plumber.

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