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In Summary

Every patient is entitled to compassion, respect, and quality of care. Healthcare providers should work at eliminating barriers that interfere with the ability to provide adequate medical care and preventative services.


3.) Medical Complications Each

system of the morbidly obese patient may be affected. Cardiovascular- CAD, HTN, DVT Respiratory- failure, hyperventilation, sleep apnea Genitourinary- Incontinence, renal disease Gastrointestinal- Gallbladder disease, GERD Endocrine- Type 2 Diabetes, Immune Musculoskeletal- Muscle atrophy, weakness Dermatological- Skin breakdown, irritation, infections Other areas of concern include medication administration. Obesity can affect the way a drug is absorbed, metabolized, and excreted. Severe obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes all affect the kidney function and drug elimination patterns, which may lead to the drug being lessened. For more information on obesity advocacy visit:

Presented By: Pamela Ortiz-Apont And Dawn Gage

Five key points for quality nursing care.

A Rising Problem
As obesity becomes more prevalent in the United States, nurses will be needed to provide these patients with quality care.

4.) Healthcare Stigma Morbidly

obese patients are associated with negative attributes including laziness, poor hygiene, low intelligence, and poor social skills. Many of these patients face insulting comments from healthcare workers, leading to feelings of embarrassment, guilt and humiliation. Facing negative stereotypes may lead to less effective care and increased stigma. Morbidly obese individuals often resist seeking healthcare and frequently defer hospitalization until the last minute.

1.) Prevalence -Nearly 97 million

American adults are overweight. Of these, it is estimated that 4 million are severely obese and 1.5 million are morbidly obese. In one decade, the percentage of obese adults has increased from 23% to 32% and is expected to continue rising.

5.) What We Can Do It is important for

healthcare providers to effectively interact with and demonstrate consideration for the patient. One paradigm healthcare providers can follow is the RESPECT model, which identifies key patient needs and concerns. Rapport Environment/ Equipment Safety Privacy Encouragement Caring/ Compassion/ Tact Healthcare providers can encourage healthy living even with the absence of weight loss and the avoidance of further weight gain. Healthful eating and physical activity can be highlighted as a means to improve health.

2.) Causes There are numerous reasons

why people are morbidly obese including genetic, hormonal, behavioral, environmental, and cultural. That is why obesity is a multifaceted issue. Other causes include:
Wider availability of inexpensive, high calorie foods Leisure time is more sedentary Dramatic increase in portion and packaging size

All of these factors together make it harder and harder to maintain a normal weight.

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