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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

Lesson Content What Standards (national or state) relate to this lesson? (You should include ALL applicable standards. Rarely do teachers use just one: theyd never get through them all.) Essential Understanding (What is the big idea or essential question that you want students to come away with? In other words, what, aside from the standard and our objective, will students understand when they finish this lesson?)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.3.B Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.

Students will walk away from the lesson with a basic understanding of how to differentiate -e patterns; CVC (short: -ea and -e) and CVVC (long: -ea and -ee).

Objectives- What are you teaching? (Student-centered: What will students know and be able to do after this lesson? Include the ABCDs of objectives: action, behavior, condition, and degree of mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, A: the student B: will be able to re-write the sentence in future tense D: with no errors in tense or tense

After teacher modeling and guided practice, students will be able to sort words provided into the correct pattern category with at least 70% accuracy

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4 contradiction (i.e., I will see her yesterday.)." Note: Degree of mastery does not need to be a percentage.) Rationale Address the following questions: Why are you teaching this objective? Where does this lesson fit within a larger plan? Why are you teaching it this way? Why is it important for students to learn this concept? Evaluation Plan- How will you know students have mastered your objectives? Address the following: What formative evidence will you use to document student learning during this lesson? What summative evidence will you collect, either during this lesson or in upcoming lessons?

Date of Lesson:

I am teaching this objective due to my students incorrect spelling in common double vowels. This lesson fts within a larger plan of helping these students in recognizing the sounds in common double vowels. I am teaching so that my students will be able to identify and spell words that have common and/or similar sounds and spelling. It is important for students to know this concept so that they have the basic knowledge of how spelling works and can build more complex spelling skills.

The formative evaluation will be during the small group during guided practice, the teacher will observe student by assessing student participation and responses to questions being asked during lesson. The teacher will assess students by checking student word sort for 70% accuracy.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

What Content Knowledge is necessary for a teacher to teach this material?

The teacher must be familiar with common long vowels The teacher must be familiar with double vowels such as: -ee, long and short -ea The teacher must be familiar with short vowels such as e and ea The teacher must be able to pronounce the vowels of e, short and long ea, and ee

What background knowledge is necessary for a student to successfully meet these objectives? How will you ensure students have this previous knowledge? Who are your learners? What do you know about them? What do you know about their readiness for this content?

Before starting the lesson in it's entirety, the teacher must overview the vowels and vowel sounds with the students. The learners of this lesson are four on level second grade students that are having trouble with within word patterns, especially with the common vowels. The students are ready to practice this content, they are on their proper reading levels and continuously show progress in spelling and word recognition.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4 What misconceptions might students have about this content?

Date of Lesson:

The greatest misconceptions provided by the students will be the pronunciation of the words as we are doing guided practice. Another misconception will most likely be how they thought a word was spelled before studying it during the lesson. Many of these words that will stem out of these misconceptions will most likely be; breath, dread, meant, east and bread. Lesson Implementation This lesson will be taught using several methods; the teacher will do a thorough lecture while modeling/demonstrating the sort to the students, she will then do a guided practice with the students so that this lesson will become less of a direct instruction and more student centered or discovery. Hence, this lesson will be mainly a guided release lesson.

Teaching Methods (What teaching method(s) will you use during this lesson? Examples include guided release, 5 Es, direct instruction, lecture, demonstration, partner word, etc.)

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4 Step-by-Step Plan (What exactly do you plan to do in teaching this lesson? Be thorough. Act as if you needed a substitute to carry out the lesson for you.) Where applicable, be sure to address the following: What Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T.) questions will you ask? How will materials be distributed? Who will work together in groups and how will you determine the grouping? How will students transition between activities? What will you as the teacher do? What will the students do? What student data will be collected during each phase? What are other adults in the room doing? How are they supporting students learning? What model of co-teaching are you using Time Who is responsible (Teacher or Students)?

Date of Lesson:

The teacher will pull four students for small group and ask them about long and short vowels.. Today friends, we will be talking about vowels. I know its probably been a long time since youve talked about it, but can anybody tell me what vowels are? The teacher will provide wait time. Possible responses: -The letters a,e,i,o,u -sometimes y -I dont remember -I dont know -I never learned it Thats exactly it (or) Thats okay, thats why we are going to be talking about it today! Vowels are the letters a,e,i,o, and u, also sometimes y. These 5 letters can be found in most words and most importantly, each of them make two sounds. Does anybody know what we call those sounds? The teacher will provide wait time Possible responses: -long vowels -short vowels -the students may begin making the different vowel sounds of each letter -What sounds? -I dont know what they are Good job/Well thats okay. These vowels make two sounds called long and short sounds. Can anybody give me some examples of long and short vowels? *responses are too unpredictable to provide possible ones, but make sure to acknowledge those being said and catch any misconceptions that may be brought up.* Some examples of words that have short vowel sounds are fit, fit, fit; ant, a-nt, ant; and egg, eh-eh-eg, egg. Some examples of long vowel sounds are April, Ay-ay-aypril; and Ice-Iy-iy-ice. This video will give you all

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

more examples of long and short vowels The teacher will now play the linked video that reviews the long and short vowels. (X) Are we okay with what the video has taught us so far? Thumbs up if everything is clear, sideways thumb if youre not too sure, and thumbs down if we needs to stop and talk about it some more. Based on the thumb ratio, the teacher will either continue, or stop and go back to the beginning. Now that were all caught up with and remember our vowels, I want us to focus on one specific vowel today, and that is e. Like all the other vowels, -e has a short and long sound but there are more than one way to spell the long and short sounds for e. The teacher will show the students an index card that reads feel. Well friends what word is this? Feel Yes the word is feel the teacher will annunciate the word several times and chunk it up to emphasize on the long e sound of the word. What e sound do we think is in this word? Long or short? Why? Possible responses: -Long because it sounds of e -Long but I dont know why -short -Short because it sounds like e -long Well friends, I would say this word is a long e sound because you can hear the letter e being said. F-EE-l, f-EEEEE-l *acknowledge students that made this point and possibly rephrase their understanding* The teacher will continue this process with the words went, leaf, and head. Teacher will show the card scribed with the word went. What word is this? Went

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

Yes, the word is went the teacher will annunciate the word several times and chunk it up to emphasize on the short e sound of the word. What e sound do we think is in this word? Long or short? Why? Possible responses: -Long because it sounds of e -Long but I dont know why -short because it doesnt say the letter e in the word -Short because it sounds like e Well friends, I would say this word is a short e sound because you cant hear the letter e being said, it just sounds very short. Went, w-eh eh eh-ent, w-EHnt *acknowledge students that made this point and possibly rephrase their understanding* Teacher will show the card scribed with the word leaf. What word is this? Leaf Yes the word is leaf the teacher will annunciate the word several times and chunk it up to emphasize on the long e sound of the word. What e sound do we think is in this word? Long or short? Why? Possible responses: -Long because it sounds of e -Long but I dont know why -short because it doesnt say the letter e in the word -Short because it sounds like e Well friends, I would say this word is a long e sound because you can hear the letter e being said. Leaf, l-EEEE-f l-EE-f *acknowledge students that made this point and possibly rephrase their understanding* Teacher will show the card scribed with the word head. What word is this?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4 Head

Date of Lesson:

Yes, the word is head the teacher will annunciate the word several ti mes and chunk it up to emphasize on the short e sound of the word. What e sound do we think is in this word? Long or short? Why? Possible responses: -Long because it sounds of e -Long but I dont know why -short because it doesnt say the letter e in the word -Short because it sounds like e Well friends, I would say this word is a short e sound because you cant hear the letter e being said, it sounds very short. Head, h-eh eh eh-ehd, h-EHd*acknowledge students that made this point and possibly rephrase their understanding* Now the teacher will think aloud. Wow, do you know what I just noticed? The teacher will put the cards leaf and head next to each other. These two words have the same ea spelling but one is a long vowel and one is a short one. What would you do if you came across two words that used the same double vowels like the short and long ea? Possible responses: -Read them until each word makes sense -Read it how you know its read -Ask a teacher -I dont know -I always skip them Those are actually some really good ideas! And if you skip over those words, I think that it is definitely a good idea to say it when you know for sure thats how its pronounced, and reading the word until it makes sense is a good way to look for meaning, and asking a teacher or a friend for help never hurts! The

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

short and long ea sounds are very tricky when reading words BUT were trickier! The teacher will remove word leaf, the best way to identify a short ea sound is just look at the last letter of the word. If its the letter d, than the word it is a short ea sound; head, bread, and stead all rhyme and all end in d; but not all short ea words will end in d, but they will ALWAYS rhyme!! The teacher will replace the head index card with the leaf Now how about ea words? Or any other double vowel words? How will we know how to say those tricksters? I actually have a video to explain that for you. (X) You know what? I havent asked for a while, but how are we feeling about this? Can we get a thumbs up, side thumb, or thumbs down? Based on the response, the teacher will go back and restart from the last check for understanding or continue with the lesson. Now the teacher will model to students how to do a word sort with the following words; beast, sheep, thread, and specks. Okay friends, I think we are beginning to really get all the vowels sounds for e. So I kind of want you guys to tell me how to sort these words *listed words above* But before we start, lets make sure we know how to pronounce all these words first. The teacher and students will go over the words, these words however will not be chunked nor will the vowel sounds be emphasized. Also, the teacher will discuss the t chart. So on this chart we have four columns titled by the four different long and short vowel sounds. The first column we will put all the long ea words, such as leaf; the second column we will put all of our long ee words like feel; the third column asks for all short ea words like head; and finally the short e sound, went, goes in the last column.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

The teacher will do the first two words alone: Beast.. beast. Hmm, I see ea in the middle and no d at the end, buh-east. It seems to me that the letter e is doing the talking while the letter a is doing the walking. So, Ill put the word beast in the first column that is long vowel ea. The teacher will place the word beast in the column labeled long ea Now, my next word is specks. Specks is kind of an easy one, there is just the letter e by itself and it makes the short e sound. Spu-ecks, spu-eh-eh-cks. Ill put this in the last column with short e. The teacher will place the cut out in the fourth column. The next word is thread, where would I put the word thread? -long ea -long ee -short ea -short e Why would I put it there? What e sound does it make? A short one or a long one? Ensure students agree on a place to put the word and let one student defend why they have decided to place it there, this will provide clarification as to how they are understanding the lesson. Why did you all choose to put it here? *insert student name*, what made you know that thread belongs in this spot? What did the vowels tell you? The teacher will repeat the last step with the word sheep. Now the teacher will pass out to the students a laptop to complete an online word sort of 11 words. As you all can tell, you will be using laptops for the next part of this e vowel craziness. Before you open up the laptops, we must talk about our expectations to using them today. We will be using our laptops to sort words

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

like we just did with these four words on the table, and that is all we will be doing. I dont want you guys playing around with any of the programs on the computer or going to any other websites. Now I want you to open up the laptops, they will already be on the screen that gives directions. The words in this sort will be long vowel e sounds which are ea and ee. I want you to go ahead and click next. *wait time* When that is done, I want you to select the word NO, we do not want the game timed. Then will click next again. *wait time* What youre going to do now is choose the words one by one and drag them into the correct column. The words can either go in to the ee column or the ea column. If you happen to make any misconceptions with the words and they go into the try again box, all you have to do is drag it into the correct e vowel column. Now, lets remember to take our time and really look at our words and their spelling so that we dont have too many misconceptions to fix. You may go ahead and begin. The teacher will use this time to jump from student to student to assess their thinking and how their sorts. The teacher will also use this time to question student about the words they are currently on. When we are done friends, I would like to see those thumbs up so I can see the end screen of the game. And so we can move on. When everyone is done, the students will be instructed to close their laptops. Okay friends, I feel like we have done a lot of practicing and I think youre already to show me that you can really defeat the evil tricky e vowels. So our last activity today is to do a word sort using all four e sounds! Its almost like what we did earlier but with some more words. So in these baggies, we have a huge mix of some e words and we also have this chart with four columns like before. And youre probably thinking, NOW I KNOW WHY WE NEEDED THE GLUESTICKS! And yes, you will be gluing down the sorted words in their columns when you are absolutely positive that you sorted the words to the best of your abilities. Now I just want to remind you to really pay attention to

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

the spelling of the words and to read them out loud to yourselves before gluing them down, this is a really safe way to be sure you sorted your words in the right place. Also lets remember that the first letter in double vowels like long ea talk and the second letter just take a walk. I really believe that you guys can sort these really well, so go ahead and get started. When the students are done you will collect their word sorts for assessing and the other materials to be put away. Boys and girls, its very important to know things about vowels like es short and long sounds. It helps us spell and read without even thinking about it. And we all know that its very important to be able to read and spell to move up levels for independent reading, to be able to spell in our work during writing block, and to be able to read without skipping words. The more we practice our vowels, the more we can admit were growing up to be very smart and a helpful part of the community. We can go ahead and quietly join the rest of the class.

What will you do if

What will you do if Meeting your students needs as people and as learners

a student struggles with the content? Students that struggle with this content will receive explicit one on one help while the other members of the small group work independently. Being that this is small group, a lot more attention will be attended to these students. a student masters the content quickly? Students that master this content quickly will move on to doing a sort with both long and short -a and -e patterns. If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students? Knowing how to read , spell, and write is an important aspect to becoming a successful asset to your community. Also, being in the emergent stage, reading, writing, and spelling Is key to the development of student literacy.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Shernide Joseph Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content: Language Arts Group Size: 4

Date of Lesson:

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community? This lesson connects to the local community because the community is very tight knit and close hence letters are always going out from different organizations. To be a successful member of this community, students must be able to read these letters informing them of events, news, and etc. How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this lesson (enrichment)? This lesson is already differentiated for students that scored similarly in the a spelling inventory provided to them earlier this year. How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support? This lesson will not be need to be differentiated for students with language support due to me not having any students in need of the language accommodation in my classroom. Accommodations (If needed) (What students need specific accommodation? List individual students (initials), and then explain the accommodation(s) you will implement for these unique learners.) Materials (What materials will you use? Why did you choose these materials? Include any resources you used. This can also include people!) Not Available

-Word sort cut outs: Attached as separate document -Word sort charts: Attached as separate document -Word sort 16 & 17: Resource for cutout attached -Online Word Sort: -Vowel Song: -Double vowel song: -Laptops -Students will come up with their own glue sticks

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